vtkDataObject Class Reference

#include <vtkDataObject.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkDataObject:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkDataObject:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

general representation of visualization data

helper class to get VTK data object types as string and instantiate them

vtkDataObject is an general representation of visualization data. It serves to encapsulate instance variables and methods for visualization network execution, as well as representing data consisting of a field (i.e., just an unstructured pile of data). This is to be compared with a vtkDataSet, which is data with geometric and/or topological structure.

vtkDataObjects are used to represent arbitrary repositories of data via the vtkFieldData instance variable. These data must be eventually mapped into a concrete subclass of vtkDataSet before they can actually be displayed.

See also:
vtkDataSet vtkFieldData vtkDataObjectSource vtkDataObjectFilter vtkDataObjectMapper vtkDataObjectToDataSet vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter
vtkDataObject (Examples)
vtkDataObject (Tests)
vtkDataObjectTypes is a helper class that supports conversion between integer types defined in vtkType.h and string names as well as creation of data objects from either integer or string types. This class has to be updated every time a new data type is added to VTK.
See also:

Definition at line 70 of file vtkDataObject.h.

static void SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (int val)
static int GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ()
void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff ()

Public Types

typedef vtkObject Superclass
enum  FieldAssociations {
enum  AttributeTypes {

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual vtkAlgorithmOutputGetProducerPort ()
unsigned long int GetMTime ()
virtual void Initialize ()
void ReleaseData ()
int ShouldIReleaseData ()
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateInformation ()
virtual void PropagateUpdateExtent ()
virtual void TriggerAsynchronousUpdate ()
virtual void UpdateData ()
virtual unsigned long GetEstimatedMemorySize ()
virtual int GetDataObjectType ()
unsigned long GetUpdateTime ()
void SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent ()
unsigned long GetPipelineMTime ()
virtual unsigned long GetActualMemorySize ()
void CopyInformation (vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void CopyInformationFromPipeline (vtkInformation *request)
void DataHasBeenGenerated ()
virtual void PrepareForNewData ()
virtual int GetExtentType ()
virtual void Crop ()
virtual vtkDataSetAttributesGetAttributes (int type)
virtual vtkFieldDataGetAttributesAsFieldData (int type)
virtual int GetAttributeTypeForArray (vtkAbstractArray *arr)
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfElements (int type)
virtual vtkSourceGetSource ()
void SetSource (vtkSource *s)
virtual vtkInformationGetInformation ()
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
virtual vtkInformationGetPipelineInformation ()
virtual void SetPipelineInformation (vtkInformation *)
virtual int GetDataReleased ()
void SetReleaseDataFlag (int)
int GetReleaseDataFlag ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void SetFieldData (vtkFieldData *)
virtual vtkFieldDataGetFieldData ()
virtual void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces)
virtual void SetUpdateExtent (int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1)
virtual void SetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
virtual int * GetUpdateExtent ()
virtual void GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
virtual void GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
virtual void CopyTypeSpecificInformation (vtkDataObject *data)
void SetUpdatePiece (int piece)
void SetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int num)
virtual int GetUpdatePiece ()
virtual int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces ()
void SetUpdateGhostLevel (int level)
virtual int GetUpdateGhostLevel ()
virtual void SetRequestExactExtent (int flag)
virtual int GetRequestExactExtent ()
virtual void RequestExactExtentOn ()
virtual void RequestExactExtentOff ()
virtual void SetWholeExtent (int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1)
virtual void SetWholeExtent (int extent[6])
virtual int * GetWholeExtent ()
virtual void GetWholeExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
virtual void GetWholeExtent (int extent[6])
virtual void SetWholeBoundingBox (double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, double z0, double z1)
virtual void SetWholeBoundingBox (double bb[6])
virtual double * GetWholeBoundingBox ()
virtual void GetWholeBoundingBox (double &x0, double &x1, double &y0, double &y1, double &z0, double &z1)
virtual void GetWholeBoundingBox (double extent[6])
virtual void SetMaximumNumberOfPieces (int)
virtual int GetMaximumNumberOfPieces ()
virtual void CopyInformationToPipeline (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformation *input, vtkInformation *output, int forceCopy)
void CopyInformationToPipeline (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformation *input)
virtual void ShallowCopy (vtkDataObject *src)
virtual void DeepCopy (vtkDataObject *src)
void SetExtentTranslator (vtkExtentTranslator *translator)
vtkExtentTranslatorGetExtentTranslator ()

