VTK  9.4.20250304
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vtkStringArray Class Reference

a vtkAbstractArray subclass for strings More...

#include <vtkStringArray.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkStringArray:
Collaboration diagram for vtkStringArray:

Public Types

typedef vtkAbstractArray Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAbstractArray
enum  { MAX_DISCRETE_VALUES = 32 }
enum  {
  AbstractArray = 0 , DataArray , AoSDataArrayTemplate , SoADataArrayTemplate ,
  TypedDataArray , MappedDataArray , ScaleSoADataArrayTemplate , ImplicitArray ,
  DataArrayTemplate = AoSDataArrayTemplate
typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual vtkTypeBool IsA (const char *type)
 Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class.
vtkStringArrayNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
int GetDataType () const override
 Get the data type.
int IsNumeric () const override
 This method is here to make backward compatibility easier.
void Initialize () override
 Release storage and reset array to initial state.
int GetDataTypeSize () const override
 Return the size of the data type.
void Squeeze () override
 Free any unnecessary memory.
vtkTypeBool Resize (vtkIdType numTuples) override
 Resize the array while conserving the data.
void SetTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
 Set the tuple at the ith location using the jth tuple in the source array.
void InsertTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
 Insert the jth tuple in the source array, at ith location in this array.
void InsertTuples (vtkIdList *dstIds, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
 Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations indexed by dstIds in this array.
void InsertTuplesStartingAt (vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
 Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations starting at index dstStart.
void InsertTuples (vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
 Copy n consecutive tuples starting at srcStart from the source array to this array, starting at the dstStart location.
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple (vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
 Insert the jth tuple in the source array, at the end in this array.
void InterpolateTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdList *ptIndices, vtkAbstractArray *source, double *weights) override
 Set the ith tuple in this array as the interpolated tuple value, given the ptIndices in the source array and associated interpolation weights.
void InterpolateTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdType id1, vtkAbstractArray *source1, vtkIdType id2, vtkAbstractArray *source2, double t) override
 Insert the ith tuple in this array as interpolated from the two values, p1 and p2, and an interpolation factor, t.
void GetTuples (vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkAbstractArray *output) override
 Given a list of indices, return an array of values.
void GetTuples (vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2, vtkAbstractArray *output) override
 Get the values for the range of indices specified (i.e., p1->p2 inclusive).
vtkTypeBool Allocate (vtkIdType sz, vtkIdType ext=1000) override
 Allocate memory for this array.
const vtkStdStringGetValue (vtkIdType id) const
 Read-access of string at a particular index.
vtkStdStringGetValue (vtkIdType id)
 Get the string at a particular index.
void SetValue (vtkIdType id, vtkStdString value)
 Set the data at a particular index.
void SetValue (vtkIdType id, const char *value)
void SetNumberOfTuples (vtkIdType number) override
 Set the number of tuples (a component group) in the array.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfValues () const
 Return the number of values in the array.
int GetNumberOfElementComponents ()
int GetElementComponentSize () const override
 Return the size, in bytes, of the lowest-level element of an array.
void InsertValue (vtkIdType id, vtkStdString f)
 Insert data at a specified position in the array.
void InsertValue (vtkIdType id, const char *val)
void SetVariantValue (vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) override
 Set a value in the array form a variant.
void InsertVariantValue (vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) override
 Safely set a value in the array form a variant.
vtkIdType InsertNextValue (vtkStdString f)
 Insert data at the end of the array.
vtkIdType InsertNextValue (const char *f)
vtkStdStringWritePointer (vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number)
 Get the address of a particular data index.
vtkStdStringGetPointer (vtkIdType id)
 Get the address of a particular data index.
void * GetVoidPointer (vtkIdType id) override
 Return a void pointer.
void DeepCopy (vtkAbstractArray *aa) override
 Deep copy of another string array.
void SetArray (vtkStdString *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod=VTK_DATA_ARRAY_DELETE)
 This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
void SetVoidArray (void *array, vtkIdType size, int save) override
void SetVoidArray (void *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod) override
void SetArrayFreeFunction (void(*callback)(void *)) override
 This method allows the user to specify a custom free function to be called when the array is deallocated.
unsigned long GetActualMemorySize () const override
 Return the memory in kibibytes (1024 bytes) consumed by this data array.
vtkArrayIteratorNewIterator () override
 Returns a vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<vtkStdString>.
vtkIdType GetDataSize () const override
 Returns the size of the data in DataTypeSize units.
vtkIdType LookupValue (const vtkStdString &value)
void LookupValue (const vtkStdString &value, vtkIdList *ids)
vtkIdType LookupValue (const char *value)
void LookupValue (const char *value, vtkIdList *ids)
void DataChanged () override
 Tell the array explicitly that the data has changed.
virtual void DataElementChanged (vtkIdType id)
 Tell the array explicitly that a single data element has changed.
void ClearLookup () override
 Delete the associated fast lookup data structure on this array, if it exists.
vtkIdType LookupValue (vtkVariant value) override
 Return the indices where a specific value appears.
void LookupValue (vtkVariant value, vtkIdList *ids) override
 Return the indices where a specific value appears.
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractArray
virtual vtkTypeBool IsA (const char *type)
 Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class.
vtkAbstractArrayNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void PrintValues (ostream &os)
 Print the array values to an ostream object.
virtual vtkTypeBool Allocate (vtkIdType numValues, vtkIdType ext=1000)=0
 Allocate memory for this array.
virtual void Initialize ()=0
 Release storage and reset array to initial state.
virtual int GetDataType () const =0
 Return the underlying data type.
virtual int GetElementComponentSize () const =0
 Return the size, in bytes, of the lowest-level element of an array.
void SetComponentName (vtkIdType component, const char *name)
 Set the name for a component.
const char * GetComponentName (vtkIdType component) const
 Get the component name for a given component.
bool HasAComponentName () const
 Returns if any component has had a name assigned.
int CopyComponentNames (vtkAbstractArray *da)
 Copies the component names from the inputted array to the current array make sure that the current array has the same number of components as the input array.
virtual void SetNumberOfTuples (vtkIdType numTuples)=0
 Set the number of tuples (a component group) in the array.
virtual bool SetNumberOfValues (vtkIdType numValues)
 Specify the number of values (tuples * components) for this object to hold.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfTuples () const
 Get the number of complete tuples (a component group) in the array.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfValues () const
 Get the total number of values in the array.
virtual void SetTuple (vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0
 Set the tuple at dstTupleIdx in this array to the tuple at srcTupleIdx in the source array.
virtual void InsertTuple (vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0
 Insert the tuple at srcTupleIdx in the source array into this array at dstTupleIdx.
virtual void InsertTuples (vtkIdList *dstIds, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0
 Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations indexed by dstIds in this array.
virtual void InsertTuplesStartingAt (vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0
 Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations starting at index dstStart.
virtual void InsertTuples (vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0
 Copy n consecutive tuples starting at srcStart from the source array to this array, starting at the dstStart location.
virtual vtkIdType InsertNextTuple (vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0
 Insert the tuple from srcTupleIdx in the source array at the end of this array.
virtual void GetTuples (vtkIdList *tupleIds, vtkAbstractArray *output)
 Given a list of tuple ids, return an array of tuples.
virtual void GetTuples (vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2, vtkAbstractArray *output)
 Get the tuples for the range of tuple ids specified (i.e., p1->p2 inclusive).
virtual bool HasStandardMemoryLayout () const
 Returns true if this array uses the standard memory layout defined in the VTK user guide, e.g.
virtual void * GetVoidPointer (vtkIdType valueIdx)=0
 Return a void pointer.
virtual void DeepCopy (vtkAbstractArray *da)
 Deep copy of data.
virtual void InterpolateTuple (vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdList *ptIndices, vtkAbstractArray *source, double *weights)=0
 Set the tuple at dstTupleIdx in this array to the interpolated tuple value, given the ptIndices in the source array and associated interpolation weights.
virtual void InterpolateTuple (vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx1, vtkAbstractArray *source1, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx2, vtkAbstractArray *source2, double t)=0
 Insert the tuple at dstTupleIdx in this array to the tuple interpolated from the two tuple indices, srcTupleIdx1 and srcTupleIdx2, and an interpolation factor, t.
virtual void Squeeze ()=0
 Free any unnecessary memory.
virtual vtkTypeBool Resize (vtkIdType numTuples)=0
 Resize the array to the requested number of tuples and preserve data.
vtkIdType GetSize () const
 Return the size of the data.
vtkIdType GetMaxId () const
 What is the maximum id currently in the array.
virtual void SetArrayFreeFunction (void(*callback)(void *))=0
 This method allows the user to specify a custom free function to be called when the array is deallocated.
virtual void ExportToVoidPointer (void *out_ptr)
 This method copies the array data to the void pointer specified by the user.
virtual unsigned long GetActualMemorySize () const =0
 Return the memory in kibibytes (1024 bytes) consumed by this data array.
virtual const char * GetDataTypeAsString () const
 Get the name of a data type as a string.
virtual int IsNumeric () const =0
 This method is here to make backward compatibility easier.
virtual bool IsIntegral () const
 This method will return true if and only if an array contains integer-valued data.
virtual vtkArrayIteratorNewIterator ()=0
 Subclasses must override this method and provide the right kind of templated vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.
virtual vtkIdType GetDataSize () const
 Returns the size of the data in DataTypeSize units.
virtual vtkVariant GetVariantValue (vtkIdType valueIdx)
 Retrieve value from the array as a variant.
virtual void InsertVariantValue (vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkVariant value)=0
 Insert a value into the array from a variant.
virtual void SetVariantValue (vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkVariant value)=0
 Set a value in the array from a variant.
virtual void DataChanged ()=0
 Tell the array explicitly that the data has changed.
virtual void ClearLookup ()=0
 Delete the associated fast lookup data structure on this array, if it exists.
virtual void GetProminentComponentValues (int comp, vtkVariantArray *values, double uncertainty=1.e-6, double minimumProminence=1.e-3)
 Populate the given vtkVariantArray with a set of distinct values taken on by the requested component (or, when passed -1, by the tuples as a whole).
vtkInformationGetInformation ()
 Get an information object that can be used to annotate the array.
bool HasInformation () const
 Inquire if this array has an instance of vtkInformation already associated with it.
virtual int CopyInformation (vtkInformation *infoFrom, vtkTypeBool deep=1)
 Copy information instance.
void Modified () override
 Removes out-of-date PER_COMPONENT() and PER_FINITE_COMPONENT() values.
virtual int GetArrayType () const
 Method for type-checking in FastDownCast implementations.
const char * GetArrayTypeAsString () const
 Get the name for the array type as string.
virtual void SetNumberOfComponents (int)
 Set/Get the dimension (n) of the components.
int GetNumberOfComponents () const
 Set/Get the dimension (n) of the components.
void Reset ()
 Reset to an empty state, without freeing any memory.
virtual void SetVoidArray (void *vtkNotUsed(array), vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(size), int vtkNotUsed(save))=0
 This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
virtual void SetVoidArray (void *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int vtkNotUsed(deleteMethod))
 This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
virtual void SetName (const char *)
 Set/get array's name.
virtual char * GetName ()
 Set/get array's name.
virtual unsigned int GetMaxDiscreteValues ()
 Get/Set the maximum number of prominent values this array may contain before it is considered continuous.
virtual void SetMaxDiscreteValues (unsigned int)
 Get/Set the maximum number of prominent values this array may contain before it is considered continuous.
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase)
virtual void DebugOn ()
 Turn debugging output on.
virtual void DebugOff ()
 Turn debugging output off.
bool GetDebug ()
 Get the value of the debug flag.
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
 Set the value of the debug flag.
virtual void Modified ()
 Update the modification time for this object.
virtual vtkMTimeType GetMTime ()
 Return this object's modified time.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (unsigned long event)
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (const char *event)
vtkTypeBool InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
vtkTypeBool InvokeEvent (const char *event)
std::string GetObjectDescription () const override
 The object description printed in messages and PrintSelf output.
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object.
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
 Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events.
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
 Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events.
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
 Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method.
vtkTypeBool InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
 This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not.
vtkTypeBool InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
 This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not.
virtual void SetObjectName (const std::string &objectName)
 Set/get the name of this object for reporting purposes.
virtual std::string GetObjectName () const
 Set/get the name of this object for reporting purposes.
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
 Return the class name as a string.
virtual std::string GetObjectDescription () const
 The object description printed in messages and PrintSelf output.
virtual vtkTypeBool IsA (const char *name)
 Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class.
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase (const char *name)
 Given the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class).
virtual void Delete ()
 Delete a VTK object.
virtual void FastDelete ()
 Delete a reference to this object.
void InitializeObjectBase ()
void Print (ostream &os)
 Print an object to an ostream.
void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
 Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
 Decrease the reference count (release by another object).
int GetReferenceCount ()
 Return the current reference count of this object.
void SetReferenceCount (int)
 Sets the reference count.
bool GetIsInMemkind () const
 A local state flag that remembers whether this object lives in the normal or extended memory space.
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual bool UsesGarbageCollector () const
 Indicate whether the class uses vtkGarbageCollector or not.

