10#ifndef vtkHDFWriterImplementation_h
11#define vtkHDFWriterImplementation_h
46 bool CreateFile(
bool overwrite,
const std::string& filename);
108 const char* name,
int rank, std::vector<hsize_t> dimensions,
const void* data);
151 hid_t group,
const char* filename,
const char*
const char* targetLink);
181 hid_t group,
const char* name,
hid_t type,
int rank,
const hsize_t dimensions[]);
210 hid_t dataspace, hsize_t numCols, hsize_t chunkSize[],
int compressionLevel = 0);
239 hsize_t chunkSize[],
int compressionLevel = 0);
280 hid_t group,
const char* name,
int value,
bool offset =
bool trim =
290 hid_t group,
const char* name,
int* value,
int size,
bool offset =
297 vtkHDF::ScopedH5FHandle File;
298 vtkHDF::ScopedH5GHandle Root;
299 vtkHDF::ScopedH5GHandle StepsGroup;
300 std::vector<vtkHDF::ScopedH5FHandle> Subfiles;
301 std::vector<std::string> SubfileNames;
303 bool SubFilesReady =
305 const std::array<std::string, 4> PrimitiveNames = { {
312 hsize_t GetNumberOfCellsSubfile(
313 std::size_t subfileId, hsize_t part,
bool isPolyData,
const std::string& groupName);
320 char GetPrimitive(
hid_t group);
329 hsize_t GetSubfileNumberOf(
330 const std::string& name, std::size_t subfileId, hsize_t part,
char primitive = -1);
335 bool DatasetAndGroupExist(
const std::string& dataset,
hid_t group);
342 bool GetSubFilesDatasetSize(
const char* datasetPath,
const char* groupName, hsize_t& totalSize);
345 enum class IndexingMode
361 IndexingMode GetDatasetIndexationMode(
hid_t group,
const char* name);
Abstract superclass for all arrays.
object to represent cell connectivity
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle CreateSingleValueDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, int value)
Creates a dataset and write a value to it.
bool AddOrCreateDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, vtkAbstractArray *dataArray)
Append the given array to the dataset with the given name, creating it if it does not exist yet.
bool GetSubFilesReady()
Inform the implementation that all the data has been written in subfiles, and that the virtual datase...
vtkHDF::ScopedH5AHandle CreateScalarAttribute(hid_t group, const char *name, int value)
Create a scalar integer attribute in the given group.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5GHandle CreateHdfGroup(hid_t group, const char *name)
Create a group in the given group from a dataspace.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle CreateAndWriteHdfDataset(hid_t group, hid_t type, hid_t source_type, const char *name, int rank, std::vector< hsize_t > dimensions, const void *data)
Create a dataset in the given group with the given parameters and write data to it Returned scoped ha...
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle CreateDatasetFromDataArray(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, vtkAbstractArray *dataArray)
Creates a dataset in the given group from a dataArray and write data to it Returned scoped handle may...
bool WriteSumSteps(hid_t group, const char *name)
For temporal multi-piece meta-files, write the dataset name in group group, which must be the "steps"...
bool CreateFile(bool overwrite, const std::string &filename)
Create the file from the filename and create the root VTKHDF group.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5GHandle CreateHdfGroupWithLinkOrder(hid_t group, const char *name)
Create a group that keeps track of link creation order Returned scoped handle may be invalid.
bool AddOrCreateSingleValueDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, int value, bool offset=false, bool trim=false)
Append a single integer value to the dataset with name name in group group.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle OpenDataset(hid_t group, const char *name)
Open and return an existing dataset using its group id and dataset name.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5GHandle OpenExistingGroup(hid_t group, const char *name)
Open and return an existing group thanks to id and a relative or absolute path to this group.
bool OpenFile()
Open existing VTKHDF file and set Root and File members.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle CreateHdfDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, int rank, const hsize_t dimensions[])
Create a dataset in the given group It internally creates a dataspace from a rank and dimensions Retu...
vtkHDF::ScopedH5SHandle CreateDataspaceFromArray(vtkAbstractArray *dataArray)
Creates a dataspace to the exact array dimensions Returned scoped handle may be invalid.
bool AddOrCreateFieldDataSizeValueDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, int *value, int size, bool offset=false)
Append a 2D integer value to the dataset with name FieldDataSize.
Implementation(vtkHDFWriter *writer)
herr_t CreateExternalLink(hid_t group, const char *filename, const char *source, const char *targetLink)
Create an external link to the real group containing the block datatset.
bool CreateStepsGroup()
Create the steps group in the root group.
bool InitDynamicDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, hsize_t cols, hsize_t chunkSize[], int compressionLevel=0)
Create a chunked dataset with an empty extendable dataspace using chunking and set the desired level ...
bool AddFieldDataSizeValueToDataset(hid_t dataset, int *value, int size, bool offset)
Add a 2D value of integer type to an existing dataspace which represents the FieldDataSize.
bool AddArrayToDataset(hid_t dataset, vtkAbstractArray *dataArray, int trim=0)
Append a full data array at the end of an existing infinite dataspace.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle CreateChunkedHdfDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, hid_t dataspace, hsize_t numCols, hsize_t chunkSize[], int compressionLevel=0)
Create a chunked dataset in the given group from a dataspace.
bool AddSingleValueToDataset(hid_t dataset, int value, bool offset, bool trim=false)
Add a single value of integer type to an existing dataspace.
void CloseFile()
Close currently handled file, open using CreateFile or OpenFile.
vtkHDF::ScopedH5SHandle CreateUnlimitedSimpleDataspace(hsize_t numCols)
Create an unlimited HDF dataspace with a dimension of 0 * numCols.
std::vector< PolyDataTopos > GetCellArraysForTopos(vtkPolyData *polydata)
Get the cell array for the POLY_DATA_TOPOS.
bool WriteHeader(hid_t group, const char *hdfType)
Write version and type attributes to the root group A root must be open for the operation to succeed ...
std::string GetGroupName(hid_t group)
Return the name of a group given its id.
herr_t CreateSoftLink(hid_t group, const char *groupName, const char *targetLink)
Create a soft link to the real group containing the block datatset.
void SetSubFilesReady(bool status)
Inform the implementation that all the data has been written in subfiles, and that the virtual datase...
vtkHDF::ScopedH5SHandle CreateSimpleDataspace(int rank, const hsize_t dimensions[])
Create a HDF dataspace It is simple (not scalar or null) which means that it is an array of elements ...
vtkHDF::ScopedH5DHandle CreateHdfDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, hid_t dataspace)
Create a dataset in the given group from a dataspace Returned scoped handle may be invalid.
bool CreateVirtualDataset(hid_t group, const char *name, hid_t type, int numComp)
Create a virtual dataset from all the subfiles that have been added.
bool OpenSubfile(const std::string &filename)
Open subfile where data has already been written, and needs to be referenced by the main file using v...
virtual ~Implementation()
bool WriteSumStepsPolyData(hid_t group, const char *name)
For temporal multi-piece meta-files, write the dataset name in group group, which must be the "steps"...
Writes input dataset to a VTKHDF file.
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
Stores a group name and the corresponding cell array.
const char * hdfGroupName
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
@ Cells
A cell specified by degrees of freedom held in arrays.