59#ifndef vtkScalarsToColors_h
60#define vtkScalarsToColors_h
62#include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h"
106 virtual
void SetRange(
double min,
double max);
107 virtual
void SetRange(const
double rng[2]) { this->
SetRange(rng[0], rng[1]); }
128 this->GetColor(v, this->RGB);
147 this->GetColor(x, rgb);
148 return rgb[0] * 0.30 + rgb[1] * 0.59 + rgb[2] * 0.11;
159 vtkGetMacro(Alpha,
194 vtkSetMacro(VectorMode,
195 vtkGetMacro(VectorMode,
213 vtkSetMacro(VectorComponent,
214 vtkGetMacro(VectorComponent,
225 vtkSetMacro(VectorSize,
226 vtkGetMacro(VectorSize,
237 int numberOfValues,
int inputIncrement,
int outputFormat,
int vectorComponent,
int vectorSize);
239 int numberOfValues,
int inputIncrement,
int outputFormat)
241 this->MapVectorsThroughTable(
242 input, output, inputDataType, numberOfValues, inputIncrement, outputFormat, -1, -1);
256 this->MapScalarsThroughTable(scalars, output,
259 int numberOfValues,
int inputIncrement,
int outputFormat)
261 this->MapScalarsThroughTable2(
262 input, output, inputDataType, numberOfValues, inputIncrement, outputFormat);
271 int numberOfValues,
int inputIncrement,
int outputFormat);
401 template <
typename T>
404 return static_cast<unsigned char>(t);
406 template <
typename T>
409 *dest = ColorToUChar(t);
428 void MapColorsToColors(
void* input,
unsigned char* output,
int inputDataType,
int numberOfValues,
429 int numberOfComponents,
int vectorSize,
int outputFormat);
444 int numberOfComponents,
int vectorSize);
462 class vtkInternalAnnotatedValueList;
474#if !defined(VTK_LEGACY_REMOVE)
479 unsigned char RGBABytes[4];
483 double InputRange[2];
498 double temp = (t * 255.0) + 0.5;
499 return static_cast<unsigned char>(temp);
504 double temp = (t * 255.0) + 0.5;
505 return static_cast<unsigned char>(temp);
Abstract superclass for all arrays.
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
a simple class to control print indentation
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Superclass for mapping scalar values to colors.
virtual vtkTypeBool UsingLogScale()
This should return 1 if the subclass is using log scale for mapping scalars to colors.
double * GetColor(double v)
Map one value through the lookup table and return the color as an RGB array of doubles between 0 and ...
void MapScalarsThroughTable(vtkDataArray *scalars, unsigned char *output)
void MapColorsToColors(void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int numberOfComponents, int vectorSize, int outputFormat)
An internal method that assumes that the input already has the right colors, and only remaps the rang...
virtual void DeepCopy(vtkScalarsToColors *o)
Copy the contents from another object.
vtkVariant GetAnnotatedValue(vtkIdType idx)
Return the annotated value at a particular index in the list of annotations.
void MapScalarsThroughTable(vtkDataArray *scalars, unsigned char *output, int outputFormat)
Map a set of scalars through the lookup table in a single operation.
virtual void UpdateAnnotatedValueMap()
Update the map from annotated values to indices in the array of annotations.
virtual vtkTypeBool IsOpaque(vtkAbstractArray *scalars, int colorMode, int component)
Return true if all of the values defining the mapping have an opacity equal to 1.
vtkUnsignedCharArray * ConvertToRGBA(vtkDataArray *colors, int numComp, int numTuples)
An internal method used to convert a color array to RGBA.
virtual void SetAlpha(double alpha)
Specify an additional opacity (alpha) value to blend with.
double GetLuminance(double x)
Map one value through the lookup table and return the luminance 0.3*red + 0.59*green + 0....
virtual void SetRange(const double rng[2])
Sets/Gets the range of scalars that will be mapped.
static vtkScalarsToColors * New()
virtual void GetIndexedColor(vtkIdType i, double rgba[4])
Get the "indexed color" assigned to an index.
virtual vtkIdType SetAnnotation(vtkStdString value, vtkStdString annotation)
This variant of SetAnnotation accepts the value as a string so ParaView can treat annotations as stri...
virtual vtkTypeBool IsOpaque()
Return true if all of the values defining the mapping have an opacity equal to 1.
