4#ifndef vtkWebGPUActorInternals_h
5#define vtkWebGPUActorInternals_h
11#include "vtkRenderingWebGPUModule.h"
28 vtkTypeFloat32 World[4][4] = {};
29 vtkTypeFloat32 Normal[3][4] = {};
35 vtkTypeFloat32 PointSize = 0;
37 vtkTypeFloat32 LineWidth = 0;
40 vtkTypeFloat32 EdgeWidth = 0;
42 vtkTypeUInt32 Flags = 0;
48 vtkTypeFloat32 AmbientColor[3] = {};
49 vtkTypeUInt32 Pad1 = 0;
51 vtkTypeFloat32 DiffuseColor[3] = {};
52 vtkTypeUInt32 Pad2 = 0;
54 vtkTypeFloat32 SpecularColor[3] = {};
55 vtkTypeUInt32 Pad3 = 0;
57 vtkTypeFloat32 EdgeColor[3] = {};
58 vtkTypeUInt32 Pad4 = 0;
60 vtkTypeFloat32 VertexColor[3] = {};
62 vtkTypeFloat32 AmbientIntensity = 0;
64 vtkTypeFloat32 DiffuseIntensity = 1;
66 vtkTypeFloat32 SpecularIntensity = 0;
68 vtkTypeFloat32 SpecularPower = 0;
70 vtkTypeFloat32 Opacity = 0;
89 this->Value = newValue;
121 vtkTypeUInt32 Id = 0;
125 layouts.emplace_back(this->ActorBindGroupLayout);
abstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives
vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override
Overload standard modified time function.
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
record modification and/or execution time
void Modified()
Set this objects time to the current time.
bool GetValue() const
Returns the cached Value.
void SetValue(bool newValue)
Update the cached value with the new value.
bool IsOutdated(vtkMapper *mapper) const
Returns true if the timestamp of the cached value is older than the mapper's MTime.
vtkTimeStamp ModelTransformsBuildTimestamp
ActorBlock CachedActorInfo
vtkNew< vtkMatrix3x3 > NormalMatrix
MapperBooleanCache MapperHasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry
wgpu::BindGroupLayout ActorBindGroupLayout
vtkNew< vtkTransform > NormalTransform
vtkNew< vtkMatrix4x4 > MCWCMatrix
void PopulateBindgroupLayouts(std::vector< wgpu::BindGroupLayout > &layouts)
vtkTimeStamp RenderOptionsBuildTimestamp
vtkTimeStamp ShadingOptionsBuildTimestamp
wgpu::BindGroup ActorBindGroup
MapperBooleanCache MapperHasOpaqueGeometry