11#ifndef vtkOpenXRManagerD3DGraphics_h
12#define vtkOpenXRManagerD3DGraphics_h
15#include "vtkRenderingOpenXRRemotingModule.h"
22struct XrGraphicsBindingD3D11KHR;
23struct XrSwapchainImageD3D11KHR;
94 std::vector<XrSwapchainImageD3D11KHR>
OpenXR manager D3D graphics implementation.
const void * GetGraphicsBinding() override
Return pointer to the XrGraphicsBindingD3D11 structure required to create the OpenXR session.
void GetColorSwapchainImage(uint32_t scIndex, uint32_t imgIndex, void *texture) override
Fill texture with the D3D Texture2D for the specified eye scIndex.
const std::vector< int64_t > & GetSupportedDepthFormats() override
Return the list of DXGI_FORMAT supported by vtkWin32OpenGLDXRenderWindow.
std::shared_ptr< XrGraphicsBindingD3D11KHR > GraphicsBinding
void EnumerateColorSwapchainImages(XrSwapchain swapchain, uint32_t scIndex) override
Acquire D3D swapchain images for the specified eye index.
bool CreateGraphicsBinding(vtkOpenGLRenderWindow *helperWindow) override
Fill the pointer to the XrGraphicsBindingD3D11 structure.
void EnumerateSwapchainImages(XrSwapchain swapchain, SwapchainImagesD3D &swapchainImages)
Acquire D3D swapchain images an store them in swapchainImages.
const std::vector< int64_t > & GetSupportedColorFormats() override
Return the list of DXGI_FORMAT supported by vtkWin32OpenGLDXRenderWindow.
static vtkOpenXRManagerD3DGraphics * New()
bool CheckGraphicsRequirements(XrInstance instance, XrSystemId id) override
Verify that the D3D feature levels supported by the runtime match the ones supported by vtkWin32OpenG...
void GetDepthSwapchainImage(uint32_t scIndex, uint32_t imgIndex, void *texture) override
Fill texture with the D3D Texture2D for the specified eye scIndex.
~vtkOpenXRManagerD3DGraphics() override
void EnumerateDepthSwapchainImages(XrSwapchain swapchain, uint32_t scIndex) override
Acquire D3D swapchain images for the specified eye index.
const char * GetBackendExtensionName() override
Return the extension name corresponding to the D3D11 rendering backend.
void SetNumberOfSwapchains(uint32_t viewCount) override
Resize the internal vectors storing the color and depth swapchains.
OpenXR manager graphics implementation.
D3D structure to store swapchain images.
std::vector< XrSwapchainImageD3D11KHR > Images
Defines the OpenXR types and extensions common to all platforms.