virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkOpenVRRenderWindowInteractor * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void | Initialize () |
| Initialize the event handler. More...
void | TerminateApp (void) |
| OpenVR specific application terminate, calls ClassExitMethod then calls PostQuitMessage(0) to terminate the application. More...
virtual void | ExitCallback () |
| These methods correspond to the the Exit, User and Pick callbacks. More...
virtual void | DoOneEvent (vtkOpenVRRenderWindow *renWin, vtkRenderer *ren) |
virtual void | SetPhysicalTranslation (vtkCamera *, double, double, double) |
| Set/Get the optional translation to map world coordinates into the 3D physical space (meters, 0,0,0). More...
virtual double * | GetPhysicalTranslation (vtkCamera *) |
| Set/Get the optional translation to map world coordinates into the 3D physical space (meters, 0,0,0). More...
vtkRenderWindowInteractor3D * | NewInstance () const |
virtual vtkAbstractPropPicker * | CreateDefaultPicker () |
| Create default picker. More...
virtual void | Enable () |
| Enable/Disable interactions. More...
virtual void | Disable () |
| Enable/Disable interactions. More...
virtual double * | GetWorldEventPosition (int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the world coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual double * | GetLastWorldEventPosition (int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the world coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual double * | GetWorldEventOrientation (int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the world coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual double * | GetLastWorldEventOrientation (int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the world coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual void | SetPhysicalEventPosition (double x, double y, double z, int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the physical/room coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual void | SetWorldEventPosition (double x, double y, double z, int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the world coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual void | SetWorldEventOrientation (double w, double x, double y, double z, int pointerIndex) |
| With VR we know the world coordinate positions and orientations of events. More...
virtual void | RightButtonPressEvent () |
| Override to set pointers down. More...
virtual void | RightButtonReleaseEvent () |
| Override to set pointers down. More...
virtual void | SetTouchPadPosition (float, float) |
| Set/Get the latest touchpad position. More...
void | SetTouchPadPosition (float[2]) |
| Set/Get the latest touchpad position. More...
virtual float * | GetTouchPadPosition () |
| Set/Get the latest touchpad position. More...
virtual void | GetTouchPadPosition (float &, float &) |
| Set/Get the latest touchpad position. More...
virtual void | GetTouchPadPosition (float[2]) |
| Set/Get the latest touchpad position. More...
void | SetTranslation3D (double val[3]) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual double * | GetTranslation3D () |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetTranslation3D (double &, double &, double &) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetTranslation3D (double[3]) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual double * | GetLastTranslation3D () |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetLastTranslation3D (double &, double &, double &) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetLastTranslation3D (double[3]) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
vtkRenderWindowInteractor * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
| This Method detects loops of RenderWindow-Interactor, so objects are freed properly. More...
virtual void | Start () |
| Start the event loop. More...
virtual int | GetEnabled () |
virtual void | UpdateSize (int x, int y) |
| Event loop notification member for window size change. More...
virtual int | CreateTimer (int timerType) |
| This class provides two groups of methods for manipulating timers. More...
virtual int | DestroyTimer () |
int | CreateRepeatingTimer (unsigned long duration) |
| Create a repeating timer, with the specified duration (in milliseconds). More...
int | CreateOneShotTimer (unsigned long duration) |
| Create a one shot timer, with the specified duretion (in milliseconds). More...
int | IsOneShotTimer (int timerId) |
| Query whether the specified timerId is a one shot timer. More...
unsigned long | GetTimerDuration (int timerId) |
| Get the duration (in milliseconds) for the specified timerId. More...
int | ResetTimer (int timerId) |
| Reset the specified timer. More...
int | DestroyTimer (int timerId) |
| Destroy the timer specified by timerId. More...
virtual int | GetVTKTimerId (int platformTimerId) |
| Get the VTK timer ID that corresponds to the supplied platform ID. More...
virtual void | GetMousePosition (int *x, int *y) |
| Get the current position of the mouse. More...
