83#ifndef vtkMeshQuality_h
84#define vtkMeshQuality_h
87#include "vtkFiltersVerdictModule.h"
93class vtkMeshQualityFunctor;
98 friend class vtkMeshQualityFunctor;
125 vtkSetMacro(LinearApproximation,
126 vtkGetMacro(LinearApproximation,
127 vtkBooleanMacro(LinearApproximation,
190 static const char* QualityMeasureNames[];
208 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::AREA);
212 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EDGE_RATIO);
216 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::ASPECT_RATIO);
220 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RADIUS_RATIO);
224 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
228 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MIN_ANGLE);
232 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_ANGLE);
236 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::CONDITION);
240 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SCALED_JACOBIAN);
244 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED);
248 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHAPE);
252 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHAPE_AND_SIZE);
256 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DISTORTION);
260 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIANGLE_SKEW);
264 this->SetTriangleQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::NORMALIZED_INRADIUS);
289 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EDGE_RATIO);
293 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::ASPECT_RATIO);
297 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RADIUS_RATIO);
301 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MED_ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
305 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
309 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_EDGE_RATIO);
315 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::WARPAGE);
320 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::STRETCH);
324 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MIN_ANGLE);
328 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_ANGLE);
333 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::CONDITION);
337 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::JACOBIAN);
341 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SCALED_JACOBIAN);
347 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED);
351 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHAPE_AND_SIZE);
355 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHEAR_AND_SIZE);
359 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DISTORTION);
363 this->SetQuadQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIANGLE_SKEW);
383 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EDGE_RATIO);
387 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::ASPECT_RATIO);
391 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RADIUS_RATIO);
395 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
399 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MIN_ANGLE);
403 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::COLLAPSE_RATIO);
407 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::ASPECT_GAMMA);
412 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::CONDITION);
416 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::JACOBIAN);
420 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SCALED_JACOBIAN);
425 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED);
429 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHAPE_AND_SIZE);
433 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DISTORTION);
437 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIANGLE_SKEW);
441 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIVOLUME_SKEW);
445 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MEAN_RATIO);
449 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::NORMALIZED_INRADIUS);
453 this->SetTetQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SQUISH_INDEX);
471 this->SetPyramidQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIANGLE_SKEW);
475 this->SetPyramidQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::JACOBIAN);
479 this->SetPyramidQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SCALED_JACOBIAN);
483 this->SetPyramidQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHAPE);
487 this->SetPyramidQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::VOLUME);
506 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::CONDITION);
510 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DISTORTION);
514 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EDGE_RATIO);
518 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIANGLE_SKEW);
522 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::JACOBIAN);
526 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
530 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_STRETCH);
534 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MEAN_ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
538 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SCALED_JACOBIAN);
543 this->SetWedgeQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::VOLUME);
564 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EDGE_RATIO);
568 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MED_ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
572 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_ASPECT_FROBENIUS);
576 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::MAX_EDGE_RATIO);
584 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DIAGONAL);
588 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DIMENSION);
593 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::CONDITION);
597 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::JACOBIAN);
601 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SCALED_JACOBIAN);
607 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED);
611 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHAPE_AND_SIZE);
615 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::SHEAR_AND_SIZE);
619 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::DISTORTION);
623 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::EQUIANGLE_SKEW);
627 this->SetHexQualityMeasure(QualityMeasureTypes::NODAL_JACOBIAN_RATIO);
abstract class to specify cell behavior
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Superclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of double
a simple class to control print indentation
Calculate functions of quality of the elements of a mesh.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
virtual void SetWedgeQualityMeasure(int measure)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double QuadWarpage(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the warpage of a quadrilateral.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToScaledJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToEquivolumeSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double QuadTaper(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the taper of a quadrilateral.
virtual void SetTetQualityMeasure(int measure)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToMeanAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToArea()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
vtkGetEnumMacro(HexQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToScaledJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double TetNormalizedInradius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the normalized in-radius of a tetrahedron.
static double HexOddy(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the oddy of a hexahedron.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToCondition()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
virtual void SetTriangleQualityMeasure(int measure)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double WedgeScaledJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the scaled Jacobian a wedge.
static double TetAspectGamma(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the aspect gamma of a tetrahedron.
void SetPyramidQualityMeasureToVolume()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
static double WedgeMaxStretch(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the max stretch of a wedge.
void SetPyramidQualityMeasureToShape()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToMinAngle()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToDistortion()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double HexShear(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shear of a hexahedron.
static double HexScaledJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the scaled Jacobian of a hexahedron.
virtual void SetPyramidQualityMeasure(int measure)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToRadiusRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called within ProcessRequest when a request asks the algorithm to do its work.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToRelativeSizeSquared()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToDiagonal()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToMedAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToDistortion()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
virtual void SetRatio(vtkTypeBool r)
These methods are deprecated.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double QuadAverageSize
static double QuadJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Jacobian of a quadrilateral.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToScaledJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double PyramidJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Jacobian of a pyramid.
