represent a contour drawn on the focal plane. More...
#include <vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation.h>
Public Member Functions | |
int | GetIntermediatePointWorldPosition (int n, int idx, double point[3]) override |
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed). | |
virtual int | GetIntermediatePointDisplayPosition (int n, int idx, double point[3]) |
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed). | |
int | GetNthNodeDisplayPosition (int n, double pos[2]) override |
Get the nth node's display position. | |
int | GetNthNodeWorldPosition (int n, double pos[3]) override |
Get the nth node's world position. | |
virtual void | UpdateContourWorldPositionsBasedOnDisplayPositions () |
The class maintains its true contour locations based on display co-ords This method syncs the world co-ords data structure with the display co-ords. | |
int | UpdateContour () override |
The method must be called whenever the contour needs to be updated, usually from RenderOpaqueGeometry() | |
void | UpdateLines (int index) override |
![]() | |
virtual int | SetActiveNodeToWorldPosition (double pos[3]) |
virtual int | SetActiveNodeToWorldPosition (double pos[3], double orient[9]) |
virtual int | GetActiveNodeWorldPosition (double pos[3]) |
Get the world position of the active node. | |
virtual int | GetActiveNodeWorldOrientation (double orient[9]) |
Get the world orientation of the active node. | |
virtual int | GetActiveNodeDisplayPosition (double pos[2]) |
Get the display position of the active node. | |
virtual int | GetNumberOfNodes () |
Get the number of nodes. | |
virtual int | GetNthNodeDisplayPosition (int n, double pos[2]) |
Get the nth node's display position. | |
virtual int | GetNthNodeWorldPosition (int n, double pos[3]) |
Get the nth node's world position. | |
virtual vtkContourRepresentationNode * | GetNthNode (int n) |
Get the nth node. | |
virtual int | GetNthNodeWorldOrientation (int n, double orient[9]) |
Get the nth node's world orientation. | |
virtual int | GetNthNodeSlope (int idx, double slope[3]) |
Get the nth node's slope. | |
virtual int | GetNumberOfIntermediatePoints (int n) |
virtual int | GetIntermediatePointWorldPosition (int n, int idx, double point[3]) |
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed). | |
virtual int | AddIntermediatePointWorldPosition (int n, double point[3]) |
Add an intermediate point between node n and n+1 (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed). | |
virtual int | AddIntermediatePointWorldPosition (int n, double point[3], vtkIdType ptId) |
Add an intermediate point between node n and n+1 (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed). | |
virtual int | DeleteLastNode () |
Delete the last node. | |
virtual int | DeleteActiveNode () |
Delete the active node. | |
virtual int | DeleteNthNode (int n) |
Delete the nth node. | |
virtual void | ClearAllNodes () |
Delete all nodes. | |
virtual int | AddNodeOnContour (int X, int Y) |
Given a specific X, Y pixel location, add a new node on the contour at this location. | |
void | SetPointPlacer (vtkPointPlacer *) |
virtual vtkPointPlacer * | GetPointPlacer () |
virtual vtkPolyData * | GetContourRepresentationAsPolyData ()=0 |
Get the points in this contour as a vtkPolyData. | |
void | GetNodePolyData (vtkPolyData *poly) |
Get the nodes and not the intermediate points in this contour as a vtkPolyData. | |
virtual void | SetRebuildLocator (bool) |
virtual int | AddNodeAtWorldPosition (double x, double y, double z) |
Add a node at a specific world position. | |
virtual int | AddNodeAtWorldPosition (double worldPos[3]) |
Add a node at a specific world position. | |
virtual int | AddNodeAtWorldPosition (double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9]) |
Add a node at a specific world position. | |
virtual int | AddNodeAtDisplayPosition (double displayPos[2]) |
Add a node at a specific display position. | |
virtual int | AddNodeAtDisplayPosition (int displayPos[2]) |
Add a node at a specific display position. | |
virtual int | AddNodeAtDisplayPosition (int X, int Y) |
Add a node at a specific display position. | |
virtual int | ActivateNode (double displayPos[2]) |
Given a display position, activate a node. | |
virtual int | ActivateNode (int displayPos[2]) |
Given a display position, activate a node. | |
virtual int | ActivateNode (int X, int Y) |
Given a display position, activate a node. | |
virtual int | SetActiveNodeToDisplayPosition (double pos[2]) |
Move the active node based on a specified display position. | |
virtual int | SetActiveNodeToDisplayPosition (int pos[2]) |
Move the active node based on a specified display position. | |
virtual int | SetActiveNodeToDisplayPosition (int X, int Y) |
Move the active node based on a specified display position. | |
virtual int | ToggleActiveNodeSelected () |
Set/Get whether the active or nth node is selected. | |
virtual int | GetActiveNodeSelected () |
Set/Get whether the active or nth node is selected. | |
virtual int | GetNthNodeSelected (int) |
Set/Get whether the active or nth node is selected. | |
virtual int | SetNthNodeSelected (int) |
Set/Get whether the active or nth node is selected. | |
virtual int | SetNthNodeDisplayPosition (int n, int X, int Y) |
Set the nth node's display position. | |