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkStringArrayNew ()
static vtkStringArrayExtendedNew ()
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkStringArraySafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractArray
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAbstractArraySafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkAbstractArrayCreateArray (int dataType)
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyGUI_HIDE ()
 This key is a hint to end user interface that this array is internal and should not be shown to the end user.
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyPER_COMPONENT ()
 This key is used to hold a vector of COMPONENT_VALUES (and, for vtkDataArray subclasses, COMPONENT_RANGE) keys – one for each component of the array.
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyPER_FINITE_COMPONENT ()
 This key is used to hold a vector of COMPONENT_VALUES (and, for vtkDataArray subclasses, COMPONENT_RANGE) keys – one for each component of the array.
static vtkInformationVariantVectorKeyDISCRETE_VALUES ()
 A key used to hold discrete values taken on either by the tuples of the array (when present in this->GetInformation()) or individual components (when present in one entry of the PER_COMPONENT() information vector).
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKeyDISCRETE_VALUE_SAMPLE_PARAMETERS ()
 A key used to hold conditions under which cached discrete values were generated; the value is a 2-vector of doubles.
static int GetDataTypeSize (int type)
 Return the size of the underlying data type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static vtkObjectNew ()
 Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on.
static void BreakOnError ()
 This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes.
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (vtkTypeBool val)
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.
static vtkTypeBool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *name)
 Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class.
static vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType (const char *name)
 Given a the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class).
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()
 Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on.
static void SetMemkindDirectory (const char *directoryname)
 The name of a directory, ideally mounted -o dax, to memory map an extended memory space within.
static bool GetUsingMemkind ()
 A global state flag that controls whether vtkObjects are constructed in the usual way (the default) or within the extended memory space.

