VTK  9.4.20250303
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
50#ifndef vtkGenericAdaptorCell_h
51#define vtkGenericAdaptorCell_h
53#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h" // For export macro
54#include "vtkObject.h"
57class vtkLine;
58class vtkTetra;
59class vtkPoints;
60class vtkVertex;
61class vtkTriangle;
62class vtkCellData;
63class vtkPointData;
64class vtkCellArray;
65class vtkDoubleArray;
74class vtkIdList;
76class vtkPolygon;
78class vtkQuad;
79class vtkHexahedron;
80class vtkWedge;
81class vtkPyramid;
83class VTKCOMMONDATAMODEL_EXPORT vtkGenericAdaptorCell : public vtkObject
87 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
93 virtual vtkIdType GetId() = 0;
98 virtual int IsInDataSet() = 0;
106 virtual int GetType() = 0;
112 virtual int GetDimension() = 0;
118 virtual int GetGeometryOrder() = 0;
152 virtual int IsPrimary() = 0;
158 virtual int GetNumberOfPoints() = 0;
170 virtual int GetNumberOfBoundaries(int dim = -1) = 0;
184 virtual int GetNumberOfDOFNodes() = 0;
205 virtual void GetBoundaryIterator(vtkGenericCellIterator* boundaries, int dim = -1) = 0;
218 virtual int CountNeighbors(vtkGenericAdaptorCell* boundary) = 0;
219 virtual void CountEdgeNeighbors(int* sharing) = 0;
232 virtual void GetNeighbors(vtkGenericAdaptorCell* boundary, vtkGenericCellIterator* neighbors) = 0;
242 int subId, double pcoords[3], vtkGenericCellIterator*& boundary) = 0;
255 virtual int EvaluatePosition(
256 const double x[3], double* closestPoint, int& subId, double pcoords[3], double& dist2) = 0;
265 virtual void EvaluateLocation(int subId, double pcoords[3], double x[3]) = 0;
277 virtual void InterpolateTuple(vtkGenericAttribute* a, double pcoords[3], double* val) = 0;
289 virtual void InterpolateTuple(
290 vtkGenericAttributeCollection* c, double pcoords[3], double* val) = 0;
336 vtkCellArray* polys, vtkPointData* outPd, vtkCellData* outCd, vtkPointData* internalPd,
337 vtkPointData* secondaryPd, vtkCellData* secondaryCd);
379 virtual void Clip(double value, vtkImplicitFunction* f, vtkGenericAttributeCollection* attributes,
380 vtkGenericCellTessellator* tess, int insideOut, vtkIncrementalPointLocator* locator,
381 vtkCellArray* connectivity, vtkPointData* outPd, vtkCellData* outCd, vtkPointData* internalPd,
382 vtkPointData* secondaryPd, vtkCellData* secondaryCd);
392 virtual int IntersectWithLine(double p1[3], double p2[3], double tol, double& t, double x[3],
393 double pcoords[3], int& subId) = 0;
407 virtual void Derivatives(
408 int subId, double pcoords[3], vtkGenericAttribute* attribute, double* derivs) = 0;
415 virtual void GetBounds(double bounds[6]) = 0;
423 virtual double* GetBounds();
429 virtual double GetLength2();
437 virtual int GetParametricCenter(double pcoords[3]) = 0;
446 virtual double GetParametricDistance(const double pcoords[3]) = 0;
458 virtual double* GetParametricCoords() = 0;
482 vtkCellArray* cellArray, vtkPointData* internalPd, vtkPointData* pd, vtkCellData* cd,
483 vtkUnsignedCharArray* types);
485 // The following methods are for the internals of the tessellation algorithm
486 // (the hash table in particular)
493 virtual int IsFaceOnBoundary(vtkIdType faceId) = 0;
499 virtual int IsOnBoundary() = 0;
507 virtual void GetPointIds(vtkIdType* id) = 0;
523 vtkGenericCellTessellator* tess, int index, vtkPoints* points,
524 vtkIncrementalPointLocator* locator, vtkCellArray* cellArray, vtkPointData* internalPd,
525 vtkPointData* pd, vtkCellData* cd);
539 virtual const vtkIdType* GetFaceArray(vtkIdType faceId) = 0;
547 virtual int GetNumberOfVerticesOnFace(int faceId) = 0;
560 virtual const vtkIdType* GetEdgeArray(vtkIdType edgeId) = 0;
569 void Reset();
575 void AllocateTuples(int size);
577 // Internal tetra used for the contouring/clipping algorithm
581 vtkVertex* Vertex; // is it used ?
