12#ifndef vtkFrustumSelector_h
13#define vtkFrustumSelector_h
15#include "vtkFiltersExtractionModule.h"
general representation of visualization data
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
vtkFrustumSelector is a vtkSelector that selects elements based on whether they are inside or interse...
vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override
Return the MTime taking into account changes to the Frustum.
int OverallBoundsTest(double bounds[6])
bool ComputeSelectedElements(vtkDataObject *input, vtkSignedCharArray *insidednessArray) override
This method computes whether or not each element in the dataset is inside the selection and populates...
static vtkFrustumSelector * New()
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
~vtkFrustumSelector() override
void Initialize(vtkSelectionNode *node) override
Sets the vtkSelectionNode used by this selection operator and initializes the data structures in the ...
void ComputeSelectedCells(vtkDataSet *input, vtkSignedCharArray *cellsInside)
Computes which cells in the dataset are inside or intersect the frustum and populates the cellsInside...
vtkPlanes * GetFrustum()
Set the selection frustum.
void CreateFrustum(double vertices[32])
Given eight vertices, creates a frustum.
void ComputeSelectedCells(vtkHyperTreeGrid *input, vtkSignedCharArray *cellsInside)
Computes which cells in the dataset are inside or intersect the frustum and populates the cellsInside...
void SetFrustum(vtkPlanes *)
Set the selection frustum.
vtkFrustumSelector(vtkPlanes *f=nullptr)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPlanes > Frustum
void ComputeSelectedPoints(vtkDataSet *input, vtkSignedCharArray *pointsInside)
Computes which points in the dataset are inside the frustum and populates the pointsInside array with...
A dataset containing a grid of vtkHyperTree instances arranged as a rectilinear grid.
a simple class to control print indentation
implicit function for convex set of planes
a node in a vtkSelection the defines the selection criteria.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of signed char
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
std::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_iterator, boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_iterator > vertices(vtkGraph *g)
vtkTypeUInt32 vtkMTimeType