141#include "vtkRenderingCoreModule.h"
216 void RemoveAllLights();
383 vtkSetVector3Macro(Ambient,
384 vtkGetVectorMacro(Ambient,
double, 3);
392 vtkSetMacro(AllocatedRenderTime,
393 virtual
double GetAllocatedRenderTime();
402 virtual
double GetTimeFactor();
410 virtual
void Render();
415 virtual
void DeviceRender() {}
472 virtual
void ResetCameraClippingRange();
478 virtual
void ResetCameraClippingRange(const
double bounds[6]);
479 virtual
void ResetCameraClippingRange(
480 double xmin,
double xmax,
double ymin,
double ymax,
double zmin,
double zmax);
489 vtkSetClampMacro(NearClippingPlaneTolerance,
double, 0, 0.99);
490 vtkGetMacro(NearClippingPlaneTolerance,
499 vtkSetClampMacro(ClippingRangeExpansion,
double, 0, 0.99);
500 vtkGetMacro(ClippingRangeExpansion,
509 virtual
void ResetCamera();
520 virtual
void ResetCamera(const
double bounds[6]);
525 virtual
void ResetCamera(
526 double xmin,
double xmax,
double ymin,
double ymax,
double zmin,
double zmax);
535 virtual
void ResetCameraScreenSpace(
double offsetRatio = 0.9);
545 virtual
void ResetCameraScreenSpace(const
double bounds[6],
double offsetRatio = 0.9);
559 void ZoomToBoxUsingViewAngle(const
vtkRecti& box,
double offsetRatio = 1.0);
567 virtual
void ResetCameraScreenSpace(
double xmin,
double xmax,
double ymin,
double ymax,
568 double zmin,
double zmax,
double offsetRatio = 0.9);
617 vtkGetMacro(Layer,
676 void ViewToPose(
double& wx,
double& wy,
double& wz)
677 void PoseToView(
double& wx,
double& wy,
double& wz)
699 vtkSetMacro(SafeGetZ,
700 vtkGetMacro(SafeGetZ,
701 vtkBooleanMacro(SafeGetZ,
713 vtkGetMacro(LastRenderTimeInSeconds,
723 vtkGetMacro(NumberOfPropsRendered,
736 return this->
PickProp(selectionX, selectionY, selectionX, selectionY);
739 double selectionX1,
double selectionY1,
double selectionX2,
double selectionY2)
757 selectionX, selectionY, selectionX, selectionY, fieldAssociation, selection);
806 vtkSetMacro(UseDepthPeelingForVolumes,
807 vtkGetMacro(UseDepthPeelingForVolumes,
808 vtkBooleanMacro(UseDepthPeelingForVolumes,
820 vtkSetClampMacro(OcclusionRatio,
double, 0.0, 0.5);
821 vtkGetMacro(OcclusionRatio,
830 vtkSetMacro(MaximumNumberOfPeels,
831 vtkGetMacro(MaximumNumberOfPeels,
848 vtkSetMacro(UseSSAO,
849 vtkGetMacro(UseSSAO,
850 vtkBooleanMacro(UseSSAO,
858 vtkSetMacro(SSAORadius,
859 vtkGetMacro(SSAORadius,
867 vtkSetMacro(SSAOBias,
868 vtkGetMacro(SSAOBias,
876 vtkSetMacro(SSAOKernelSize,
unsigned int);
877 vtkGetMacro(SSAOKernelSize,
unsigned int);
886 vtkSetMacro(SSAOBlur,
887 vtkGetMacro(SSAOBlur,
888 vtkBooleanMacro(SSAOBlur,
937 vtkSetMacro(TexturedBackground,
938 vtkGetMacro(TexturedBackground,
939 vtkBooleanMacro(TexturedBackground,
949 vtkSetMacro(UseFXAA,
950 vtkGetMacro(UseFXAA,
951 vtkBooleanMacro(UseFXAA,
1004 vtkSetMacro(UseImageBasedLighting,
1005 vtkGetMacro(UseImageBasedLighting,
1006 vtkBooleanMacro(UseImageBasedLighting,
1018 void SetEnvironmentTextureProperty(
vtkTexture* texture) { this->SetEnvironmentTexture(texture); }
1026 vtkGetVector3Macro(EnvironmentUp,
1027 vtkSetVector3Macro(EnvironmentUp,
1034 vtkGetVector3Macro(EnvironmentRight,
1035 vtkSetVector3Macro(EnvironmentRight,
1050 vtkSetMacro(UseOIT,
1051 vtkGetMacro(UseOIT,
1052 vtkBooleanMacro(UseOIT,
1081 int BackingStoreSize[2];
1112 double ComputedVisiblePropBounds[6];
1271 bool UseSSAO =
1272 double SSAORadius = 0.5;
1273 double SSAOBias = 0.01;
1274 unsigned int SSAOKernelSize = 32;
1275 bool SSAOBlur =
1305 this->Selector = selector;
1329 double EnvironmentUp[3];
1330 double EnvironmentRight[3];
1336 std::array<double, 16> CompositeProjectionTransformationMatrix;
1341 double LastCompositeProjectionTransformationMatrixTiledAspectRatio;
1346 vtkMTimeType LastCompositeProjectionTransformationMatrixCameraModified;
1351 std::array<double, 16> ProjectionTransformationMatrix;
1356 double LastProjectionTransformationMatrixTiledAspectRatio;
1361 vtkMTimeType LastProjectionTransformationMatrixCameraModified;
1366 std::array<double, 16> ViewTransformMatrix;
1376 bool SafeGetZ =
a actor that draws 2D data
an ordered list of actors
represents an object (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene
a list of nodes that form an assembly path
a virtual camera for 3D rendering
an ordered list of Cullers
a superclass for prop cullers
Configuration for FXAA implementations.
