20#ifndef vtkSLACReader_h
21#define vtkSLACReader_h
23#include "vtkIONetCDFModule.h"
165 if (endpointA < endpointB)
167 this->MinEndPoint = endpointA;
168 this->MaxEndPoint = endpointB;
172 this->MinEndPoint = endpointB;
173 this->MaxEndPoint = endpointA;
200 this->Coordinate[0] = coord[0];
201 this->Coordinate[1] = coord[1];
202 this->Coordinate[2] = coord[2];
205 double Coordinate[3];
226 friend class vtkInternal;
259 vtkObject* caller,
unsigned long eid,
void* clientdata,
void* calldata);
Store on/off settings for data arrays, etc.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of double
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
a simple class to control print indentation
Superclass for algorithms that produce only vtkMultiBlockDataSet as output.
Composite dataset that organizes datasets into blocks.
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Simple class used internally to define an edge based on the endpoints.
vtkIdType GetMinEndPoint() const
vtkIdType GetMaxEndPoint() const
bool operator==(const EdgeEndpoints &other) const
EdgeEndpoints(vtkIdType endpointA, vtkIdType endpointB)
Manages a map from edges to midpoint coordinates.
MidpointCoordinates * FindMidpoint(const EdgeEndpoints &edge)
Finds the coordinates for the given edge or returns nullptr if it does not exist.
void RemoveMidpoint(const EdgeEndpoints &edge)
vtkIdType GetNumberOfMidpoints() const
void AddMidpoint(const EdgeEndpoints &edge, const MidpointCoordinates &midpoint)
void RemoveAllMidpoints()
Simple class used internally for holding midpoint information.
MidpointCoordinates(const double coord[3], vtkIdType id)
Manages a map from edges to the point id of the midpoint.
void RemoveAllMidpoints()
vtkIdType GetNumberOfMidpoints() const
void AddMidpoint(const EdgeEndpoints &edge, vtkIdType midpoint)
void InitTraversal()
Initialize iteration.
bool GetNextMidpoint(EdgeEndpoints &edge, vtkIdType &midpoint)
Get the next midpoint in the iteration.
vtkIdType * FindMidpoint(const EdgeEndpoints &edge)
Finds the id for the given edge or returns nullptr if it does not exist.
void RemoveMidpoint(const EdgeEndpoints &edge)
A reader for a data format used by Omega3p, Tau3p, and several other tools used at the Standford Line...
virtual void ResetFrequencyScales()
Sets the scale factor for each mode.
int RequestData(vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) override
This is called by the superclass.
bool TimeStepModes
True if "mode" files are a sequence of time steps.
virtual void SetPhaseShift(int index, double shift)
Sets the phase offset for each mode.
virtual void SetFrequencyScale(int index, double scale)
Sets the scale factor for each mode.
virtual int ReadMidpointCoordinates(int meshFD, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output, MidpointCoordinateMap &map)
Reads in the midpoint coordinate data from the mesh file and returns a map from edges to midpoints.
virtual const char * GetVariableArrayName(int index)
Variable array selection.
static void SelectionModifiedCallback(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eid, void *clientdata, void *calldata)
Callback registered with the VariableArraySelection.
static int CanReadFile(VTK_FILEPATH const char *filename)
Returns true if the given file can be read by this reader.
static vtkSLACReader * New()
vtkTypeBool ReadMidpoints
virtual VTK_FILEPATH const char * GetModeFileName(unsigned int idx)
There may be one mode file (usually for actual modes) or multiple mode files (which usually actually ...
~vtkSLACReader() override
virtual int RestoreMeshCache(vtkMultiBlockDataSet *surfaceOutput, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *volumeOutput, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *compositeOutput)
Instead of reading data from the mesh file, restore the data from the previous mesh file read.
virtual int ReadTetrahedronExteriorArray(int meshFD, vtkIdTypeArray *connectivity)
Reads tetrahedron connectivity arrays.
virtual int ReadFieldData(const int *modeFDArray, int numModeFDs, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output)
Read in the field data from the mode file.
virtual void ResetPhaseShifts()
Sets the phase offset for each mode.
virtual int MeshUpToDate()
Returns 1 if the mesh is up to date, 0 if the mesh needs to be read from disk.
virtual vtkDoubleArray * GetPhaseShifts()
NOTE: This is not thread-safe.
virtual int ReadMidpointData(int meshFD, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output, MidpointIdMap &midpointIds)
Read in the midpoint data from the mesh file.
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfModeFileNames()
There may be one mode file (usually for actual modes) or multiple mode files (which usually actually ...
bool FrequencyModes
True if mode files describe vibrating fields.
virtual int ReadCoordinates(int meshFD, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output)
Read in the point coordinate data from the mesh file.
virtual vtkDoubleArray * GetFrequencyScales()
NOTE: This is not thread-safe.
virtual int ReadTetrahedronInteriorArray(int meshFD, vtkIdTypeArray *connectivity)
Reads tetrahedron connectivity arrays.
vtkTimeStamp MeshReadTime
A time stamp for the last time the mesh file was read.
virtual int ReadConnectivity(int meshFD, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *surfaceOutput, vtkMultiBlockDataSet *volumeOutput)
Read the connectivity information from the mesh file.
bool ReadModeData
True if reading from a proper mode file.
virtual int GetVariableArrayStatus(const char *name)
Variable array selection.
int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) override
This is called by the superclass.
virtual vtkIdType GetNumTuplesInVariable(int ncFD, int varId, int expectedNumComponents)
Convenience function that checks the dimensions of a 2D netCDF array that is supposed to be a set of ...
vtkTypeBool ReadInternalVolume
vtkTypeBool ReadExternalSurface
virtual int InterpolateMidpointData(vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output, MidpointIdMap &map)
Takes the data read on the fields and interpolates data for the midpoints.
virtual void AddModeFileName(VTK_FILEPATH const char *fname)
There may be one mode file (usually for actual modes) or multiple mode files (which usually actually ...
virtual int GetNumberOfVariableArrays()
Variable array selection.
virtual void RemoveAllModeFileNames()
There may be one mode file (usually for actual modes) or multiple mode files (which usually actually ...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual int CheckTetrahedraWinding(int meshFD)
Checks the winding of the tetrahedra in the mesh file.
virtual void SetVariableArrayStatus(const char *name, int status)
Variable array selection.
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > ReadPointDataArray(int ncFD, int varId)
Reads point data arrays.
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
record modification and/or execution time