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfAvailableColors()
Get the number of available colors for mapping to.
static void ColorToUChar(T t, unsigned char *dest)
Converts a color from numeric type T to uchar.
void MapScalarsThroughTable(void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int inputIncrement, int outputFormat)
void MapVectorsThroughTable(void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int inputIncrement, int outputFormat, int vectorComponent, int vectorSize)
Map vectors through the lookup table.
virtual bool RemoveAnnotation(vtkVariant value)
Remove an existing entry from the list of annotated values.
vtkTypeBool IndexedLookup
virtual double GetOpacity(double v)
Map one value through the lookup table and return the alpha value (the opacity) as a double between 0...
void MapVectorsThroughTable(void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int inputIncrement, int outputFormat)
~vtkScalarsToColors() override
virtual void ResetAnnotations()
Remove all existing values and their annotations.
virtual const unsigned char * MapValue(double v)
Map one value through the lookup table and return a color defined as an RGBA unsigned char tuple (4 b...
virtual vtkTypeBool IsOpaque(vtkAbstractArray *scalars, int colorMode, int component, vtkUnsignedCharArray *ghosts, unsigned char ghostsToSkip=0xff)
Return true if all of the values defining the mapping have an opacity equal to 1.
virtual vtkUnsignedCharArray * MapScalars(vtkDataArray *scalars, int colorMode, int component, int outputFormat=VTK_RGBA)
Internal methods that map a data array into an unsigned char array.
void SetVectorModeToComponent()
Change mode that maps vectors by magnitude vs.
void SetVectorModeToMagnitude()
Change mode that maps vectors by magnitude vs.
vtkIdType GetAnnotatedValueIndexInternal(const vtkVariant &val)
Look up an index into the array of annotations given a value.
virtual void SetAnnotations(vtkAbstractArray *values, vtkStringArray *annotations)
Set a list of discrete values, either as a categorical set of values (when IndexedLookup is true) or ...
static unsigned char ColorToUChar(T t)
Converts a color from numeric type T to uchar.
virtual void GetColor(double v, double rgb[3])
Map one value through the lookup table and store the color as an RGB array of doubles between 0 and 1...
vtkIdType GetNumberOfAnnotatedValues()
Return the annotated value at a particular index in the list of annotations.
virtual void MapScalarsThroughTable2(void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int inputIncrement, int outputFormat)
An internal method typically not used in applications.
virtual void Build()
Perform any processing required (if any) before processing scalars.
virtual vtkIdType SetAnnotation(vtkVariant value, vtkStdString annotation)
Add a new entry (or change an existing entry) to the list of annotated values.
virtual void GetAnnotationColor(const vtkVariant &val, double rgba[4])
Obtain the color associated with a particular annotated value (or NanColor if unmatched).
vtkInternalAnnotatedValueList * AnnotatedValueList
vtkAbstractArray * AnnotatedValues
virtual vtkIdType CheckForAnnotatedValue(vtkVariant value)
Allocate annotation arrays if needed, then return the index of the given value or -1 if not present.
virtual double * GetRange()
Sets/Gets the range of scalars that will be mapped.
void MapVectorsToMagnitude(void *input, double *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int numberOfComponents, int vectorSize)
An internal method for converting vectors to magnitudes, used as a preliminary step before doing magn...
virtual vtkUnsignedCharArray * MapScalars(vtkAbstractArray *scalars, int colorMode, int component, int outputFormat=VTK_RGBA)
Internal methods that map a data array into an unsigned char array.
vtkIdType GetAnnotatedValueIndex(vtkVariant val)
Return the index of the given value in the list of annotated values (or -1 if not present).
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
vtkStringArray * Annotations
void SetVectorModeToRGBColors()
Change mode that maps vectors by magnitude vs.
vtkStdString GetAnnotation(vtkIdType idx)
Return the annotation at a particular index in the list of annotations.
Wrapper around std::string to keep symbols short.
a vtkAbstractArray subclass for strings
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
A type representing the union of many types.
#define VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_5_0(reason)
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)