abstract interface to OpenGL FBOs
a simple class to control print indentation
an ordered list of lights
a virtual light for 3D rendering
represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices
virtual void Modified()
Update the modification time for this object.
abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations
Perform part of the rendering of a vtkRenderer.
create a window for renderers to draw into
Render the props of a vtkRenderer.
abstract specification for renderers
virtual void SetLayer(int layer)
Set/Get the layer that this renderer belongs to.
vtkCamera * GetActiveCameraAndResetIfCreated()
Get the current camera and reset it only if it gets created automatically (see GetActiveCamera).
void ViewToWorld(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz) override
Convert view point coordinates to world coordinates.
virtual void SetFXAAOptions(vtkFXAAOptions *)
The configuration object for FXAA antialiasing.
virtual int UpdateCamera()
Ask the active camera to do whatever it needs to do prior to rendering.
vtkAssemblyPath * PickProp(double selectionX, double selectionY, int fieldAssociation, vtkSmartPointer< vtkSelection > selection) override
Return the prop (via a vtkAssemblyPath) that has the highest z value at the given x,...
virtual vtkTypeBool UpdateLightGeometry()
Update the geometry of the lights in the scene that are not in world space (for instance,...
void SetPass(vtkRenderPass *p)
virtual int UpdateLights()
Ask all lights to load themselves into rendering pipeline.
vtkTypeBool PreserveDepthBuffer
vtkTypeBool UseShadows
If this flag is on and the rendering engine supports it render shadows Initial value is off.
const std::array< double, 16 > & GetViewTransformMatrix()
Gets the ActiveCamera ViewTransformMatrix, only computing it if necessary.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
double LastRenderTimeInSeconds
double GetTiledAspectRatio()
Compute the aspect ratio of this renderer for the current tile.
vtkAssemblyPath * PickProp(double selectionX1, double selectionY1, double selectionX2, double selectionY2, int fieldAssociation, vtkSmartPointer< vtkSelection > selection) override
Return the prop (via a vtkAssemblyPath) that has the highest z value at the given x,...
vtkCullerCollection * GetCullers()
Return the collection of cullers.
virtual void SetRightBackgroundTexture(vtkTexture *)
Set/Get the texture to be used for the right eye background.
virtual int UpdateGeometry(vtkFrameBufferObjectBase *fbo=nullptr)
Ask all props to update and draw any opaque and translucent geometry.
bool UseImageBasedLighting
int VisibleActorCount()
Returns the number of visible actors.
const std::array< double, 16 > & GetCompositeProjectionTransformationMatrix()
Gets the ActiveCamera CompositeProjectionTransformationMatrix, only computing it if necessary.
vtkTexture * EnvironmentTexture
bool UseDepthPeelingForVolumes
This flag is on and the GPU supports it, depth-peel volumes along with the translucent geometry.
virtual void SetLeftBackgroundTexture(vtkTexture *)
Set/Get the texture to be used for the monocular or stereo left eye background.
void SetSelector(vtkHardwareSelector *selector)
Called by vtkHardwareSelector when it begins rendering for selection.
vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override
Return the MTime of the renderer also considering its ivars.
int MaximumNumberOfPeels
In case of depth peeling, define the maximum number of peeling layers.
vtkTypeBool LastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling
Tells if the last call to DeviceRenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry() actually used depth peeling.
vtkRenderWindow * RenderWindow
int VisibleVolumeCount()
Returns the number of visible volumes.
vtkTypeBool AutomaticLightCreation
int NumberOfPropsRendered
virtual void StereoMidpoint()
Do anything necessary between rendering the left and right viewpoints in a stereo render.
virtual int UpdateOpaquePolygonalGeometry()
Ask all props to update and draw any opaque polygonal geometry.
vtkVolumeCollection * Volumes
vtkWindow * GetVTKWindow() override
Specify the rendering window in which to draw.
