virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
vtkPKdTree * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
void | PrintTiming (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
void | PrintTables (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
void | BuildLocator () |
vtkIdType | GetTotalNumberOfCells () |
int | CreateProcessCellCountData () |
int | CreateGlobalDataArrayBounds () |
int | AssignRegions (int *map, int numRegions) |
int | AssignRegionsRoundRobin () |
int | AssignRegionsContiguous () |
int | GetRegionAssignmentList (int procId, vtkIntArray *list) |
int | GetProcessAssignedToRegion (int regionId) |
int | HasData (int processId, int regionId) |
int | GetProcessCellCountForRegion (int processId, int regionId) |
int | GetTotalProcessesInRegion (int regionId) |
int | GetProcessListForRegion (int regionId, vtkIntArray *processes) |
int | GetProcessesCellCountForRegion (int regionId, int *count, int len) |
int | GetTotalRegionsForProcess (int processId) |
int | GetRegionListForProcess (int processId, vtkIntArray *regions) |
int | GetRegionsCellCountForProcess (int ProcessId, int *count, int len) |
int | GetCellArrayGlobalRange (const char *name, float range[2]) |
int | GetPointArrayGlobalRange (const char *name, float range[2]) |
int | GetCellArrayGlobalRange (const char *name, double range[2]) |
int | GetPointArrayGlobalRange (const char *name, double range[2]) |
int | GetCellArrayGlobalRange (int arrayIndex, double range[2]) |
int | GetPointArrayGlobalRange (int arrayIndex, double range[2]) |
int | GetCellArrayGlobalRange (int arrayIndex, float range[2]) |
int | GetPointArrayGlobalRange (int arrayIndex, float range[2]) |
void | SetController (vtkMultiProcessController *c) |
virtual vtkMultiProcessController * | GetController () |
virtual int | GetRegionAssignment () |
const int * | GetRegionAssignmentMap () |
virtual int | GetRegionAssignmentMapLength () |
void | GetAllProcessesBorderingOnPoint (float x, float y, float z, vtkIntArray *list) |
vtkIdType | GetCellListsForProcessRegions (int ProcessId, int set, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells) |
vtkIdType | GetCellListsForProcessRegions (int ProcessId, vtkDataSet *set, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells) |
vtkIdType | GetCellListsForProcessRegions (int ProcessId, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells) |
int | ViewOrderAllProcessesInDirection (const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
int | ViewOrderAllProcessesFromPosition (const double cameraPosition[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
vtkKdTree * | NewInstance () const |
virtual int | GetNumberOfRegionsOrLess () |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRegionsOrLess (int) |
virtual int | GetNumberOfRegionsOrMore () |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRegionsOrMore (int) |
virtual double | GetFudgeFactor () |
virtual void | SetFudgeFactor (double) |
virtual vtkBSPCuts * | GetCuts () |
void | SetCuts (vtkBSPCuts *cuts) |
void | OmitXPartitioning () |
void | OmitYPartitioning () |
void | OmitZPartitioning () |
void | OmitXYPartitioning () |
void | OmitYZPartitioning () |
void | OmitZXPartitioning () |
void | OmitNoPartitioning () |
virtual void | SetDataSet (vtkDataSet *set) |
virtual void | AddDataSet (vtkDataSet *set) |
int | GetNumberOfDataSets () |
vtkDataSet * | GetDataSet (int n) |
vtkDataSet * | GetDataSet () |
int | GetDataSetIndex (vtkDataSet *set) |
void | GetBounds (double *bounds) |
void | SetNewBounds (double *bounds) |
void | GetRegionBounds (int regionID, double bounds[6]) |
void | GetRegionDataBounds (int regionID, double bounds[6]) |
void | PrintRegion (int id) |
void | CreateCellLists (int dataSetIndex, int *regionReqList, int reqListSize) |
void | CreateCellLists (vtkDataSet *set, int *regionReqList, int reqListSize) |
void | CreateCellLists (int *regionReqList, int listSize) |
void | CreateCellLists () |
void | DeleteCellLists () |
vtkIdList * | GetCellList (int regionID) |
vtkIdList * | GetBoundaryCellList (int regionID) |
