46#include "vtkChartsCoreModule.h"
100 vtkSetMacro(Angle,
171 vtkSetMacro(EnsureOuterEdgeAxisLabelling,
177 vtkSetMacro(AutoRotate,
264 vtkGetMacro(ClippingPlanesEnabled,
269 vtkSetMacro(ScaleBoxWithPlot,
274 vtkGetMacro(ScaleBoxWithPlot,
514 } SizeStrategy = USE_GEOMETRY;
531 std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxis>>
537 bool AutoRotate =
555 bool DrawAxesDecoration =
561 bool FitToScene =
665 bool EnsureOuterEdgeAxisLabelling =
675 float AxesBoundaryPoints[8][3];
681 float TickLabelOffset[3][2];
705 int DirectionToData[3];
710 double DataBounds[4];
715 bool ClippingPlanesEnabled =
720 bool ScaleBoxWithPlot =
An algorithm for linking annotations among objects.
takes care of drawing 2D axes
Factory class for drawing 3D XYZ charts.
void SetClippingPlanesEnabled(bool)
Hide data outside the box.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > FutureBoxScale
This transform keeps track of the Scale of the FutureBox transform.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > FutureBox
This transform is initialized as a copy of Box.
std::string XAxisLabel
The label for the X Axis.
void ScaleDownAxes()
Scale down the axes when the scene gets smaller.
bool Paint(vtkContext2D *painter) override
Paint event for the chart, called whenever the chart needs to be drawn.
void RescaleAxes()
Scale the axes up or down in response to a scene resize.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Box
This is the transform that is applied when rendering data from the plots.
void SetAxisColor(const vtkColor4ub &color)
Set the color for the axes.
void LookUpX()
Adjust the rotation of the chart so that we are looking up the X axis.
vtkNew< vtkPen > Pen
This is the pen that is used to draw data from the plots.
int SceneHeight
The height of the scene, as of the most recent call to Paint().
virtual bool RemovePlot(vtkPlot3D *plot)
Removes a plot from the chart.
vtkAxis * GetAxis(int axis)
Get the x (0), y (1) or z (2) axis.
void DrawAxesLabels(vtkContext2D *painter)
Label the axes.
void DrawTickMarks(vtkContext2D *painter)
Draw tick marks and tick mark labels along the axes.
static vtkChartXYZ * New()
Rotation directions.
bool Zoom(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
Zoom in or out on the data in response to a mouse movement.
std::string YAxisLabel
The label for the Y Axis.
void Update() override
Perform any updates to the item that may be necessary before rendering.
bool Rotate(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
Rotate the chart in response to a mouse movement.
double CalculateNiceMinMax(double &min, double &max, int axis)
Calculate the next "nicest" numbers above and below the current minimum.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Scale
This transform keeps track of how the data points have been scaled (zoomed in or zoomed out) within t...
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxis > > Axes
The 3 axes of this chart.
bool Spin(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
Spin the chart in response to a mouse movement.
bool Rotate(RotateDirection rotateDirection)
Rotate the chart in a specific direction.
void GetClippingPlaneEquation(int i, double *planeEquation)
Get the equation for the ith face of our bounding cube.
vtkNew< vtkPlaneCollection > BoundingCube
The six planes that define the bounding cube of our 3D axes.
virtual void CalculateTransforms()
Calculate the transformation matrices used to draw data points and axes in the scene.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Rotation
This transform keeps track of how the chart has been rotated.
void LegacyDetermineWhichAxesToLabel()
Old-style axis labelling, for compatibility; labelling may occur in less optimal places e....
void DrawAxes(vtkContext3D *context)
Draw the cube axes of this chart.
vtkNew< vtkPen > AxisPen
This is the pen that is used to draw the axes.
bool CalculatePlotTransform(vtkAxis *x, vtkAxis *y, vtkAxis *z, vtkTransform *transform)
Given the x, y and z vtkAxis, and a transform, calculate the transform that the points in a chart wou...
vtkNew< vtkTransform > BoxScale
This transform keeps track of how the axes have been scaled (zoomed in or zoomed out).
std::string ZAxisLabel
The label for the Z Axis.
void LookUpZ()
Adjust the rotation of the chart so that we are looking up the Z axis.
void GetOffsetForAxisLabel(int axis, float *bounds, float *offset)
Compute how some text should be offset from an axis.