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkDataObjectNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkDataObjectSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static const char * GetAssociationTypeAsString (int associationType)
static vtkInformationStringKeyDATA_TYPE_NAME ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyDATA_EXTENT_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyDATA_PIECE_NUMBER ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyDATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyDATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS ()
static vtkInformationDoubleKeyDATA_RESOLUTION ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_ARRAY_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_ASSOCIATION ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_NUMBER_OF_TUPLES ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyFIELD_OPERATION ()
static vtkInformationStringKeyFIELD_NAME ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyDATA_GEOMETRY_UNMODIFIED ()
SIL ()
static vtkInformationGetActiveFieldInformation (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, int attributeType)
static vtkInformationGetNamedFieldInformation (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
static void RemoveNamedFieldInformation (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
static vtkInformationSetActiveAttribute (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *attributeName, int attributeType)
static void SetActiveAttributeInfo (vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, int attributeType, const char *name, int arrayType, int numComponents, int numTuples)
static void SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo (vtkInformation *info, int arrayType, int numComponents)
static vtkDataObjectGetData (vtkInformation *info)
static vtkDataObjectGetData (vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0)

Protected Types


Protected Member Functions

 vtkDataObject ()
 ~vtkDataObject ()
vtkExecutiveGetExecutive ()
int GetPortNumber ()
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipelineTrySDDP (const char *method)

Protected Attributes

int DataReleased
vtkTimeStamp UpdateTime

Static Protected Attributes

static const char AssociationNames [NUMBER_OF_ASSOCIATIONS][55]


class vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipelineToDataObjectFriendship

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 580 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Possible values for the FIELD_ASSOCIATION information entry.


Definition at line 432 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Possible attribute types. POINT_THEN_CELL is provided for consistency with FieldAssociations.


Definition at line 450 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Possible values for the FIELD_OPERATION information entry.


Definition at line 492 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkDataObject::vtkDataObject (  )  [protected]

vtkDataObject::~vtkDataObject (  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

static vtkDataObject* vtkDataObject::New (  )  [static]

virtual const char* vtkDataObject::GetClassName (  )  [virtual]

static int vtkDataObject::IsTypeOf ( const char *  name  )  [static]

virtual int vtkDataObject::IsA ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

static vtkDataObject* vtkDataObject::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o  )  [static]

void vtkDataObject::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

virtual vtkSource* vtkDataObject::GetSource (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the source object creating this data object.

void vtkDataObject::SetSource ( vtkSource s  ) 

Set/Get the source object creating this data object.

virtual vtkInformation* vtkDataObject::GetInformation (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the information object associated with this data object.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetInformation ( vtkInformation  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the information object associated with this data object.

virtual vtkInformation* vtkDataObject::GetPipelineInformation (  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the pipeline information object that owns this data object.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetPipelineInformation ( vtkInformation  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the pipeline information object that owns this data object.

virtual vtkAlgorithmOutput* vtkDataObject::GetProducerPort (  )  [virtual]

Get the port currently producing this object.

Reimplemented in vtkCompositeDataSet.

unsigned long int vtkDataObject::GetMTime (  )  [virtual]

Data objects are composite objects and need to check each part for MTime. The information object also needs to be considered.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkAnnotation, vtkAnnotationLayers, vtkDataSet, vtkGenericDataSet, vtkGraph, vtkPointSet, vtkSelection, and vtkBridgeDataSet.

virtual void vtkDataObject::Initialize (  )  [virtual]

void vtkDataObject::ReleaseData (  ) 

Release data back to system to conserve memory resource. Used during visualization network execution. Releasing this data does not make down-stream data invalid, so it does not modify the MTime of this data object.

int vtkDataObject::ShouldIReleaseData (  ) 

Return flag indicating whether data should be released after use by a filter.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetDataReleased (  )  [virtual]