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkStringArray ()
 ~vtkStringArray () override
vtkStdStringResizeAndExtend (vtkIdType sz)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractArray
virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkAbstractArray ()
 ~vtkAbstractArray () override
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
 Set an information object that can be used to annotate the array.
virtual void UpdateDiscreteValueSet (double uncertainty, double minProminence)
 Obtain the set of unique values taken on by each component of the array, as well as by the tuples of the array.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
 ~vtkObject () override
void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override
void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr)
 These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events.
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
 These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check)
virtual void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check)
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
virtual void ObjectFinalize ()
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

void(* DeleteFunction )(void *)
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAbstractArray
vtkIdType Size
vtkIdType MaxId
int NumberOfComponents
unsigned int MaxDiscreteValues
char * Name
bool RebuildArray
vtkInternalComponentNames * ComponentNames
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
std::string ObjectName
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
std::atomic< int32_t > ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkMallocingFunction GetCurrentMallocFunction ()
static vtkReallocingFunction GetCurrentReallocFunction ()
static vtkFreeingFunction GetCurrentFreeFunction ()
static vtkFreeingFunction GetAlternateFreeFunction ()

Detailed Description

a vtkAbstractArray subclass for strings

Points and cells may sometimes have associated data that are stored as strings, e.g. labels for information visualization projects. This class provides a clean way to store and access those strings.

