VTK  9.4.20250114
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vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry Class Reference

Cursor cache data with coordinates and level info. More...

#include <vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h>

Public Member Functions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Display info about the entry.
 vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry (vtkHyperTree *tree=nullptr)
 vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry (vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry const &)=default
vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntryoperator= (vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry const &)=default
 ~vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry ()=default
void Dump (ostream &os)
 Dump information.
void Initialize (vtkHyperTree *tree, unsigned int level, vtkIdType index, const double *origin)
 Initialize cache entry from explicit required data.
vtkHyperTreeInitialize (vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid, vtkIdType treeIndex, bool create=false)
 Initialize cache entry at root of given tree index in grid.
void Reset ()
 Reset function.
void Copy (const vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry *entry)
 Copy function.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursorGetHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursor (vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid)
 Create a vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedCursor from input grid and current entry data.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursorGetHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor (vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid)
 Create a vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor from input grid and current entry data.
vtkIdType GetVertexId () const
 Return the index of the current vertex in the tree.
vtkIdType GetGlobalNodeIndex () const
 Return the global index (relative to the grid) of the current vertex in the tree.
void SetGlobalIndexStart (vtkIdType index)
 Set the global index for the root cell of the HyperTree.
void SetGlobalIndexFromLocal (vtkIdType index)
 Set the global index for the current cell of the HyperTree.
void SetMask (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid, bool state)
 Set the blanking mask is empty or not.
bool IsMasked (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid) const
 Determine whether blanking mask is empty or not.
bool IsLeaf (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid) const
 Is the cursor pointing to a leaf?
bool IsRealLeaf (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid) const
 Is the cursor pointing to a leaf?
bool IsVirtualLeaf (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid) const
 Is the cursor pointing to a virually subdivided leaf?
bool IsTerminalNode (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid) const
 Is the cursor pointing to a coarse with all children being leaves ?
bool IsRoot ()
 Is the cursor at tree root?
void ToChild (const vtkHyperTreeGrid *grid, unsigned char ichild)
 Move the cursor to child ‘child’ of the current vertex.
vtkHyperTreeGetTree () const
 Get HyperTree from current cache entry.
void GetBounds (double bounds[6]) const
 Getter for bounding box of the current cell.
void GetPoint (double point[3]) const
 Getter for center of the current cell.
unsigned int GetLevel () const
 Get level info from current cache entry.
unsigned int GetLastRealLevel () const
 Get level info from current cache entry.
double * GetOrigin ()
 Getter for origin coordinates of the current cell.
const double * GetOrigin () const
 Getter for origin coordinates of the current cell.

Detailed Description

Cursor cache data with coordinates and level info.

cf. vtkHyperTreeGridEntry

See also
vtkHyperTreeGridEntry vtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntry vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryEntry vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntry vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursorLight
This class was written by Jacques-Bernard Lekien, Jerome Dubois and Guenole Harel, CEA 2018. This work was supported by Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France.

Definition at line 40 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry() [1/2]

vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry ( vtkHyperTree tree = nullptr)


Definition at line 51 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry() [2/2]

vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry ( vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry const &  )

◆ ~vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry()

vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::~vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Display info about the entry.

◆ operator=()

vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry & vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::operator= ( vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry const &  )

◆ Dump()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::Dump ( ostream &  os)

Dump information.

◆ Initialize() [1/2]

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::Initialize ( vtkHyperTree tree,
unsigned int  level,
vtkIdType  index,
const double *  origin 

Initialize cache entry from explicit required data.

◆ Initialize() [2/2]

vtkHyperTree * vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::Initialize ( vtkHyperTreeGrid grid,
vtkIdType  treeIndex,
bool  create = false 

Initialize cache entry at root of given tree index in grid.

◆ Reset()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::Reset ( )

Reset function.

Definition at line 90 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ Copy()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::Copy ( const vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry entry)

Copy function.

Definition at line 99 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursor()

vtkSmartPointer< vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursor > vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursor ( vtkHyperTreeGrid grid)

Create a vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedCursor from input grid and current entry data.

Definition at line 110 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor()

vtkSmartPointer< vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor > vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor ( vtkHyperTreeGrid grid)

Create a vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor from input grid and current entry data.

Definition at line 124 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetVertexId()

vtkIdType vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetVertexId ( ) const

Return the index of the current vertex in the tree.

not_tree: tree

Definition at line 137 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetGlobalNodeIndex()

vtkIdType vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetGlobalNodeIndex ( ) const

Return the global index (relative to the grid) of the current vertex in the tree.

not_tree: tree

◆ SetGlobalIndexStart()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::SetGlobalIndexStart ( vtkIdType  index)

Set the global index for the root cell of the HyperTree.

not_tree: tree

◆ SetGlobalIndexFromLocal()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::SetGlobalIndexFromLocal ( vtkIdType  index)

Set the global index for the current cell of the HyperTree.

not_tree: tree

◆ SetMask()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::SetMask ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid,
bool  state 

Set the blanking mask is empty or not.

not_tree: tree

◆ IsMasked()

bool vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::IsMasked ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid) const

Determine whether blanking mask is empty or not.

not_tree: tree

◆ IsLeaf()

bool vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::IsLeaf ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid) const

Is the cursor pointing to a leaf?

not_tree: tree Return true if level == grid->GetDepthLimiter()

◆ IsRealLeaf()

bool vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::IsRealLeaf ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid) const

Is the cursor pointing to a leaf?

not_tree: tree

◆ IsVirtualLeaf()

bool vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::IsVirtualLeaf ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid) const

Is the cursor pointing to a virually subdivided leaf?

not_tree: tree

◆ IsTerminalNode()

bool vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::IsTerminalNode ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid) const

Is the cursor pointing to a coarse with all children being leaves ?

not_tree: tree

◆ IsRoot()

bool vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::IsRoot ( )

Is the cursor at tree root?

Definition at line 198 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ ToChild()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::ToChild ( const vtkHyperTreeGrid grid,
unsigned char  ichild 

Move the cursor to child ‘child’ of the current vertex.

not_tree: tree
not_leaf: !IsLeaf()
valid_child: ichild>=0 && ichild<this->GetNumberOfChildren()
depth_limiter: level == grid->GetDepthLimiter()
is_masked: !IsMasked()

◆ GetTree()

vtkHyperTree * vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetTree ( ) const

Get HyperTree from current cache entry.

Definition at line 213 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetLevel()

unsigned int vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetLevel ( ) const

Get level info from current cache entry.

Definition at line 219 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetLastRealLevel()

unsigned int vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetLastRealLevel ( ) const

Get level info from current cache entry.

Definition at line 220 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetOrigin() [1/2]

double * vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetOrigin ( )

Getter for origin coordinates of the current cell.

Definition at line 227 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetOrigin() [2/2]

const double * vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetOrigin ( ) const

Getter for origin coordinates of the current cell.

Definition at line 228 of file vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry.h.

◆ GetBounds()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetBounds ( double  bounds[6]) const

Getter for bounding box of the current cell.

◆ GetPoint()

void vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntry::GetPoint ( double  point[3]) const

Getter for center of the current cell.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: