VTK  9.4.20250309
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
3// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
4// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
58#ifndef vtkModelMetadata_h
59#define vtkModelMetadata_h
61#include "vtkIOExodusModule.h" // For export macro
62#include "vtkObject.h"
63#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // for vtkSmartPointer
64#include "vtkStringArray.h" // for vtkStringArray
66class vtkDataSet;
67class vtkCharArray;
68class vtkIdTypeArray;
69class vtkIntArray;
70class vtkFloatArray;
71class vtkIntArray;
72class vtkStringArray;
73class vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak;
75class VTKIOEXODUS_EXPORT vtkModelMetadata : public vtkObject
79 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
89 virtual void PrintGlobalInformation();
104 virtual void PrintLocalInformation();
110 vtkSetStringMacro(Title);
111 const char* GetTitle() const { return this->Title; }
117 void SetInformationLines(int numLines, char** lines);
123 int GetInformationLines(char*** lines) const;
128 int GetNumberOfInformationLines() const { return this->NumberOfInformationLines; }
137 vtkSetMacro(TimeStepIndex, int);
138 int GetTimeStepIndex() const { return this->TimeStepIndex; }
146 void SetTimeSteps(int numberOfTimeSteps, float* timeStepValues);
147 int GetNumberOfTimeSteps() const { return this->NumberOfTimeSteps; }
152 float* GetTimeStepValues() const { return this->TimeStepValues; }
157 void SetCoordinateNames(int dimension, char**);
158 char** GetCoordinateNames() const { return this->CoordinateNames; }
164 int GetDimension() const { return this->Dimension; }
171 vtkSetMacro(NumberOfBlocks, int);
172 int GetNumberOfBlocks() const { return this->NumberOfBlocks; }
179 void SetBlockIds(int*);
180 int* GetBlockIds() const { return this->BlockIds; }
188 char** GetBlockElementType() const { return this->BlockElementType; }
196 int* GetBlockNumberOfElements() const { return this->BlockNumberOfElements; }
204 int* GetBlockNodesPerElement() const { return this->BlockNodesPerElement; }
212 int* GetBlockElementIdList() const { return this->BlockElementIdList; }
217 int GetSumElementsPerBlock() const { return this->SumElementsPerBlock; }
223 int* GetBlockElementIdListIndex() const { return this->BlockElementIdListIndex; }
232 {
233 return this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement;
234 }
242 void SetBlockAttributes(float*);
243 float* GetBlockAttributes() const { return this->BlockAttributes; }
248 int GetSizeBlockAttributeArray() const { return this->SizeBlockAttributeArray; }
254 int* GetBlockAttributesIndex() const { return this->BlockAttributesIndex; }
261 vtkSetMacro(NumberOfNodeSets, int);
262 int GetNumberOfNodeSets() const { return this->NumberOfNodeSets; }
265 void SetNodeSetNames(vtkStringArray* names) { this->NodeSetNames = names; }
266 vtkStringArray* GetNodeSetNames() const { return this->NodeSetNames; }
273 void SetNodeSetIds(int*);
274 int* GetNodeSetIds() const { return this->NodeSetIds; }
280 void SetNodeSetSize(int*);
281 int* GetNodeSetSize() const { return this->NodeSetSize; }
290 int* GetNodeSetNodeIdList() const { return this->NodeSetNodeIdList; }
301 {
302 return this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors;
303 }
311 float* GetNodeSetDistributionFactors() const { return this->NodeSetDistributionFactors; }
317 vtkSetMacro(SumNodesPerNodeSet, int);
318 int GetSumNodesPerNodeSet() const { return this->SumNodesPerNodeSet; }
324 int GetSumDistFactPerNodeSet() const { return this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet; }
330 int* GetNodeSetNodeIdListIndex() const { return this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex; }
336 int* GetNodeSetDistributionFactorIndex() const { return this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex; }
343 vtkSetMacro(NumberOfSideSets, int);
344 int GetNumberOfSideSets() const { return this->NumberOfSideSets; }
347 void SetSideSetNames(vtkStringArray* names) { this->SideSetNames = names; }
348 vtkStringArray* GetSideSetNames() const { return this->SideSetNames; }
354 void SetSideSetIds(int*);
355 int* GetSideSetIds() const { return this->SideSetIds; }
361 int SetSideSetSize(int* sizes);
362 int* GetSideSetSize() const { return this->SideSetSize; }
372 {
373 return this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors;
374 }
383 int* GetSideSetElementList() const { return this->SideSetElementList; }
393 int* GetSideSetSideList() const { return this->SideSetSideList; }
401 void SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(int* numNodes);
402 int* GetSideSetNumDFPerSide() const { return this->SideSetNumDFPerSide; }