587 // Internal locator when tessellating on a cell basis, this is different
588 // from the main locator used in contour/clip filter, this locator is used for
589 // points for
590 // Be careful the use of a vtkLocator in conjunction with the table fast
591 // tessellator is very sensitive, we need to keep all the points we used
597 vtkIdList* InternalIds; // used by Tessellate() and TriangulateFace()
599 // Attributes to mimic the vtk cell look and feel, internal use only
604 // Scalar buffer to store the attributes values at some location
605 // There are variable members to reduce memory allocations.
606 double* Tuples;
609 // Cached Bounds.
610 double Bounds[6];
614 void operator=(const vtkGenericAdaptorCell&) = delete;
object to represent cell connectivity
represent and manipulate cell attribute data
helper object to manage setting and generating contour values
dynamic, self-adjusting array of double
defines cell interface
virtual int GetDimension()=0
Return the topological dimension of the current cell.
virtual int IsOnBoundary()=0
Is the cell on the exterior boundary of the dataset?
virtual const vtkIdType * GetFaceArray(vtkIdType faceId)=0
Return the ids of the vertices defining face ‘faceId’.
virtual void Tessellate(vtkGenericAttributeCollection *attributes, vtkGenericCellTessellator *tess, vtkPoints *points, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *cellArray, vtkPointData *internalPd, vtkPointData *pd, vtkCellData *cd, vtkUnsignedCharArray *types)
Tessellate the cell if it is not linear or if at least one attribute of ‘attributes’ is not linear.
virtual int CountNeighbors(vtkGenericAdaptorCell *boundary)=0
Number of cells (dimension>boundary->GetDimension()) of the dataset that share the boundary ‘boundary...
virtual void GetBoundaryIterator(vtkGenericCellIterator *boundaries, int dim=-1)=0
Return the ‘boundaries’ cells of dimension ‘dim’ (or all dimensions less than GetDimension() if -1) t...
virtual void GetBounds(double bounds[6])=0
Compute the bounding box of the current cell in ‘bounds’ in global coordinates.
virtual int IntersectWithLine(double p1[3], double p2[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId)=0
Is there an intersection between the current cell and the ray (‘p1’,‘p2’) according to a tolerance ‘t...
virtual int GetHighestOrderAttribute(vtkGenericAttributeCollection *ac)
Return the index of the first point centered attribute with the highest order in ‘ac’.
virtual int EvaluatePosition(const double x[3], double *closestPoint, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double &dist2)=0
Is ‘x’ inside the current cell? It also evaluates parametric coordinates ‘pcoords’,...
virtual void Contour(vtkContourValues *values, vtkImplicitFunction *f, vtkGenericAttributeCollection *attributes, vtkGenericCellTessellator *tess, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *verts, vtkCellArray *lines, vtkCellArray *polys, vtkPointData *outPd, vtkCellData *outCd, vtkPointData *internalPd, vtkPointData *secondaryPd, vtkCellData *secondaryCd)
Generate a contour (contouring primitives) for each ‘values’ or with respect to an implicit function ...
virtual void Clip(double value, vtkImplicitFunction *f, vtkGenericAttributeCollection *attributes, vtkGenericCellTessellator *tess, int insideOut, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *connectivity, vtkPointData *outPd, vtkCellData *outCd, vtkPointData *internalPd, vtkPointData *secondaryPd, vtkCellData *secondaryCd)
Cut (or clip) the current cell with respect to the contour defined by the ‘value’ or the implicit fun...
virtual void Derivatives(int subId, double pcoords[3], vtkGenericAttribute *attribute, double *derivs)=0
Compute derivatives ‘derivs’ of the attribute ‘attribute’ (from its values at the corner points of th...
virtual void InterpolateTuple(vtkGenericAttributeCollection *c, double pcoords[3], double *val)=0
Interpolate the whole collection of attributes ‘c’ at local position ‘pcoords’ of the cell into ‘val’...
virtual void CountEdgeNeighbors(int *sharing)=0
Number of cells (dimension>boundary->GetDimension()) of the dataset that share the boundary ‘boundary...
virtual int FindClosestBoundary(int subId, double pcoords[3], vtkGenericCellIterator *&boundary)=0
Compute the closest boundary of the current sub-cell ‘subId’ for point ‘pcoord’ (in parametric coordi...
virtual void EvaluateLocation(int subId, double pcoords[3], double x[3])=0
Determine the global coordinates ‘x’ from sub-cell ‘subId’ and parametric coordinates ‘pcoords’ in th...
virtual void GetPointIds(vtkIdType *id)=0
Put into ‘id’ the list of the dataset points that define the corner points of the cell.
virtual double * GetBounds()
Return the bounding box of the current cell in global coordinates.
virtual vtkGenericCellIterator * NewCellIterator()=0
Create an empty cell iterator.
