151#ifndef vtkRenderWindowInteractor_h
152#define vtkRenderWindowInteractor_h
156#include "vtkRenderingCoreModule.h"
164#define VTKI_TIMER_FIRST 0
165#define VTKI_TIMER_UPDATE 1
169#define VTKI_MAX_POINTERS 5
203 this->Initialized = 0;
233 vtkGetMacro(Done,
234 vtkSetMacro(Done,
255 vtkGetMacro(Enabled,
262 vtkBooleanMacro(EnableRender,
264 vtkSetMacro(EnableRender,
266 vtkGetMacro(EnableRender,
295 virtual
void UpdateSize(
int x,
int y);
314 virtual
int CreateTimer(
int timerType);
315 virtual
int DestroyTimer();
321 int CreateRepeatingTimer(
unsigned long duration);
327 int CreateOneShotTimer(
unsigned long duration);
333 int IsOneShotTimer(
int timerId);
338 unsigned long GetTimerDuration(
int timerId);
343 int ResetTimer(
int timerId);
349 int DestroyTimer(
int timerId);
354 virtual
int GetVTKTimerId(
int platformTimerId);
374 vtkSetClampMacro(TimerDuration,
unsigned long, 1, 100000);
375 vtkGetMacro(TimerDuration,
unsigned long);
391 vtkSetMacro(TimerEventId,
392 vtkGetMacro(TimerEventId,
393 vtkSetMacro(TimerEventType,
394 vtkGetMacro(TimerEventType,
395 vtkSetMacro(TimerEventDuration,
396 vtkGetMacro(TimerEventDuration,
397 vtkSetMacro(TimerEventPlatformId,
398 vtkGetMacro(TimerEventPlatformId,
436 vtkGetMacro(DesiredUpdateRate,
446 vtkGetMacro(StillUpdateRate,
454 vtkGetMacro(Initialized,
493 virtual
void ExitCallback();
494 virtual
void UserCallback();
495 virtual
void StartPickCallback();
496 virtual
void EndPickCallback();
502 virtual
void GetMousePosition(
int* x,
int* y)
540 vtkGetMacro(NumberOfFlyFrames,
548 vtkSetMacro(Dolly,
549 vtkGetMacro(Dolly,
561 vtkGetVector2Macro(EventPosition,
562 vtkGetVector2Macro(LastEventPosition,
563 vtkSetVector2Macro(LastEventPosition,
566 vtkDebugMacro(<< this->
GetClassName() <<
" (" <<
this <<
"): setting EventPosition to (" << x
568 if (this->EventPosition[0] != x || this->EventPosition[1] != y ||
569 this->LastEventPosition[0] != x || this->LastEventPosition[1] != y)
571 this->LastEventPosition[0] = this->EventPosition[0];
572 this->LastEventPosition[1] = this->EventPosition[1];
573 this->EventPosition[0] = x;
574 this->EventPosition[1] = y;
581 this->SetEventPosition(x, this->Size[1] - y - 1);
592 return this->EventPositions[pointerIndex];
600 return this->LastEventPositions[pointerIndex];
608 if (pointerIndex == 0)
610 this->LastEventPosition[0] = this->EventPosition[0];
611 this->LastEventPosition[1] = this->EventPosition[1];
612 this->EventPosition[0] = x;
613 this->EventPosition[1] = y;
615 vtkDebugMacro(<< this->
GetClassName() <<
" (" <<
this <<
"): setting EventPosition to (" << x
616 <<
"," << y <<
") for pointerIndex number " << pointerIndex);
617 if (this->EventPositions[pointerIndex][0] != x || this->EventPositions[pointerIndex][1] != y ||
618 this->LastEventPositions[pointerIndex][0] != x ||
619 this->LastEventPositions[pointerIndex][1] != y)
621 this->LastEventPositions[pointerIndex][0] = this->EventPositions[pointerIndex][0];
622 this->LastEventPositions[pointerIndex][1] = this->EventPositions[pointerIndex][1];
623 this->EventPositions[pointerIndex][0] = x;
624 this->EventPositions[pointerIndex][1] = y;
630 this->SetEventPosition(pos[0], pos[1], pointerIndex);
634 this->SetEventPosition(x, this->Size[1] - y - 1, pointerIndex);
638 this->SetEventPositionFlipY(pos[0], pos[1], pointerIndex);
649 vtkSetMacro(AltKey,
650 vtkGetMacro(AltKey,
659 vtkSetMacro(ControlKey,
660 vtkGetMacro(ControlKey,
667 vtkSetMacro(ShiftKey,
668 vtkGetMacro(ShiftKey,
695 vtkSetMacro(KeyCode,
696 vtkGetMacro(KeyCode,
704 vtkSetMacro(RepeatCount,
705 vtkGetMacro(RepeatCount,
729 vtkSetStringMacro(KeySym);
730 vtkGetStringMacro(KeySym);
737 vtkSetMacro(PointerIndex,
738 vtkGetMacro(PointerIndex,
746 vtkGetMacro(Rotation,
747 vtkGetMacro(LastRotation,
755 vtkGetMacro(Scale,
756 vtkGetMacro(LastScale,
764 vtkGetVector2Macro(Translation,
765 vtkGetVector2Macro(LastTranslation,
773 const char* keysym,
int pointerIndex)
775 this->SetEventPosition(x, y, pointerIndex);
776 this->ControlKey = ctrl;
777 this->ShiftKey = shift;
778 this->KeyCode = keycode;
779 this->RepeatCount = repeatcount;
780 this->PointerIndex = pointerIndex;
783 this->SetKeySym(keysym);
788 int repeatcount = 0,
const char* keysym =
790 this->SetEventInformation(x, y, ctrl, shift, keycode, repeatcount, keysym, 0);
800 const char* keysym,
int pointerIndex)
802 this->SetEventInformation(
803 x, this->Size[1] - y - 1, ctrl, shift, keycode, repeatcount, keysym, pointerIndex);