Andy Wilson (atwil.nosp@m.so@s.nosp@m.andia.nosp@m..gov) wrote this class.
vtkStringArray (Examples)
Online Examples:

vtkStringArray (Tests)

Definition at line 141 of file vtkStringArray.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 154 of file vtkStringArray.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DeleteMethod


Definition at line 144 of file vtkStringArray.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkStringArray()

vtkStringArray::vtkStringArray ( )

◆ ~vtkStringArray()

vtkStringArray::~vtkStringArray ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ New()

static vtkStringArray * vtkStringArray::New ( )

◆ ExtendedNew()

static vtkStringArray * vtkStringArray::ExtendedNew ( )

◆ IsTypeOf()

static vtkTypeBool vtkStringArray::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ IsA()

virtual vtkTypeBool vtkStringArray::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class.

Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkStringArray * vtkStringArray::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)

◆ NewInstanceInternal()

virtual vtkObjectBase * vtkStringArray::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ NewInstance()

vtkStringArray * vtkStringArray::NewInstance ( ) const

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkStringArray::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.

Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetDataType()

int vtkStringArray::GetDataType ( ) const

Get the data type.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

Definition at line 166 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ IsNumeric()

int vtkStringArray::IsNumeric ( ) const

This method is here to make backward compatibility easier.

It must return true if and only if an array contains numeric data.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

Definition at line 168 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ Initialize()

void vtkStringArray::Initialize ( )

Release storage and reset array to initial state.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetDataTypeSize()

int vtkStringArray::GetDataTypeSize ( ) const

Return the size of the data type.

WARNING: This may not mean what you expect with strings. It will return sizeof(std::string) and not take into account the data included in any particular string.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ Squeeze()

void vtkStringArray::Squeeze ( )

Free any unnecessary memory.

Resize object to just fit data requirement. Reclaims extra memory.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

Definition at line 187 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ Resize()

vtkTypeBool vtkStringArray::Resize ( vtkIdType  numTuples)

Resize the array while conserving the data.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ SetTuple()

void vtkStringArray::SetTuple ( vtkIdType  i,
vtkIdType  j,
vtkAbstractArray source 

Set the tuple at the ith location using the jth tuple in the source array.

This method assumes that the two arrays have the same type and structure. Note that range checking and memory allocation is not performed; use in conjunction with SetNumberOfTuples() to allocate space.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertTuple()

void vtkStringArray::InsertTuple ( vtkIdType  i,
vtkIdType  j,
vtkAbstractArray source 

Insert the jth tuple in the source array, at ith location in this array.

Note that memory allocation is performed as necessary to hold the data.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertTuples() [1/2]

void vtkStringArray::InsertTuples ( vtkIdList dstIds,
vtkIdList srcIds,
vtkAbstractArray source 

Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations indexed by dstIds in this array.

Note that memory allocation is performed as necessary to hold the data.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertTuplesStartingAt()

void vtkStringArray::InsertTuplesStartingAt ( vtkIdType  dstStart,
vtkIdList srcIds,
vtkAbstractArray source 

Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations starting at index dstStart.

Note that memory allocation is performed as necessary to hold the data.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertTuples() [2/2]

void vtkStringArray::InsertTuples ( vtkIdType  dstStart,
vtkIdType  n,
vtkIdType  srcStart,
vtkAbstractArray source 

Copy n consecutive tuples starting at srcStart from the source array to this array, starting at the dstStart location.

Note that memory allocation is performed as necessary to hold the data.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertNextTuple()

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::InsertNextTuple ( vtkIdType  j,
vtkAbstractArray source 

Insert the jth tuple in the source array, at the end in this array.

Note that memory allocation is performed as necessary to hold the data. Returns the location at which the data was inserted.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InterpolateTuple() [1/2]

void vtkStringArray::InterpolateTuple ( vtkIdType  i,
vtkIdList ptIndices,
vtkAbstractArray source,
double *  weights 

Set the ith tuple in this array as the interpolated tuple value, given the ptIndices in the source array and associated interpolation weights.

This method assumes that the two arrays are of the same type and structure.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InterpolateTuple() [2/2]

void vtkStringArray::InterpolateTuple ( vtkIdType  i,
vtkIdType  id1,
vtkAbstractArray source1,
vtkIdType  id2,
vtkAbstractArray source2,
double  t 

Insert the ith tuple in this array as interpolated from the two values, p1 and p2, and an interpolation factor, t.