virtual int | SetNthNodeDisplayPosition (int n, int pos[2]) |
Set the nth node's display position. | |
virtual int | SetNthNodeDisplayPosition (int n, double pos[2]) |
Set the nth node's display position. | |
virtual int | SetNthNodeWorldPosition (int n, double pos[3]) |
Set the nth node's world position. | |
virtual int | SetNthNodeWorldPosition (int n, double pos[3], double orient[9]) |
Set the nth node's world position. | |
virtual void | SetPixelTolerance (int) |
The tolerance to use when calculations are performed in display coordinates. | |
virtual int | GetPixelTolerance () |
The tolerance to use when calculations are performed in display coordinates. | |
virtual void | SetWorldTolerance (double) |
The tolerance to use when calculations are performed in world coordinates. | |
virtual double | GetWorldTolerance () |
The tolerance to use when calculations are performed in world coordinates. | |
virtual int | GetCurrentOperation () |
Set / get the current operation. | |
virtual void | SetCurrentOperation (int) |
Set / get the current operation. | |
void | SetCurrentOperationToInactive () |
Set / get the current operation. | |
void | SetCurrentOperationToTranslate () |
Set / get the current operation. | |
void | SetCurrentOperationToShift () |
Set / get the current operation. | |
void | SetCurrentOperationToScale () |
Set / get the current operation. | |
void | SetLineInterpolator (vtkContourLineInterpolator *) |
Set / Get the Line Interpolator. | |
virtual vtkContourLineInterpolator * | GetLineInterpolator () |
Set / Get the Line Interpolator. | |
void | BuildRepresentation () override=0 |
These are methods that satisfy vtkWidgetRepresentation's API. | |
int | ComputeInteractionState (int X, int Y, int modified=0) override=0 |
These are methods that satisfy vtkWidgetRepresentation's API. | |
void | StartWidgetInteraction (double e[2]) override=0 |
These are methods that satisfy vtkWidgetRepresentation's API. | |
void | WidgetInteraction (double e[2]) override=0 |
These are methods that satisfy vtkWidgetRepresentation's API. | |
void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *w) override=0 |
Methods required by vtkProp superclass. | |
int | RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport) override=0 |
Methods required by vtkProp superclass. | |
int | RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport) override=0 |
Methods required by vtkProp superclass. | |
int | RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport) override=0 |
Methods required by vtkProp superclass. | |
vtkTypeBool | HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry () override=0 |
Methods required by vtkProp superclass. | |
void | SetClosedLoop (vtkTypeBool val) |
Set / Get the ClosedLoop value. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetClosedLoop () |
Set / Get the ClosedLoop value. | |
virtual void | ClosedLoopOn () |
Set / Get the ClosedLoop value. | |
virtual void | ClosedLoopOff () |
Set / Get the ClosedLoop value. | |
virtual void | SetShowSelectedNodes (vtkTypeBool) |
A flag to indicate whether to show the Selected nodes Default is to set it to false. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetShowSelectedNodes () |
A flag to indicate whether to show the Selected nodes Default is to set it to false. | |
virtual void | ShowSelectedNodesOn () |
A flag to indicate whether to show the Selected nodes Default is to set it to false. | |
virtual void | ShowSelectedNodesOff () |
A flag to indicate whether to show the Selected nodes Default is to set it to false. | |
vtkContourRepresentation * | NewInstance () const |
Standard VTK methods. | |
![]() | |
virtual void | PlaceWidget (double vtkNotUsed(bounds)[6]) |
The following is a suggested API for widget representations. | |
virtual void | StartWidgetInteraction (double eventPos[2]) |
virtual void | WidgetInteraction (double newEventPos[2]) |
virtual void | EndWidgetInteraction (double newEventPos[2]) |
virtual int | ComputeInteractionState (int X, int Y, int modify=0) |
virtual int | GetInteractionState () |
virtual void | Highlight (int vtkNotUsed(highlightOn)) |
double * | GetBounds () override |
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp. | |
void | ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop) override |
Shallow copy of this vtkProp. | |
void | GetActors (vtkPropCollection *) override |
For some exporters and other other operations we must be able to collect all the actors or volumes. | |
void | GetActors2D (vtkPropCollection *) override |
void | GetVolumes (vtkPropCollection *) override |
void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) override |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor. | |
int | RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(viewport)) override |
int | RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(viewport)) override |
int | RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(viewport)) override |
int | RenderVolumetricGeometry (vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(viewport)) override |
vtkTypeBool | HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry () override |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Does this prop have some translucent polygonal geometry? This method is called during the rendering process to know if there is some translucent polygonal geometry. | |