int * | AllGetRegionContainingCell () |
int | GetRegionContainingPoint (double x, double y, double z) |
int | MinimalNumberOfConvexSubRegions (vtkIntArray *regionIdList, double **convexRegionBounds) |
vtkIdTypeArray * | BuildMapForDuplicatePoints (float tolerance) |
void | FindPointsWithinRadius (double R, const double x[3], vtkIdList *result) |
void | FindClosestNPoints (int N, const double x[3], vtkIdList *result) |
vtkIdTypeArray * | GetPointsInRegion (int regionId) |
void | FreeSearchStructure () |
void | GenerateRepresentation (int level, vtkPolyData *pd) |
void | GenerateRepresentation (int *regionList, int len, vtkPolyData *pd) |
virtual int | NewGeometry () |
virtual int | NewGeometry (vtkDataSet **sets, int numDataSets) |
virtual void | InvalidateGeometry () |
void | FindPointsInArea (double *area, vtkIdTypeArray *ids, bool clearArray=true) |
virtual void | TimingOn () |
virtual void | TimingOff () |
virtual void | SetTiming (int) |
virtual int | GetTiming () |
virtual void | SetMinCells (int) |
virtual int | GetMinCells () |
virtual void | RemoveDataSet (int index) |
virtual void | RemoveDataSet (vtkDataSet *set) |
virtual void | RemoveAllDataSets () |
virtual vtkDataSetCollection * | GetDataSets () |
virtual int | GetNumberOfRegions () |
void | PrintTree () |
void | PrintVerboseTree () |
virtual void | SetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells (int) |
virtual int | GetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells () |
virtual void | IncludeRegionBoundaryCellsOn () |
virtual void | IncludeRegionBoundaryCellsOff () |
vtkIdType | GetCellLists (vtkIntArray *regions, int set, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells) |
vtkIdType | GetCellLists (vtkIntArray *regions, vtkDataSet *set, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells) |
vtkIdType | GetCellLists (vtkIntArray *regions, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells) |
int | GetRegionContainingCell (vtkDataSet *set, vtkIdType cellID) |
int | GetRegionContainingCell (int set, vtkIdType cellID) |
int | GetRegionContainingCell (vtkIdType cellID) |
int | ViewOrderAllRegionsInDirection (const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
int | ViewOrderRegionsInDirection (vtkIntArray *regionIds, const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
int | ViewOrderAllRegionsFromPosition (const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
int | ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition (vtkIntArray *regionIds, const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
void | BuildLocatorFromPoints (vtkPointSet *pointset) |
void | BuildLocatorFromPoints (vtkPoints *ptArray) |
void | BuildLocatorFromPoints (vtkPoints **ptArray, int numPtArrays) |
vtkIdType | FindPoint (double *x) |
vtkIdType | FindPoint (double x, double y, double z) |
vtkIdType | FindClosestPoint (double *x, double &dist2) |
vtkIdType | FindClosestPoint (double x, double y, double z, double &dist2) |
vtkIdType | FindClosestPointWithinRadius (double radius, const double x[3], double &dist2) |
vtkIdType | FindClosestPointInRegion (int regionId, double *x, double &dist2) |
vtkIdType | FindClosestPointInRegion (int regionId, double x, double y, double z, double &dist2) |
virtual void | GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBoundsOn () |
virtual void | GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBoundsOff () |
virtual void | SetGenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds (int) |
virtual int | GetGenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds () |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | Initialize () |
virtual void | SetMaxLevel (int) |
virtual int | GetMaxLevel () |
virtual int | GetLevel () |
virtual void | SetAutomatic (int) |
virtual int | GetAutomatic () |
virtual void | AutomaticOn () |
virtual void | AutomaticOff () |
virtual void | SetTolerance (double) |
virtual double | GetTolerance () |
virtual unsigned long | GetBuildTime () |
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
vtkLocator * | NewInstance () const |