The interpolation factor ranges from (0,1), with t=0 located at p1. This method assumes that the three arrays are of the same type. p1 is value at index id1 in source1, while, p2 is value at index id2 in source2.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetTuples() [1/2]

void vtkStringArray::GetTuples ( vtkIdList ptIds,
vtkAbstractArray output 

Given a list of indices, return an array of values.

You must ensure that the output array has been previously allocated with enough space to hold the data and that the types match sufficiently to allow conversion (if necessary).

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetTuples() [2/2]

void vtkStringArray::GetTuples ( vtkIdType  p1,
vtkIdType  p2,
vtkAbstractArray output 

Get the values for the range of indices specified (i.e., p1->p2 inclusive).

You must ensure that the output array has been previously allocated with enough space to hold the data and that the type of the output array is compatible with the type of this array.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ Allocate()

vtkTypeBool vtkStringArray::Allocate ( vtkIdType  sz,
vtkIdType  ext = 1000 

Allocate memory for this array.

Delete old storage only if necessary. Note that ext is no longer used.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetValue() [1/2]

const vtkStdString & vtkStringArray::GetValue ( vtkIdType  id) const

Read-access of string at a particular index.

◆ GetValue() [2/2]

vtkStdString & vtkStringArray::GetValue ( vtkIdType  id)

Get the string at a particular index.

◆ SetValue() [1/2]

void vtkStringArray::SetValue ( vtkIdType  id,
vtkStdString  value 

Set the data at a particular index.

Does not do range checking. Make sure you use the method SetNumberOfValues() before inserting data.

Definition at line 292 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ SetValue() [2/2]

void vtkStringArray::SetValue ( vtkIdType  id,
const char *  value 

◆ SetNumberOfTuples()

void vtkStringArray::SetNumberOfTuples ( vtkIdType  number)

Set the number of tuples (a component group) in the array.

Note that this may allocate space depending on the number of components.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

Definition at line 306 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ GetNumberOfValues()

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::GetNumberOfValues ( ) const

Return the number of values in the array.

Definition at line 314 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ GetNumberOfElementComponents()

int vtkStringArray::GetNumberOfElementComponents ( )

Definition at line 316 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ GetElementComponentSize()

int vtkStringArray::GetElementComponentSize ( ) const

Return the size, in bytes, of the lowest-level element of an array.

For vtkDataArray and subclasses this is the size of the data type. For vtkStringArray, this is sizeof(vtkStdString::value_type), which winds up being sizeof(char).

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

Definition at line 317 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ InsertValue() [1/2]

void vtkStringArray::InsertValue ( vtkIdType  id,
vtkStdString  f 

Insert data at a specified position in the array.

◆ InsertValue() [2/2]

void vtkStringArray::InsertValue ( vtkIdType  id,
const char *  val 

◆ SetVariantValue()

void vtkStringArray::SetVariantValue ( vtkIdType  idx,
vtkVariant  value 

Set a value in the array form a variant.

Insert a value into the array from a variant.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertVariantValue()

void vtkStringArray::InsertVariantValue ( vtkIdType  idx,
vtkVariant  value 

Safely set a value in the array form a variant.

Safely insert a value into the array from a variant.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ InsertNextValue() [1/2]

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::InsertNextValue ( vtkStdString  f)

Insert data at the end of the array.

Return its location in the array.

◆ InsertNextValue() [2/2]

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::InsertNextValue ( const char *  f)

◆ WritePointer()

vtkStdString * vtkStringArray::WritePointer ( vtkIdType  id,
vtkIdType  number 

Get the address of a particular data index.

Make sure data is allocated for the number of items requested. Set MaxId according to the number of data values requested.

◆ GetPointer()

vtkStdString * vtkStringArray::GetPointer ( vtkIdType  id)

Get the address of a particular data index.

Performs no checks to verify that the memory has been allocated etc.

Definition at line 357 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ GetVoidPointer()

void * vtkStringArray::GetVoidPointer ( vtkIdType  valueIdx)

Return a void pointer.

For image pipeline interface and other special pointer manipulation. Use of this method is discouraged, as newer arrays require a deep-copy of the array data in order to return a suitable pointer. See vtkArrayDispatch for a safer alternative for fast data access.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

Definition at line 358 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ DeepCopy()

void vtkStringArray::DeepCopy ( vtkAbstractArray aa)

Deep copy of another string array.