virtual void | RegisterPickers () |
Register internal Pickers in the Picking Manager. | |
virtual void | UnRegisterPickers () |
Unregister internal pickers from the Picking Manager. | |
virtual void | PickingManagedOn () |
Enable/Disable the use of a manager to process the picking. | |
virtual void | PickingManagedOff () |
Enable/Disable the use of a manager to process the picking. | |
void | SetPickingManaged (bool managed) |
Enable/Disable the use of a manager to process the picking. | |
virtual bool | GetPickingManaged () |
Enable/Disable the use of a manager to process the picking. | |
virtual void | SetRenderer (vtkRenderer *ren) |
Subclasses of vtkWidgetRepresentation must implement these methods. | |
virtual vtkRenderer * | GetRenderer () |
Subclasses of vtkWidgetRepresentation must implement these methods. | |
virtual void | StartComplexInteraction (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *, vtkAbstractWidget *, unsigned long, void *) |
virtual void | ComplexInteraction (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *, vtkAbstractWidget *, unsigned long, void *) |
virtual void | EndComplexInteraction (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *, vtkAbstractWidget *, unsigned long, void *) |
virtual int | ComputeComplexInteractionState (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren, vtkAbstractWidget *widget, unsigned long event, void *callData, int modify=0) |
virtual void | SetPlaceFactor (double) |
Set/Get a factor representing the scaling of the widget upon placement (via the PlaceWidget() method). | |
virtual double | GetPlaceFactor () |
Set/Get a factor representing the scaling of the widget upon placement (via the PlaceWidget() method). | |
virtual void | SetHandleSize (double) |
Set/Get the factor that controls the size of the handles that appear as part of the widget (if any). | |
virtual double | GetHandleSize () |
Set/Get the factor that controls the size of the handles that appear as part of the widget (if any). | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetNeedToRender () |
Some subclasses use this data member to keep track of whether to render or not (i.e., to minimize the total number of renders). | |
virtual void | SetNeedToRender (vtkTypeBool) |
Some subclasses use this data member to keep track of whether to render or not (i.e., to minimize the total number of renders). | |
virtual void | NeedToRenderOn () |
Some subclasses use this data member to keep track of whether to render or not (i.e., to minimize the total number of renders). | |
virtual void | NeedToRenderOff () |
Some subclasses use this data member to keep track of whether to render or not (i.e., to minimize the total number of renders). | |
vtkWidgetRepresentation * | NewInstance () const |
Standard methods for instances of this class. | |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
Standard methods for instances of this class. | |
![]() | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. | |
vtkProp * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. | |
virtual void | GetActors (vtkPropCollection *) |
For some exporters and other other operations we must be able to collect all the actors or volumes. | |
virtual void | GetActors2D (vtkPropCollection *) |
virtual void | GetVolumes (vtkPropCollection *) |
virtual void | Pick () |
Method fires PickEvent if the prop is picked. | |
virtual vtkMTimeType | GetRedrawMTime () |
Return the mtime of anything that would cause the rendered image to appear differently. | |
virtual double * | GetBounds () |
Get the bounds for this Prop as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax). | |
virtual void | ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop) |
Shallow copy of this vtkProp. | |
virtual void | PokeMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *vtkNotUsed(matrix)) |
These methods are used by subclasses to place a matrix (if any) in the prop prior to rendering. | |
virtual vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetMatrix () |
virtual bool | HasKeys (vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
Tells if the prop has all the required keys. | |
virtual int | RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *) |
virtual int | RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *) |
virtual int | RenderVolumetricGeometry (vtkViewport *) |
virtual int | RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *) |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
Render the opaque geometry only if the prop has all the requiredKeys. | |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
Render the translucent polygonal geometry only if the prop has all the requiredKeys. | |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredVolumetricGeometry (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
Render the volumetric geometry only if the prop has all the requiredKeys. | |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredOverlay (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