virtual void | Render () |
| Render the scene. More...
virtual int * | GetEventPositions (int pointerIndex) |
virtual int * | GetLastEventPositions (int pointerIndex) |
virtual void | SetEventPosition (int x, int y, int pointerIndex) |
virtual void | SetEventPosition (int pos[2], int pointerIndex) |
virtual void | SetEventPositionFlipY (int x, int y, int pointerIndex) |
virtual void | SetEventPositionFlipY (int pos[2], int pointerIndex) |
virtual vtkRenderer * | FindPokedRenderer (int, int) |
| When an event occurs, we must determine which Renderer the event occurred within, since one RenderWindow may contain multiple renderers. More...
vtkObserverMediator * | GetObserverMediator () |
| Return the object used to mediate between vtkInteractorObservers contending for resources. More...
void | ReInitialize () |
| Prepare for handling events and set the Enabled flag to true. More...
virtual void | EnableRenderOn () |
| Enable/Disable whether vtkRenderWindowInteractor::Render() calls this->RenderWindow->Render(). More...
virtual void | EnableRenderOff () |
| Enable/Disable whether vtkRenderWindowInteractor::Render() calls this->RenderWindow->Render(). More...
virtual void | SetEnableRender (bool) |
| Enable/Disable whether vtkRenderWindowInteractor::Render() calls this->RenderWindow->Render(). More...
virtual bool | GetEnableRender () |
| Enable/Disable whether vtkRenderWindowInteractor::Render() calls this->RenderWindow->Render(). More...
void | SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *aren) |
| Set/Get the rendering window being controlled by this object. More...
virtual vtkRenderWindow * | GetRenderWindow () |
| Set/Get the rendering window being controlled by this object. More...
virtual void | SetTimerDuration (unsigned long) |
| Specify the default timer interval (in milliseconds). More...
virtual unsigned long | GetTimerDuration () |
| Specify the default timer interval (in milliseconds). More...
virtual void | SetTimerEventId (int) |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual int | GetTimerEventId () |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual void | SetTimerEventType (int) |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual int | GetTimerEventType () |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual void | SetTimerEventDuration (int) |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual int | GetTimerEventDuration () |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual void | SetTimerEventPlatformId (int) |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual int | GetTimerEventPlatformId () |
| These methods are used to communicate information about the currently firing CreateTimerEvent or DestroyTimerEvent. More...
virtual void | SetInteractorStyle (vtkInteractorObserver *) |
| External switching between joystick/trackball/new? modes. More...
virtual vtkInteractorObserver * | GetInteractorStyle () |
| External switching between joystick/trackball/new? modes. More...
virtual void | SetLightFollowCamera (int) |
| Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. More...
virtual int | GetLightFollowCamera () |
| Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. More...
virtual void | LightFollowCameraOn () |
| Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. More...
virtual void | LightFollowCameraOff () |
| Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. More...
virtual void | SetDesiredUpdateRate (double) |
| Set/Get the desired update rate. More...
virtual double | GetDesiredUpdateRate () |
| Set/Get the desired update rate. More...
virtual void | SetStillUpdateRate (double) |
| Set/Get the desired update rate when movement has stopped. More...
virtual double | GetStillUpdateRate () |
| Set/Get the desired update rate when movement has stopped. More...
virtual int | GetInitialized () |
| See whether interactor has been initialized yet. More...
virtual void | SetPicker (vtkAbstractPicker *) |
| Set/Get the object used to perform pick operations. More...
virtual vtkAbstractPicker * | GetPicker () |
| Set/Get the object used to perform pick operations. More...
virtual void | SetPickingManager (vtkPickingManager *) |
| Set the picking manager. More...
virtual vtkPickingManager * | GetPickingManager () |
| Set the picking manager. More...
virtual void | UserCallback () |
| These methods correspond to the the Exit, User and Pick callbacks. More...