QualityMeasureTypes TriangleQualityMeasure
Enum which lists the Quality Measures Types.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToMaxAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double TriangleNormalizedInradius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the normalized in-radius of a triangle.
static double WedgeShape(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape of a wedge.
static double WedgeEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the edge ratio of a wedge.
static double TriangleEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the edge ratio of a triangle.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToMaxAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double WedgeMeanAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the mean aspect Frobenius of a wedge.
static double PyramidVolume(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the volume of a pyramid.
static double QuadOddy(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the oddy of a quadrilateral.
static double QuadAspectRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the aspect ratio of a planar quadrilateral.
static double TriangleAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Frobenius condition number of the transformation matrix from an equilateral triangle to...
vtkSetEnumMacro(TriangleQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double TetMeanRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the mean ratio of a tetrahedron.
static double QuadEquiangleSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equiangle skew of a quadrilateral.
static double QuadScaledJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the scaled Jacobian of a quadrilateral.
vtkSetEnumMacro(WedgeQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double HexMaxEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the maximum edge ratio of a hexahedron at its center.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double HexShapeAndSize(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape and size of a hexahedron.
static double QuadShear(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shear of a quadrilateral.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToShape()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
vtkGetEnumMacro(WedgeQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToAspectRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double TriangleShapeAndSize(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the product of shape and relative size of a triangle.
static double HexTaper(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the taper of a hexahedron.
static vtkMeshQuality * New()
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToEquiangleSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
CellQualityType GetTriangleQualityMeasureFunction()
virtual void SetQuadQualityMeasure(int measure)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToSquishIndex()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double TetJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Jacobian of a tetrahedron.
static double HexDistortion(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the distortion of a hexahedron.
static double TetCollapseRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the collapse ratio of a tetrahedron.
static double TriangleDistortion(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the distortion of a triangle.
static double HexVolume(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the volume of a hexahedron.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToMaxEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToShear()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
vtkGetEnumMacro(QuadQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double QuadArea(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the area of a quadrilateral.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToAspectRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToStretch()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToEquiangleSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double TetEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the edge ratio of a tetrahedron.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToCondition()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToNormalizedInradius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double HexRelativeSizeSquared(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the relative size squared of a hexahedron.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToShape()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
vtkSetEnumMacro(PyramidQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToShear()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double PyramidShape(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape of a pyramid.
QualityMeasureTypes QuadQualityMeasure
CellQualityType GetTetQualityMeasureFunction()
static double HexShape(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape of a hexahedron.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToCondition()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double TetAverageSize
static double TriangleScaledJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the scaled Jacobian of a triangle.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToDimension()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double TetRelativeSizeSquared(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the relative size squared of a tetrahedron.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToNormalizedInradius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double TriangleEquiangleSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equiangle skew of a triangle.
QualityMeasureTypes TetQualityMeasure
static double TriangleShape(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape of a triangle.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToVolume()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double QuadMedAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the average Frobenius aspect of the 4 corner triangles of a planar quadrilateral,...
static double TriangleCondition(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the condition number of a triangle.
static double WedgeDistortion(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the distortion of a wedge.
static double HexEquiangleSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equiangle skew of a hexahedron.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToTaper()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToVolume()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
CellQualityType GetWedgeQualityMeasureFunction()
static double TetMinAngle(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the minimal (nonoriented) dihedral angle of a tetrahedron, expressed in degrees.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToAspectRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToRelativeSizeSquared()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double WedgeEquiangleSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equiangle skew of a wedge.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToRelativeSizeSquared()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double QuadCondition(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the condition number of a quadrilateral.
void SetPyramidQualityMeasureToEquiangleSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToRadiusRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToShapeAndSize()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToShearAndSize()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double HexAverageSize
vtkGetEnumMacro(TetQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToMaxEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double TriangleAspectRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the aspect ratio of a triangle.
static double TetSquishIndex(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the squish index of a tetrahedron.
static double HexJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Jacobian of a hexahedron.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToMedAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
vtkGetEnumMacro(PyramidQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
static double PyramidEquiangleSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equiangle skew of a pyramid.
static double TetDistortion(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the distortion of a tetrahedron.
static double QuadShapeAndSize(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape and size of a quadrilateral.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double TriangleMaxAngle(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the maximal (nonoriented) angle of a triangle, expressed in degrees.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToCondition()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double TetCondition(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the condition number of a tetrahedron.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToShape()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToMeanRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double TriangleRadiusRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the radius ratio of a triangle.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToMaxStretch()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double TetScaledJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the scaled Jacobian of a tetrahedron.
static double QuadEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the edge ratio of a quadrilateral.
