140#ifndef vtkLSDynaReader_h
141#define vtkLSDynaReader_h
143#include "vtkIOLSDynaModule.h"
304 vtkGetVector2Macro(TimeStepRange,
305 vtkSetVector2Macro(TimeStepRange,
316 virtual void SetPointArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
318 int GetPointArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
320 int GetNumberOfComponentsInPointArray(
const char* arrName);
333 virtual void SetCellArrayStatus(
int cellType,
const char* arrName,
int status);
335 int GetCellArrayStatus(
int cellType,
const char* arrName);
337 int GetNumberOfComponentsInCellArray(
int cellType,
const char* arrName);
348 virtual void SetSolidArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
350 int GetSolidArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
354 int GetNumberOfComponentsInSolidArray(
const char* arrName);
364 virtual void SetThickShellArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
366 int GetThickShellArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
370 int GetNumberOfComponentsInThickShellArray(
const char* arrName);
380 virtual void SetShellArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
382 int GetShellArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
386 int GetNumberOfComponentsInShellArray(
const char* arrName);
396 virtual void SetRigidBodyArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
398 int GetRigidBodyArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
402 int GetNumberOfComponentsInRigidBodyArray(
const char* arrName);
412 virtual void SetRoadSurfaceArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
414 int GetRoadSurfaceArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
418 int GetNumberOfComponentsInRoadSurfaceArray(
const char* arrName);
428 virtual void SetBeamArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
430 int GetBeamArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
434 int GetNumberOfComponentsInBeamArray(
const char* arrName);
444 virtual void SetParticleArrayStatus(
const char* arrName,
int status);
446 int GetParticleArrayStatus(
const char* arrName);
450 int GetNumberOfComponentsInParticleArray(
const char* arrName);
501 vtkSetStringMacro(InputDeck);
502 vtkGetStringMacro(InputDeck);
519 virtual void SetPartArrayStatus(
const char* partName,
int status);
521 int GetPartArrayStatus(
const char* partName);
547 int TimeStepRange[2];
669 template <
typename T>
671 const vtkIdType& numCells,
const int& deathPos,
const int& cellSize);
673 template <
int wordSize,
typename T>
674 int FillTopology(T* buffer);
676 template <
typename T,
int blockType, vtkIdType numWordsPerCell, vtkIdType cellLength>
677 void ReadBlockCellSizes();
679 template <
typename T>
696 vtkWarningMacro(
"Point array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
735 vtkWarningMacro(
"Cell array \"" << arrName <<
"\" (type " << cellType <<
") does not exist");
774 vtkWarningMacro(
"Solid array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
813 vtkWarningMacro(
"Thick shell array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
852 vtkWarningMacro(
"Shell array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
891 vtkWarningMacro(
"Beam array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
930 vtkWarningMacro(
"Particle array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
969 vtkWarningMacro(
"Rigid body array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
1008 vtkWarningMacro(
"Road surface array \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
1047 vtkWarningMacro(
"Part \"" << arrName <<
"\" does not exist");
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
a simple class to control print indentation
Read LS-Dyna databases (d3plot)
virtual void SetDatabaseDirectory(VTK_FILEPATH const char *)
Get/Set the directory containing the LS-Dyna database and determine whether it is valid.
const char * GetRigidBodyArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int GetNumberOfParticleArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int GetRigidBodyArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadSPHState(vtkIdType)
These functions read various parts of the database.
const char * GetCellArrayName(int cellType, int arr)
Routines that allow the status of a cell variable to be adjusted or queried independent of the output...
virtual int ReadInputDeck()
Called from within ReadHeaderInformation() to read part names associated with material IDs.
virtual int ReadCellStateInfo(vtkIdType)
These functions read various parts of the database.
const char * GetSolidArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
void Dump(ostream &os)
Print out more complete information about the dataset (and less complete information about the VTK hi...
int GetRoadSurfaceArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadPartTitlesFromRootFile()
Called from within ReadHeaderInformation to read part names from the end of the first d3plot file.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
int GetNumberOfComponentsInParticleArray(int a)
int GetParticleArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadUserIds()
These functions read various parts of the database.
virtual void SetThickShellArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfShellCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
int ReadInputDeckKeywords(istream &deck)
ReadInputDeck determines the type of file (keyword or XML summary) and calls one of these two routine...
int GetNumberOfComponentsInCellArray(int cellType, int arr)
Routines that allow the status of a cell variable to be adjusted or queried independent of the output...
virtual void SetShellArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int GetNumberOfComponentsInBeamArray(int a)
int ReadHeaderInformation(int currentAdaptLevel)
This function populates the reader's private dictionary with information about the database.
virtual void SetDatabaseDirectory(VTK_FILEPATH const std::string &)
Get/Set the directory containing the LS-Dyna database and determine whether it is valid.
const char * GetRoadSurfaceArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
char * InputDeck
The name of a file containing part names and IDs.
virtual int CanReadFile(VTK_FILEPATH const char *fname)
Determine if the file can be read with this reader.
virtual void SetSolidArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadUserMaterialIds()
Called from within ReadHeaderInformation() to read arbitrary material IDs (if present) or manufacture...
int GetThickShellArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int GetNumberOfSolidArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
char * GetTitle()
The title of the database is a 40 or 80 character text description stored at the front of a d3plot fi...
int GetBeamArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadNodeStateInfo(vtkIdType)
These functions read various parts of the database.
vtkLSDynaPartCollection * Parts
void DebugDump()
A routine to call Dump() from within a lame debugger that won't properly pass a C++ iostream object l...
int GetNumberOfRigidBodyArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadState(vtkIdType)
These functions read various parts of the database.
int GetNumberOfPartArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected parts of the input.
const char * GetThickShellArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
const char * GetParticleArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfRigidBodyCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
int GetNumberOfComponentsInPointArray(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the nodal variables defined over the mesh.
vtkTypeBool DeformedMesh
Should deflected coordinates be used, or should the mesh remain undeflected? By default,...
const char * GetPointArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the nodal variables defined over the mesh.
virtual void ReadDeletionArray(vtkUnsignedCharArray *arr, const int &pos, const int &size)
Read an array of deletion data.
int WriteInputDeckSummary(const char *fname)
ReadInputDeckKeywords calls this function if it was successful in reading part names for materials.
int GetDimensionality()
Retrieve the dimension of points in the database.
const char * GetShellArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfThickShellCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
virtual void SetParticleArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
static vtkLSDynaReader * New()
int GetNumberOfShellArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int GetShellArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
~vtkLSDynaReader() override
virtual void SetPointArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the nodal variables defined over the mesh.
int GetNumberOfComponentsInRigidBodyArray(int a)
virtual void SetFileName(VTK_FILEPATH const char *)
Get/Set the filename.
const char * GetPartArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected parts of the input.
int GetNumberOfThickShellArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
double GetTimeValue(vtkIdType)
Retrieve information about the time extents of the LS-Dyna database.
int GetNumberOfCellArrays(int cellType)
Routines that allow the status of a cell variable to be adjusted or queried independent of the output...
int GetNumberOfRoadSurfaceArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual int ReadPartSizes()
These functions read various parts of the database.
virtual void SetBeamArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int ReadInputDeckXML(istream &deck)
ReadInputDeck determines the type of file (keyword or XML summary) and calls one of these two routine...
vtkIdType GetTimeStep()
Retrieve information about the time extents of the LS-Dyna database.
int IsDatabaseValid()
Get/Set the directory containing the LS-Dyna database and determine whether it is valid.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfParticleCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
VTK_FILEPATH std::string GetDatabaseDirectory()
Get/Set the directory containing the LS-Dyna database and determine whether it is valid.
int GetNumberOfBeamArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual void SetPartArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected parts of the input.
vtkTypeBool DeletedCellsAsGhostArray
Should cells marked as deleted be removed from the mesh? By default, this is true.
virtual int ReadConnectivityAndMaterial()
These functions read various parts of the database.
virtual void ResetPartInfo()
Resets the Part information to the default state.
virtual void SetFileName(VTK_FILEPATH const std::string &)
Get/Set the filename.
virtual int ReadNodes()
These functions read various parts of the database.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfNodes()
Retrieve the number of points in the database.
virtual void SetRoadSurfaceArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called by the superclass.
virtual int ReadTopology()
These functions read various parts of the database.
VTK_FILEPATH std::string GetFileName()
Get/Set the filename.
int GetNumberOfComponentsInRoadSurfaceArray(int a)
int GetNumberOfComponentsInSolidArray(int a)
int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called by the superclass.
int GetNumberOfPointArrays()
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the nodal variables defined over the mesh.
virtual void SetCellArrayStatus(int cellType, int arr, int status)
Routines that allow the status of a cell variable to be adjusted or queried independent of the output...
int GetNumberOfComponentsInThickShellArray(int a)
virtual int ComputeDeflectionAndUpdateGeometry(vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid)
These functions read various parts of the database.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfSolidCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
virtual void ReadCellProperties(const int &type, const int &numTuples)
Read all the cell properties of a given part type.
int ScanDatabaseTimeSteps()
This function scans the list of files in the database and bookmarks the start of each time step's sta...
vtkIdType GetNumberOfTimeSteps()
Retrieve information about the time extents of the LS-Dyna database.
int GetCellArrayStatus(int cellType, int arr)
Routines that allow the status of a cell variable to be adjusted or queried independent of the output...
int GetPointArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the nodal variables defined over the mesh.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfRoadSurfaceCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfBeamCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
int GetNumberOfComponentsInShellArray(int a)
virtual void SetTimeStep(vtkIdType)
Retrieve information about the time extents of the LS-Dyna database.
vtkTypeBool RemoveDeletedCells
Should cells marked as deleted be removed from the mesh? By default, this is true.
int GetSolidArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
virtual void SetRigidBodyArrayStatus(int arr, int status)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfContinuumCells()
Retrieve the number of cells of a given type in the database.
void SetDeformedMesh(vtkTypeBool)
Should deflected coordinates be used, or should the mesh remain undeflected? By default,...
virtual int ReadDeletion()
These functions read various parts of the database.
int GetPartArrayStatus(int arr)
These methods allow you to load only selected parts of the input.
const char * GetBeamArrayName(int)
These methods allow you to load only selected subsets of the cell variables defined over the mesh.
Superclass for algorithms that produce only vtkMultiBlockDataSet as output.
represent and manipulate 3D points
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types