416 float* GetSideSetDistributionFactors() const { return this->SideSetDistributionFactors; }
422 vtkSetMacro(SumSidesPerSideSet, int);
423 int GetSumSidesPerSideSet() const { return this->SumSidesPerSideSet; }
429 int GetSumDistFactPerSideSet() const { return this->SumDistFactPerSideSet; }
435 int* GetSideSetListIndex() const { return this->SideSetListIndex; }
441 int* GetSideSetDistributionFactorIndex() const { return this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex; }
446 int GetNumberOfBlockProperties() const { return this->NumberOfBlockProperties; }
451 void SetBlockPropertyNames(int numProp, char** names);
452 char** GetBlockPropertyNames() const { return this->BlockPropertyNames; }
460 int* GetBlockPropertyValue() const { return this->BlockPropertyValue; }
465 int GetNumberOfNodeSetProperties() const { return this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties; }
470 void SetNodeSetPropertyNames(int numProp, char** names);
471 char** GetNodeSetPropertyNames() const { return this->NodeSetPropertyNames; }
479 int* GetNodeSetPropertyValue() const { return this->NodeSetPropertyValue; }
484 int GetNumberOfSideSetProperties() const { return this->NumberOfSideSetProperties; }
489 void SetSideSetPropertyNames(int numProp, char** names);
490 char** GetSideSetPropertyNames() const { return this->SideSetPropertyNames; }
498 int* GetSideSetPropertyValue() const { return this->SideSetPropertyValue; }
503 int GetNumberOfGlobalVariables() const { return this->NumberOfGlobalVariables; }
508 void SetGlobalVariableNames(int numVarNames, char** n);
509 char** GetGlobalVariableNames() const { return this->GlobalVariableNames; }
516 float* GetGlobalVariableValue() const { return this->GlobalVariableValue; }
531 int numOrigNames, char** origNames, int numNames, char** names, int* numComp, int* map);
546 int numOrigNames, char** origNames, int numNames, char** names, int* numComp, int* map);
555 int* GetElementVariableTruthTable() const { return this->ElementVariableTruthTable; }
563 vtkSetMacro(AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks, vtkTypeBool);
564 vtkBooleanMacro(AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks, vtkTypeBool);
566 {
567 return this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks;
568 }
589 int GetOriginalNumberOfElementVariables() const { return this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; }
590 char** GetOriginalElementVariableNames() const { return this->OriginalElementVariableNames; }
591 int GetNumberOfElementVariables() const { return this->NumberOfElementVariables; }
592 char** GetElementVariableNames() const { return this->ElementVariableNames; }
594 {
595 return this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents;
596 }
598 {
599 return this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames;
600 }
602 int GetOriginalNumberOfNodeVariables() const { return this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; }
603 char** GetOriginalNodeVariableNames() const { return this->OriginalNodeVariableNames; }
604 int GetNumberOfNodeVariables() const { return this->NumberOfNodeVariables; }
605 char** GetNodeVariableNames() const { return this->NodeVariableNames; }
606 int* GetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents() const { return this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents; }
607 int* GetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames() const { return this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames; }
638 void Reset();
645 void InitializeAllMetadata();
646 void InitializeAllIvars();
648 void FreeAllMetadata();
649 void FreeAllIvars();
651 int BuildBlockElementIdListIndex();
652 int BuildBlockAttributesIndex();
653 int BuildSideSetDistributionFactorIndex();
655 static char* StrDupWithNew(const char* s);
657 static int FindNameOnList(char* name, char** list, int listLen);
659 void ShowFloats(const char* what, int num, float* f);
660 void ShowLines(const char* what, int num, char** l);
661 void ShowIntArray(const char* what, int numx, int numy, int* id);
662 void ShowInts(const char* what, int num, int* id);
663 void ShowListsOfInts(const char* what, int* list, int nlists, int* idx, int len, int verbose);
664 void ShowListsOfFloats(const char* what, float* list, int nlists, int* idx, int len, int verbose);
666 void SetOriginalElementVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
667 void SetElementVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
668 void SetElementVariableNumberOfComponents(int* comp);
669 void SetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames(int* map);
671 void SetOriginalNodeVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
