22#ifndef vtkTreeAreaView_h
23#define vtkTreeAreaView_h
26#include "vtkViewsInfovisModule.h"
102 vtkBooleanMacro(AreaLabelVisibility,
111 vtkBooleanMacro(EdgeLabelVisibility,
128 vtkBooleanMacro(ColorAreas,
158 vtkBooleanMacro(ColorEdges,
199 vtkBooleanMacro(UseRectangularCoordinates,
Proxy object to connect input/output ports.
abstract superclass for all area layout strategies
The superclass for all representations.
Base class for graph data types.
a simple class to control print indentation
draw text labels at dataset points
Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output.
A view containing a renderer.
Accepts a graph and a hierarchy - currently a tree - and provides a hierarchy-aware display.
bool GetEdgeLabelVisibility()
Whether to show edge labels.
vtkDataRepresentation * SetGraphFromInput(vtkGraph *input)
Set the tree and graph representations to the appropriate input ports.
static vtkTreeAreaView * New()
virtual void SetEdgeScalarBarVisibility(bool b)
Visibility of scalar bar actor for edges.
vtkDataRepresentation * SetTreeFromInput(vtkTree *input)
Set the tree and graph representations to the appropriate input ports.
double GetBundlingStrength()
Set the bundling strength.
void SetColorEdges(bool vis)
Whether to color edges.
vtkDataRepresentation * SetGraphFromInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn)
Set the tree and graph representations to the appropriate input ports.
void SetAreaSizeArrayName(const char *name)
The array to use for area sizes.
virtual void SetLayoutStrategy(vtkAreaLayoutStrategy *strategy)
The layout strategy for producing spatial regions for the tree.
double GetShrinkPercentage()
Set the region shrink percentage between 0.0 and 1.0.
virtual void SetAreaLabelFontSize(int size)
The size of the font used for area labeling.
vtkDataRepresentation * SetTreeFromInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn)
Set the tree and graph representations to the appropriate input ports.
virtual void SetAreaToPolyData(vtkPolyDataAlgorithm *areaToPoly)
The filter for converting areas to polydata.
~vtkTreeAreaView() override
virtual bool GetUseRectangularCoordinates()
Whether the area represents radial or rectangular coordinates.
const char * GetEdgeColorArrayName()
The array to use for coloring edges.
void SetEdgeLabelVisibility(bool vis)
Whether to show edge labels.
void SetShrinkPercentage(double value)
Set the region shrink percentage between 0.0 and 1.0.
virtual vtkPolyDataAlgorithm * GetAreaToPolyData()
The filter for converting areas to polydata.
void SetBundlingStrength(double strength)
Set the bundling strength.
void SetColorAreas(bool vis)
Whether to color vertices.
bool GetAreaLabelVisibility()
Whether to show area labels.
vtkDataRepresentation * CreateDefaultRepresentation(vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn) override
Overrides behavior in vtkView to create a vtkRenderedGraphRepresentation by default.
const char * GetAreaLabelArrayName()
The array to use for area labeling.
void SetAreaLabelArrayName(const char *name)
The array to use for area labeling.
bool GetColorEdges()
Whether to color edges.
void SetEdgeLabelArrayName(const char *name)
The array to use for edge labeling.
void SetEdgeColorToSplineFraction()
Set the color to be the spline fraction.
virtual int GetEdgeLabelFontSize()
The size of the font used for edge labeling.
void SetEdgeColorArrayName(const char *name)
The array to use for coloring edges.
virtual void SetUseRectangularCoordinates(bool rect)
Whether the area represents radial or rectangular coordinates.
virtual int GetAreaLabelFontSize()
The size of the font used for area labeling.
virtual vtkAreaLayoutStrategy * GetLayoutStrategy()
The layout strategy for producing spatial regions for the tree.
void SetAreaColorArrayName(const char *name)
The array to use for coloring vertices.
virtual void SetAreaLabelMapper(vtkLabeledDataMapper *mapper)
The mapper for rendering labels on areas.
void SetAreaHoverArrayName(const char *name)
The name of the array whose value appears when the mouse hovers over a rectangle in the treemap.
void SetLabelPriorityArrayName(const char *name)
The array to use for area labeling priority.
virtual vtkRenderedTreeAreaRepresentation * GetTreeAreaRepresentation()
Overrides behavior in vtkView to create a vtkRenderedGraphRepresentation by default.
virtual void SetEdgeLabelFontSize(int size)
The size of the font used for edge labeling.
bool GetColorAreas()
Whether to color vertices.
const char * GetEdgeLabelArrayName()
The array to use for edge labeling.
void SetAreaLabelVisibility(bool vis)
Whether to show area labels.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual vtkLabeledDataMapper * GetAreaLabelMapper()
The mapper for rendering labels on areas.
const char * GetAreaHoverArrayName()
The name of the array whose value appears when the mouse hovers over a rectangle in the treemap.
virtual bool GetEdgeScalarBarVisibility()
Visibility of scalar bar actor for edges.
const char * GetAreaSizeArrayName()
The array to use for area sizes.
const char * GetLabelPriorityArrayName()
The array to use for area labeling priority.
const char * GetAreaColorArrayName()
The array to use for coloring vertices.
A rooted tree data structure.