Render in the overlay of the viewport only if the prop has all the requiredKeys. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry () |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Does this prop have some translucent polygonal geometry? This method is called during the rendering process to know if there is some translucent polygonal geometry. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | HasOpaqueGeometry () |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Does this prop have some opaque geometry? This method is called during the rendering process to know if there is some opaque geometry. | |
virtual void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor. | |
virtual double | GetEstimatedRenderTime (vtkViewport *) |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS The EstimatedRenderTime may be used to select between different props, for example in LODProp it is used to select the level-of-detail. | |
virtual double | GetEstimatedRenderTime () |
virtual void | SetEstimatedRenderTime (double t) |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS This method is used by, for example, the vtkLODProp3D in order to initialize the estimated render time at start-up to some user defined value. | |
virtual void | RestoreEstimatedRenderTime () |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS When the EstimatedRenderTime is first set to 0.0 (in the SetAllocatedRenderTime method) the old value is saved. | |
virtual void | AddEstimatedRenderTime (double t, vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(vp)) |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS This method is intended to allow the renderer to add to the EstimatedRenderTime in props that require information that the renderer has in order to do this. | |
void | SetRenderTimeMultiplier (double t) |
virtual double | GetRenderTimeMultiplier () |
virtual void | BuildPaths (vtkAssemblyPaths *paths, vtkAssemblyPath *path) |
virtual bool | GetSupportsSelection () |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Used by vtkHardwareSelector to determine if the prop supports hardware selection. | |
virtual void | ProcessSelectorPixelBuffers (vtkHardwareSelector *, std::vector< unsigned int > &) |
allows a prop to update a selections color buffers | |
virtual void | SetVisibility (vtkTypeBool) |
Set/Get visibility of this vtkProp. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetVisibility () |
Set/Get visibility of this vtkProp. | |
virtual void | VisibilityOn () |
Set/Get visibility of this vtkProp. | |
virtual void | VisibilityOff () |
Set/Get visibility of this vtkProp. | |
virtual void | SetPickable (vtkTypeBool) |
Set/Get the pickable instance variable. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetPickable () |
Set/Get the pickable instance variable. | |
virtual void | PickableOn () |
Set/Get the pickable instance variable. | |
virtual void | PickableOff () |
Set/Get the pickable instance variable. | |
virtual void | SetDragable (vtkTypeBool) |
Set/Get the value of the dragable instance variable. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetDragable () |
Set/Get the value of the dragable instance variable. | |
virtual void | DragableOn () |
Set/Get the value of the dragable instance variable. | |
virtual void | DragableOff () |
Set/Get the value of the dragable instance variable. | |
virtual void | SetUseBounds (bool) |
In case the Visibility flag is true, tell if the bounds of this prop should be taken into account or ignored during the computation of other bounding boxes, like in vtkRenderer::ResetCamera(). | |
virtual bool | GetUseBounds () |
In case the Visibility flag is true, tell if the bounds of this prop should be taken into account or ignored during the computation of other bounding boxes, like in vtkRenderer::ResetCamera(). | |
virtual void | UseBoundsOn () |
In case the Visibility flag is true, tell if the bounds of this prop should be taken into account or ignored during the computation of other bounding boxes, like in vtkRenderer::ResetCamera(). | |
virtual void | UseBoundsOff () |
In case the Visibility flag is true, tell if the bounds of this prop should be taken into account or ignored during the computation of other bounding boxes, like in vtkRenderer::ResetCamera(). | |
virtual void | InitPathTraversal () |
vtkProp and its subclasses can be picked by subclasses of vtkAbstractPicker (e.g., vtkPropPicker). | |
virtual vtkAssemblyPath * | GetNextPath () |
vtkProp and its subclasses can be picked by subclasses of vtkAbstractPicker (e.g., vtkPropPicker). | |
virtual int | GetNumberOfPaths () |
vtkProp and its subclasses can be picked by subclasses of vtkAbstractPicker (e.g., vtkPropPicker). | |
virtual vtkInformation * | GetPropertyKeys () |
Set/Get property keys. | |
virtual void | SetPropertyKeys (vtkInformation *keys) |
Set/Get property keys. | |
virtual void | SetAllocatedRenderTime (double t, vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(v)) |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS The renderer may use the allocated rendering time to determine how to render this actor. | |
virtual double | GetAllocatedRenderTime () |
virtual int | GetNumberOfConsumers () |
Get the number of consumers. | |
void | AddConsumer (vtkObject *c) |
Add or remove or get or check a consumer,. | |
void | RemoveConsumer (vtkObject *c) |
Add or remove or get or check a consumer,. | |
