VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT bool | vtkConduitToDataObject::FillAMRMesh (vtkOverlappingAMR *amr, const conduit_cpp::Node &node) |
| Fill the vtkOverlappingAMR input.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT bool | vtkConduitToDataObject::AddFieldData (vtkDataObject *output, const conduit_cpp::Node &stateFields, bool isAMReX=false) |
| Add FieldData arrays to output data object.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreatePoints (const conduit_cpp::Node &coords) |
| Create a vtkPoints from a coordset node that respect the following requirements:
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT void | vtkConduitToDataObject::SetPolyhedralCells (vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, vtkCellArray *elements, vtkCellArray *subelements) |
| Create polyhedron in grid from elements and subelements.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT bool | vtkConduitToDataObject::FillPartitionedDataSet (vtkPartitionedDataSet *output, const conduit_cpp::Node &meshNode) |
| Fill the vtkPartitionedDataSet input.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT bool | vtkConduitToDataObject::FillPartionedDataSet (vtkPartitionedDataSet *output, const conduit_cpp::Node &meshNode) |
| Fill the vtkPartitionedDataSet input.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreateMesh (const conduit_cpp::Node &topology, const conduit_cpp::Node &coordsets) |
| vtkDataSet creation.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreateImageData (const conduit_cpp::Node &coordset) |
| Create a vtkImageData from a coordset node.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkRectilinearGrid > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreateRectilinearGrid (const conduit_cpp::Node &coordset) |
| Create a vtkRectilinearGrid from a coordset node.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkStructuredGrid > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreateStructuredGrid (const conduit_cpp::Node &topology, const conduit_cpp::Node &coordset) |
| Create a vtkStructuredGrid from a topology and a coordset nodes.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreateMonoShapedUnstructuredGrid (const conduit_cpp::Node &topologyNode, const conduit_cpp::Node &coordset) |
| Create a vtkUnstructuredGrid from a topology and a coordset node.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | vtkConduitToDataObject::CreateMixedUnstructuredGrid (const conduit_cpp::Node &topologyNode, const conduit_cpp::Node &coords) |
| Create a vtkUnstructuredGrid from a coordset and a topology node.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT vtkIdType | vtkConduitToDataObject::GetNumberOfPointsInCellType (int vtk_cell_type) |
| Return the number of points in VTK cell type.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT int | vtkConduitToDataObject::GetCellType (const std::string &shape) |
| Get vtk cell type from conduit shape name throw a runtime_error on unsupported type.
VTKIOCATALYSTCONDUIT_EXPORT int | vtkConduitToDataObject::GetAssociation (const std::string &association) |
| Get vtkDataObject attribute type from conduit association string.