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vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper Class Reference

OpenGL mapper for image slice display. More...

#include <vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper:
Collaboration diagram for vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper:

Public Types

typedef vtkImageSliceMapper Superclass
typedef vtkImageSliceMapper Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkImageSliceMapper
typedef vtkImageMapper3D Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkImageMapper3D
typedef vtkAbstractMapper3D Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAbstractMapper3D
typedef vtkAbstractMapper Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAbstractMapper
typedef vtkAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAlgorithm
typedef vtkObject Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkObject
typedef vtkObjectBase Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperNewInstance () const
virtual void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageSlice *prop)
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *)
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperNewInstance () const
virtual void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageSlice *prop)
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageSliceMapper
vtkImageSliceMapperNewInstance () const
unsigned long GetMTime ()
virtual void SetSliceNumber (int slice)
virtual int GetSliceNumber ()
virtual int GetSliceNumberMinValue ()
virtual int GetSliceNumberMaxValue ()
virtual void SetOrientation (int)
virtual int GetOrientation ()
void SetOrientationToX ()
void SetOrientationToY ()
void SetOrientationToZ ()
virtual void SetCropping (int)
virtual void CroppingOn ()
virtual void CroppingOff ()
virtual int GetCropping ()
virtual void SetCroppingRegion (int, int, int, int, int, int)
virtual void SetCroppingRegion (int[6])
virtual intGetCroppingRegion ()
virtual void GetCroppingRegion (int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &)
virtual void GetCroppingRegion (int[6])
virtual void Update ()
virtual void Update (int port)
doubleGetBounds ()
void GetBounds (double bounds[6])
virtual void GetSlicePlaneInDataCoords (vtkMatrix4x4 *propMatrix, double plane[4])
virtual int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageMapper3D
vtkImageMapper3DNewInstance () const
void SetInputData (vtkImageData *input)
vtkImageDataGetInput ()
vtkDataSetGetDataSetInput ()
vtkDataObjectGetDataObjectInput ()
virtual void SetBorder (int)
virtual void BorderOn ()
virtual void BorderOff ()
virtual int GetBorder ()
virtual void SetBackground (int)
virtual void BackgroundOn ()
virtual void BackgroundOff ()
virtual int GetBackground ()
virtual void SetSliceAtFocalPoint (int)
virtual void SliceAtFocalPointOn ()
virtual void SliceAtFocalPointOff ()
virtual int GetSliceAtFocalPoint ()
virtual void SetSliceFacesCamera (int)
virtual void SliceFacesCameraOn ()
virtual void SliceFacesCameraOff ()
virtual int GetSliceFacesCamera ()
virtual vtkPlaneGetSlicePlane ()
virtual void SetNumberOfThreads (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfThreads ()
virtual void SetStreaming (int)
virtual int GetStreaming ()
virtual void StreamingOn ()
virtual void StreamingOff ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractMapper3D
vtkAbstractMapper3DNewInstance () const
double GetLength ()
int GetNumberOfClippingPlanes ()
doubleGetCenter ()
void GetCenter (double center[3])
virtual int IsARayCastMapper ()
virtual int IsARenderIntoImageMapper ()
void GetClippingPlaneInDataCoords (vtkMatrix4x4 *propMatrix, int i, double planeEquation[4])
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractMapper
vtkAbstractMapperNewInstance () const
void SetClippingPlanes (vtkPlanes *planes)
void ShallowCopy (vtkAbstractMapper *m)
virtual double GetTimeToDraw ()
void AddClippingPlane (vtkPlane *plane)
void RemoveClippingPlane (vtkPlane *plane)
void RemoveAllClippingPlanes ()
virtual void SetClippingPlanes (vtkPlaneCollection *)
virtual vtkPlaneCollectionGetClippingPlanes ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
vtkAlgorithmNewInstance () const
int HasExecutive ()
vtkExecutiveGetExecutive ()
virtual void SetExecutive (vtkExecutive *executive)
virtual int ModifyRequest (vtkInformation *request, int when)
vtkInformationGetInputPortInformation (int port)
vtkInformationGetOutputPortInformation (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputPorts ()
int GetNumberOfOutputPorts ()
void UpdateProgress (double amount)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayInformation (int idx)
void RemoveAllInputs ()
vtkDataObjectGetOutputDataObject (int port)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, int idx)
virtual void RemoveAllInputConnections (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputConnections (int port)
int GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections ()
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetInputConnection (int port, int index)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index, int &algPort)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index)
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetInputInformation (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetOutputInformation (int port)
virtual void UpdateInformation ()
virtual void UpdateDataObject ()
virtual void PropagateUpdateExtent ()
virtual void UpdateWholeExtent ()
void ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection (int ind, int &port, int &conn)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent (int port)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent ()
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
virtual int ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, unsigned long *mtime)
virtual vtkInformationGetInformation ()
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void SetAbortExecute (int)
virtual int GetAbortExecute ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOn ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOff ()
virtual void SetProgress (double)
virtual double GetProgress ()
void SetProgressText (const char *ptext)
virtual char * GetProgressText ()
virtual unsigned long GetErrorCode ()
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName)
vtkDataObjectGetInputDataObject (int port, int connection)
virtual void SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort (int index)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort ()
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm ()
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive ()
vtkInformationGetInputInformation ()
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (int)
virtual int GetReleaseDataFlag ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output)
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType)
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
intGetUpdateExtent ()
intGetUpdateExtent (int port)
void GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int GetUpdatePiece ()
int GetUpdatePiece (int port)
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces ()
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port)
int GetUpdateGhostLevel ()
int GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port)
void SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *)
virtual vtkProgressObserverGetProgressObserver ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
vtkObjectNewInstance () const
virtual void DebugOn ()
virtual void DebugOff ()
bool GetDebug ()
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
virtual void Modified ()
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
int HasObserver (unsigned long event)
int HasObserver (const char *event)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual void FastDelete ()
void Print (ostream &os)
void SetReferenceCount (int)
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageSliceMapper
static vtkImageSliceMapperNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkImageSliceMapperSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageMapper3D
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkImageMapper3DSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractMapper3D
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAbstractMapper3DSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractMapper
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAbstractMapperSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkDataArrayGetScalars (vtkDataSet *input, int scalarMode, int arrayAccessMode, int arrayId, const char *arrayName, int &cellFlag)
static vtkAbstractArrayGetAbstractScalars (vtkDataSet *input, int scalarMode, int arrayAccessMode, int arrayId, const char *arrayName, int &cellFlag)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_OPTIONAL ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_REPEATABLE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_FIELDS ()
static vtkInformationStringVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_ARRAYS_TO_PROCESS ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_PORT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_CONNECTION ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST ()
static void SetDefaultExecutivePrototype (vtkExecutive *proto)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkObjectSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkObjectNew ()
static void BreakOnError ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static int IsTypeOf (const char *name)
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ()
 ~vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ()
void RenderPolygon (vtkPoints *points, const int extent[6], bool textured)
void BindFragmentProgram (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageProperty *property)
vtkStdString BuildFragmentProgram (vtkImageProperty *property)
bool TextureSizeOK (const int size[2])
void CheckOpenGLCapabilities (vtkOpenGLRenderWindow *renWin)
virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ()
 ~vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ()
void RenderPolygon (vtkActor *actor, vtkPoints *points, const int extent[6], vtkRenderer *ren)
void BindFragmentProgram (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageProperty *property)
vtkStdString BuildFragmentProgram (vtkImageProperty *property)
bool TextureSizeOK (const int size[2])
void CheckOpenGLCapabilities (vtkOpenGLRenderWindow *renWin)
void RenderColorAndLighting (double red, double green, double blue, double alpha, double ambient, double diffuse)
void RecursiveRenderTexturedPolygon (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageProperty *property, vtkImageData *image, int extent[6], bool recursive)
void RenderTexturedPolygon (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageProperty *property, vtkImageData *image, int extent[6], bool recursive)
void RenderBackground (vtkPoints *points, const int extent[6], bool textured)
void ComputeTextureSize (const int extent[6], int &xdim, int &ydim, int imageSize[2], int textureSize[2])
void RecursiveRenderTexturedPolygon (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageProperty *property, vtkImageData *image, int extent[6], bool recursive)
void RenderTexturedPolygon (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkImageProperty *property, vtkImageData *image, int extent[6], bool recursive)
void RenderBackground (vtkActor *actor, vtkPoints *points, const int extent[6], vtkRenderer *ren)
void ComputeTextureSize (const int extent[6], int &xdim, int &ydim, int imageSize[2], int textureSize[2])
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkImageSliceMapper
 vtkImageSliceMapper ()
 ~vtkImageSliceMapper ()
int GetOrientationFromCamera (vtkMatrix4x4 *propMatrix, vtkCamera *camera)
int GetSliceFromCamera (vtkMatrix4x4 *propMatrix, vtkCamera *camera)
void SetPoints (vtkPoints *points)
vtkPointsGetPoints ()
void SetExactPixelMatch (int v)
void SetPassColorData (int v)
void SetDisplayExtent (int extent[6])
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkImageMapper3D
 vtkImageMapper3D ()
 ~vtkImageMapper3D ()
vtkRendererGetCurrentRenderer ()
vtkImageSliceGetCurrentProp ()
vtkMatrix4x4GetDataToWorldMatrix ()
void GetBackgroundColor (vtkImageProperty *property, double color[4])
virtual int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
virtual int FillOutputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
unsigned char * MakeTextureData (vtkImageProperty *property, vtkImageData *input, int extent[6], int &xsize, int &ysize, int &bytesPerPixel, bool &reuseTexture, bool &reuseData)
void MakeTextureGeometry (const int extent[6], double coords[12], double tcoords[8])
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractMapper3D
 vtkAbstractMapper3D ()
 ~vtkAbstractMapper3D ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractMapper
 vtkAbstractMapper ()
 ~vtkAbstractMapper ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
 vtkAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkAlgorithm ()
virtual void SetNumberOfInputPorts (int n)
virtual void SetNumberOfOutputPorts (int n)
int InputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int OutputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual vtkExecutiveCreateDefaultExecutive ()
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
virtual void SetNumberOfInputConnections (int port, int n)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayFieldInformation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual void SetNthInputConnection (int port, int index, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
void SetInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
void AddInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
virtual void SetErrorCode (unsigned long)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
virtual ~vtkObject ()
virtual void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
virtual void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