Get the flag indicating the data has been released.

void vtkDataObject::SetReleaseDataFlag ( int   ) 

Turn on/off flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a filter.

int vtkDataObject::GetReleaseDataFlag (  ) 

Turn on/off flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a filter.

virtual void vtkDataObject::ReleaseDataFlagOn (  )  [virtual]

Turn on/off flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a filter.

virtual void vtkDataObject::ReleaseDataFlagOff (  )  [virtual]

Turn on/off flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a filter.

static void vtkDataObject::SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ( int  val  )  [static]

Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter.

void vtkDataObject::GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn (  )  [inline]

Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter.

Definition at line 133 of file vtkDataObject.h.

void vtkDataObject::GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff (  )  [inline]

Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter.

Definition at line 134 of file vtkDataObject.h.

static int vtkDataObject::GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (  )  [static]

Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetFieldData ( vtkFieldData  )  [virtual]

Assign or retrieve a general field data to this data object.

virtual vtkFieldData* vtkDataObject::GetFieldData (  )  [virtual]

Assign or retrieve a general field data to this data object.

virtual void vtkDataObject::Register ( vtkObjectBase o  )  [virtual]

Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).

Reimplemented from vtkObjectBase.

virtual void vtkDataObject::UnRegister ( vtkObjectBase o  )  [virtual]

Decrease the reference count (release by another object). This has the same effect as invoking Delete() (i.e., it reduces the reference count by 1).

Reimplemented from vtkObjectBase.

virtual void vtkDataObject::Update (  )  [virtual]

Provides opportunity for the data object to insure internal consistency before access. Also causes owning source/filter (if any) to update itself. The Update() method is composed of UpdateInformation(), PropagateUpdateExtent(), TriggerAsynchronousUpdate(), and UpdateData().

virtual void vtkDataObject::UpdateInformation (  )  [virtual]

WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT FOR GENERAL USE. THIS METHOD IS PART OF THE PIPELINE UPDATE FUNCTIONALITY. Update all the "easy to update" information about the object such as the extent which will be used to control the update. This propagates all the way up then back down the pipeline. As a by-product the PipelineMTime is updated.

Reimplemented in vtkImageData.

virtual void vtkDataObject::PropagateUpdateExtent (  )  [virtual]

WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT FOR GENERAL USE. THIS METHOD IS PART OF THE PIPELINE UPDATE FUNCTIONALITY. The update extent for this object is propagated up the pipeline. This propagation may early terminate based on the PipelineMTime.

virtual void vtkDataObject::TriggerAsynchronousUpdate (  )  [virtual]

WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT FOR GENERAL USE. THIS METHOD IS PART OF THE PIPELINE UPDATE FUNCTIONALITY. Propagate back up the pipeline for ports and trigger the update on the other side of the port to allow for asynchronous parallel processing in the pipeline. This propagation may early terminate based on the PipelineMTime.

virtual void vtkDataObject::UpdateData (  )  [virtual]

WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT FOR GENERAL USE. THIS METHOD IS PART OF THE PIPELINE UPDATE FUNCTIONALITY. Propagate the update back up the pipeline, and perform the actual work of updating on the way down. When the propagate arrives at a port, block and wait for the asynchronous update to finish on the other side. This propagation may early terminate based on the PipelineMTime.

virtual unsigned long vtkDataObject::GetEstimatedMemorySize (  )  [virtual]

Get the estimated size of this data object itself. Should be called after UpdateInformation() and PropagateUpdateExtent() have both been called. Should be overridden in a subclass - otherwise the default is to assume that this data object requires no memory. The size is returned in kilobytes.

