52#ifndef vtkPointOccupancyFilter_h
53#define vtkPointOccupancyFilter_h
55#include "vtkFiltersPointsModule.h"
79 vtkGetVectorMacro(SampleDimensions,
int, 3);
89 vtkSetVector6Macro(ModelBounds,
90 vtkGetVectorMacro(ModelBounds,
double, 6);
99 vtkSetMacro(EmptyValue,
unsigned char);
100 vtkGetMacro(EmptyValue,
unsigned char);
101 vtkSetMacro(OccupiedValue,
unsigned char);
102 vtkGetMacro(OccupiedValue,
unsigned char);
109 int SampleDimensions[3];
110 double ModelBounds[6];
111 double Origin[3], Spacing[3];
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
Generic algorithm superclass for image algs.
topologically and geometrically regular array of data
a simple class to control print indentation
produce occupancy bit mask from input point cloud
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard methods for instantiating, obtaining type information, and printing information.
int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
Subclasses can reimplement this method to collect information from their inputs and set information f...
~vtkPointOccupancyFilter() override
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called in response to a REQUEST_DATA request from the executive.
void SetSampleDimensions(int dim[3])
Set / get the dimensions of the occupancy volume.
unsigned char OccupiedValue
void SetSampleDimensions(int i, int j, int k)
Set / get the dimensions of the occupancy volume.
int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override
These method should be reimplemented by subclasses that have more than a single input or single outpu...
void ComputeModelBounds(vtkDataSet *input, vtkImageData *output, vtkInformation *outInfo)
static vtkPointOccupancyFilter * New()
Standard methods for instantiating, obtaining type information, and printing information.