31#ifndef vtkImageBSplineInterpolator_h
32#define vtkImageBSplineInterpolator_h
35#include "vtkImagingCoreModule.h"
interpolate data values from images
perform b-spline interpolation on images
float * KernelLookupTable
virtual void BuildKernelLookupTable()
Build the lookup tables used for the interpolation.
void GetRowInterpolationFunc(void(**floatfunc)(vtkInterpolationWeights *, int, int, int, float *, int)) override
Get the row interpolation functions.
void InternalUpdate() override
Update the interpolator.
void PrecomputeWeightsForExtent(const double matrix[16], const int extent[6], int newExtent[6], vtkInterpolationWeights *&weights) override
If the data is going to be sampled on a regular grid, then the interpolation weights can be precomput...
void GetRowInterpolationFunc(void(**doublefunc)(vtkInterpolationWeights *, int, int, int, double *, int)) override
Get the row interpolation functions.
virtual void FreeKernelLookupTable()
Free the kernel lookup tables.
void InternalDeepCopy(vtkAbstractImageInterpolator *obj) override
Copy the interpolator.
int GetSplineDegreeMinValue()
Set the degree of the spline polynomial.
~vtkImageBSplineInterpolator() override
void SetSplineDegree(int degree)
Set the degree of the spline polynomial.
int GetSplineDegreeMaxValue()
Set the degree of the spline polynomial.
void GetInterpolationFunc(void(**floatfunc)(vtkInterpolationInfo *, const float[3], float *)) override
Get the interpolation functions.
static vtkImageBSplineInterpolator * New()
void PrecomputeWeightsForExtent(const float matrix[16], const int extent[6], int newExtent[6], vtkInterpolationWeights *&weights) override
If the data is going to be sampled on a regular grid, then the interpolation weights can be precomput...
void GetInterpolationFunc(void(**doublefunc)(vtkInterpolationInfo *, const double[3], double *)) override
Get the interpolation functions.
void FreePrecomputedWeights(vtkInterpolationWeights *&weights) override
Free the precomputed weights.
bool IsSeparable() override
Returns true if the interpolator supports weight precomputation.
int GetSplineDegree()
Set the degree of the spline polynomial.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void ComputeSupportSize(const double matrix[16], int size[3]) override
Get the support size for use in computing update extents.
topologically and geometrically regular array of data
a simple class to control print indentation
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::degree_size_type degree(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkGraph *g)