long TextureIndex
long BackgroundTextureIndex
long FragmentShaderIndex
int TextureSize [2]
int TextureBytesPerPixel
int LastOrientation
int LastSliceNumber
vtkTimeStamp LoadTime
int LoadCount
bool UsePowerOfTwoTextures
bool UseClampToEdge
bool UseFragmentProgram
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkImageSliceMapper
int SliceNumber
int SliceNumberMinValue
int SliceNumberMaxValue
int Orientation
int Cropping
int CroppingRegion [6]
int DisplayExtent [6]
int ExactPixelMatch
int PassColorData
vtkTimeStamp UpdateTime
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkImageMapper3D
int Border
int Background
int NumberOfThreads
int Streaming
int SliceAtFocalPoint
int SliceFacesCamera
double DataSpacing [3]
double DataOrigin [3]
int DataWholeExtent [6]
bool MatteEnable
bool ColorEnable
bool DepthEnable
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAbstractMapper3D
double Bounds [6]
double Center [3]
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAbstractMapper
double TimeToDraw
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
double Progress
char * ProgressText
unsigned long ErrorCode
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
int AbortExecute
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkImageSliceMapper
static void GetDimensionIndices (int orientation, int &xdim, int &ydim)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkImageMapper3D
static void CheckerboardRGBA (unsigned char *data, int xsize, int ysize, double originx, double originy, double spacingx, double spacingy)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILLED ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkExecutiveDefaultExecutivePrototype

Detailed Description

OpenGL mapper for image slice display.

vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper is a concrete implementation of the abstract class vtkImageSliceMapper that interfaces to the OpenGL library.

Thanks to David Gobbi at the Seaman Family MR Centre and Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, for providing this class.

Definition at line 39 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 44 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

Definition at line 40 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ( )
vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::~vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ( )
vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ( )
vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::~vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper ( )

Member Function Documentation

static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::New ( )
static int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)
virtual int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::NewInstance ( ) const
virtual void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::Render ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageSlice prop 

Implement base class method. Perform the render.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::ReleaseGraphicsResources ( vtkWindow )

Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this mapper, the image texture in particular. Using the same texture in multiple render windows is NOT currently supported.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderColorAndLighting ( double  red,
double  green,
double  blue,
double  alpha,
double  ambient,
double  diffuse 

Call the OpenGL code that does color and lighting.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RecursiveRenderTexturedPolygon ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageProperty property,
vtkImageData image,
int  extent[6],
bool  recursive 

Recursive internal method, will call the non-recursive method as many times as necessary if the texture must be broken up into pieces that are small enough for the GPU to render

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderTexturedPolygon ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageProperty property,
vtkImageData image,
int  extent[6],
bool  recursive 