Will complain and change nothing if the array passed in is not a vtkStringArray.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ SetArray()

void vtkStringArray::SetArray ( vtkStdString array,
vtkIdType  size,
int  save,
int  deleteMethod = VTK_DATA_ARRAY_DELETE 

This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.

The array argument is a pointer to the data. size is the size of the array supplied by the user. Set save to 1 to keep the class from deleting the array when it cleans up or reallocates memory. The class uses the actual array provided; it does not copy the data from the supplied array. If save is 0, then this class is free to delete the array when it cleans up or reallocates using the provided free function If the delete method is VTK_DATA_ARRAY_USER_DEFINED a custom free function can be assigned to be called using SetArrayFreeFunction, if no custom function is assigned we will default to delete[].

◆ SetVoidArray() [1/2]

void vtkStringArray::SetVoidArray ( void *  array,
vtkIdType  size,
int  save 

Definition at line 380 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ SetVoidArray() [2/2]

void vtkStringArray::SetVoidArray ( void *  array,
vtkIdType  size,
int  save,
int  deleteMethod 

Definition at line 384 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ SetArrayFreeFunction()

void vtkStringArray::SetArrayFreeFunction ( void(*)(void *)  callback)

This method allows the user to specify a custom free function to be called when the array is deallocated.

Calling this method will implicitly mean that the given free function will be called when the class cleans up or reallocates memory.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetActualMemorySize()

unsigned long vtkStringArray::GetActualMemorySize ( ) const

Return the memory in kibibytes (1024 bytes) consumed by this data array.

Used to support streaming and reading/writing data. The value returned is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to the memory required to actually represent the data represented by this object. The information returned is valid only after the pipeline has been updated.

This function takes into account the size of the contents of the strings as well as the string containers themselves.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ NewIterator()

vtkArrayIterator * vtkStringArray::NewIterator ( )

Returns a vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<vtkStdString>.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ GetDataSize()

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::GetDataSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the data in DataTypeSize units.

Thus, the number of bytes for the data can be computed by GetDataSize() * GetDataTypeSize(). The size computation includes the string termination character for each string.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractArray.

◆ LookupValue() [1/6]

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::LookupValue ( vtkVariant  value)

Return the indices where a specific value appears.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ LookupValue() [2/6]

void vtkStringArray::LookupValue ( vtkVariant  value,
vtkIdList ids 

Return the indices where a specific value appears.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ LookupValue() [3/6]

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::LookupValue ( const vtkStdString value)

◆ LookupValue() [4/6]

void vtkStringArray::LookupValue ( const vtkStdString value,
vtkIdList ids 

◆ LookupValue() [5/6]

vtkIdType vtkStringArray::LookupValue ( const char *  value)

◆ LookupValue() [6/6]

void vtkStringArray::LookupValue ( const char *  value,
vtkIdList ids 

◆ DataChanged()

void vtkStringArray::DataChanged ( )

Tell the array explicitly that the data has changed.

This is only necessary to call when you modify the array contents without using the array's API (i.e. you retrieve a pointer to the data and modify the array contents). You need to call this so that the fast lookup will know to rebuild itself. Otherwise, the lookup functions will give incorrect results.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ DataElementChanged()

virtual void vtkStringArray::DataElementChanged ( vtkIdType  id)

Tell the array explicitly that a single data element has changed.

Like DataChanged(), then is only necessary when you modify the array contents without using the array's API.

◆ ClearLookup()

void vtkStringArray::ClearLookup ( )

Delete the associated fast lookup data structure on this array, if it exists.

The lookup will be rebuilt on the next call to a lookup function.

Implements vtkAbstractArray.

◆ ResizeAndExtend()

vtkStdString * vtkStringArray::ResizeAndExtend ( vtkIdType  sz)

Member Data Documentation

◆ Array

vtkStdString* vtkStringArray::Array

Definition at line 464 of file vtkStringArray.h.

◆ DeleteFunction

void(* vtkStringArray::DeleteFunction) (void *)

Definition at line 467 of file vtkStringArray.h.

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