Reimplemented in vtkImageData.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateExtent ( int  piece,
int  numPieces,
int  ghostLevel 
) [virtual]

A generic way of specifying an update extent. Subclasses must decide what a piece is. When the NumberOfPieces is zero, then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateExtent ( int  piece,
int  numPieces 
) [inline]

A generic way of specifying an update extent. Subclasses must decide what a piece is. When the NumberOfPieces is zero, then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

Definition at line 195 of file vtkDataObject.h.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateExtent ( int  x0,
int  x1,
int  y0,
int  y1,
int  z0,
int  z1 
) [virtual]

Set the update extent for data objects that use 3D extents. Using this method on data objects that set extents as pieces (such as vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrid) has no real effect. Don't use the set macro to set the update extent since we don't want this object to be modified just due to a change in update extent. When the volume of the extent is zero (0, -1,..), then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateExtent ( int  extent[6]  )  [virtual]

Set the update extent for data objects that use 3D extents. Using this method on data objects that set extents as pieces (such as vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrid) has no real effect. Don't use the set macro to set the update extent since we don't want this object to be modified just due to a change in update extent. When the volume of the extent is zero (0, -1,..), then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

virtual int* vtkDataObject::GetUpdateExtent (  )  [virtual]

Set the update extent for data objects that use 3D extents. Using this method on data objects that set extents as pieces (such as vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrid) has no real effect. Don't use the set macro to set the update extent since we don't want this object to be modified just due to a change in update extent. When the volume of the extent is zero (0, -1,..), then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

Reimplemented in vtkPolyData, and vtkUnstructuredGrid.

virtual void vtkDataObject::GetUpdateExtent ( int &  x0,
int &  x1,
int &  y0,
int &  y1,
int &  z0,
int &  z1 
) [virtual]

Set the update extent for data objects that use 3D extents. Using this method on data objects that set extents as pieces (such as vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrid) has no real effect. Don't use the set macro to set the update extent since we don't want this object to be modified just due to a change in update extent. When the volume of the extent is zero (0, -1,..), then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

Reimplemented in vtkPolyData, and vtkUnstructuredGrid.

virtual void vtkDataObject::GetUpdateExtent ( int  extent[6]  )  [virtual]

Set the update extent for data objects that use 3D extents. Using this method on data objects that set extents as pieces (such as vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrid) has no real effect. Don't use the set macro to set the update extent since we don't want this object to be modified just due to a change in update extent. When the volume of the extent is zero (0, -1,..), then no data is requested, and the source will not execute.

Reimplemented in vtkPolyData, and vtkUnstructuredGrid.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetDataObjectType (  )  [inline, virtual]


Reimplemented in vtkCompositeDataSet, vtkDataSet, vtkDirectedAcyclicGraph, vtkDirectedGraph, vtkGenericDataSet, vtkGraph, vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet, vtkHyperOctree, vtkImageData, vtkMultiBlockDataSet, vtkMultiPieceDataSet, vtkPiecewiseFunction, vtkPolyData, vtkRectilinearGrid, vtkSelection, vtkStructuredGrid, vtkStructuredPoints, vtkTable, vtkTemporalDataSet, vtkTree, vtkUndirectedGraph, vtkUniformGrid, vtkUnstructuredGrid, and vtkImageStencilData.

Definition at line 219 of file vtkDataObject.h.

unsigned long vtkDataObject::GetUpdateTime (  ) 

Used by Threaded ports to determine if they should initiate an asynchronous update (still in development).

void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent (  ) 

If the whole input extent is required to generate the requested output extent, this method can be called to set the input update extent to the whole input extent. This method assumes that the whole extent is known (that UpdateInformation has been called)

unsigned long vtkDataObject::GetPipelineMTime (  ) 

Get the cumulative modified time of everything upstream. Does not include the MTime of this object.

virtual unsigned long vtkDataObject::GetActualMemorySize (  )  [virtual]

Return the actual size of the data in kilobytes. This number is valid only after the pipeline has updated. The memory size returned is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to the memory required to represent the data (e.g., extra space in arrays, etc. are not included in the return value).

Reimplemented in vtkDataSet, vtkGenericDataSet, vtkHyperOctree, vtkImageData, vtkPointSet, vtkPolyData, vtkRectilinearGrid, vtkStructuredGrid, vtkTable, and vtkUnstructuredGrid.

void vtkDataObject::CopyInformation ( vtkDataObject data  ) 

Copy the generic information (WholeExtent ...)

virtual void vtkDataObject::CopyTypeSpecificInformation ( vtkDataObject data  )  [inline, virtual]

By default, there is no type specific information

Reimplemented in vtkImageData.

