134#ifndef vtkImageData_h
135#define vtkImageData_h
137#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h"
199 double pcoords[3],
double* weights)
201 double tol2,
int& subId,
double pcoords[3],
double* weights)
203 double pcoords[3],
double* weights)
212 this->GetDimensions(dimensions);
301 vtkGetMacro(DataDescription,
335 virtual
void GetDimensions(
int dims[3]);
337 virtual void GetDimensions(
vtkIdType dims[3]);
350 const double x[3],
int ijk[3],
double pcoords[3],
double tol2);
375 virtual int GetDataDimension();
398 int axis,
int min,
int max,
const int* updateExtent,
int* axisUpdateExtent);
415 virtual void SetExtent(
int x1,
int x2,
int y1,
int y2,
int z1,
int z2);
416 vtkGetVector6Macro(Extent,
454 virtual
void GetIncrements(
473 virtual
void GetContinuousIncrements(
475 virtual
void GetContinuousIncrements(
483 virtual
void* GetScalarPointerForExtent(
int extent[6]);
484 virtual
void* GetScalarPointer(
int coordinates[3]);
485 virtual
void* GetScalarPointer(
int x,
int y,
int z);
486 virtual
void* GetScalarPointer();
493 virtual
vtkIdType GetScalarIndexForExtent(
int extent[6]);
502 virtual
float GetScalarComponentAsFloat(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int component);
503 virtual
void SetScalarComponentFromFloat(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int component,
float v);
504 virtual
double GetScalarComponentAsDouble(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int component);
505 virtual
void SetScalarComponentFromDouble(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int component,
double v);
513 virtual
void AllocateScalars(
int dataType,
int numComponents);
531 virtual
void CopyAndCastFrom(
vtkImageData* inData,
int x0,
int x1,
int y0,
int y1,
int z0,
int z1)
540 this->CopyAndCastFrom(inData, e);
549 void Crop(
const int* updateExtent)
566 vtkGetVector3Macro(Spacing,
580 vtkGetVector3Macro(Origin,
594 double e12,
double e20,
double e21,
double e22);
627 double const origin[3],
double const spacing[3],
double const direction[9],
double xyz[3]);
677 double const origin[3],
double const spacing[3],
double const direction[9],
double result[16]);
684 double const origin[3],
double const spacing[3],
double const direction[9],
double result[16]);
809 void ComputeIncrements();
812 void ComputeIncrements(
int numberOfComponents);
839 bool DirectionMatrixIsIdentity;
abstract class to specify cell behavior
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
general representation of visualization data
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints()=0
Determine the number of points composing the dataset.
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfCells()=0
Determine the number of cells composing the dataset.
virtual int GetMaxSpatialDimension()
Get the maximum/minimum spatial dimensionality of the data which is the maximum/minimum dimension of ...
virtual double * GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId)=0
Get point coordinates with ptId such that: 0 <= ptId < NumberOfPoints.
virtual int GetMinSpatialDimension()
Get the maximum/minimum spatial dimensionality of the data which is the maximum/minimum dimension of ...
provides thread-safe access to cells
list of point or cell ids
topologically and geometrically regular array of data
void Crop(const int *updateExtent) override
Reallocates and copies to set the Extent to updateExtent.
virtual void TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(const double xyz[3], double ijk[3])
Convert coordinates from physical space (xyz) to index space (ijk).
virtual int GetDataDimension()
Return the dimensionality of the data.
vtkIdType FindCell(double x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkGenericCell *gencell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual vtkIdType * GetIncrements()
Different ways to get the increments for moving around the data.
void GetArrayIncrements(vtkDataArray *array, vtkIdType increments[3])
Since various arrays have different number of components, the will have different increments.
virtual void TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(const double ijk[3], double xyz[3])
Convert coordinates from index space (ijk) to physical space (xyz).
void CopyInformationToPipeline(vtkInformation *information) override
Copy information from this data object to the pipeline information.
vtkPoints * GetPoints() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
vtkIdType GetCellSize(vtkIdType cellId) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > StructuredPoints
virtual void UnBlankCell(int i, int j, int k)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType &npts, vtkIdType const *&pts, vtkIdList *ptIds) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
int GetMinSpatialDimension() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void UnBlankCell(vtkIdType ptId)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
bool HasAnyBlankCells() override
Returns 1 if there is any visibility constraint on the cells, 0 otherwise.
virtual vtkIdType ComputePointId(int ijk[3])
Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), return the point id.
void BuildImplicitStructures()
void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void SetDirectionMatrix(vtkMatrix3x3 *m)
Set/Get the direction transform of the dataset.
vtkStructuredCellArray * GetCells()
Return the image data connectivity array.
vtkMatrix4x4 * IndexToPhysicalMatrix
virtual int * GetDimensions()
Get dimensions of this structured points dataset.
