#include <vtkImageData.h>
Inheritance diagram for vtkImageData:
Public Methods | |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
vtkDataObject * | MakeObject () |
void | CopyStructure (vtkDataSet *ds) |
int | GetDataObjectType () |
void | UpdateData () |
void | SetDimensions (int i, int j, int k) |
void | SetDimensions (int dims[3]) |
int | ComputeStructuredCoordinates (float x[3], int ijk[3], float pcoords[3]) |
void | GetVoxelGradient (int i, int j, int k, vtkDataArray *s, vtkDataArray *g) |
void | GetPointGradient (int i, int j, int k, vtkDataArray *s, float g[3]) |
int | GetDataDimension () |
virtual unsigned long | GetEstimatedMemorySize () |
int | GetScalarSize () |
float | GetScalarComponentAsFloat (int x, int y, int z, int component) |
void | AllocateScalars () |
virtual void | Crop () |
unsigned long | GetActualMemorySize () |
void | CopyTypeSpecificInformation (vtkDataObject *image) |
virtual void | PrepareForNewData () |
vtkIdType | GetNumberOfCells () |
vtkIdType | GetNumberOfPoints () |
float * | GetPoint (vtkIdType ptId) |
void | GetPoint (vtkIdType id, float x[3]) |
vtkCell * | GetCell (vtkIdType cellId) |
void | GetCell (vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) |
void | GetCellBounds (vtkIdType cellId, float bounds[6]) |
vtkIdType | FindPoint (float x, float y, float z) |
vtkIdType | FindPoint (float x[3]) |
vtkIdType | FindCell (float x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkIdType cellId, float tol2, int &subId, float pcoords[3], float *weights) |
vtkIdType | FindCell (float x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkGenericCell *gencell, vtkIdType cellId, float tol2, int &subId, float pcoords[3], float *weights) |
vtkCell * | FindAndGetCell (float x[3], vtkCell *cell, vtkIdType cellId, float tol2, int &subId, float pcoords[3], float *weights) |
int | GetCellType (vtkIdType cellId) |
void | GetCellPoints (vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds) |
void | GetPointCells (vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds) |
void | ComputeBounds () |
int | GetMaxCellSize () |
int * | GetDimensions () |
void | GetDimensions (int dims[3]) |
vtkIdType | ComputePointId (int ijk[3]) |
vtkIdType | ComputeCellId (int ijk[3]) |
void | SetAxisUpdateExtent (int axis, int min, int max) |
void | GetAxisUpdateExtent (int axis, int &min, int &max) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int ext[6]) |
void | SetExtent (int extent[6]) |
void | SetExtent (int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2) |
virtual int * | GetExtent () |
virtual void | GetExtent (int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) |
virtual void | GetExtent (int[6]) |
double | GetScalarTypeMin () |
double | GetScalarTypeMax () |
int * | GetIncrements () |
void | GetIncrements (int &incX, int &incY, int &incZ) |
void | GetIncrements (int inc[3]) |
void | GetContinuousIncrements (int extent[6], int &incX, int &incY, int &incZ) |
void * | GetScalarPointerForExtent (int coordinates[6]) |
void * | GetScalarPointer (int coordinates[3]) |
void * | GetScalarPointer (int x, int y, int z) |
void * | GetScalarPointer () |
void | CopyAndCastFrom (vtkImageData *inData, int extent[6]) |
void | CopyAndCastFrom (vtkImageData *inData, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) |
virtual void | SetSpacing (float, float, float) |
virtual void | SetSpacing (float[3]) |
virtual float * | GetSpacing () |
virtual void | GetSpacing (float &, float &, float &) |
virtual void | GetSpacing (float[3]) |
virtual void | SetOrigin (float, float, float) |
virtual void | SetOrigin (float[3]) |
virtual float * | GetOrigin () |
virtual void | GetOrigin (float &, float &, float &) |
virtual void | GetOrigin (float[3]) |
void | SetScalarTypeToFloat () |
void | SetScalarTypeToDouble () |
void | SetScalarTypeToInt () |
void | SetScalarTypeToUnsignedInt () |
void | SetScalarTypeToLong () |
void | SetScalarTypeToUnsignedLong () |
void | SetScalarTypeToShort () |
void | SetScalarTypeToUnsignedShort () |
void | SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar () |
void | SetScalarTypeToChar () |
virtual void | SetScalarType (int) |
int | GetScalarType () |
void | SetNumberOfScalarComponents (int n) |
virtual int | GetNumberOfScalarComponents () |
void | ShallowCopy (vtkDataObject *src) |
void | DeepCopy (vtkDataObject *src) |
Static Public Methods | |
vtkImageData * | New () |
int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
vtkImageData * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
Protected Methods | |
vtkImageData () | |
~vtkImageData () | |
int | GetExtentType () |
void | ComputeIncrements () |
Protected Attributes | |
vtkVertex * | Vertex |
vtkLine * | Line |
vtkPixel * | Pixel |
vtkVoxel * | Voxel |
int | Dimensions [3] |
int | DataDescription |
int | Increments [3] |
float | Origin [3] |
float | Spacing [3] |
int | ScalarType |
int | NumberOfScalarComponents |
vtkImageData is a data object that is a concrete implementation of vtkDataSet. vtkImageData represents a geometric structure that is a topological and geometrical regular array of points. Examples include volumes (voxel data) and pixmaps.
Definition at line 69 of file vtkImageData.h.
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints, and vtkImageCanvasSource2D. Referenced by MakeObject().