672 void SetNodeVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
673 void SetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents(int* comp);
674 void SetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames(int* map);
676 int CalculateMaximumLengths(int& maxString, int& maxLine);
678 // Fields in Exodus II file and their size (defined in exodusII.h)
679 // (G - global fields, relevant to entire file or file set)
680 // (L - local fields, they differ depending on which cells and nodes are
681 // in a file of a partitioned set, or are read in from file)
683 char* Title; // (G)
685 int NumberOfInformationLines; // (G)
686 char** InformationLine; // (G)
688 int Dimension; // (G)
689 char** CoordinateNames; // (at most 3 of these) (G)
691 // Time steps
693 int TimeStepIndex; // starting at 0 (Exodus file starts at 1)
694 int NumberOfTimeSteps; // (G)
695 float* TimeStepValues; // (G)
697 // Block information - arrays that are input with Set*
699 int NumberOfBlocks; // (G)
701 int* BlockIds; // NumberOfBlocks (G) (start at 1)
702 char** BlockElementType; // NumberOfBlocks (G)
703 int* BlockNumberOfElements; // NumberOfBlocks (L)
704 int* BlockNodesPerElement; // NumberOfBlocks (G)
705 int* BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement; // NumberOfBlocks (G)
706 int* BlockElementIdList; // SumElementsPerBlock (L)
707 float* BlockAttributes; // SizeBlockAttributeArray (L)
709 // Block information - values that we calculate
711 int SumElementsPerBlock;
712 int SizeBlockAttributeArray;
714 int* BlockElementIdListIndex; // NumberOfBlocks
715 int* BlockAttributesIndex; // NumberOfBlocks
717 vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak* BlockIdIndex; // computed map
719 // Node Sets - arrays that are input to the class with Set*
721 int NumberOfNodeSets; // (G)
725 int* NodeSetIds; // NumberOfNodeSets (G)
726 int* NodeSetSize; // NumberOfNodeSets (L)
727 int* NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; // NNS (L) (NSNDF[i] is 0 or NSS[i])
728 int* NodeSetNodeIdList; // SumNodesPerNodeSet (L)
729 float* NodeSetDistributionFactors; // SumDistFactPerNodeSet (L)
731 // Node Sets - values or arrays that the class computes
733 int SumNodesPerNodeSet;
734 int SumDistFactPerNodeSet;
736 int* NodeSetNodeIdListIndex; // NumberOfNodeSets
737 int* NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex; // NumberOfNodeSets
739 // Side Sets - input to class with Set*
741 int NumberOfSideSets; // (G)
745 int* SideSetIds; // NumberOfSideSets (G)
746 int* SideSetSize; // NumberOfSideSets (L)
747 int* SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; // NSS (L) (SSNDF[i] = 0 or NumNodesInSide)
748 int* SideSetElementList; // SumSidesPerSideSet (L)
749 int* SideSetSideList; // SumSidesPerSideSet (L)
750 int* SideSetNumDFPerSide; // SumSidesPerSideSet (L)
751 float* SideSetDistributionFactors; // SumDistFactPerSideSet (L)
753 // Side Sets - calculated by class
755 int SumSidesPerSideSet;
756 int SumDistFactPerSideSet;
758 int* SideSetListIndex; // NumberOfSideSets
759 int* SideSetDistributionFactorIndex; // NumberOfSideSets
761 // Other properties, provided as input with Set*
763 int NumberOfBlockProperties; // (G)
764 char** BlockPropertyNames; // one per property (G)
765 int* BlockPropertyValue; // NumBlocks * NumBlockProperties (G)
767 int NumberOfNodeSetProperties; // (G)
768 char** NodeSetPropertyNames; // one per property (G)
769 int* NodeSetPropertyValue; // NumNodeSets * NumNodeSetProperties (G)
771 int NumberOfSideSetProperties; // (G)
772 char** SideSetPropertyNames; // one per property (G)
773 int* SideSetPropertyValue; // NumSideSets * NumSideSetProperties (G)
775 // Global variables, 1 value per time step per variable. We store
776 // these as floats, even if they are doubles in the file. The values
777 // are global in the sense that they apply to the whole data set, but
778 // the are local in the sense that they can change with each time step.
779 // For the purpose of this object, which represents a particular
780 // time step, they are therefore considered "local". (Since they need
781 // to be updated every time another read is done from the file.)
783 int NumberOfGlobalVariables; // (G)
784 char** GlobalVariableNames; // (G) NumberOfGlobalVariables
785 float* GlobalVariableValue; // (G) NumberOfGlobalVariables
787 // The element and node arrays in the file were all scalar arrays.
788 // Those with similar names were combined into vectors in VTK. Here
789 // are all the original names from the Exodus file, the names given
790 // the variables in the VTK ugrid, and a mapping from the VTK names
791 // to the Exodus names.
793 int OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; // (G)
794 char** OriginalElementVariableNames; // (G) OriginalNumberOfElementVariables
795 int NumberOfElementVariables; // (G)
796 int MaxNumberOfElementVariables; // (G)
797 char** ElementVariableNames; // (G) MaxNumberOfElementVariables
798 int* ElementVariableNumberOfComponents; // (G) MaxNumberOfElementVariables
799 int* MapToOriginalElementVariableNames; // (G) MaxNumberOfElementVariables
801 int OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; // (G)
802 char** OriginalNodeVariableNames; // (G) OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables
803 int NumberOfNodeVariables; // (G)
804 int MaxNumberOfNodeVariables; // (G)
805 char** NodeVariableNames; // (G) NumberOfNodeVariables
806 int* NodeVariableNumberOfComponents; // (G) NumberOfNodeVariables
807 int* MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames; // (G) NumberOfNodeVariables
809 int* ElementVariableTruthTable; // (G) NumBlocks*OrigNumberOfElementVariables
810 vtkTypeBool AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks;
812 vtkModelMetadata(const vtkModelMetadata&) = delete;
813 void operator=(const vtkModelMetadata&) = delete;
dynamic, self-adjusting array of char
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
Definition vtkDataSet.h:165
dynamic, self-adjusting array of float
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition vtkIndent.h:108
dynamic, self-adjusting array of int
This class encapsulates the metadata that appear in mesh-based file formats but do not appear in vtkU...
int * GetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames() const
int GetNumberOfInformationLines() const
Get the number of information lines.
int * GetBlockElementIdList() const
int * GetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames() const
void SetBlockPropertyValue(int *)
Set or get value for each variable for each block.
void SetElementVariableTruthTable(int *)
A truth table indicating which element variables are defined for which blocks.
char ** GetOriginalElementVariableNames() const
int SetBlockNumberOfElements(int *nelts)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of elements in each block.
int * GetSideSetIds() const
void SetBlockAttributes(float *)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the attributes for all blocks.
void SetNodeSetIds(int *)
Set or get the list the IDs for each node set.
void SetNodeVariableInfo(int numOrigNames, char **origNames, int numNames, char **names, int *numComp, int *map)
The ModelMetadata maintains a list of the node variables that were in the original file,...
char ** GetNodeVariableNames() const
int GetNumberOfBlocks() const
The number of blocks in the file.
int GetNumberOfNodeVariables() const
char ** GetBlockElementType() const
int GetNumberOfSideSetProperties() const
The number of side set properties (global variables)
int SetSideSetSize(int *sizes)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of sides in each side set.
int GetInformationLines(char ***lines) const
Get a pointer to all the information lines.
void SetNodeSetNodeIdList(int *)
Set or get a pointer to a concatenated list of the IDs of all nodes in each node set.
void SetTimeSteps(int numberOfTimeSteps, float *timeStepValues)
Set the total number of time steps in the file, and the value at each time step.
char ** GetElementVariableNames() const
char ** GetOriginalNodeVariableNames() const
int GetNumberOfNodeSetProperties() const
The number of node set properties (global variables)
void SetGlobalVariableNames(int numVarNames, char **n)
Set or get the names of the global variables.
int * GetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors() const
void SetInformationLines(int numLines, char **lines)
Set the information lines.
char ** GetBlockPropertyNames() const
int * GetSideSetNumDFPerSide() const
float * GetNodeSetDistributionFactors() const
int GetNumberOfTimeSteps() const
void SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(int *numNodes)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of nodes in each side of each side set.
int * GetSideSetListIndex() const
Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each side set in the list of side set side IDs.
int GetSizeBlockAttributeArray() const
Get the length of the list of floating point block attributes.
int * GetNodeSetNodeIdList() const
void SetNodeSetDistributionFactors(float *)
Set or get a list of the distribution factors for the node sets.
void SetNodeSetNames(vtkStringArray *names)
int GetSumSidesPerSideSet() const
Get the total number of sides in all side sets.
int GetTimeStepIndex() const
Set the index of the time step represented by the results data in the file attached to this ModelMeta...
vtkStringArray * GetSideSetNames() const
void FreeOriginalElementVariableNames()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
~vtkModelMetadata() override
int GetOriginalNumberOfElementVariables() const
The ModelMetadata object may contain these lists: o the variables in the original data file o the var...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void SetCoordinateNames(int dimension, char **)
The name of the one, two or three coordinate dimensions.
void SetBlockNodesPerElement(int *)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of nodes in the elements of each block.
int GetNumberOfGlobalVariables() const
Get the number of global variables per time step.
int * GetNodeSetSize() const
void SetGlobalVariableValue(float *f)
Set or get the values of the global variables at the current time step.
