142#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h"
206 void SetBounds(
double xmin,
double xmax,
double ymin,
double ymax,
double zmin,
double zmax);
242 void operator=(
const vtkPlanes&) =
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
abstract interface for implicit functions
virtual double EvaluateFunction(double x[3])=0
Evaluate function at position x-y-z and return value.
a simple class to control print indentation
perform various plane computations
implicit function for convex set of planes
void SetBounds(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax)
An alternative method to specify six planes defined by a bounding box.
static vtkPlanes * New()
Standard methods for instantiation, type information, and printing.
void GetPlane(int i, vtkPlane *plane)
If i is within the allowable range, mutates the given plane's Normal and Origin to match the vtkPlane...
void SetFrustumPlanes(double planes[24])
An alternative method to specify six planes defined by the camera view frustum.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard methods for instantiation, type information, and printing.
vtkPlane * GetPlane(int i)
Create and return a pointer to a vtkPlane object at the ith position.
virtual void SetPoints(vtkPoints *)
Specify a list of points defining points through which the planes pass.
void SetBounds(const double bounds[6])
An alternative method to specify six planes defined by a bounding box.
int GetNumberOfPlanes()
Return the number of planes in the set of planes.
double EvaluateFunction(double x[3]) override
Evaluate plane equations.
void EvaluateGradient(double x[3], double n[3]) override
Evaluate planes gradient.
void SetNormals(vtkDataArray *normals)
Specify a list of normal vectors for the planes.
represent and manipulate 3D points