~vtkGenericAdaptorCell() override
virtual int GetNumberOfBoundaries(int dim=-1)=0
Return the number of boundaries of dimension ‘dim’ (or all dimensions greater than 0 and less than Ge...
virtual int GetGeometryOrder()=0
Return the interpolation order of the geometry.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual int GetNumberOfVerticesOnFace(int faceId)=0
Return the number of vertices defining face ‘faceId’.
virtual void InterpolateTuple(vtkGenericAttribute *a, double pcoords[3], double *val)=0
Interpolate the attribute ‘a’ at local position ‘pcoords’ of the cell into ‘val’.
virtual double GetLength2()
Return the bounding box diagonal squared of the current cell.
void AllocateTuples(int size)
Allocate some memory if Tuples does not exist or is smaller than size.
int IsGeometryLinear()
Does the cell have a non-linear interpolation for the geometry?
virtual void GetNeighbors(vtkGenericAdaptorCell *boundary, vtkGenericCellIterator *neighbors)=0
Put into ‘neighbors’ the cells (dimension>boundary->GetDimension()) of the dataset that share the bou...
vtkDoubleArray * PointDataScalars
virtual const vtkIdType * GetEdgeArray(vtkIdType edgeId)=0
Return the ids of the vertices defining edge ‘edgeId’.
virtual int IsInDataSet()=0
Does ‘this’ a cell of a dataset? (otherwise, it is a boundary cell)
virtual int GetParametricCenter(double pcoords[3])=0
Get the center of the current cell (in parametric coordinates) and place it in ‘pcoords’.
virtual int GetType()=0
Return the type of the current cell.
virtual void TriangulateFace(vtkGenericAttributeCollection *attributes, vtkGenericCellTessellator *tess, int index, vtkPoints *points, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *cellArray, vtkPointData *internalPd, vtkPointData *pd, vtkCellData *cd)
Tessellate face ‘index’ of the cell.
virtual int GetAttributeOrder(vtkGenericAttribute *a)=0
Return the interpolation order of attribute ‘a’ on the cell (may differ by cell).
virtual int IsFaceOnBoundary(vtkIdType faceId)=0
Is the face ‘faceId’ of the current cell on the exterior boundary of the dataset?
virtual void GetPointIterator(vtkGenericPointIterator *it)=0
Return the points of cell into ‘it’.
virtual int GetNumberOfPoints()=0
Return the number of corner points that compose the cell.
void Reset()
Reset internal structures.
virtual double * GetParametricCoords()=0
Return a contiguous array of parametric coordinates of the corrner points defining the current cell.
virtual int IsPrimary()=0
Is the cell primary (i.e.
virtual int GetNumberOfDOFNodes()=0
Accumulated number of DOF nodes of the current cell.
vtkTypeBool IsAttributeLinear(vtkGenericAttribute *a)
Does the attribute ‘a’ have a non-linear interpolation?
virtual double GetParametricDistance(const double pcoords[3])=0
Return the distance of the parametric coordinate ‘pcoords’ to the current cell.
virtual vtkIdType GetId()=0
Unique identification number of the cell over the whole data set.
abstract class defined API for attribute data
iterator used to traverse cells
helper class to perform cell tessellation
iterator used to traverse points
a cell that represents a linear 3D hexahedron
list of point or cell ids
Definition vtkIdList.h:133
abstract interface for implicit functions
Abstract class in support of both point location and point insertion.
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition vtkIndent.h:108
cell represents a 1D line
Definition vtkLine.h:132
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Definition vtkObject.h:162
helper class to generate triangulations
represent and manipulate point attribute data
represent and manipulate 3D points
Definition vtkPoints.h:139
a cell that represents an n-sided polygon
Definition vtkPolygon.h:131
a 3D cell that represents a linear pyramid
Definition vtkPyramid.h:95
a cell that represents a 2D quadrilateral
Definition vtkQuad.h:87
a 3D cell that represents a tetrahedron
Definition vtkTetra.h:113
a cell that represents a triangle
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
a cell that represents a 3D point
Definition vtkVertex.h:92
a 3D cell that represents a linear wedge
Definition vtkWedge.h:85
int vtkTypeBool
Definition vtkABI.h:64
int vtkIdType
Definition vtkType.h:332