31 #ifndef vtk3DSImporter_h
32 #define vtk3DSImporter_h
34 #include "vtkIOImportModule.h"
52 vtkSetStringMacro(FileName);
62 vtkGetMacro(ComputeNormals,
69 FILE *GetFileFD() {
return this->FileFD;};
71 vtk3DSOmniLight *OmniList;
88 vtkPolyData *GeneratePolyData (vtk3DSMesh *meshPtr);
vtk3DSCamera * CameraList
virtual void ImportCameras(vtkRenderer *)
abstract specification for renderers
vtk3DSMatProp * MatPropList
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
virtual int ImportBegin()
a simple class to control print indentation
Returns a string listing all available extensions.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual void ImportActors(vtkRenderer *)
vtkSetMacro(IgnoreDriverBugs, bool)
When set known driver bugs are ignored during driver feature detection.
virtual void ImportLights(vtkRenderer *)
vtkBooleanMacro(IgnoreDriverBugs, bool)
When set known driver bugs are ignored during driver feature detection.
static vtkObject * New()
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on...
vtk3DSMaterial * MaterialList
virtual void ImportProperties(vtkRenderer *)
vtk3DSSpotLight * SpotLightList