This is the complete list of members for vtkPolygon, including all inherited members.
AddObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | |
AddObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
BEST_QUALITY enum value | vtkPolygon | |
BoundedTriangulate(vtkIdList *outTris, double tol) | vtkPolygon | |
Bounds | vtkCell | protected |
BreakOnError() | vtkObject | static |
CellBoundary(int subId, const double pcoords[3], vtkIdList *pts) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
Clip(double value, vtkDataArray *cellScalars, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *tris, vtkPointData *inPd, vtkPointData *outPd, vtkCellData *inCd, vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData *outCd, int insideOut) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
ComputeArea() | vtkPolygon | |
ComputeArea(vtkPoints *p, vtkIdType numPts, const vtkIdType *pts, double normal[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeBoundingSphere(double center[3]) const | vtkCell | virtual |
ComputeCentroid(vtkPoints *p, int numPts, const vtkIdType *pts, double centroid[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeCentroid(vtkIdTypeArray *ids, vtkPoints *pts, double centroid[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeNormal(vtkPoints *p, int numPts, const vtkIdType *pts, double n[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeNormal(vtkPoints *p, double n[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeNormal(vtkIdTypeArray *ids, vtkPoints *pts, double n[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeNormal(int numPts, double *pts, double n[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
ComputeTolerance() | vtkPolygon | protected |
Contour(double value, vtkDataArray *cellScalars, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *verts, vtkCellArray *lines, vtkCellArray *polys, vtkPointData *inPd, vtkPointData *outPd, vtkCellData *inCd, vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData *outCd) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
Debug | vtkObject | protected |
DebugOff() | vtkObject | virtual |
DebugOn() | vtkObject | virtual |
DeepCopy(vtkCell *c) | vtkCell | virtual |
Delete() | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
Derivatives(int subId, const double pcoords[3], const double *values, int dim, double *derivs) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
DistanceToPolygon(double x[3], int numPts, double *pts, double bounds[6], double closest[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
DOT_PRODUCT enum value | vtkPolygon | |
EarCutMeasureTypes enum name | vtkPolygon | |
EarCutTriangulation(int measure=PERIMETER2_TO_AREA_RATIO) | vtkPolygon | |
EarCutTriangulation(vtkIdList *outTris, int measure=PERIMETER2_TO_AREA_RATIO) | vtkPolygon | |
EvaluateLocation(int &subId, const double pcoords[3], double x[3], double *weights) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
EvaluatePosition(const double x[3], double closestPoint[3], int &subId, double pcoords[3], double &dist2, double weights[]) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
FastDelete() | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
GetAlternateFreeFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetBounds(double bounds[6]) | vtkCell | |
GetBounds() | vtkCell | |
GetCellDimension() override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
GetCellType() override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
GetClassName() const | vtkObjectBase | |
GetCommand(unsigned long tag) | vtkObject | |
GetCurrentFreeFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetCurrentMallocFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetCurrentReallocFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetDebug() | vtkObject | |
GetEdge(int edgeId) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
GetFace(int) override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
GetFaces() | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
GetGlobalWarningDisplay() | vtkObject | static |
GetIsInMemkind() const | vtkObjectBase | |
GetLength2() | vtkCell | |
GetMTime() | vtkObject | virtual |
GetNumberOfEdges() override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
GetNumberOfFaces() override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(const char *name) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(const char *name) | vtkObjectBase | static |
GetNumberOfPoints() const | vtkCell | inline |
GetObjectDescription() const override | vtkObject | virtual |
GetObjectName() const | vtkObject | virtual |
GetParametricCenter(double pcoords[3]) | vtkCell | virtual |
GetParametricCoords() | vtkCell | virtual |
GetParametricDistance(const double pcoords[3]) | vtkCell | virtual |
GetPointId(int ptId) | vtkCell | inline |
GetPointIds() | vtkCell | inline |
GetPoints() | vtkCell | inline |
GetReferenceCount() | vtkObjectBase | inline |
GetTolerance() | vtkPolygon | virtual |
GetUseMVCInterpolation() | vtkPolygon | virtual |
GetUsingMemkind() | vtkObjectBase | static |
GlobalWarningDisplayOff() | vtkObject | inlinestatic |
GlobalWarningDisplayOn() | vtkObject | inlinestatic |
HasObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(const char *event) | vtkObject | |
Inflate(double dist) | vtkCell | virtual |
Initialize(int npts, const vtkIdType *pts, vtkPoints *p) | vtkCell | |
Initialize(int npts, vtkPoints *p) | vtkCell | |
Initialize() | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
InitializeObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | |
InternalGrabFocus(vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr) | vtkObject | protected |
InternalReleaseFocus() | vtkObject | protected |
