virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkLabelHierarchy * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void | SetPoints (vtkPoints *) |
| Override SetPoints so we can reset the hierarchy when the points change. More...
virtual void | ComputeHierarchy () |
| Fill the hierarchy with the input labels. More...
VTK_NEWINSTANCE vtkLabelHierarchyIterator * | NewIterator (int type, vtkRenderer *ren, vtkCamera *cam, double frustumPlanes[24], bool positionsAsNormals, float bucketSize[2]) |
| Returns an iterator for this data object. More...
void | GetDiscreteNodeCoordinatesFromWorldPoint (int ijk[3], double pt[3], int level) |
| Given a depth in the hierarchy (level) and a point pt in world space, compute ijk. More...
Implementation * | GetImplementation () |
virtual void | SetTargetLabelCount (int) |
| The number of labels that is ideally present at any octree node. More...
virtual int | GetTargetLabelCount () |
| The number of labels that is ideally present at any octree node. More...
virtual void | SetMaximumDepth (int) |
| The maximum depth of the octree. More...
virtual int | GetMaximumDepth () |
| The maximum depth of the octree. More...
virtual void | SetTextProperty (vtkTextProperty *tprop) |
| The default text property assigned to labels in this hierarchy. More...
virtual vtkTextProperty * | GetTextProperty () |
| The default text property assigned to labels in this hierarchy. More...
virtual void | SetPriorities (vtkDataArray *arr) |
| Set/get the array specifying the importance (priority) of each label. More...
virtual vtkDataArray * | GetPriorities () |
| Set/get the array specifying the importance (priority) of each label. More...
virtual void | SetLabels (vtkAbstractArray *arr) |
| Set/get the array specifying the text of each label. More...
virtual vtkAbstractArray * | GetLabels () |
| Set/get the array specifying the text of each label. More...
virtual void | SetOrientations (vtkDataArray *arr) |
| Set/get the array specifying the orientation of each label. More...
virtual vtkDataArray * | GetOrientations () |
| Set/get the array specifying the orientation of each label. More...
virtual void | SetIconIndices (vtkIntArray *arr) |
| Set/get the array specifying the icon index of each label. More...
virtual vtkIntArray * | GetIconIndices () |
| Set/get the array specifying the icon index of each label. More...
virtual void | SetSizes (vtkDataArray *arr) |
| Set/get the array specifying the size of each label. More...
virtual vtkDataArray * | GetSizes () |
| Set/get the array specifying the size of each label. More...
virtual void | SetBoundedSizes (vtkDataArray *arr) |
| Set/get the array specifying the maximum width and height in world coordinates of each label. More...
virtual vtkDataArray * | GetBoundedSizes () |
| Set/get the array specifying the maximum width and height in world coordinates of each label. More...
virtual vtkIdType | GetNumberOfCells () |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual vtkCell * | GetCell (vtkIdType) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual void | GetCell (vtkIdType, vtkGenericCell *) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual int | GetCellType (vtkIdType) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual void | GetCellPoints (vtkIdType, vtkIdList *) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual void | GetPointCells (vtkIdType, vtkIdList *) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual vtkIdType | FindCell (double *, vtkCell *, vtkIdType, double, int &, double *, double *) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual vtkIdType | FindCell (double *, vtkCell *, vtkGenericCell *, vtkIdType, double, int &, double *, double *) |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual int | GetMaxCellSize () |
| Inherited members (from vtkDataSet) More...
virtual vtkPoints * | GetCenterPts () |
| Provide access to original coordinates of sets of coincident points. More...
virtual vtkCoincidentPoints * | GetCoincidentPoints () |
| Provide access to the set of coincident points that have been perturbed by the hierarchy in order to render labels for each without overlap. More...
vtkPointSet * | NewInstance () const |
void | Initialize () override |
| Reset to an empty state and free any memory. More...
void | CopyStructure (vtkDataSet *pd) override |
| Copy the geometric structure of an input point set object. More...
double * | GetPoint (vtkIdType ptId) override |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
vtkCellIterator * | NewCellIterator () override |
| Return an iterator that traverses the cells in this data set. More...
vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () override |
| Get MTime which also considers its vtkPoints MTime. More...
void | ComputeBounds () override |
| Compute the (X, Y, Z) bounds of the data. More...
void | Squeeze () override |
| Reclaim any unused memory. More...
unsigned long | GetActualMemorySize () override |
| Return the actual size of the data in kibibytes (1024 bytes). More...
vtkIdType | GetNumberOfPoints () override |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
void | GetPoint (vtkIdType ptId, double x[3]) override |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
vtkIdType | FindPoint (double x[3]) override |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
vtkIdType | FindPoint (double x, double y, double z) |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
vtkIdType | FindCell (double x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) override |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
vtkIdType | FindCell (double x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkGenericCell *gencell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) override |
| See vtkDataSet for additional information. More...
virtual vtkPoints * | GetPoints () |
| Specify point array to define point coordinates. More...
void | ShallowCopy (vtkDataObject *src) override |
| Shallow and Deep copy. More...
void | DeepCopy (vtkDataObject *src) override |
| Shallow and Deep copy. More...
void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) override |
| Overwritten to handle the data/locator loop. More...
void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) override |
| Overwritten to handle the data/locator loop. More...
vtkDataSet * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | CopyAttributes (vtkDataSet *ds) |
| Copy the attributes associated with the specified dataset to this instance of vtkDataSet. More...
virtual void | GetCellBounds (vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6]) |
| Get the bounds of the cell with cellId such that: 0 <= cellId < NumberOfCells. More...
virtual void | GetCellTypes (vtkCellTypes *types) |
| Get a list of types of cells in a dataset. More...
virtual void | GetCellNeighbors (vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds) |
| Topological inquiry to get all cells using list of points exclusive of cell specified (e.g., cellId). More...
virtual vtkCell * | FindAndGetCell (double x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) |
| Locate the cell that contains a point and return the cell. More...
vtkCellData * | GetCellData () |
| Return a pointer to this dataset's cell data. More...
vtkPointData * | GetPointData () |
| Return a pointer to this dataset's point data. More...
double * | GetBounds () |
| Return a pointer to the geometry bounding box in the form (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). More...
void | GetBounds (double bounds[6]) |
| Return a pointer to the geometry bounding box in the form (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). More...
double * | GetCenter () |
| Get the center of the bounding box. More...
void | GetCenter (double center[3]) |
| Get the center of the bounding box. More...
double | GetLength () |
| Return the length of the diagonal of the bounding box. More...
virtual void | GetScalarRange (double range[2]) |
| Convenience method to get the range of the first component (and only the first component) of any scalars in the data set. More...
double * | GetScalarRange () |
| Convenience method to get the range of the first component (and only the first component) of any scalars in the data set. More...
int | GetDataObjectType () override |
| Return the type of data object. More...
int | CheckAttributes () |
| This method checks to see if the cell and point attributes match the geometry. More...
vtkFieldData * | GetAttributesAsFieldData (int type) override |
| Returns the attributes of the data object as a vtkFieldData. More...
vtkIdType | GetNumberOfElements (int type) override |
| Get the number of elements for a specific attribute type (POINT, CELL, etc.). More...
bool | HasAnyGhostCells () |
| Returns 1 if there are any ghost cells 0 otherwise. More...
bool | HasAnyGhostPoints () |
| Returns 1 if there are any ghost points 0 otherwise. More...
virtual bool | HasAnyBlankCells () |
| Returns 1 if there are any blanking cells 0 otherwise. More...
virtual bool | HasAnyBlankPoints () |
| Returns 1 if there are any blanking points 0 otherwise. More...
vtkUnsignedCharArray * | GetPointGhostArray () |
| Gets the array that defines the ghost type of each point. More...
void | UpdatePointGhostArrayCache () |
| Updates the pointer to the point ghost array. More...
vtkUnsignedCharArray * | AllocatePointGhostArray () |
| Allocate ghost array for points. More...
vtkUnsignedCharArray * | GetCellGhostArray () |
| Get the array that defines the ghost type of each cell. More...
void | UpdateCellGhostArrayCache () |
| Updates the pointer to the cell ghost array. More...