virtual void | StartPickCallback () |
| These methods correspond to the the Exit, User and Pick callbacks. More...
virtual void | EndPickCallback () |
| These methods correspond to the the Exit, User and Pick callbacks. More...
void | HideCursor () |
| Hide or show the mouse cursor, it is nice to be able to hide the default cursor if you want VTK to display a 3D cursor instead. More...
void | ShowCursor () |
| Hide or show the mouse cursor, it is nice to be able to hide the default cursor if you want VTK to display a 3D cursor instead. More...
void | FlyTo (vtkRenderer *ren, double x, double y, double z) |
| Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x. More...
void | FlyTo (vtkRenderer *ren, double *x) |
| Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x. More...
void | FlyToImage (vtkRenderer *ren, double x, double y) |
| Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x. More...
void | FlyToImage (vtkRenderer *ren, double *x) |
| Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x. More...
virtual void | SetNumberOfFlyFrames (int) |
| Set the number of frames to fly to when FlyTo is invoked. More...
virtual int | GetNumberOfFlyFrames () |
| Set the number of frames to fly to when FlyTo is invoked. More...
virtual void | SetDolly (double) |
| Set the total Dolly value to use when flying to (FlyTo()) a specified point. More...
virtual double | GetDolly () |
| Set the total Dolly value to use when flying to (FlyTo()) a specified point. More...
virtual int * | GetEventPosition () |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | GetEventPosition (int &, int &) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | GetEventPosition (int[2]) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual int * | GetLastEventPosition () |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | GetLastEventPosition (int &, int &) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | GetLastEventPosition (int[2]) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | SetLastEventPosition (int, int) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
void | SetLastEventPosition (int[2]) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | SetEventPosition (int x, int y) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | SetEventPosition (int pos[2]) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | SetEventPositionFlipY (int x, int y) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | SetEventPositionFlipY (int pos[2]) |
| Set/Get information about the current event. More...
virtual void | SetAltKey (int) |
| Set/get whether alt modifier key was pressed. More...
virtual int | GetAltKey () |
| Set/get whether alt modifier key was pressed. More...
virtual void | SetControlKey (int) |
| Set/get whether control modifier key was pressed. More...
virtual int | GetControlKey () |
| Set/get whether control modifier key was pressed. More...
virtual void | SetShiftKey (int) |
| Set/get whether shift modifier key was pressed. More...
virtual int | GetShiftKey () |
| Set/get whether shift modifier key was pressed. More...
virtual void | SetKeyCode (char) |
| Set/get the key code for the key that was pressed. More...
virtual char | GetKeyCode () |
| Set/get the key code for the key that was pressed. More...
virtual void | SetRepeatCount (int) |
| Set/get the repear count for the key or mouse event. More...
virtual int | GetRepeatCount () |
| Set/get the repear count for the key or mouse event. More...
virtual void | SetKeySym (const char *) |
| Set/get the key symbol for the key that was pressed. More...
virtual char * | GetKeySym () |
| Set/get the key symbol for the key that was pressed. More...
virtual void | SetPointerIndex (int) |
| Set/get the index of the most recent pointer to have an event. More...
virtual int | GetPointerIndex () |
| Set/get the index of the most recent pointer to have an event. More...
void | SetRotation (double val) |
| Set/get the rotation for the gesture in degrees, update LastRotation. More...
virtual double | GetRotation () |
| Set/get the rotation for the gesture in degrees, update LastRotation. More...
virtual double | GetLastRotation () |
| Set/get the rotation for the gesture in degrees, update LastRotation. More...
void | SetScale (double val) |
| Set/get the scale for the gesture, updates LastScale. More...
virtual double | GetScale () |
| Set/get the scale for the gesture, updates LastScale. More...
virtual double | GetLastScale () |
| Set/get the scale for the gesture, updates LastScale. More...