Return the class name as a string. This method is defined in all subclasses of vtkObject with the vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints, and vtkImageCanvasSource2D. |
Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints, and vtkImageCanvasSource2D. |
Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints, and vtkImageCanvasSource2D. |
Will cast the supplied object to vtkObject* is this is a safe operation (i.e., a safe downcast); otherwise NULL is returned. This method is defined in all subclasses of vtkObject with the vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints, and vtkImageCanvasSource2D. |
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Reimplemented in vtkImageCanvasSource2D. |
Create the same type object as this (virtual constructor). Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints. Definition at line 78 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Copy the geometric and topological structure of an input image data object. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Return what type of dataset this is. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Reimplemented in vtkStructuredPoints. Definition at line 85 of file vtkImageData.h. |
This update method will supply the ghost level arrays if they are requested. Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Definition at line 376 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Referenced by GetPoint().
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Definition at line 368 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Definition at line 100 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Definition at line 111 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Definition at line 114 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Standard vtkDataSet API methods. See vtkDataSet for more information. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. Definition at line 117 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set dimensions of structured points dataset. |
Set dimensions of structured points dataset. |
Get dimensions of this structured points dataset. Dimensions are computed from Extents during this call. Referenced by GetNumberOfPoints().
Get dimensions of this structured points dataset. Dimensions are computed from Extents during this call. |
Convenience function computes the structured coordinates for a point x[3]. The voxel is specified by the array ijk[3], and the parametric coordinates in the cell are specified with pcoords[3]. The function returns a 0 if the point x is outside of the volume, and a 1 if inside the volume. |
Given structured coordinates (i,j,k) for a voxel cell, compute the eight gradient values for the voxel corners. The order in which the gradient vectors are arranged corresponds to the ordering of the voxel points. Gradient vector is computed by central differences (except on edges of volume where forward difference is used). The scalars s are the scalars from which the gradient is to be computed. This method will treat only 3D structured point datasets (i.e., volumes). |
Given structured coordinates (i,j,k) for a point in a structured point dataset, compute the gradient vector from the scalar data at that point. The scalars s are the scalars from which the gradient is to be computed. This method will treat structured point datasets of any dimension. |
Return the dimensionality of the data. Definition at line 382 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), return the point id. Definition at line 163 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), return the cell id. Definition at line 170 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set / Get the extent on just one axis |
Set / Get the extent on just one axis |
Required for the lowest common denominator for setting the UpdateExtent (i.e. vtkDataSetToStructuredPointsFilter). This assumes that WholeExtent is valid (UpdateInformation has been called). |
Required for the lowest common denominator for setting the UpdateExtent (i.e. vtkDataSetToStructuredPointsFilter). This assumes that WholeExtent is valid (UpdateInformation has been called). Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. Definition at line 185 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Call superclass method to avoid hiding Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. Definition at line 191 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Call superclass method to avoid hiding Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. Definition at line 193 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Different ways to set the extent of the data array. The extent should be set before the "Scalars" are set or allocated. The Extent is stored in the order (X, Y, Z). |
Different ways to set the extent of the data array. The extent should be set before the "Scalars" are set or allocated. The Extent is stored in the order (X, Y, Z). Reimplemented in vtkImageCanvasSource2D. |
Different ways to set the extent of the data array. The extent should be set before the "Scalars" are set or allocated. The Extent is stored in the order (X, Y, Z). |
Different ways to set the extent of the data array. The extent should be set before the "Scalars" are set or allocated. The Extent is stored in the order (X, Y, Z). |
Different ways to set the extent of the data array. The extent should be set before the "Scalars" are set or allocated. The Extent is stored in the order (X, Y, Z). |