void ClearPlots()
Remove all the plots from this chart.
std::size_t GetPlotHeight() const
Gets the current height of the plot in pixels irrespective of the size-strategy used.
void DetermineWhichAxesToLabel()
For each of the XYZ dimensions, find the axis line that is furthest from the rendered data.
std::vector< vtkPlot3D * > Plots
The plots that are drawn within this chart.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > ContextTransform
This is the transform that is applied when rendering data from the plots.
void LookDownX()
Adjust the rotation of the chart so that we are looking down the X axis.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAnnotationLink > Link
This link is used to share selected points with other classes.
std::size_t GetMarginBottom() const
Gets the current margin top in pixels irrespective of the size-strategy used.
The direction to data from an axis.
void SetAroundX(bool isX)
Set whether or not we're rotating about the X axis.
void SetMargins(const vtkVector4i &margins)
Set the margins in pixels ordered top right bottom left The box will be drawn inside those margins,...
void ZoomAxes(int delta)
Change the scaling of the axes by a specified amount.
void LookUpY()
Adjust the rotation of the chart so that we are looking up the Y axis.
void SetDecorateAxes(bool b)
Set whether or not axes labels & tick marks should be drawn.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Translation
This transform keeps track of how the data points have been panned within the chart.
void InitializeFutureBox()
Initialize the "future box" transform.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > PlotTransform
This transform translates and scales the plots' data points so that they appear within the axes of th...
bool CheckForSceneResize()
Check to see if the scene changed size since the last render.
void InitializeAxesBoundaryPoints()
Initialize a list of "test points".
vtkColor4ub GetAxisColor()
Set the color for the axes.
bool KeyPressEvent(const vtkContextKeyEvent &key) override
Key press event.
void ScaleUpAxes()
Scale up the axes when the scene gets larger.
void SetGeometry(const vtkRectf &bounds)
Set the geometry in pixel coordinates (origin and width/height).
virtual void SetAxis(int axisIndex, vtkAxis *axis)
Set the x (0), y (1) or z (2) axis.
void ComputeDataBounds()
Compute a bounding box for the data that is rendered within the axes.
void LookDownZ()
Adjust the rotation of the chart so that we are looking down the Z axis.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
vtkNew< vtkTextProperty > AxesTextProperty
The text properties of the axes.
bool MouseButtonPressEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse) override
Mouse press event.
void RecalculateBounds()
Determine the XYZ bounds of the plots within this chart.
void SetFitToScene(bool b)
Set whether or not the chart should automatically resize itself to fill the scene.
void NewDetermineWhichAxesToLabel()
New style axis labelling, ensuring labelling is always at the edges of the chart in the most sensible...
bool MouseWheelEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse, int delta) override
Mouse wheel event.
bool MouseMoveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse) override
Mouse move event.
The state of an axis.
void LookDownY()
Adjust the rotation of the chart so that we are looking down the Y axis.
std::vector< vtkIdType > FreePlaces
These plots got removed (from Plots), try to reuse the free spot.
std::size_t GetPlotWidth() const
Gets the current width of the plot in pixels irrespective of the size-strategy used.
vtkTextProperty * GetAxesTextProperty()
Get the text property for axes.
virtual void SetAnnotationLink(vtkAnnotationLink *link)
Set the vtkAnnotationLink for the chart.
void RecalculateTransform()
Use this chart's Geometry to set the endpoints of its axes.
int SceneWidth
The weight of the scene, as of the most recent call to Paint().
virtual vtkIdType AddPlot(vtkPlot3D *plot)
Adds a plot to the chart.
bool Hit(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse) override
Returns true if the transform is interactive, false otherwise.
std::size_t GetMarginLeft() const
Gets the current margin left in pixels irrespective of the size-strategy used.
bool Pan(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
Pan the data within the chart in response to a mouse movement.
Class for drawing 2D primitives to a graphical context.
Class for drawing 3D primitives to a graphical context.
base class for items that are part of a vtkContextScene.
data structure to represent key events.
data structure to represent mouse events.
a simple class to control print indentation
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
provides a pen that draws the outlines of shapes drawn by vtkContext2D.
maintain a list of planes
Abstract class for 3D plots.
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
Wrapper around std::string to keep symbols short.
A table, which contains similar-typed columns of data.
represent text properties.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char