ParaView III
The next major version of ParaView (III) includes many significant improvements, including:
- New Qt interface
- Much better support for Python scripting
- Emphasis on quantitative analysis
ParaView III is under development by a team including Kitware, Sandia National Labs and Elemental Technologies. Until ParaView III is ready for release, we will release a snapshot every month. These snapshots can be obtained from ParaView III snapshots. You may also view automated test results using the ParaView III Dashboard.
Win32 Users: If you wish to build ParaView III from source using the GPL'd version of Qt and Visual Studio, see Obtaining GPL'ed Qt for Windows.
Linux/Unix/OS X Users: If you are building from source, you might want to include the FFMPEG encoder. For this, you need to build the encoder from source. Download it here here. Build instructions are included with the package.
If you have questions about licensing, see ParaView III and Qt licensing.
Here are some helpful pages documenting how to use ParaView.
ParaView III Features
Here are some excerpts from the ParaView 3 development wiki. These should give some insight to the new features that are/will be available in ParaView 3.
- Selection Implementation in VTK and ParaView III
- Disconnecting from server while still saving an animation
- Server Resources
- Server Configuration
- Starting the server
- Multiple views
- Python scripting
- Python Programmable Filter - examples and screenshots
- Python scripting - PDF with examples
- Testing design
- Camera and Property Linking
- Plugin HowTo