Get the estimated size of this data object itself. Should be called after UpdateInformation() and PropagateUpdateExtent() have both been called. This estimate should be fairly accurate since this is structured data. Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. |
These returns the minimum and maximum values the ScalarType can hold without overflowing. |
These returns the minimum and maximum values the ScalarType can hold without overflowing. |
Set the size of the scalar type in bytes. |
Different ways to get the increments for moving around the data. GetIncrements() calls ComputeIncrements() to ensure the increments are up to date. |
Different ways to get the increments for moving around the data. GetIncrements() calls ComputeIncrements() to ensure the increments are up to date. |
Different ways to get the increments for moving around the data. GetIncrements() calls ComputeIncrements() to ensure the increments are up to date. |
Different ways to get the increments for moving around the data. They are store (Component, X, Y, Z). This method returns increments that are suited for continuous incrementing of the pointer in a Z, Y, X, C nested for loop. |
Access the native pointer for the scalar data |
Access the native pointer for the scalar data |
Access the native pointer for the scalar data |
Access the native pointer for the scalar data |
For access to data from tcl |
Allocate the vtkScalars object associated with this object. |
This method is passed a input and output region, and executes the filter algorithm to fill the output from the input. It just executes a switch statement to call the correct function for the regions data types. |
This method is passed a input and output region, and executes the filter algorithm to fill the output from the input. It just executes a switch statement to call the correct function for the regions data types. Definition at line 260 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Reallocates and copies to set the Extent to the UpdateExtent. This is used internally when the exact extent is requested, and the source generated more than the update extent. Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. |
Return the actual size of the data in kilobytes. This number is valid only after the pipeline has updated. The memory size returned is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to the memory required to represent the data (e.g., extra space in arrays, etc. are not included in the return value). THIS METHOD IS THREAD SAFE. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set. |
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set. |
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set. |
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set. |
Set the spacing (width,height,length) of the cubical cells that compose the data set. |
Set the origin of the data. The origin plus spacing determine the position in space of the points. |
Set the origin of the data. The origin plus spacing determine the position in space of the points. |
Set the origin of the data. The origin plus spacing determine the position in space of the points. |
Set the origin of the data. The origin plus spacing determine the position in space of the points. |
Set the origin of the data. The origin plus spacing determine the position in space of the points. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 294 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 295 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 296 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 297 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 299 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 300 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 302 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 303 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 305 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). Definition at line 307 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). |
Set/Get the data scalar type (i.e VTK_FLOAT). |
Set/Get the number of scalar components for points. |
Set/Get the number of scalar components for points. |
By default, there is no type specific information Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. |
make the output data ready for new data to be inserted. For most objects we just call Initialize. But for image data we leave the old data in case the memory can be reused. Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. |
Shallow and Deep copy. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Shallow and Deep copy. Reimplemented from vtkDataSet. |
Reimplemented from vtkDataObject. Definition at line 344 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 338 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 339 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 340 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 341 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 349 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 350 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 351 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 353 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 354 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 355 of file vtkImageData.h. |
Definition at line 356 of file vtkImageData.h. |