47#ifndef vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter_h
48#define vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter_h
50#include "vtkFiltersGeneralModule.h"
81 vtkSetClampMacro(Operation,
82 vtkGetMacro(Operation,
103 vtkSetMacro(Tolerance,
104 vtkGetMacro(Tolerance,
Computes the boundary of the union, intersection, or difference volume computed from the volumes defi...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
int FillInputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation *) override
Fill the input port information objects for this algorithm.
void SortPolyData(vtkPolyData *input, vtkIdList *intersectionList, vtkIdList *unionList)
Labels triangles in mesh as part of the intersection or union surface.
void SetOperationToIntersection()
Set the boolean operation to perform.
static vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter * New()
Construct object that computes the boolean surface.
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called by the superclass.
void SetOperationToUnion()
Set the boolean operation to perform.
void SetOperationToDifference()
Set the boolean operation to perform.
~vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter() override
helps manage arrays from multiple vtkDataSetAttributes.
list of point or cell ids
a simple class to control print indentation
Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output.
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips