50#ifndef vtkPolygonalSurfaceContourLineInterpolator_h
51#define vtkPolygonalSurfaceContourLineInterpolator_h
53#include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h"
89 int vtkNotUsed(idx))
98 vtkSetMacro(DistanceOffset,
99 vtkGetMacro(DistanceOffset,
represent the vtkContourWidget
Dijkstra algorithm to compute the graph geodesic.
list of point or cell ids
a simple class to control print indentation
Contour interpolator for polygonal data.
Contour interpolator for to place points on polygonal surfaces.
int InterpolateLine(vtkRenderer *ren, vtkContourRepresentation *rep, int idx1, int idx2) override
Subclasses that wish to interpolate a line segment must implement this.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard methods for instances of this class.
double DistanceOffset
Draw the polyline at a certain height (in the direction of the vertex normal) above the polydata.
static vtkPolygonalSurfaceContourLineInterpolator * New()
int UpdateNode(vtkRenderer *, vtkContourRepresentation *, double *vtkNotUsed(node), int vtkNotUsed(idx)) override
The interpolator is given a chance to update the node.
~vtkPolygonalSurfaceContourLineInterpolator() override
void GetContourPointIds(vtkContourRepresentation *rep, vtkIdList *ids)
Get the contour point ids.
abstract specification for renderers