35 #ifndef vtkGeoTerrain_h
36 #define vtkGeoTerrain_h
60 {
return this->GeoSource; }
65 void SaveDatabase(
const char* path,
int depth);
81 vtkSetVector3Macro(Origin,
82 vtkGetVector3Macro(Origin,
88 vtkGetMacro(MaxLevel,
104 virtual void InitializeNodeAnalysis(
vtkRenderer* ren);
abstract base class for most VTK objects
A 3D terrain model for the globe.
A multi-resolution geographic data source.
abstract specification for renderers
virtual vtkGeoSource * GetSource()
virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
a simple class to control print indentation
vtkGeoTreeNodeCache * Cache
create hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
create and manipulate unsorted lists of objects
vtkExtractSelectedFrustum * Extractor
Manages a list of vtkGeoTreeNodes.
Geo interface to a camera.