vtkObject * | GetConsumer (int i) |
Add or remove or get or check a consumer,. | |
int | IsConsumer (vtkObject *c) |
Add or remove or get or check a consumer,. | |
virtual void | SetShaderProperty (vtkShaderProperty *property) |
Set/Get the shader property. | |
virtual vtkShaderProperty * | GetShaderProperty () |
Set/Get the shader property. | |
virtual bool | IsRenderingTranslucentPolygonalGeometry () |
![]() | |
vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) | |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
Turn debugging output on. | |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
Turn debugging output off. | |
bool | GetDebug () |
Get the value of the debug flag. | |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
Set the value of the debug flag. | |
virtual void | Modified () |
Update the modification time for this object. | |
virtual vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () |
Return this object's modified time. | |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. | |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (const char *event) |
vtkTypeBool | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
vtkTypeBool | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
std::string | GetObjectDescription () const override |
The object description printed in messages and PrintSelf output. | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. | |
template<class U , class T > | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. | |
template<class U , class T > | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. | |
template<class U , class T > | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method. | |
vtkTypeBool | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. | |
vtkTypeBool | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. | |
virtual void | SetObjectName (const std::string &objectName) |
Set/get the name of this object for reporting purposes. | |
virtual std::string | GetObjectName () const |
Set/get the name of this object for reporting purposes. | |
![]() | |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
Return the class name as a string. | |
virtual std::string | GetObjectDescription () const |
The object description printed in messages and PrintSelf output. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *name) |
Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. | |
virtual vtkIdType | GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase (const char *name) |
Given the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class). | |
virtual void | Delete () |
Delete a VTK object. | |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
Delete a reference to this object. | |
void | InitializeObjectBase () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
Print an object to an ostream. | |
void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object). | |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
Decrease the reference count (release by another object). | |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
Return the current reference count of this object. | |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
Sets the reference count. | |
bool | GetIsInMemkind () const |
A local state flag that remembers whether this object lives in the normal or extended memory space. | |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. | |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. | |
virtual bool | UsesGarbageCollector () const |
Indicate whether the class uses vtkGarbageCollector or not. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation () | |
~vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation () override | |
![]() | |
vtkContourRepresentation () | |
~vtkContourRepresentation () override | |
void | AddNodeAtPositionInternal (double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9], int displayPos[2]) |
void | AddNodeAtPositionInternal (double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9], double displayPos[2]) |
void | SetNthNodeWorldPositionInternal (int n, double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9]) |
virtual void | UpdateLines (int index) |
void | UpdateLine (int idx1, int idx2) |
virtual int | FindClosestPointOnContour (int X, int Y, double worldPos[3], int *idx) |
virtual void | BuildLines ()=0 |
virtual int | UpdateContour () |
void | ComputeMidpoint (double p1[3], double p2[3], double mid[3]) |
virtual void | Initialize (vtkPolyData *, vtkIdList *) |
Build a contour representation from externally supplied PolyData. | |
virtual void | Initialize (vtkPolyData *) |
Overloaded initialize method, that is called when the vtkIdList is nullptr to maintain backwards compatibility. | |
virtual void | InitializeContour (vtkPolyData *, vtkIdList *) |
Internal implementation, delegated to another method, so that users who override the method Initialize that takes in one argument are supported. | |
void | ResetLocator () |
Deletes the previous locator if it exists and creates a new locator. | |
void | BuildLocator () |
void | GetRendererComputedDisplayPositionFromWorldPosition (double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9], int displayPos[2]) |
