CT scan from the visible woman dataset. An isosurface of the skin is clipped with a sphere to reveal the underlying bone structure. Author: Original visualization author Bill Lorensen.
Visualization the combustion process in a segment of an annular combustor. The combustor is where fuel and air is burned in a gas turbine. Author: VTK Textbook (Schroeder, Martin, Lorensen et al.)
full_VVC30_CTA_Kidney_Cardiac 05_03_06
Volume rendering and CT display of a human torso, with emphasis on the kidney.
Volume rendering of a supernova delineating the rapid, unsaturated, nonlinear growth of a long-wavelength, (l=1,2 mode instability) which may have ramifications for the supernova mechanism, energetics, and dynamics and phenomenology. Dataset Courtesy of the Terascale Supernova Initiative (TSI)
Processing a dataset in parallel. The different colors indicate on which processor id the data was processed.
Fluid flow around the space shuttle. Coloring of the data corresponds to flow density at that point.
An animation of a plastic blow molding process. A hot balloon of plastic is shaped by moving molds at the same time the balloon is inflated.
Visualizing a CT scan of the human head using an isosurface of the skin, and cross-sectional planes through the data.
Visualization the combustion process in a segment of an annular combustor. The combustor is where fuel and air is burned in a gas turbine.
Glyphing a polygonal model of a human face to indicate the direction of surface normals.
Generating triangle strips from a polygonal data set. On the left, the original laser range data is stripped; on the right, an unstructured mesh (after decimation) is stripped.
Hyperstreamlines in a semi-infinite domain approach a load singularity (the application of the load is marked by a small red cone).
Tensor ellipsoids in a semi-infinite domain approach a load singularity (the application of the load is marked by a small red cone).
Visualization the combustion process in a segment of an annular combustor. The combustor is where fuel and air is burned in a gas turbine. Different lookup tables are used to highlight different parts of the data.
Meshing neighboring octants in an octree using the ordered triangulator. To create consistent meshes, the diagonals of the mesh must be chosen consistently across element boundaries.
Visualizing fluid flow in an office using a stream tube. The colors indicate temperature. The tube runs from the room intake to its exhaust duct.
Using VTK to visualize a NURBS surface. Author: David Thompson and Phillipe Pebay, Sandia
Gaussian splatting followed by isocontouring used to visualize a loan portfolio. The red surfaces indicate delinquent loans.
Tessellation of a higher-order basis function. VTK supports an adapter framework enabling it to visualize arbitrary complexity element basis functions.
A vtkBoxWidget is used to transform a geometric model. The box widget can be used to scale, translate, and rotate any object in VTK.
A vector plot on a slice of magnetic field distribution in a drum separator.