Definition at line 247 of file vtkDataObject.h.

void vtkDataObject::SetUpdatePiece ( int  piece  ) 

Set / Get the update piece and the update number of pieces. Similar to update extent in 3D.

void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateNumberOfPieces ( int  num  ) 

Set / Get the update piece and the update number of pieces. Similar to update extent in 3D.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetUpdatePiece (  )  [virtual]

Set / Get the update piece and the update number of pieces. Similar to update extent in 3D.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (  )  [virtual]

Set / Get the update piece and the update number of pieces. Similar to update extent in 3D.

void vtkDataObject::SetUpdateGhostLevel ( int  level  ) 

Set / Get the update ghost level and the update number of ghost levels. Similar to update extent in 3D.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetUpdateGhostLevel (  )  [virtual]

Set / Get the update ghost level and the update number of ghost levels. Similar to update extent in 3D.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetRequestExactExtent ( int  flag  )  [virtual]

This request flag indicates whether the requester can handle more data than requested. Right now it is used in vtkImageData. Image filters can return more data than requested. The the consumer cannot handle this (i.e. DataSetToDataSetFitler) the image will crop itself. This functionality used to be in ImageToStructuredPoints.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetRequestExactExtent (  )  [virtual]

This request flag indicates whether the requester can handle more data than requested. Right now it is used in vtkImageData. Image filters can return more data than requested. The the consumer cannot handle this (i.e. DataSetToDataSetFitler) the image will crop itself. This functionality used to be in ImageToStructuredPoints.

virtual void vtkDataObject::RequestExactExtentOn (  )  [virtual]

This request flag indicates whether the requester can handle more data than requested. Right now it is used in vtkImageData. Image filters can return more data than requested. The the consumer cannot handle this (i.e. DataSetToDataSetFitler) the image will crop itself. This functionality used to be in ImageToStructuredPoints.

virtual void vtkDataObject::RequestExactExtentOff (  )  [virtual]

This request flag indicates whether the requester can handle more data than requested. Right now it is used in vtkImageData. Image filters can return more data than requested. The the consumer cannot handle this (i.e. DataSetToDataSetFitler) the image will crop itself. This functionality used to be in ImageToStructuredPoints.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetWholeExtent ( int  x0,
int  x1,
int  y0,
int  y1,
int  z0,
int  z1 
) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of this data object. The whole extent is meta data for structured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetWholeExtent ( int  extent[6]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of this data object. The whole extent is meta data for structured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual int* vtkDataObject::GetWholeExtent (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of this data object. The whole extent is meta data for structured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::GetWholeExtent ( int &  x0,
int &  x1,
int &  y0,
int &  y1,
int &  z0,
int &  z1 
) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of this data object. The whole extent is meta data for structured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::GetWholeExtent ( int  extent[6]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of this data object. The whole extent is meta data for structured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetWholeBoundingBox ( double  x0,
double  x1,
double  y0,
double  y1,
double  z0,
double  z1 
) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole bounding box of this data object. The whole whole bounding box is meta data for data sets It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetWholeBoundingBox ( double  bb[6]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole bounding box of this data object. The whole whole bounding box is meta data for data sets It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual double* vtkDataObject::GetWholeBoundingBox (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole bounding box of this data object. The whole whole bounding box is meta data for data sets It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::GetWholeBoundingBox ( double &  x0,
double &  x1,
double &  y0,
double &  y1,
double &  z0,
double &  z1 
) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole bounding box of this data object. The whole whole bounding box is meta data for data sets It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::GetWholeBoundingBox ( double  extent[6]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole bounding box of this data object. The whole whole bounding box is meta data for data sets It gets set by the source during the update information call.

virtual void vtkDataObject::SetMaximumNumberOfPieces ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the maximum number of pieces that can be requested. The maximum number of pieces is meta data for unstructured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call. A value of -1 indicates that there is no maximum. A value of

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetMaximumNumberOfPieces (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the maximum number of pieces that can be requested. The maximum number of pieces is meta data for unstructured data sets. It gets set by the source during the update information call. A value of -1 indicates that there is no maximum. A value of

virtual void vtkDataObject::CopyInformationToPipeline ( vtkInformation request,
vtkInformation input,
vtkInformation output,
int  forceCopy 
) [virtual]

Copy information about this data object to the output information from its own Information for the given request. If the second argument is not NULL then it is the pipeline information object for the input to this data object's producer. If forceCopy is true, information is copied even if it exists in the output.

Reimplemented in vtkImageData, and vtkImageStencilData.

void vtkDataObject::CopyInformationToPipeline ( vtkInformation request,
vtkInformation input 
) [inline]

Calls CopyInformationToPipeline(request, input, this->PipelineInformation, 0). Subclasses should not override this method (not virtual)

Definition at line 328 of file vtkDataObject.h.

virtual void vtkDataObject::CopyInformationFromPipeline ( vtkInformation request  )  [virtual]

Copy information about this data object from the PipelineInformation to its own Information for the given request.

Reimplemented in vtkImageData, and vtkImageStencilData.

static vtkInformation* vtkDataObject::GetActiveFieldInformation ( vtkInformation info,
int  fieldAssociation,
int  attributeType 
) [static]

Return the information object within the input information object's field data corresponding to the specified association (FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS) and attribute (SCALARS, VECTORS, NORMALS, TCOORDS, or TENSORS)

static vtkInformation* vtkDataObject::GetNamedFieldInformation ( vtkInformation info,
int  fieldAssociation,
const char *  name 
) [static]

Return the information object within the input information object's field data corresponding to the specified association (FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS) and name.

static void vtkDataObject::RemoveNamedFieldInformation ( vtkInformation info,
int  fieldAssociation,
const char *  name 
) [static]

Remove the info associated with an array

static vtkInformation* vtkDataObject::SetActiveAttribute ( vtkInformation info,
int  fieldAssociation,
const char *  attributeName,
int  attributeType 
) [static]

Set the named array to be the active field for the specified type (SCALARS, VECTORS, NORMALS, TCOORDS, or TENSORS) and association (FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS). Returns the active field information object and creates on entry if one not found.

static void vtkDataObject::SetActiveAttributeInfo ( vtkInformation info,
int  fieldAssociation,
int  attributeType,
const char *  name,
int  arrayType,
int  numComponents,
int  numTuples 
) [static]

Set the name, array type, number of components, and number of tuples within the passed information object for the active attribute of type attributeType (in specified association, FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS). If there is not an active attribute of the specified type, an entry in the information object is created. If arrayType, numComponents, or numTuples equal to -1, or name=NULL the value is not changed.

static void vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo ( vtkInformation info,
int  arrayType,
int  numComponents 
) [static]

Convenience version of previous method for use (primarily) by the Imaging filters. If arrayType or numComponents == -1, the value is not changed.

void vtkDataObject::DataHasBeenGenerated (  ) 

This method is called by the source when it executes to generate data. It is sort of the opposite of ReleaseData. It sets the DataReleased flag to 0, and sets a new UpdateTime.

virtual void vtkDataObject::PrepareForNewData (  )  [inline, virtual]

make the output data ready for new data to be inserted. For most objects we just call Initialize. But for vtkImageData we leave the old data in case the memory can be reused.

Reimplemented in vtkImageData.

Definition at line 402 of file vtkDataObject.h.

virtual void vtkDataObject::ShallowCopy ( vtkDataObject src  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkDataObject::DeepCopy ( vtkDataObject src  )  [virtual]

void vtkDataObject::SetExtentTranslator ( vtkExtentTranslator translator  ) 

An object that will translate pieces into structured extents.

vtkExtentTranslator* vtkDataObject::GetExtentTranslator (  ) 

An object that will translate pieces into structured extents.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetExtentType (  )  [inline, virtual]

The ExtentType will be left as VTK_PIECES_EXTENT for data objects such as vtkPolyData and vtkUnstructuredGrid. The ExtentType will be changed to VTK_3D_EXTENT for data objects with 3D structure such as vtkImageData (and its subclass vtkStructuredPoints), vtkRectilinearGrid, and vtkStructuredGrid. The default is the have an extent in pieces, with only one piece (no streaming possible).