void ComputeInternalExtent(int *intExt, int *tgtExt, int *bnds)
Given how many pixel are required on a side for boundary conditions (in bnds), the target extent to t...
virtual void SetDimensions(int i, int j, int k)
Same as SetExtent(0, i-1, 0, j-1, 0, k-1)
virtual double GetScalarTypeMin()
These returns the minimum and maximum values the ScalarType can hold without overflowing.
virtual void SetDirectionMatrix(const double elements[9])
Set/Get the direction transform of the dataset.
vtkCell * FindAndGetCell(double x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
static vtkImageData * GetData(vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0)
Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object.
virtual void TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(const int ijk[3], double xyz[3])
Convert coordinates from index space (ijk) to physical space (xyz).
static int GetScalarType(vtkInformation *meta_data)
void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds, int *seedLoc)
Get cell neighbors around cell located at seedloc, except cell of id cellId.
void ComputeBounds() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
double * GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
void * GetArrayPointerForExtent(vtkDataArray *array, int extent[6])
These are convenience methods for getting a pointer from any filed array.
vtkCell * GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
static vtkImageData * ExtendedNew()
virtual double GetScalarTypeMin(vtkInformation *meta_data)
These returns the minimum and maximum values the ScalarType can hold without overflowing.
void GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6]) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void TransformPhysicalNormalToContinuousIndex(const double xyz[3], double ijk[3])
Convert normal from physical space (xyz) to index space (ijk).
void GetPoint(vtkIdType id, double x[3]) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
void GetCellDims(int cellDims[3])
Given the node dimensions of this grid instance, this method computes the node dimensions.
virtual int GetScalarSize(vtkInformation *meta_data)
Get the size of the scalar type in bytes.
virtual void SetExtent(int extent[6])
Set/Get the extent.
static int GetNumberOfScalarComponents(vtkInformation *meta_data)
Set/Get the number of scalar components for points.
virtual void TransformPhysicalPlaneToContinuousIndex(double const pplane[4], double iplane[4])
Convert a plane from physical to a continuous index.
void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void GetVoxelGradient(int i, int j, int k, vtkDataArray *s, vtkDataArray *g)
Given structured coordinates (i,j,k) for a voxel cell, compute the eight gradient values for the voxe...
int GetMaxSpatialDimension() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual double GetScalarTypeMax(vtkInformation *meta_data)
These returns the minimum and maximum values the ScalarType can hold without overflowing.
static vtkImageData * New()
vtkIdType GetTupleIndex(vtkDataArray *array, int coordinates[3])
Given a data array and a coordinate, return the index of the tuple in the array corresponding to that...
void ComputeIncrements(int numberOfComponents, vtkIdType inc[3])
int GetNumberOfScalarComponents()
Set/Get the number of scalar components for points.
vtkConstantArray< int > * GetCellTypesArray()
Get the array of all cell types in the image data.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkStructuredCellArray > StructuredCells
vtkIdType FindCell(double x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
static void ComputePhysicalToIndexMatrix(double const origin[3], double const spacing[3], double const direction[9], double result[16])
Static method to compute the PhysicalToIndexMatrix.
void ComputeIncrements(vtkDataArray *scalars, vtkIdType inc[3])
virtual void GetAxisUpdateExtent(int axis, int &min, int &max, const int *updateExtent)
Set / Get the extent on just one axis.
void * GetArrayPointer(vtkDataArray *array, int coordinates[3])
These are convenience methods for getting a pointer from any filed array.
int GetExtentType() override
The extent type is a 3D extent.
virtual void BlankPoint(int i, int j, int k)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
virtual int ComputeStructuredCoordinates(const double x[3], int ijk[3], double pcoords[3])
Convenience function computes the structured coordinates for a point x[3].
virtual void SetSpacing(double i, double j, double k)
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set.
static void SetNumberOfScalarComponents(int n, vtkInformation *meta_data)
Set/Get the number of scalar components for points.
virtual void SetDirectionMatrix(double e00, double e01, double e02, double e10, double e11, double e12, double e20, double e21, double e22)
Set/Get the direction transform of the dataset.
int GetCellType(vtkIdType cellId) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
void ApplyIndexToPhysicalMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *source)
Set the transformation matrix from the index space to the physical space coordinate system of the dat...
virtual void SetSpacing(const double ijk[3])
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set.
static void SetScalarType(int, vtkInformation *meta_data)
vtkIdType GetNumberOfCells() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void SetOrigin(const double ijk[3])
Set/Get the origin of the dataset.
void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *src) override
Shallow and Deep copy.
virtual int GetScalarSize()
Get the size of the scalar type in bytes.
virtual void UnBlankPoint(vtkIdType ptId)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
virtual void TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(double x, double y, double z, double ijk[3])
Convert coordinates from physical space (xyz) to index space (ijk).