vtkUnsignedCharArray * | AllocateCellGhostArray () |
| Allocate ghost array for cells. More...
vtkIdType | FindPoint (double x, double y, double z) |
| Locate the closest point to the global coordinate x. More...
virtual void | GenerateGhostArray (int zeroExt[6]) |
| Normally called by pipeline executives or algoritms only. More...
virtual void | GenerateGhostArray (int zeroExt[6], bool cellOnly) |
| Normally called by pipeline executives or algoritms only. More...
vtkDataObject * | NewInstance () const |
void | ReleaseData () |
| Release data back to system to conserve memory resource. More...
vtkMTimeType | GetUpdateTime () |
| Used by Threaded ports to determine if they should initiate an asynchronous update (still in development). More...
virtual void | CopyInformationFromPipeline (vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(info)) |
| Copy from the pipeline information to the data object's own information. More...
virtual void | CopyInformationToPipeline (vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(info)) |
| Copy information from this data object to the pipeline information. More...
void | DataHasBeenGenerated () |
| This method is called by the source when it executes to generate data. More...
virtual void | PrepareForNewData () |
| make the output data ready for new data to be inserted. More...
virtual int | GetExtentType () |
| The ExtentType will be left as VTK_PIECES_EXTENT for data objects such as vtkPolyData and vtkUnstructuredGrid. More...
virtual void | Crop (const int *updateExtent) |
| This method crops the data object (if necessary) so that the extent matches the update extent. More...
virtual vtkDataSetAttributes * | GetAttributes (int type) |
| Returns the attributes of the data object of the specified attribute type. More...
virtual int | GetAttributeTypeForArray (vtkAbstractArray *arr) |
| Retrieves the attribute type that an array came from. More...
virtual vtkInformation * | GetInformation () |
| Set/Get the information object associated with this data object. More...
virtual void | SetInformation (vtkInformation *) |
| Set/Get the information object associated with this data object. More...
virtual int | GetDataReleased () |
| Get the flag indicating the data has been released. More...
virtual void | SetFieldData (vtkFieldData *) |
| Assign or retrieve a general field data to this data object. More...
virtual vtkFieldData * | GetFieldData () |
| Assign or retrieve a general field data to this data object. More...
void | GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter. More...
void | GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter. More...
| vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
| Turn debugging output on. More...
virtual void | DebugOff () |
| Turn debugging output off. More...
bool | GetDebug () |
| Get the value of the debug flag. More...
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
| Set the value of the debug flag. More...
virtual void | Modified () |
| Update the modification time for this object. More...
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
| Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
| Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method. More...
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
| This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
| This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
const char * | GetClassName () const |
| Return the class name as a string. More...
virtual void | Delete () |
| Delete a VTK object. More...
virtual void | FastDelete () |
| Delete a reference to this object. More...
void | InitializeObjectBase () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
| Print an object to an ostream. More...
int | GetReferenceCount () |
| Return the current reference count of this object. More...
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
| Sets the reference count. More...
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
| Legacy. More...
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
static vtkLabelHierarchy * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkLabelHierarchy * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static bool | GetPathForNodalCoordinates (int *path, int ijk[3], int level) |
| Given a level of the tree and ijk coordinates in a lattice, compute a path down the tree to reach the corresponding lattice node. More...
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkPointSet * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static vtkPointSet * | GetData (vtkInformation *info) |
| Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object. More...
static vtkPointSet * | GetData (vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0) |
| Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object. More...
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkDataSet * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static vtkDataSet * | GetData (vtkInformation *info) |
| Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object. More...
static vtkDataSet * | GetData (vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0) |
| Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object. More...
static vtkDataObject * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkDataObject * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static vtkInformation * | GetActiveFieldInformation (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, int attributeType) |
| Return the information object within the input information object's field data corresponding to the specified association (FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS) and attribute (SCALARS, VECTORS, NORMALS, TCOORDS, or TENSORS) More...
static vtkInformation * | GetNamedFieldInformation (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *name) |
| Return the information object within the input information object's field data corresponding to the specified association (FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS) and name. More...
static void | RemoveNamedFieldInformation (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *name) |
| Remove the info associated with an array. More...
