dox/Parallel/vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h File Reference

#include "vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h"
#include <boost/graph/distributed/mpi_process_group.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/container_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/parallel/local_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include "vtkPBGLDistributedGraphHelper.h"
#include "vtkVariantBoostSerialization.h"

Include dependency graph for vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h:

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namespace  boost
namespace  boost::graph
namespace  boost::graph::parallel


struct  boost::vtkVertexOwnerMap
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkVertexOwnerMap >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_owner_t >
struct  boost::vtkVertexLocalMap
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkVertexLocalMap >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_local_t >
struct  boost::vtkVertexGlobalMap
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkVertexGlobalMap >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_global_t >
struct  boost::vtkEdgeGlobalMap
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkEdgeGlobalMap >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkGraph *, edge_global_t >
struct  boost::hash< vtkEdgeType >
struct  boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type< vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type< vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type< vtkDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type< vtkUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  vtkDistributedVertexPropertyMapType< DataArray >
struct  vtkDistributedEdgePropertyMapType< DataArray >




< boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group,


< vtkVertexOwnerMap >
boost::get (vtkVertexOwnerMap owner_map, property_traits< vtkVertexOwnerMap >::key_type key)
vtkVertexOwnerMap boost::get (vertex_owner_t, vtkGraph *graph)
< vtkVertexLocalMap >
boost::get (vtkVertexLocalMap local_map, property_traits< vtkVertexLocalMap >::key_type key)
vtkVertexLocalMap boost::get (vertex_local_t, vtkGraph *graph)
< vtkVertexGlobalMap >
boost::get (vtkVertexGlobalMap global_map, property_traits< vtkVertexGlobalMap >::key_type key)
vtkVertexGlobalMap boost::get (vertex_global_t, vtkGraph *graph)
< vtkEdgeGlobalMap >
boost::get (vtkEdgeGlobalMap global_map, property_traits< vtkEdgeGlobalMap >::key_type key)
vtkEdgeGlobalMap boost::get (edge_global_t, vtkGraph *graph)
boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group process_group (vtkGraph *graph)
boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group process_group (vtkDirectedGraph *graph)
boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group process_group (vtkUndirectedGraph *graph)
template<typename Archiver>
void serialize (Archiver &ar, vtkEdgeBase &edge, const unsigned int)
template<typename Archiver>
void serialize (Archiver &ar, vtkOutEdgeType &edge, const unsigned int)
template<typename Archiver>
void serialize (Archiver &ar, vtkInEdgeType &edge, const unsigned int)
template<typename Archiver>
void serialize (Archiver &ar, vtkEdgeType &edge, const unsigned int)
vtkGraphDistributedVertexIndexMap MakeDistributedVertexIndexMap (vtkGraph *graph)
template<typename DataArray>
< DataArray >::type 
MakeDistributedVertexPropertyMap (vtkGraph *graph, DataArray *array)
template<typename DataArray>
< DataArray >::type 
MakeDistributedEdgePropertyMap (vtkGraph *graph, DataArray *array)

Define Documentation



template<>                                                    \
  struct property_map<vtkDirectedGraph *, Property>             \
    : property_map<vtkGraph *, Property> { };                   \
  template<>                                                    \
  struct property_map<vtkUndirectedGraph *, Property>           \
    : property_map<vtkGraph *, Property> { };                   \
  template<>                                                    \
  struct property_map<vtkDirectedGraph * const, Property>       \
    : property_map<vtkGraph *, Property> { };                   \
  template<>                                                    \
  struct property_map<vtkUndirectedGraph * const, Property>     \
    : property_map<vtkGraph *, Property> { }

Definition at line 49 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::local_property_map<boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group, boost::vtkVertexGlobalMap, boost::vtkGraphIndexMap> vtkGraphDistributedVertexIndexMap

A property map used as the vertex index map for distributed vtkGraphs. Using this index property map when building PBGL's vector_property_map or iterator_property_map will automatically make those property maps distributed. This feature is relied upon by several of the PBGL graph algorithms.

Definition at line 364 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

Function Documentation

boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group process_group ( vtkGraph graph  ) 

boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group process_group ( vtkDirectedGraph graph  )  [inline]

Definition at line 307 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph::distributed::mpi_process_group process_group ( vtkUndirectedGraph graph  )  [inline]

Definition at line 313 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

template<typename Archiver>
void serialize ( Archiver &  ar,
vtkEdgeBase edge,
const unsigned  int 
) [inline]

Definition at line 324 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

template<typename Archiver>
void serialize ( Archiver &  ar,
vtkOutEdgeType edge,
const unsigned  int 
) [inline]

Definition at line 330 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

template<typename Archiver>
void serialize ( Archiver &  ar,
vtkInEdgeType edge,
const unsigned  int 
) [inline]

Definition at line 337 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

template<typename Archiver>
void serialize ( Archiver &  ar,
vtkEdgeType edge,
const unsigned  int 
) [inline]

Definition at line 344 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

vtkGraphDistributedVertexIndexMap MakeDistributedVertexIndexMap ( vtkGraph graph  )  [inline]

Creates the distributed vertex index property map for a vtkGraph.

Definition at line 370 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

template<typename DataArray>
vtkDistributedVertexPropertyMapType<DataArray>::type MakeDistributedVertexPropertyMap ( vtkGraph graph,
DataArray *  array 
) [inline]

Build a distributed property map indexed by the vertices of the given graph, using storage from the given array.

Definition at line 411 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

template<typename DataArray>
vtkDistributedEdgePropertyMapType<DataArray>::type MakeDistributedEdgePropertyMap ( vtkGraph graph,
DataArray *  array 
) [inline]

Build a distributed property map indexed by the edges of the given graph, using storage from the given array.

Definition at line 454 of file vtkPBGLGraphAdapter.h.

Generated on Wed Jun 3 18:47:49 2009 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6