int GetDataObjectType() override
Return what type of dataset this is.
const char * GetScalarTypeAsString()
void CopyInformationFromPipeline(vtkInformation *information) override
Override these to handle origin, spacing, scalar type, and scalar number of components.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
static void TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(double i, double j, double k, double const origin[3], double const spacing[3], double const direction[9], double xyz[3])
Convert coordinates from index space (ijk) to physical space (xyz).
void ComputeIncrements(vtkIdType inc[3])
void ApplyPhysicalToIndexMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *source)
Get the transformation matrix from the physical space to the index space coordinate system of the dat...
vtkMatrix3x3 * DirectionMatrix
vtkIdType FindPoint(double x[3]) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
unsigned long GetActualMemorySize() override
Return the actual size of the data in kibibytes (1024 bytes).
void GetCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
void Initialize() override
Restore object to initial state.
virtual void BlankCell(vtkIdType ptId)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
static void ComputeIndexToPhysicalMatrix(double const origin[3], double const spacing[3], double const direction[9], double result[16])
Static method to compute the IndexToPhysicalMatrix.
virtual void UnBlankPoint(int i, int j, int k)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
virtual void TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(double i, double j, double k, double xyz[3])
Convert coordinates from index space (ijk) to physical space (xyz).
virtual void SetOrigin(double i, double j, double k)
Set/Get the origin of the dataset.
virtual double GetScalarTypeMax()
These returns the minimum and maximum values the ScalarType can hold without overflowing.
virtual void TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(int i, int j, int k, double xyz[3])
Convert coordinates from index space (ijk) to physical space (xyz).
int GetMaxCellSize() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
unsigned char IsPointVisible(vtkIdType ptId)
Return non-zero value if specified point is visible.
void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void BlankCell(int i, int j, int k)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkConstantArray< int > > StructuredCellTypes
void ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *src) override
Shallow and Deep copy.
vtkCell * GetCell(int i, int j, int k) override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
virtual void SetAxisUpdateExtent(int axis, int min, int max, const int *updateExtent, int *axisUpdateExtent)
Set / Get the extent on just one axis.
static bool HasNumberOfScalarComponents(vtkInformation *meta_data)
Set/Get the number of scalar components for points.
static bool HasScalarType(vtkInformation *meta_data)
virtual void GetPointGradient(int i, int j, int k, vtkDataArray *s, double g[3])
Given structured coordinates (i,j,k) for a point in a structured point dataset, compute the gradient ...
unsigned char IsCellVisible(vtkIdType cellId)
Return non-zero value if specified point is visible.
void PrepareForNewData() override
make the output data ready for new data to be inserted.
virtual void BlankPoint(vtkIdType ptId)
Methods for supporting blanking of cells.
virtual void SetExtent(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2)
Set/Get the extent.
void CopyStructure(vtkDataSet *ds) override
Copy the geometric and topological structure of an input image data object.
bool HasAnyBlankPoints() override
Returns 1 if there is any visibility constraint on the points, 0 otherwise.
virtual void SetDimensions(const int dims[3])
Same as SetExtent(0, dims[0]-1, 0, dims[1]-1, 0, dims[2]-1)
virtual int ComputeStructuredCoordinates(const double x[3], int ijk[3], double pcoords[3], double tol2)
Convenience function computes the structured coordinates for a point x[3].
vtkMatrix4x4 * PhysicalToIndexMatrix
virtual vtkIdType ComputeCellId(int ijk[3])
Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), return the cell id.
static vtkImageData * GetData(vtkInformation *info)
Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object.
A read only array class that wraps an implicit function from integers to any value type supported by ...
a simple class to control print indentation
cell represents a 1D line
represent and manipulate 3x3 transformation matrices
represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices
a cell that represents an orthogonal quadrilateral
represent and manipulate 3D points
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
implicit object to represent cell connectivity
static vtkIdType ComputePointIdForExtent(const int extent[6], const int ijk[3], int dataDescription=VTK_EMPTY)
Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), and the extent of the structured dataset,...
static vtkIdType GetNumberOfCells(const int ext[6], int dataDescription=VTK_EMPTY)
Given the grid extent, this method returns the total number of cells within the extent.
static int GetDataDimension(int dataDescription)
Return the topological dimension of the data (e.g., 0, 1, 2, or 3D).
static vtkIdType ComputeCellIdForExtent(const int extent[6], const int ijk[3], int dataDescription=VTK_EMPTY)
Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), and the extent of the structured dataset,...
static void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds, VTK_FUTURE_CONST int dim[3])
Get the cells using a point.
static vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints(const int ext[6], int dataDescription=VTK_EMPTY)
Given the grid extent, this method returns the total number of points within the extent.
a cell that represents a 3D point
a cell that represents a 3D orthogonal parallelepiped
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)