vtkObject * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
bool | GetDebug () |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | Modified () |
virtual unsigned long | GetMTime () |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
| vtkPKdTree () |
| ~vtkPKdTree () |
void | SingleProcessBuildLocator () |
int | MultiProcessBuildLocator (double *bounds) |
| vtkKdTree () |
| ~vtkKdTree () |
void | SetCalculator (vtkKdNode *kd) |
int | ProcessUserDefinedCuts (double *bounds) |
void | SetCuts (vtkBSPCuts *cuts, int userDefined) |
void | UpdateBuildTime () |
int | DivideTest (int numberOfPoints, int level) |
void | BuildRegionList () |
virtual int | SelectCutDirection (vtkKdNode *kd) |
void | SetActualLevel () |
void | GetRegionsAtLevel (int level, vtkKdNode **nodes) |
int | GetNumberOfCells () |
int | GetDataSetsNumberOfCells (int set1, int set2) |
void | ComputeCellCenter (vtkDataSet *set, int cellId, float *center) |
void | ComputeCellCenter (vtkDataSet *set, int cellId, double *center) |
float * | ComputeCellCenters () |
float * | ComputeCellCenters (int set) |
float * | ComputeCellCenters (vtkDataSet *set) |
void | UpdateProgress (double amount) |
void | UpdateSubOperationProgress (double amount) |
void | FindPointsWithinRadius (vtkKdNode *node, double R2, const double x[3], vtkIdList *ids) |
void | AddAllPointsInRegion (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIdList *ids) |
void | FindPointsInArea (vtkKdNode *node, double *area, vtkIdTypeArray *ids) |
void | AddAllPointsInRegion (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIdTypeArray *ids) |
int | DivideRegion (vtkKdNode *kd, float *c1, int *ids, int nlevels) |
void | DoMedianFind (vtkKdNode *kd, float *c1, int *ids, int d1, int d2, int d3) |
void | SelfRegister (vtkKdNode *kd) |
void | InitializeCellLists () |
vtkIdList * | GetList (int regionId, vtkIdList **which) |
void | ComputeCellCenter (vtkCell *cell, double *center, double *weights) |
void | GenerateRepresentationDataBounds (int level, vtkPolyData *pd) |
void | _generateRepresentationDataBounds (vtkKdNode *kd, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys, int level) |
void | GenerateRepresentationWholeSpace (int level, vtkPolyData *pd) |
void | _generateRepresentationWholeSpace (vtkKdNode *kd, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys, int level) |
void | AddPolys (vtkKdNode *kd, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys) |
void | _printTree (int verbose) |
int | SearchNeighborsForDuplicate (int regionId, float *point, int **pointsSoFar, int *len, float tolerance, float tolerance2) |
int | SearchRegionForDuplicate (float *point, int *pointsSoFar, int len, float tolerance2) |
int | _FindClosestPointInRegion (int regionId, double x, double y, double z, double &dist2) |
int | FindClosestPointInSphere (double x, double y, double z, double radius, int skipRegion, double &dist2) |
int | _ViewOrderRegionsInDirection (vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double dop[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
int | _ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition (vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double pos[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList) |
void | NewParitioningRequest (int req) |
void | SetInputDataInfo (int i, int dims[3], double origin[3], double spacing[3]) |
int | CheckInputDataInfo (int i, int dims[3], double origin[3], double spacing[3]) |
void | ClearLastBuildCache () |
void | NewPartitioningRequest (int req) |
| vtkKdTree (const vtkKdTree &) |
void | operator= (const vtkKdTree &) |
virtual void | SetProgress (double) |
virtual double | GetProgress () |
| vtkLocator () |
| ~vtkLocator () |
virtual void | ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *) |
| vtkObject () |
virtual | ~vtkObject () |
virtual void | RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check) |
virtual void | UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check) |
void | InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL) |
