8#ifndef vtkOpenVRInteractorStyle_h
9#define vtkOpenVRInteractorStyle_h
11#include "vtkRenderingOpenVRModule.h"
Implements OpenVR specific functions required by vtkVRInteractorStyle.
void SetupActions(vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren) override
Setup default actions defined with an action path and a corresponding command.
void LoadNextCameraPose() override
Load the next camera pose.
~vtkOpenVRInteractorStyle() override=default
static vtkOpenVRInteractorStyle * New()
vtkVRControlsHelper * MakeControlsHelper() override
Creates a new ControlsHelper suitable for use with this class.
platform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control.
Tooltip helper explaining controls Helper class to draw one tooltip per button around the controller.
Extended from vtkInteractorStyle3D to override command methods.