21#ifndef vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation_h
22#define vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation_h
25#include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h"
represent the vtkContourWidget
represent a contour drawn on the focal plane.
int UpdateContour() override
The method must be called whenever the contour needs to be updated, usually from RenderOpaqueGeometry...
int GetNthNodeWorldPosition(int n, double pos[3]) override
Get the nth node's world position.
~vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation() override
int GetIntermediatePointWorldPosition(int n, int idx, double point[3]) override
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 i...
virtual void UpdateContourWorldPositionsBasedOnDisplayPositions()
The class maintains its true contour locations based on display co-ords This method syncs the world c...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard VTK methods.
int GetNthNodeDisplayPosition(int n, double pos[2]) override
Get the nth node's display position.
virtual int GetIntermediatePointDisplayPosition(int n, int idx, double point[3])
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 i...
void UpdateLines(int index) override
abstract class for representing widget handles
a simple class to control print indentation