~vtkMeshQuality() override=default
void SetTetQualityMeasureToAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double QuadShearAndSize(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shear and size of a quadrilateral.
static double HexDimension(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the dimension of a hexahedron.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToTaper()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToShapeAndSize()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToShape()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double HexStretch(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the stretch of a hexahedron.
QualityMeasureTypes HexQualityMeasure
static double QuadMaxAngle(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the maximum (nonoriented) angle of a quadrilateral, expressed in degrees.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToNodalJacobianRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double QuadStretch(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the stretch of a quadrilateral.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToDistortion()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToEquiangleSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToEquiangleSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
double(*)(vtkCell *) CellQualityType
static double HexEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the edge ratio of a hexahedron.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToRelativeSizeSquared()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
CellQualityType GetQuadQualityMeasureFunction()
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToShearAndSize()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double QuadMaxAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the maximal Frobenius aspect of the 4 corner triangles of a planar quadrilateral,...
vtkTypeBool SaveCellQuality
void SetHexQualityMeasureToShapeAndSize()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double TetAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Frobenius condition number of the transformation matrix from a regular tetrahedron to a...
static double HexMaxAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the maximal Frobenius aspect of the 8 corner tetrahedra of a hexahedron,...
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToArea()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToWarpage()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double TriangleAverageSize
static double HexShearAndSize(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shear and size of a hexahedron.
static double HexSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the skew of a hexahedron.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToCollapseRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double TetEquiangleSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equiangle skew of a tetrahedron.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToMaxAngle()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToMaxAngle()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double QuadShape(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shear of a quadrilateral.
vtkSetEnumMacro(TetQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToRadiusRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToOddy()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double HexMedAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the average Frobenius aspect of the 8 corner tetrahedra of a hexahedron,...
void SetTetQualityMeasureToShapeAndSize()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToVolume()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double TriangleRelativeSizeSquared(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the square of the relative size of a triangle.
static double QuadRadiusRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the radius ratio of a planar quadrilateral.
static double QuadRelativeSizeSquared(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the relative size squared of a quadrilateral.
static double TetEquivolumeSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the equivolume skew of a tetrahedron.
static double TetVolume(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the volume of a tetrahedron.
static double QuadSkew(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the skew of a quadrilateral.
static double PyramidScaledJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Jacobian of a pyramid.
static double PyramidAverageSize
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToMaxAspectFrobenius()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
static double QuadDistortion(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the distortion of a quadrilateral.
void SetPyramidQualityMeasureToScaledJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToCondition()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToOddy()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double WedgeJacobian(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the Jacobian of a wedge.
QualityMeasureTypes PyramidQualityMeasure
static double QuadMaxEdgeRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the maximum edge length ratio of a quadrilateral at quad center.
void SetHexQualityMeasureToEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
CellQualityType GetPyramidQualityMeasureFunction()
static double WedgeCondition(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the condition number of a wedge.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToScaledJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToMinAngle()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double WedgeVolume(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the volume of a wedge.
vtkSetEnumMacro(QuadQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double TriangleMinAngle(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the minimal (nonoriented) angle of a triangle, expressed in degrees.
vtkSetEnumMacro(HexQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
static double HexDiagonal(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the diagonal of a hexahedron.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToShape()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToEdgeRatio()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
static double TriangleArea(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the area of a triangle.
CellQualityType GetHexQualityMeasureFunction()
static double TetShapeAndSize(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape and size of a tetrahedron.
vtkGetEnumMacro(TriangleQualityMeasure, QualityMeasureTypes)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetTetQualityMeasureToAspectGamma()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of tetrahedra.
static double QuadMinAngle(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the minimal (nonoriented) angle of a quadrilateral, expressed in degrees.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToScaledJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
virtual void SetHexQualityMeasure(int measure)
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of hexahedra.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToDistortion()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetTriangleQualityMeasureToMinAngle()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to function the quality of triangles.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToStretch()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double TetRadiusRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the radius ratio of a tetrahedron.
static double HexNodalJacobianRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the nodal Jacobian ratio of a hexahedron.
static double WedgeAverageSize
static double TetAspectRatio(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the aspect ratio of a tetrahedron.
void SetWedgeQualityMeasureToEquiangleSkew()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of wedges.
QualityMeasureTypes WedgeQualityMeasure
static double WedgeMaxAspectFrobenius(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the max aspect Frobenius of a wedge.
static double TetShape(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the shape of a tetrahedron.
void SetPyramidQualityMeasureToJacobian()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of pyramids.
void SetQuadQualityMeasureToDistortion()
Set/Get the particular estimator used to measure the quality of quadrilaterals.
static double HexCondition(vtkCell *cell)
Calculate the condition of a hexahedron.