static vtkInformation * | SetActiveAttribute (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *attributeName, int attributeType) |
| Set the named array to be the active field for the specified type (SCALARS, VECTORS, NORMALS, TCOORDS, or TENSORS) and association (FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS). More...
static void | SetActiveAttributeInfo (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, int attributeType, const char *name, int arrayType, int numComponents, int numTuples) |
| Set the name, array type, number of components, and number of tuples within the passed information object for the active attribute of type attributeType (in specified association, FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS). More...
static void | SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo (vtkInformation *info, int arrayType, int numComponents) |
| Convenience version of previous method for use (primarily) by the Imaging filters. More...
static const char * | GetAssociationTypeAsString (int associationType) |
| Given an integer association type, this static method returns a string type for the attribute (i.e. More...
static int | GetAssociationTypeFromString (const char *associationType) |
| Given an integer association type, this static method returns a string type for the attribute (i.e. More...
static vtkInformationStringKey * | DATA_TYPE_NAME () |
static vtkInformationDataObjectKey * | DATA_OBJECT () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | DATA_EXTENT_TYPE () |
static vtkInformationIntegerPointerKey * | DATA_EXTENT () |
static vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey * | ALL_PIECES_EXTENT () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | DATA_PIECE_NUMBER () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS () |
static vtkInformationDoubleKey * | DATA_TIME_STEP () |
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey * | POINT_DATA_VECTOR () |
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey * | CELL_DATA_VECTOR () |
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey * | VERTEX_DATA_VECTOR () |
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey * | EDGE_DATA_VECTOR () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_ARRAY_TYPE () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_ASSOCIATION () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_NUMBER_OF_TUPLES () |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | FIELD_OPERATION () |
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey * | FIELD_RANGE () |
static vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey * | PIECE_EXTENT () |
static vtkInformationStringKey * | FIELD_NAME () |
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey * | ORIGIN () |
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey * | SPACING () |
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey * | BOUNDING_BOX () |
static vtkInformationDataObjectKey * | SIL () |
static vtkDataObject * | GetData (vtkInformation *info) |
| Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object. More...
static vtkDataObject * | GetData (vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0) |
| Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object. More...
static void | SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (int val) |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter. More...
static int | GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter. More...
static vtkObject * | New () |
| Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. More...
static void | BreakOnError () |
| This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes. More...
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val) |
| This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
| This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
| This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static int | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
| This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *name) |
| Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
static vtkObjectBase * | New () |
| Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. More...
contains an octree of labels
This class represents labels in a hierarchy used to denote rendering priority. A binary tree of labels is maintained that subdivides the bounds of the of the label anchors spatially. Which level of the tree a label occupies determines its priority; those at higher levels of the tree will be more likely to render than those at lower levels of the tree.
Pass vtkLabelHierarchy objects to a vtkLabelPlacementMapper filter for dynamic, non-overlapping, per-frame placement of labels.
Note that if we have a d-dimensional binary tree and we want a fixed number
of labels in each node (all nodes, not just leaves), we can compute the depth of tree required assuming a uniform distribution of points. Given a total of
points we know that
, where
is the cardinality of the tree (i.e., the number of nodes it contains). Because we have a uniform distribution, the tree will be uniformly subdivided and thus
, where
is the dimensionality of the input points (fixed at 3 for now). As
becomes large,
. Using this approximation, we can solve for
Given a set of
input label anchors, we'll compute
and then bin the anchors into tree nodes at level
of the tree. After this, all the nodes will be in the leaves of the tree and those leaves will be at the
-th level; no anchors will be in levels
. To fix that, we'll choose to move some anchors upwards. The exact number to move upwards depends on TargetLabelCount. We'll move as many up as required to have TargetLabelCount at each node.
You should avoid situations where MaximumDepth does not allow for TargetLabelCount or fewer entries at each node. The MaximumDepth is a hard limit while TargetLabelCount is a suggested optimum. You will end up with many more than TargetLabelCount entries per node and things will be sloooow.
- Tests:
- vtkLabelHierarchy (Tests)
Definition at line 81 of file vtkLabelHierarchy.h.