void FreeUsedElementVariables()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
int * GetBlockElementIdListIndex() const
Get a list of the index into the BlockElementIdList of the start of each block's elements.
void SetSideSetNames(vtkStringArray *names)
void SetSideSetElementList(int *)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the elements containing each side in each side set.
char ** GetGlobalVariableNames() const
int * GetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents() const
float * GetTimeStepValues() const
Get the time step values.
int GetNumberOfBlockProperties() const
The number of block properties (global variables)
int * GetElementVariableNumberOfComponents() const
int * GetElementVariableTruthTable() const
char ** GetCoordinateNames() const
int SetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(int *natts)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of attributes stored for the elements in each block.
int * GetBlockAttributesIndex() const
Get a list of the index into the BlockAttributes of the start of each block's element attribute list.
vtkTypeBool GetAllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks() const
Instead of a truth table of all "1"s, you can set this instance variable to indicate that all variabl...
void SetSideSetPropertyNames(int numProp, char **names)
Set or get the names of the side set properties.
void SetElementVariableInfo(int numOrigNames, char **origNames, int numNames, char **names, int *numComp, int *map)
The ModelMetadata maintains a list of the element variables that were in the original file,...
int GetNumberOfElementVariables() const
void SetBlockIds(int *)
An arbitrary integer ID for each block.
void Reset()
Set the object back to it's initial state.
void SetSideSetDistributionFactors(float *)
Set or get a pointer to a list of all the distribution factors.
int * GetNodeSetDistributionFactorIndex() const
Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each node set in the list of node set distribution ...
int GetSumNodesPerNodeSet() const
Get the total number of nodes in all node sets.
void SetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(int *)
Set or get a list of the number of distribution factors stored by each node set.
virtual void PrintGlobalInformation()
The global fields are those which pertain to the whole file.
int * GetSideSetPropertyValue() const
int GetSumElementsPerBlock() const
Get the length of the list of elements in every block.
void SetNodeSetPropertyValue(int *)
Set or get value for each variable for each node set.
void SetBlockElementIdList(int *)
Set or get a pointer to a list global element IDs for the elements in each block.
int GetSumDistFactPerNodeSet() const
Get the total number of distribution factors stored for all node sets.
float * GetSideSetDistributionFactors() const
int * GetNodeSetIds() const
int GetNumberOfNodeSets() const
The number of node sets in the file.
int * GetSideSetElementList() const
void FreeBlockDependentData()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
float * GetBlockAttributes() const
virtual void PrintLocalInformation()
The local fields are those which depend on exactly which blocks, which time step, and which variables...
int * GetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors() const
vtkStringArray * GetNodeSetNames() const
int GetNumberOfSideSets() const
Set or get the number of side sets.
static vtkModelMetadata * New()
void SetBlockPropertyNames(int numProp, char **names)
Set or get the names of the block properties.
void FreeUsedElementVariableNames()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
void FreeAllLocalData()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
void SetSideSetPropertyValue(int *)
Set or get value for each variable for each side set.
int GetDimension() const
Get the dimension of the model.
int GetOriginalNumberOfNodeVariables() const
void FreeUsedNodeVariables()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
int * GetSideSetSideList() const
int * GetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement() const
void FreeAllGlobalData()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
void SetSideSetIds(int *)
Set or get a pointer to a list giving the ID of each side set.
int GetSumDistFactPerSideSet() const
Get the total number of distribution factors stored for all side sets.
int * GetBlockPropertyValue() const
void FreeOriginalNodeVariableNames()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
void SetSideSetSideList(int *)
Set or get a pointer to the element side for each side in the side set.
int SetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(int *df)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of distribution factors stored by each side set.
int * GetBlockIds() const
int * GetSideSetDistributionFactorIndex() const
Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each side set in the list of side set distribution ...
void SetNodeSetPropertyNames(int numProp, char **names)
Set or get the names of the node setproperties.
void FreeUsedNodeVariableNames()
Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values in the vtkModelMetadata object.
char ** GetSideSetPropertyNames() const
int * GetBlockNumberOfElements() const
int * GetSideSetSize() const
int * GetNodeSetPropertyValue() const
char ** GetNodeSetPropertyNames() const
int * GetNodeSetNodeIdListIndex() const
Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each node set in the list of node set node IDs.
const char * GetTitle() const
The title of the dataset.
void SetBlockElementType(char **)
Element type for each block - a name that means something to person who created the file.
float * GetGlobalVariableValue() const
int * GetBlockNodesPerElement() const
void SetNodeSetSize(int *)
Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of nodes in each node set.
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Definition vtkObject.h:162
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
a vtkAbstractArray subclass for strings
int vtkTypeBool
Definition vtkABI.h:64