void | SetTranslation (double val[2]) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual double * | GetTranslation () |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetTranslation (double &, double &) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetTranslation (double[2]) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual double * | GetLastTranslation () |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetLastTranslation (double &, double &) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
virtual void | GetLastTranslation (double[2]) |
| Set/get the tranlation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation. More...
void | SetEventInformation (int x, int y, int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount, const char *keysym, int pointerIndex) |
| Set all the event information in one call. More...
void | SetEventInformation (int x, int y, int ctrl=0, int shift=0, char keycode=0, int repeatcount=0, const char *keysym=0) |
| Set all the event information in one call. More...
void | SetEventInformationFlipY (int x, int y, int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount, const char *keysym, int pointerIndex) |
| Calls SetEventInformation, but flips the Y based on the current Size[1] value (i.e. More...
void | SetEventInformationFlipY (int x, int y, int ctrl=0, int shift=0, char keycode=0, int repeatcount=0, const char *keysym=0) |
| Calls SetEventInformation, but flips the Y based on the current Size[1] value (i.e. More...
void | SetKeyEventInformation (int ctrl=0, int shift=0, char keycode=0, int repeatcount=0, const char *keysym=0) |
| Set all the keyboard-related event information in one call. More...
virtual void | SetSize (int, int) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
void | SetSize (int[2]) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual int * | GetSize () |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual void | GetSize (int &, int &) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual void | GetSize (int[2]) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual void | SetEventSize (int, int) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
void | SetEventSize (int[2]) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual int * | GetEventSize () |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual void | GetEventSize (int &, int &) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual void | GetEventSize (int[2]) |
| This methods sets the Size ivar of the interactor without actually changing the size of the window. More...
virtual void | SetUseTDx (bool) |
| Use a 3DConnexion device. More...
virtual bool | GetUseTDx () |
| Use a 3DConnexion device. More...
virtual void | MouseMoveEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | LeftButtonPressEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | LeftButtonReleaseEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | MiddleButtonPressEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | MiddleButtonReleaseEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | MouseWheelForwardEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | MouseWheelBackwardEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | ExposeEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | ConfigureEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | EnterEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | LeaveEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | KeyPressEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | KeyReleaseEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | CharEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | ExitEvent () |
| Fire various events. More...
virtual void | StartPinchEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | PinchEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | EndPinchEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | StartRotateEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | RotateEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | EndRotateEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | StartPanEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | PanEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | EndPanEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | TapEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | LongTapEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | SwipeEvent () |
| Fire various gesture based events. More...
virtual void | SetRecognizeGestures (bool) |
| Convert multitouch events into gestures. More...
virtual bool | GetRecognizeGestures () |
| Convert multitouch events into gestures. More...
virtual int | GetPointersDownCount () |
| When handling gestures you can query this value to determine how many pointers are down for the gesture this is useful for pan gestures for example. More...
void | ClearContact (size_t contactID) |
| Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch events. More...
int | GetPointerIndexForContact (size_t contactID) |
| Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch events. More...
int | GetPointerIndexForExistingContact (size_t contactID) |
| Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch events. More...
bool | IsPointerIndexSet (int i) |
| Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch events. More...
void | ClearPointerIndex (int i) |
| Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch events. More...
| vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
| Turn debugging output on. More...
virtual void | DebugOff () |
| Turn debugging output off. More...
bool | GetDebug () |
| Get the value of the debug flag. More...
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
| Set the value of the debug flag. More...
virtual void | Modified () |
| Update the modification time for this object. More...
virtual vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () |
| Return this object's modified time. More...
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
| Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
| Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method. More...
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
| This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
| This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
const char * | GetClassName () const |
| Return the class name as a string. More...
virtual void | Delete () |
| Delete a VTK object. More...
virtual void | FastDelete () |
| Delete a reference to this object. More...
void | InitializeObjectBase () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
| Print an object to an ostream. More...
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
| Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object). More...
int | GetReferenceCount () |
| Return the current reference count of this object. More...
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
| Sets the reference count. More...
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
| Legacy. More...
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...