Reimplemented in vtkImageData, vtkRectilinearGrid, vtkStructuredGrid, vtkTemporalDataSet, and vtkImageStencilData.

Definition at line 423 of file vtkDataObject.h.

virtual void vtkDataObject::Crop (  )  [virtual]

This method crops the data object (if necesary) so that the extent matches the update extent.

Reimplemented in vtkImageData, vtkPolyData, vtkRectilinearGrid, and vtkStructuredGrid.

virtual vtkDataSetAttributes* vtkDataObject::GetAttributes ( int  type  )  [virtual]

Returns the attributes of the data object of the specified attribute type. The type may be:

The other attribute type, FIELD, will return NULL since field data is stored as a vtkFieldData instance, not a vtkDataSetAttributes instance. To retrieve field data, use GetAttributesAsFieldData.

Reimplemented in vtkGenericDataSet.

virtual vtkFieldData* vtkDataObject::GetAttributesAsFieldData ( int  type  )  [virtual]

Returns the attributes of the data object as a vtkFieldData. This returns non-null values in all the same cases as GetAttributes, in addition to the case of FIELD, which will return the field data for any vtkDataObject subclass.

Reimplemented in vtkDataSet, vtkGraph, and vtkTable.

virtual int vtkDataObject::GetAttributeTypeForArray ( vtkAbstractArray arr  )  [virtual]

Retrieves the attribute type that an array came from. This is useful for obtaining which attribute type a input array to an algorithm came from (retrieved from GetInputAbstractArrayToProcesss).

virtual vtkIdType vtkDataObject::GetNumberOfElements ( int  type  )  [virtual]

Get the number of elements for a specific attribute type (POINT, CELL, etc.).

Reimplemented in vtkDataSet, vtkGraph, and vtkTable.

static const char* vtkDataObject::GetAssociationTypeAsString ( int  associationType  )  [static]

Given an integer association type, this static method returns a string type for the attribute (i.e. type = 0: returns "Points").

static vtkInformationStringKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_TYPE_NAME (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDataObjectKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT_TYPE (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerPointerKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_PIECE_NUMBER (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDoubleKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_RESOLUTION (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEPS (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey* vtkDataObject::POINT_DATA_VECTOR (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey* vtkDataObject::CELL_DATA_VECTOR (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey* vtkDataObject::VERTEX_DATA_VECTOR (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey* vtkDataObject::EDGE_DATA_VECTOR (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_ARRAY_TYPE (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_NUMBER_OF_TUPLES (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_OPERATION (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_RANGE (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey* vtkDataObject::PIECE_FIELD_RANGE (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey* vtkDataObject::PIECE_EXTENT (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationStringKey* vtkDataObject::FIELD_NAME (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey* vtkDataObject::ORIGIN (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey* vtkDataObject::SPACING (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkDataObject::DATA_GEOMETRY_UNMODIFIED (  )  [static]

static vtkInformationDataObjectKey* vtkDataObject::SIL (  )  [static]

static vtkDataObject* vtkDataObject::GetData ( vtkInformation info  )  [static]

static vtkDataObject* vtkDataObject::GetData ( vtkInformationVector v,
int  i = 0 
) [static]

vtkExecutive* vtkDataObject::GetExecutive (  )  [protected]

int vtkDataObject::GetPortNumber (  )  [protected]

virtual void vtkDataObject::ReportReferences ( vtkGarbageCollector  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkObjectBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPointSet.

vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline* vtkDataObject::TrySDDP ( const char *  method  )  [protected]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipelineToDataObjectFriendship [friend]

Definition at line 584 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 551 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Definition at line 554 of file vtkDataObject.h.

int vtkDataObject::DataReleased [protected]

Definition at line 557 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Definition at line 560 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Definition at line 571 of file vtkDataObject.h.

Definition at line 575 of file vtkDataObject.h.

const char vtkDataObject::AssociationNames[NUMBER_OF_ASSOCIATIONS][55] [static, protected]

Definition at line 587 of file vtkDataObject.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Mon Sep 27 18:21:19 2010 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6