22 wgpu::Texture texture, uint32_t bytesPerRow, uint32_t byteSize,
const void* data,
static wgpu::TextureDataLayout GetDataLayout(wgpu::Texture texture, uint32_t bytesPerRow)
Get the texture data layout from the given texture and bytes per row for use in uploading data to the...
static wgpu::ImageCopyTexture GetImageCopyTexture(wgpu::Texture texture)
Get the image copy texture from the given texture for use in uploading data to the texture.
static void Upload(vtkSmartPointer< vtkWebGPUConfiguration > wgpuConfiguration, wgpu::Texture texture, uint32_t bytesPerRow, uint32_t byteSize, const void *data, const char *description=nullptr)
Upload byteSize of data from the data pointer to the given texture using the given device and assumin...
static void UploadFromDataArray(vtkSmartPointer< vtkWebGPUConfiguration > wgpuConfiguration, wgpu::Texture texture, uint32_t bytesPerRow, vtkDataArray *dataArray, const char *description=nullptr)
Uploads a maximum of bytesToUpload from a vtkDataArray to a texure assuming bytesPerRow bytes of data...