Cocoa OpenGL rendering context. More...
#import <vtkCocoaGLView.h>
Inherits NSView, and <NSDraggingDestination>.
Instance Methods | |
(vtkCocoaRenderWindowRef) | - getVTKRenderWindow |
(void) | - setVTKRenderWindow: |
(vtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractorRef) | - getInteractor |
Cocoa OpenGL rendering context.
This class is a subclass of Cocoa's NSView; it uses Objective-C++. This class overrides several NSView methods. To provide the usual VTK keyboard user interface, it overrides the following methods: acceptsFirstResponder, keyDown:, keyUp:, and flagsChanged: To provide the usual VTK mouse user interface, it overrides the following methods: mouseMoved:, mouseEntered:, mouseExited: scrollWheel:, mouseDown:, rightMouseDown:, otherMouseDown:, mouseDragged:, rightMouseDragged:, otherMouseDragged:, and updateTrackingAreas. To provide file dropping support, it implements the following methods: draggingEntered: and performDragOperation:. To be able to render and draw onscreen, it overrides drawRect:.
Compatibility notes:
Definition at line 63 of file vtkCocoaGLView.h.
- (vtkCocoaRenderWindowRef) getVTKRenderWindow |
- (void) setVTKRenderWindow: | (vtkCocoaRenderWindowRef) | theVTKRenderWindow |
- (vtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractorRef) getInteractor |