806 int repeatcount = 0,
const char* keysym =
808 this->SetEventInformationFlipY(x, y, ctrl, shift, keycode, repeatcount, keysym, 0);
817 const char* keysym =
819 this->ControlKey = ctrl;
820 this->ShiftKey = shift;
821 this->KeyCode = keycode;
822 this->RepeatCount = repeatcount;
825 this->SetKeySym(keysym);
843 vtkSetVector2Macro(Size,
844 vtkGetVector2Macro(Size,
845 vtkSetVector2Macro(EventSize,
846 vtkGetVector2Macro(EventSize,
874 vtkSetMacro(UseTDx,
875 vtkGetMacro(UseTDx,
935 vtkSetMacro(RecognizeGestures,
936 vtkGetMacro(RecognizeGestures,
945 vtkGetMacro(PointersDownCount,
1032 double Translation[2];
1033 double LastTranslation[2];
1036 int EventPosition[2];
1037 int LastEventPosition[2];
1066 this->Superclass::InternalGrabFocus(mouseEvents, keypressEvents);
1076 friend struct vtkTimerStruct;
define API for picking subclasses
abstract API for pickers that can pick an instance of vtkProp
a list of nodes that form an assembly path
superclass for callback/observer methods
create a window for renderers to draw into
a simple class to control print indentation
record and play VTK events passing through a vtkRenderWindowInteractor
an abstract superclass for classes observing events invoked by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
abstract base class for most VTK objects
const char * GetClassName() const
Return the class name as a string.
abstract base class for most VTK objects
virtual void Modified()
Update the modification time for this object.
Class defines API to manage the picking process.
platform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control.
void HideCursor()
Hide or show the mouse cursor, it is nice to be able to hide the default cursor if you want VTK to di...
virtual void StartEventLoop()
Run the event loop (does not return until TerminateApp is called).
virtual void FourthButtonReleaseEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void PinchEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void SwipeEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
vtkHardwareWindow * HardwareWindow
virtual void StartRotateEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
void SetKeyEventInformation(int ctrl=0, int shift=0, char keycode=0, int repeatcount=0, const char *keysym=nullptr)
Set all the keyboard-related event information in one call.
void UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *o) override
This Method detects loops of RenderWindow-Interactor, so objects are freed properly.
virtual void SetEventPositionFlipY(int pos[2], int pointerIndex)
virtual void EndPinchEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void KeyReleaseEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual int * GetLastEventPositions(int pointerIndex)
virtual void Enable()
Enable/Disable interactions.
virtual int InternalDestroyTimer(int platformTimerId)
Internal methods for creating and destroying timers that must be implemented by subclasses.
vtkObserverMediator * ObserverMediator
Widget mediators are used to resolve contention for cursors and other resources.
virtual void EndRotateEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void ExitEvent()
Fire various events.
void FlyToImage(vtkRenderer *ren, double x, double y)
Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x.
void SetRotation(double rotation)
Set/get the rotation for the gesture in degrees, update LastRotation.
virtual void ExposeEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void EndPanEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void Render()
Render the scene.
virtual vtkRenderer * FindPokedRenderer(int, int)
When an event occurs, we must determine which Renderer the event occurred within, since one RenderWin...
virtual void MouseWheelLeftEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void MouseWheelForwardEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void SetEventPosition(int x, int y)
Set/Get information about the current event.
virtual void TerminateApp()
This function is called on 'q','e' keypress if exitmethod is not specified and should be overridden b...
virtual void LeftButtonReleaseEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void CharEvent()
Fire various events.
void SetEventInformation(int x, int y, int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount, const char *keysym, int pointerIndex)
Set all the event information in one call.