virtual void ExpandBounds(double bounds[6], vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix)
double OcclusionRatio
In case of use of depth peeling technique for rendering translucent material, define the threshold un...
const std::array< double, 16 > & GetProjectionTransformationMatrix()
Gets the ActiveCamera ProjectionTransformationMatrix, only computing it if necessary.
void PoseToView(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz) override
Convert to from pose coordinates.
vtkTypeBool Erase
When this flag is off, the renderer will not erase the background or the Zbuffer.
vtkPropCollection * GL2PSSpecialPropCollection
Temporary collection used by vtkRenderWindow::CaptureGL2PSSpecialProps.
bool UseFXAA
If this flag is on and the rendering engine supports it, FXAA will be used to antialias the scene.
vtkTexture * GetLeftBackgroundTexture()
Set/Get the texture to be used for the monocular or stereo left eye background.
double ClippingRangeExpansion
Specify enlargement of bounds when resetting the camera clipping range.
vtkAssemblyPath * PickProp(double selectionX1, double selectionY1, double selectionX2, double selectionY2) override
Return the prop (via a vtkAssemblyPath) that has the highest z value at the given x,...
vtkTypeBool Transparent()
Returns a boolean indicating if this renderer is transparent.
vtkTypeBool IsActiveCameraCreated()
This method returns 1 if the ActiveCamera has already been set or automatically created by the render...
unsigned char * BackingImage
static vtkRenderer * New()
Create a vtkRenderer with a black background, a white ambient light, two-sided lighting turned on,...
vtkRendererDelegate * Delegate
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *)
void PoseToWorld(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz) override
Convert to from pose coordinates.
vtkTexture * BackgroundTexture
double GetZ(int x, int y)
Given a pixel location, return the Z value.
double * ComputeVisiblePropBounds()
Wrapper-friendly version of ComputeVisiblePropBounds.
vtkCullerCollection * Cullers
double AllocatedRenderTime
double NearClippingPlaneTolerance
Specifies the minimum distance of the near clipping plane as a percentage of the far clipping plane d...
vtkTypeBool Draw
When this flag is off, render commands are ignored.
vtkHardwareSelector * Selector
vtkTypeBool TwoSidedLighting
vtkTexture * RightBackgroundTexture
vtkTypeBool UseDepthPeeling
If this flag is on and the GPU supports it, depth peeling is used for rendering translucent materials...
vtkTypeBool UseHiddenLineRemoval
When this flag is on and the rendering engine supports it, wireframe polydata will be rendered using ...
void WorldToPose(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz) override
Convert to from pose coordinates.
vtkLightCollection * Lights
void ViewToWorld() override
Convert view point coordinates to world coordinates.
virtual void SetEnvironmentTexture(vtkTexture *texture, bool isSRGB=false)
Set/Get the environment texture used for image based lighting.
virtual int UpdateTranslucentPolygonalGeometry()
Ask all props to update and draw any translucent polygonal geometry.
virtual void ClearLights()
Internal method temporarily removes lights before reloading them into graphics pipeline.
vtkLightCollection * GetLights()
Return the collection of lights.
vtkTypeBool LightFollowCamera
vtkFXAAOptions * FXAAOptions
Holds the FXAA configuration.
void ViewToPose(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz) override
Convert to from pose coordinates.
void WorldToView() override
Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
virtual void DeviceRenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkFrameBufferObjectBase *fbo=nullptr)
Render opaque polygonal geometry.
virtual void SetBackgroundTexture(vtkTexture *)
Set/Get the texture to be used for the monocular or stereo left eye background.
void WorldToView(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz) override
Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
virtual void Clear()
Clear the image to the background color.
void ComputeVisiblePropBounds(double bounds[6])
Compute the bounding box of all the visible props Used in ResetCamera() and ResetCameraClippingRange(...
virtual void DeviceRenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(vtkFrameBufferObjectBase *fbo=nullptr)
Render translucent polygonal geometry.
vtkTypeBool PreserveColorBuffer
vtkActorCollection * Actors
void SetDelegate(vtkRendererDelegate *d)
Set/Get a custom Render call.
vtkInformation * Information
vtkAssemblyPath * PickProp(double selectionX, double selectionY) override
Return the prop (via a vtkAssemblyPath) that has the highest z value at the given x,...
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
handles properties associated with a texture map
record modification and/or execution time
abstract specification for Viewports
virtual vtkAssemblyPath * PickProp(double selectionX, double selectionY)=0
Return the Prop that has the highest z value at the given x, y position in the viewport.
an ordered list of volumes
represents a volume (data & properties) in a rendered scene
window superclass for vtkRenderWindow
vtkTypeUInt32 vtkMTimeType
#define VTK_MARSHALSETTER(property)
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)
#define VTK_MARSHALGETTER(property)
#define VTK_MARSHALEXCLUDE(reason)