Given a world position and orientation, this computes the display position using the renderer of this class. | |
void | GetRendererComputedDisplayPositionFromWorldPosition (double worldPos[3], double worldOrient[9], double displayPos[2]) |
Given a world position and orientation, this computes the display position using the renderer of this class. | |
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vtkWidgetRepresentation () | |
~vtkWidgetRepresentation () override | |
vtkVector3d | GetWorldPoint (vtkAbstractPicker *picker, double screenPos[2]) |
Return the given screen point in world coordinates, based on picked position. | |
void | AdjustBounds (double bounds[6], double newBounds[6], double center[3]) |
vtkPickingManager * | GetPickingManager () |
Return the picking manager associated on the context on which the widget representation currently belong. | |
vtkAssemblyPath * | GetAssemblyPath (double X, double Y, double Z, vtkAbstractPropPicker *picker) |
Proceed to a pick, whether through the PickingManager if the picking is managed or directly using the registered picker, and return the assembly path. | |
vtkAssemblyPath * | GetAssemblyPath3DPoint (double pos[3], vtkAbstractPropPicker *picker) |
bool | NearbyEvent (int X, int Y, double bounds[6]) |
double | SizeHandlesRelativeToViewport (double factor, double pos[3]) |
double | SizeHandlesInPixels (double factor, double pos[3]) |
void | UpdatePropPose (vtkProp3D *prop, const double *pos1, const double *orient1, const double *pos2, const double *orient2) |
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virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
vtkProp () | |
~vtkProp () override | |
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vtkObject () | |
~vtkObject () override | |
void | RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override |
void | UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override |
void | InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr) |
These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events. | |
void | InternalReleaseFocus () |
These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events. | |
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vtkObjectBase () | |
virtual | ~vtkObjectBase () |
virtual void | RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) |
virtual void | UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) |
virtual void | ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *) |
virtual void | ObjectFinalize () |
vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &) | |
void | operator= (const vtkObjectBase &) |
typedef vtkContourRepresentation | Superclass |
Standard VTK methods. | |
static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
Standard VTK methods. | |
static vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
Standard VTK methods. | |
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
Standard VTK methods. | |
vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation * | NewInstance () const |
Standard VTK methods. | |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
Standard VTK methods. | |
virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
Standard VTK methods. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | { Outside = 0 , Nearby } |
enum | { Inactive = 0 , Translate , Shift , Scale } |
typedef vtkWidgetRepresentation | Superclass |
Standard VTK methods. | |
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enum | Axis { NONE = -1 , XAxis = 0 , YAxis = 1 , ZAxis = 2 , Custom = 3 } |
Axis labels. More... | |
typedef vtkProp | Superclass |
Standard methods for instances of this class. | |
![]() | |
typedef vtkObject | Superclass |
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static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
Standard VTK methods. | |
static vtkContourRepresentation * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
Standard VTK methods. | |
![]() | |
static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
Standard methods for instances of this class. | |
static vtkWidgetRepresentation * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
Standard methods for instances of this class. | |
![]() | |
static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkProp * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | GeneralTextureUnit () |
Optional Key Indicating the texture unit for general texture mapping Old OpenGL was a state machine where you would push or pop items. | |
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey * | GeneralTextureTransform () |
Optional Key Indicating the texture transform for general texture mapping Old OpenGL was a state machine where you would push or pop items. | |
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static vtkObject * | New () |
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. | |
static void | BreakOnError () |
This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes. | |
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (vtkTypeBool val) |
This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. | |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. | |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. | |
static vtkTypeBool | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. | |