vtkObserverMediator * GetObserverMediator()
Return the object used to mediate between vtkInteractorObservers contending for resources.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual vtkPickingManager * CreateDefaultPickingManager()
Create default pickingManager.
virtual void LeaveEvent()
Fire various events.
static bool InteractorManagesTheEventLoop
This flag is useful when you are integrating VTK in a larger system.
virtual vtkInteractorObserver * GetInteractorStyle()
External switching between joystick/trackball/new? modes.
virtual void FourthButtonPressEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void MouseWheelRightEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void EnterEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual int InternalCreateTimer(int timerId, int timerType, unsigned long duration)
Internal methods for creating and destroying timers that must be implemented by subclasses.
~vtkRenderWindowInteractor() override
virtual void RightButtonPressEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void Start()
Start the event loop.
void SetEventInformation(int x, int y, int ctrl=0, int shift=0, char keycode=0, int repeatcount=0, const char *keysym=nullptr)
Set all the event information in one call.
void ShowCursor()
Hide or show the mouse cursor, it is nice to be able to hide the default cursor if you want VTK to di...
virtual void ConfigureEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void FifthButtonPressEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual int * GetEventPositions(int pointerIndex)
virtual void StartPanEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
int GetCurrentTimerId()
Internal methods for creating and destroying timers that must be implemented by subclasses.
virtual void MouseWheelBackwardEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void SetInteractorStyle(vtkInteractorObserver *)
External switching between joystick/trackball/new? modes.
void ClearContact(size_t contactID)
Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch e...
void FlyTo(vtkRenderer *ren, double x, double y, double z)
Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x.
void ReInitialize()
Prepare for handling events and set the Enabled flag to true.
vtkPickingManager * PickingManager
void SetEventInformationFlipY(int x, int y, int ctrl=0, int shift=0, char keycode=0, int repeatcount=0, const char *keysym=nullptr)
Calls SetEventInformation, but flips the Y based on the current Size[1] value (i.e.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorObserver > InteractorStyle
void SetTranslation(double val[2])
Set/get the translation for pan/swipe gestures, update LastTranslation.
virtual void SetCurrentGesture(vtkCommand::EventIds eid)
Get the current gesture that was recognized when handling multitouch and VR events.
void FlyToImage(vtkRenderer *ren, double *x)
Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x.
virtual void PanEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void ProcessEvents()
Process all user-interaction, timer events and return.
unsigned long TimerDuration
virtual void RightButtonReleaseEvent()
Fire various events.
vtkCommand::EventIds CurrentGesture
virtual void SetEventPositionFlipY(int x, int y, int pointerIndex)
void SetEventInformationFlipY(int x, int y, int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount, const char *keysym, int pointerIndex)
Calls SetEventInformation, but flips the Y based on the current Size[1] value (i.e.
virtual void SetEventPositionFlipY(int x, int y)
Set/Get information about the current event.
int GetPointerIndexForContact(size_t contactID)
Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch e...
static vtkRenderWindowInteractor * New()
virtual void FifthButtonReleaseEvent()
Fire various events.
bool IsPointerIndexSet(int i)
Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch e...
virtual void LeftButtonPressEvent()
Fire various events.
void GrabFocus(vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr)
virtual vtkCommand::EventIds GetCurrentGesture() const
Get the current gesture that was recognized when handling multitouch and VR events.
virtual void MiddleButtonPressEvent()
Fire various events.
int GetPointerIndexForExistingContact(size_t contactID)
Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch e...
virtual void MouseMoveEvent()
Fire various events.
void FlyTo(vtkRenderer *ren, double *x)
Given a position x, move the current camera's focal point to x.
vtkAbstractPicker * Picker
virtual void StartPinchEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void SetEventPosition(int pos[2])
Set/Get information about the current event.
void SetScale(double scale)
Set/get the scale for the gesture, updates LastScale.
virtual void Initialize()
Prepare for handling events and set the Enabled flag to true.
virtual void RotateEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void TapEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void SetEventPositionFlipY(int pos[2])
Set/Get information about the current event.
vtkTypeBool LightFollowCamera
virtual void SetEventPosition(int x, int y, int pointerIndex)
void ClearPointerIndex(int i)
Most multitouch systems use persistent contact/pointer ids to track events/motion during multitouch e...
virtual void LongTapEvent()
Fire various gesture based events.
virtual void MiddleButtonReleaseEvent()
Fire various events.
virtual void RecognizeGesture(vtkCommand::EventIds)
virtual void SetEventPosition(int pos[2], int pointerIndex)
vtkRenderWindow * RenderWindow
virtual void KeyPressEvent()
Fire various events.
create a window for renderers to draw into
abstract specification for renderers
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
#define VTK_MARSHALEXCLUDE(reason)