Non-recursive internal method, generate a single texture and its corresponding geometry.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderPolygon ( vtkPoints points,
const int  extent[6],
bool  textured 

Basic polygon rendering, if the textured parameter is set the tcoords are included, otherwise they aren't.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderBackground ( vtkPoints points,
const int  extent[6],
bool  textured 

Render the background, which means rendering everything within the plane of the image except for the polygon that displays the image data.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BindFragmentProgram ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageProperty property 

Bind the fragment program, and generate it first if necessary.

vtkStdString vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BuildFragmentProgram ( vtkImageProperty property)

Build the fragment program to use with the texture.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::ComputeTextureSize ( const int  extent[6],
int xdim,
int ydim,
int  imageSize[2],
int  textureSize[2] 

Given an extent that describes a slice (it must have unit thickness in one of the three directions), return the dimension indices that correspond to the texture "x" and "y", provide the x, y image size, and provide the texture size (padded to a power of two if the hardware requires).

Reimplemented from vtkImageMapper3D.

bool vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::TextureSizeOK ( const int  size[2])

Test whether a given texture size is supported. This includes a check of whether the texture will fit into texture memory.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::CheckOpenGLCapabilities ( vtkOpenGLRenderWindow renWin)

Check various OpenGL capabilities

static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::New ( )
static int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)
virtual int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

static vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::NewInstance ( ) const
virtual void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::Render ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageSlice prop 

Implement base class method. Perform the render.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::ReleaseGraphicsResources ( vtkWindow )

Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this mapper, the image texture in particular. Using the same texture in multiple render windows is NOT currently supported.

Reimplemented from vtkImageSliceMapper.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RecursiveRenderTexturedPolygon ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageProperty property,
vtkImageData image,
int  extent[6],
bool  recursive 

Recursive internal method, will call the non-recursive method as many times as necessary if the texture must be broken up into pieces that are small enough for the GPU to render

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderTexturedPolygon ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageProperty property,
vtkImageData image,
int  extent[6],
bool  recursive 

Non-recursive internal method, generate a single texture and its corresponding geometry.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderPolygon ( vtkActor actor,
vtkPoints points,
const int  extent[6],
vtkRenderer ren 

Basic polygon rendering, if the textured parameter is set the tcoords are included, otherwise they aren't.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderBackground ( vtkActor actor,
vtkPoints points,
const int  extent[6],
vtkRenderer ren 

Render the background, which means rendering everything within the plane of the image except for the polygon that displays the image data.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BindFragmentProgram ( vtkRenderer ren,
vtkImageProperty property 

Bind the fragment program, and generate it first if necessary.

vtkStdString vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BuildFragmentProgram ( vtkImageProperty property)

Build the fragment program to use with the texture.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::ComputeTextureSize ( const int  extent[6],
int xdim,
int ydim,
int  imageSize[2],
int  textureSize[2] 

Given an extent that describes a slice (it must have unit thickness in one of the three directions), return the dimension indices that correspond to the texture "x" and "y", provide the x, y image size, and provide the texture size (padded to a power of two if the hardware requires).

Reimplemented from vtkImageMapper3D.

bool vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::TextureSizeOK ( const int  size[2])

Test whether a given texture size is supported. This includes a check of whether the texture will fit into texture memory.

void vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::CheckOpenGLCapabilities ( vtkOpenGLRenderWindow renWin)

Check various OpenGL capabilities

Member Data Documentation

long vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::TextureIndex

Definition at line 119 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

long vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BackgroundTextureIndex

Definition at line 120 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

long vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::FragmentShaderIndex

Definition at line 121 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

vtkRenderWindow * vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::RenderWindow

Definition at line 122 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::TextureSize

Definition at line 123 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::TextureBytesPerPixel

Definition at line 124 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::LastOrientation

Definition at line 125 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::LastSliceNumber

Definition at line 126 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

vtkTimeStamp vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::LoadTime

Definition at line 128 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

int vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::LoadCount

Definition at line 129 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

bool vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::UsePowerOfTwoTextures

Definition at line 131 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

bool vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::UseClampToEdge

Definition at line 132 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

bool vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::UseFragmentProgram

Definition at line 133 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

vtkActor* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::PolyDataActor

Definition at line 115 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

vtkActor* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BackingPolyDataActor

Definition at line 116 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

vtkActor* vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper::BackgroundPolyDataActor

Definition at line 117 of file vtkOpenGLImageSliceMapper.h.

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