57#ifndef vtkGenericStreamTracer_h
58#define vtkGenericStreamTracer_h
60#include "vtkFiltersGenericModule.h"
95 vtkSetVector3Macro(StartPosition,
96 vtkGetVector3Macro(StartPosition,
179 this->SetMaximumPropagationUnit(CELL_LENGTH_UNIT);
200 this->SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnit(LENGTH_UNIT);
204 this->SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnit(CELL_LENGTH_UNIT);
225 this->SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnit(LENGTH_UNIT);
229 this->SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnit(CELL_LENGTH_UNIT);
251 this->SetInitialIntegrationStepUnit(LENGTH_UNIT);
255 this->SetInitialIntegrationStepUnit(CELL_LENGTH_UNIT);
265 vtkSetMacro(MaximumError,
266 vtkGetMacro(MaximumError,
282 vtkSetMacro(TerminalSpeed,
283 vtkGetMacro(TerminalSpeed,
292 this->SetInitialIntegrationStepUnit(unit);
293 this->SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnit(unit);
294 this->SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnit(unit);
310 vtkSetClampMacro(IntegrationDirection,
311 vtkGetMacro(IntegrationDirection,
333 vtkSetMacro(RotationScale,
334 vtkGetMacro(RotationScale,
343 vtkGetStringMacro(InputVectorsSelection);
365 vtkErrorMacro(<<
"AddInput() must be called with a vtkGenericDataSet not a vtkDataObject.");
390 vtkSetStringMacro(InputVectorsSelection);
394 double StartPosition[3];
420 double& step,
double& minStep,
double& maxStep,
int direction,
double cellLength,
double speed);
Proxy object to connect input/output ports.
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
general representation of visualization data
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
abstract class defined API for attribute data
defines dataset interface
Interface for obtaining interpolated velocity values.
static double ConvertToUnit(IntervalInformation &interval, int unit, double cellLength, double speed)
static const double EPSILON
double GetMaximumPropagation()
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
void SetIntegratorTypeToRungeKutta2()
Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line calculation.
void SetIntegrationDirectionToBackward()
Specify whether the streamtrace will be generated in the upstream or downstream direction.
void SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnitToCellLengthUnit()
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
int GetInitialIntegrationStepUnit()
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
double GetMaximumIntegrationStep()
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
int GetMaximumIntegrationStepUnit()
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetInitialIntegrationStepUnitToCellLengthUnit()
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
char * InputVectorsSelection
void Integrate(vtkGenericDataSet *input0, vtkPolyData *output, vtkDataArray *seedSource, vtkIdList *seedIds, vtkIntArray *integrationDirections, double lastPoint[3], vtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityField *func)
void SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnit(int unit)
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetSourceData(vtkDataSet *source)
Specify the source object used to generate starting points.
void SetInitialIntegrationStep(double step)
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetMinimumIntegrationStep(int unit, double step)
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnitToLengthUnit()
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
int GetMaximumPropagationUnit()
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
void SetIntegrationStepUnit(int unit)
Simplified API to set an homogeneous unit across Min/Max/Init IntegrationStepUnit.
vtkIdType MaximumNumberOfSteps
void SetMaximumIntegrationStep(int unit, double step)
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetMaximumIntegrationStep(double step)
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetIntegrationDirectionToBoth()
Specify whether the streamtrace will be generated in the upstream or downstream direction.
void SetIntegratorTypeToRungeKutta4()
Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line calculation.
void SetIntegratorType(int type)
Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line calculation.
void SetInitialIntegrationStepUnit(int unit)
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void SetMaximumPropagationUnitToLengthUnit()
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called by the superclass.
int GetIntegratorType()
Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line calculation.
void SetInitialIntegrationStepUnitToTimeUnit()
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetSourceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *algOutput)
Specify the source object used to generate starting points (seeds).
void AddInput(vtkDataObject *)
IntervalInformation MinimumIntegrationStep
void SetMaximumPropagation(double max)
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
vtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityField * InterpolatorPrototype
IntervalInformation MaximumPropagation
double GetInitialIntegrationStep()
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
vtkInitialValueProblemSolver * Integrator
void SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnitToCellLengthUnit()
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
static double ConvertToLength(IntervalInformation &interval, double cellLength, double speed)
int GetMinimumIntegrationStepUnit()
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
IntervalInformation MaximumIntegrationStep
void SetMinimumIntegrationStep(double step)
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
static double ConvertToTime(IntervalInformation &interval, double cellLength, double speed)
void SetIntegratorTypeToRungeKutta45()
Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line calculation.
int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override
Fill the input port information objects for this algorithm.
void SetMaximumPropagationUnitToTimeUnit()
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
static double ConvertToCellLength(IntervalInformation &interval, double cellLength, double speed)
void SetMaximumPropagationUnitToCellLengthUnit()
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
void AddInputData(vtkGenericDataSet *in)
Add a dataset to the list inputs.
void SetInitialIntegrationStepUnitToLengthUnit()
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetIntegrator(vtkInitialValueProblemSolver *)
Set/get the integrator type to be used in the stream line calculation.
void SelectInputVectors(const char *fieldName)
If you want to generate traces using an arbitrary vector array, then set its name here.
vtkTypeBool ComputeVorticity
int CheckInputs(vtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityField *&func, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
void SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnit(int unit)
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetIntervalInformation(int unit, IntervalInformation ¤tValues)
void GenerateNormals(vtkPolyData *output, double *firstNormal)
void SetIntegrationDirectionToForward()
Specify whether the streamtrace will be generated in the upstream or downstream direction.
void ConvertIntervals(double &step, double &minStep, double &maxStep, int direction, double cellLength, double speed)
void SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnitToTimeUnit()
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetMaximumPropagationUnit(int unit)
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
IntervalInformation InitialIntegrationStep
static vtkGenericStreamTracer * New()
Construct object to start from position (0,0,0), integrate forward, terminal speed 1....
int GenerateNormalsInIntegrate
void SetMaximumPropagation(int unit, double max)
Specify the maximum length of the streamlines expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT = 1 ...
void SetMaximumIntegrationStepUnitToLengthUnit()
Specify the maximum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
~vtkGenericStreamTracer() override
double GetMinimumIntegrationStep()
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SimpleIntegrate(double seed[3], double lastPoint[3], double delt, vtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityField *func)
void InitializeSeeds(vtkDataArray *&seeds, vtkIdList *&seedIds, vtkIntArray *&integrationDirections)
void CalculateVorticity(vtkGenericAdaptorCell *cell, double pcoords[3], vtkGenericAttribute *attribute, double vorticity[3])
Compute the vorticity at point ‘pcoords’ in cell ‘cell’ for the vector attribute ‘attribute’.
void SetInitialIntegrationStep(int unit, double step)
Specify the initial step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetMinimumIntegrationStepUnitToTimeUnit()
Specify the minimum step used in the integration expressed in one of the: TIME_UNIT = 0 LENGTH_UNIT =...
void SetInterpolatorPrototype(vtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityField *ivf)
The object used to interpolate the velocity field during integration is of the same class as this pro...
vtkDataSet * GetSource()
Specify the source object used to generate starting points.
void SetIntervalInformation(int unit, double interval, IntervalInformation ¤tValues)
list of point or cell ids
a simple class to control print indentation
Integrate a set of ordinary differential equations (initial value problem) in time.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of int
Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output.
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)