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static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *name) |
Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. | |
static vtkIdType | GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType (const char *name) |
Given a the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class). | |
static vtkObjectBase * | New () |
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. | |
static void | SetMemkindDirectory (const char *directoryname) |
The name of a directory, ideally mounted -o dax, to memory map an extended memory space within. | |
static bool | GetUsingMemkind () |
A global state flag that controls whether vtkObjects are constructed in the usual way (the default) or within the extended memory space. | |
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static vtkMallocingFunction | GetCurrentMallocFunction () |
static vtkReallocingFunction | GetCurrentReallocFunction () |
static vtkFreeingFunction | GetCurrentFreeFunction () |
static vtkFreeingFunction | GetAlternateFreeFunction () |
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int | PixelTolerance |
double | WorldTolerance |
vtkPointPlacer * | PointPlacer |
vtkContourLineInterpolator * | LineInterpolator |
int | ActiveNode |
int | CurrentOperation |
vtkTypeBool | ClosedLoop |
vtkTypeBool | ShowSelectedNodes |
vtkContourRepresentationInternals * | Internal |
vtkTimeStamp | ContourBuildTime |
vtkIncrementalOctreePointLocator * | Locator |
Adding a point locator to the representation to speed up lookup of the active node when dealing with large datasets (100k+) | |
bool | RebuildLocator |
![]() | |
vtkWeakPointer< vtkRenderer > | Renderer |
int | InteractionState |
double | StartEventPosition [3] |
double | PlaceFactor |
int | Placed |
double | InitialBounds [6] |
double | InitialLength |
int | ValidPick |
bool | PickingManaged |
double | HandleSize |
vtkTypeBool | NeedToRender |
vtkTimeStamp | BuildTime |
vtkNew< vtkTransform > | TempTransform |
vtkNew< vtkMatrix4x4 > | TempMatrix |
![]() | |
vtkTypeBool | Visibility |
vtkTypeBool | Pickable |
vtkTypeBool | Dragable |
bool | UseBounds |
double | AllocatedRenderTime |
double | EstimatedRenderTime |
double | SavedEstimatedRenderTime |
double | RenderTimeMultiplier |
int | NumberOfConsumers |
vtkObject ** | Consumers |
vtkAssemblyPaths * | Paths |
vtkInformation * | PropertyKeys |
vtkShaderProperty * | ShaderProperty |
![]() | |
bool | Debug |
vtkTimeStamp | MTime |
vtkSubjectHelper * | SubjectHelper |
std::string | ObjectName |
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std::atomic< int32_t > | ReferenceCount |
vtkWeakPointerBase ** | WeakPointers |
represent a contour drawn on the focal plane.
The contour will stay on the focal plane irrespective of camera position/orientation changes. The class was written in order to be able to draw contours on a volume widget and have the contours overlaid on the focal plane in order to do contour segmentation. The superclass, vtkContourRepresentation handles contours that are drawn in actual world position coordinates, so they would rotate with the camera position/ orientation changes
Definition at line 30 of file vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation.h.
Standard VTK methods.
Definition at line 38 of file vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation.h.
protected |
overrideprotected |
static |
Standard VTK methods.
virtual |
Standard VTK methods.
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
Reimplemented in vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation.
static |
Standard VTK methods.
protectedvirtual |
Standard VTK methods.
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
Reimplemented in vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation.
vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation * vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation::NewInstance | ( | ) | const |
Standard VTK methods.
overridevirtual |
Standard VTK methods.
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
Reimplemented in vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation.
overridevirtual |
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed).
Returns 1 on success or 0 if n or idx are out of range.
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
virtual |
Get the world position of the intermediate point at index idx between nodes n and (n+1) (or n and 0 if n is the last node and the loop is closed).
Returns 1 on success or 0 if n or idx are out of range.
overridevirtual |
Get the nth node's display position.
Will return 1 on success, or 0 if there are not at least (n+1) nodes (0 based counting).
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
overridevirtual |
Get the nth node's world position.
Will return 1 on success, or 0 if there are not at least (n+1) nodes (0 based counting).
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
virtual |
The class maintains its true contour locations based on display co-ords This method syncs the world co-ords data structure with the display co-ords.
overridevirtual |
The method must be called whenever the contour needs to be updated, usually from RenderOpaqueGeometry()
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vtkContourRepresentation.