void | InternalReleaseFocus () |
| vtkObjectBase () |
virtual | ~vtkObjectBase () |
virtual void | CollectRevisions (ostream &) |
| vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &) |
void | operator= (const vtkObjectBase &) |
enum | { XDIM = 0,
YDIM = 1,
ZDIM = 2
} |
static void | DeleteAllDescendants (vtkKdNode *nd) |
static void | GetLeafNodeIds (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIntArray *ids) |
static void | _SetNewBounds (vtkKdNode *kd, double *b, int *fixDim) |
static void | CopyChildNodes (vtkKdNode *to, vtkKdNode *from) |
static void | CopyKdNode (vtkKdNode *to, vtkKdNode *from) |
static void | SetDataBoundsToSpatialBounds (vtkKdNode *kd) |
static void | ZeroNumberOfPoints (vtkKdNode *kd) |
static int | __ViewOrderRegionsInDirection (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIntArray *list, vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double dir[3], int nextId) |
static int | __ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIntArray *list, vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double pos[3], int nextId) |
static int | __ConvexSubRegions (int *ids, int len, vtkKdNode *tree, vtkKdNode **nodes) |
static int | FoundId (vtkIntArray *idArray, int id) |
static void | __printTree (vtkKdNode *kd, int depth, int verbose) |
static int | MidValue (int dim, float *c1, int nvals, double &coord) |
static int | Select (int dim, float *c1, int *ids, int nvals, double &coord) |
static float | FindMaxLeftHalf (int dim, float *c1, int K) |
static void | _Select (int dim, float *X, int *ids, int L, int R, int K) |
static int | ComputeLevel (vtkKdNode *kd) |
static int | SelfOrder (int id, vtkKdNode *kd) |
static int | findRegion (vtkKdNode *node, float x, float y, float z) |
static int | findRegion (vtkKdNode *node, double x, double y, double z) |
static vtkKdNode ** | _GetRegionsAtLevel (int level, vtkKdNode **nodes, vtkKdNode *kd) |
static void | AddNewRegions (vtkKdNode *kd, float *c1, int midpt, int dim, double coord) |
vtkBSPIntersections * | BSPCalculator |
int | UserDefinedCuts |
int | ValidDirections |
vtkKdNode * | Top |
vtkKdNode ** | RegionList |
vtkTimerLog * | TimerLog |
vtkDataSetCollection * | DataSets |
double | ProgressScale |
double | ProgressOffset |
int | NumberOfRegionsOrLess |
int | NumberOfRegionsOrMore |
int | IncludeRegionBoundaryCells |
double | CellBoundsCache [6] |
int | GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds |
struct _cellList | CellList |
int * | CellRegionList |
int | MinCells |
int | NumberOfRegions |
int | Timing |
double | FudgeFactor |
int | NumberOfLocatorPoints |
float * | LocatorPoints |
int * | LocatorIds |
int * | LocatorRegionLocation |
float | MaxWidth |
int | LastNumDataSets |
int | LastDataCacheSize |
vtkDataSet ** | LastInputDataSets |
unsigned long * | LastDataSetObserverTags |
int * | LastDataSetType |
double * | LastInputDataInfo |
double * | LastBounds |
vtkIdType * | LastNumPoints |
vtkIdType * | LastNumCells |
vtkBSPCuts * | Cuts |
double | Progress |
vtkDataSet * | DataSet |
int | Automatic |
double | Tolerance |
int | MaxLevel |
int | Level |
vtkTimeStamp | BuildTime |
bool | Debug |
vtkTimeStamp | MTime |
vtkSubjectHelper * | SubjectHelper |
vtkAtomicInt32 | ReferenceCount |
vtkWeakPointerBase ** | WeakPointers |
Build a k-d tree decomposition of a list of points.
Build, in parallel, a k-d tree decomposition of one or more vtkDataSets distributed across processors. We assume each process has read in one portion of a large distributed data set. When done, each process has access to the k-d tree structure, can obtain information about which process contains data for each spatial region, and can depth sort the spatial regions.
This class can also assign spatial regions to processors, based on one of several region assignment schemes. By default a contiguous, convex region is assigned to each process. Several queries return information about how many and what cells I have that lie in a region assigned to another process.
- See also
- vtkKdTree
Definition at line 54 of file vtkPKdTree.h.