InterpolateDerivs(const double vtkNotUsed(pcoords)[3], double *vtkNotUsed(derivs)) | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
InterpolateFunctions(const double x[3], double *sf) override | vtkPolygon | |
vtkCell::InterpolateFunctions(const double vtkNotUsed(pcoords)[3], double *vtkNotUsed(weight)) | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
InterpolateFunctionsUsingMVC(const double x[3], double *weights) | vtkPolygon | protected |
IntersectConvex2DCells(vtkCell *cell1, vtkCell *cell2, double tol, double p0[3], double p1[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
IntersectPolygonWithPolygon(int npts, double *pts, double bounds[6], int npts2, double *pts2, double bounds2[6], double tol, double x[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
IntersectWithCell(vtkCell *other, double tol=0.0) | vtkCell | virtual |
IntersectWithCell(vtkCell *other, const vtkBoundingBox &boudingBox, const vtkBoundingBox &otherBoundingBox, double tol=0.0) | vtkCell | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void *callData) | vtkObject | |
InvokeEvent(const char *event, void *callData) | vtkObject | |
InvokeEvent(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | inline |
InvokeEvent(const char *event) | vtkObject | inline |
IsA(const char *type) | vtkPolygon | virtual |
IsConvex() | vtkPolygon | |
IsConvex(vtkPoints *p, int numPts, const vtkIdType *pts) | vtkPolygon | static |
IsConvex(vtkIdTypeArray *ids, vtkPoints *p) | vtkPolygon | static |
IsConvex(vtkPoints *p) | vtkPolygon | static |
IsExplicitCell() | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
IsLinear() | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
IsPrimaryCell() override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
IsTypeOf(const char *type) | vtkPolygon | static |
Line | vtkPolygon | protected |
Modified() | vtkObject | virtual |
MTime | vtkObject | protected |
New() | vtkPolygon | static |
NewInstance() const | vtkPolygon | |
NewInstanceInternal() const | vtkPolygon | protectedvirtual |
NonDegenerateTriangulate(vtkIdList *outTris) | vtkPolygon | |
ObjectName | vtkObject | protected |
vtkObjectBase::operator=(const vtkObjectBase &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotected |
ParameterizePolygon(double p0[3], double p10[3], double &l10, double p20[3], double &l20, double n[3]) | vtkPolygon | |
PERIMETER2_TO_AREA_RATIO enum value | vtkPolygon | |
PointIds | vtkCell | |
PointInPolygon(double x[3], int numPts, double *pts, double bounds[6], double n[3]) | vtkPolygon | static |
Points | vtkCell | |
Print(ostream &os) | vtkObjectBase | |
PrintHeader(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
PrintTrailer(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
Quad | vtkPolygon | protected |
ReferenceCount | vtkObjectBase | protected |
Register(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkObjectBase | |
RegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
RemoveAllObservers() | vtkObject | |
RemoveObserver(vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObserver(unsigned long tag) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(const char *event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(const char *event) | vtkObject | |
ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector *) | vtkObjectBase | protectedvirtual |
RequiresExplicitFaceRepresentation() | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
RequiresInitialization() | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
SafeDownCast(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkPolygon | static |
SetDebug(bool debugFlag) | vtkObject | |
SetFaces(vtkIdType *vtkNotUsed(faces)) | vtkCell | inlinevirtual |
SetGlobalWarningDisplay(vtkTypeBool val) | vtkObject | static |
SetMemkindDirectory(const char *directoryname) | vtkObjectBase | static |
SetObjectName(const std::string &objectName) | vtkObject | virtual |
SetReferenceCount(int) | vtkObjectBase | |
SetTolerance(double) | vtkPolygon | virtual |
SetUseMVCInterpolation(bool) | vtkPolygon | virtual |
ShallowCopy(vtkCell *c) | vtkCell | virtual |
SubjectHelper | vtkObject | protected |
SuccessfulTriangulation | vtkPolygon | protected |
Superclass typedef | vtkPolygon | |
Tol | vtkPolygon | protected |
Tolerance | vtkPolygon | protected |
Triangle | vtkPolygon | protected |
Triangulate(int index, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkPoints *pts) override | vtkPolygon | inlinevirtual |
TriangulateIds(int index, vtkIdList *ptIds) | vtkCell | virtual |
TriangulateLocalIds(int index, vtkIdList *ptIds) override | vtkPolygon | virtual |
Tris | vtkPolygon | protected |
TriScalars | vtkPolygon | protected |
UnbiasedEarCutTriangulation(int seed, int measure=PERIMETER2_TO_AREA_RATIO) | vtkPolygon | |
UnbiasedEarCutTriangulation(int seed, vtkIdList *outTris, int measure=PERIMETER2_TO_AREA_RATIO) | vtkPolygon | |
UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
UnRegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
UseMVCInterpolation | vtkPolygon | protected |
UsesGarbageCollector() const | vtkObjectBase | inlinevirtual |
vtkBaseTypeMacro(vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) | vtkObject | |
vtkCell() | vtkCell | protected |
vtkObject() | vtkObject | protected |
vtkObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | protected |
vtkObjectBase(const vtkObjectBase &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotected |
vtkPolygon() | vtkPolygon | protected |
WeakPointers | vtkObjectBase | protected |
~vtkCell() override | vtkCell | protected |
~vtkObject() override | vtkObject | protected |
~vtkObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | protectedvirtual |
~vtkPolygon() override | vtkPolygon | protected |