virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
vtkProp * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | Pick () |
virtual void | ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop) |
virtual bool | HasKeys (vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
virtual void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) |
virtual void | BuildPaths (vtkAssemblyPaths *paths, vtkAssemblyPath *path) |
virtual void | GetActors (vtkPropCollection *) |
virtual void | GetActors2D (vtkPropCollection *) |
virtual void | GetVolumes (vtkPropCollection *) |
virtual void | SetVisibility (int) |
virtual int | GetVisibility () |
virtual void | VisibilityOn () |
virtual void | VisibilityOff () |
virtual void | SetPickable (int) |
virtual int | GetPickable () |
virtual void | PickableOn () |
virtual void | PickableOff () |
virtual void | SetDragable (int) |
virtual int | GetDragable () |
virtual void | DragableOn () |
virtual void | DragableOff () |
virtual unsigned long | GetRedrawMTime () |
virtual void | SetUseBounds (bool) |
virtual bool | GetUseBounds () |
virtual void | UseBoundsOn () |
virtual void | UseBoundsOff () |
virtual double * | GetBounds () |
virtual void | InitPathTraversal () |
virtual vtkAssemblyPath * | GetNextPath () |
virtual int | GetNumberOfPaths () |
virtual void | PokeMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *vtkNotUsed(matrix)) |
virtual vtkMatrix4x4 * | GetMatrix () |
virtual vtkInformation * | GetPropertyKeys () |
virtual void | SetPropertyKeys (vtkInformation *keys) |
virtual int | RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *) |
virtual int | RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *) |
virtual int | RenderVolumetricGeometry (vtkViewport *) |
virtual int | RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *) |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredVolumetricGeometry (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
virtual bool | RenderFilteredOverlay (vtkViewport *v, vtkInformation *requiredKeys) |
virtual int | HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry () |
virtual double | GetEstimatedRenderTime (vtkViewport *) |
virtual double | GetEstimatedRenderTime () |
virtual void | SetEstimatedRenderTime (double t) |
virtual void | RestoreEstimatedRenderTime () |
virtual void | AddEstimatedRenderTime (double t, vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(vp)) |
virtual void | SetAllocatedRenderTime (double t, vtkViewport *vtkNotUsed(v)) |
virtual double | GetAllocatedRenderTime () |
void | SetRenderTimeMultiplier (double t) |
virtual double | GetRenderTimeMultiplier () |
virtual bool | GetSupportsSelection () |
virtual int | GetNumberOfConsumers () |
void | AddConsumer (vtkObject *c) |
void | RemoveConsumer (vtkObject *c) |
vtkObject * | GetConsumer (int i) |
int | IsConsumer (vtkObject *c) |
vtkObject * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
bool | GetDebug () |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | Modified () |
virtual unsigned long | GetMTime () |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations
vtkProp is an abstract superclass for any objects that can exist in a rendered scene (either 2D or 3D). Instances of vtkProp may respond to various render methods (e.g., RenderOpaqueGeometry()). vtkProp also defines the API for picking, LOD manipulation, and common instance variables that control visibility, picking, and dragging.
- See also
- vtkActor2D vtkActor vtkVolume vtkProp3D
- Events:
- vtkCommand::PickEvent
- Examples:
- vtkProp (Examples)
- Tests:
- vtkProp (Tests)
Definition at line 52 of file vtkProp.h.
virtual int vtkProp::IsA |
( |
const char * |
name | ) |
virtual |
Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
Reimplemented in vtkXYPlotActor, vtkContourRepresentation, vtkAxisActor, vtkBalloonRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor, vtkSphereRepresentation, vtkParallelCoordinatesActor, vtkScalarBarActor, vtkCaptionActor2D, vtkSpiderPlotActor, vtkAssembly, vtkLODActor, vtkAxisActor2D, vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation, vtkAxesActor, vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation, vtkAffineRepresentation2D, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkLODProp3D, vtkQuadricLODActor, vtkBoxRepresentation, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation2D, vtkBiDimensionalRepresentation2D, vtkCenteredSliderRepresentation, vtkLineRepresentation, vtkSliderRepresentation2D, vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkBorderRepresentation, vtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentation, vtkRectilinearWipeRepresentation, vtkCompassRepresentation, vtkLegendBoxActor, vtkLegendScaleActor, vtkHandleRepresentation, vtkSliderRepresentation3D, vtkParallelopipedRepresentation, vtkProp3DButtonRepresentation, vtkLeaderActor2D, vtkAxesTransformRepresentation, vtkCameraRepresentation, vtkDistanceRepresentation3D, vtkPieChartActor, vtkAbstractPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkCaptionRepresentation, vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation, vtkWidgetRepresentation, vtkPolarAxesActor, vtkPropAssembly, vtkAngleRepresentation3D, vtkBarChartActor, vtkLightActor, vtkTextActor, vtkBiDimensionalRepresentation, vtkPointHandleRepresentation2D, vtkScalarBarRepresentation, vtkLogoRepresentation, vtkResliceCursorRepresentation, vtkAngleRepresentation2D, vtkDistanceRepresentation2D, vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkImageSlice, vtkProp3DFollower, vtkCheckerboardRepresentation, vtkFixedSizeHandleRepresentation3D, vtkSplineRepresentation, vtkActor, vtkButtonRepresentation, vtkPlaybackRepresentation, vtkCornerAnnotation, vtkTextActor3D, vtkVolume, vtkAffineRepresentation, vtkCurveRepresentation, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation, vtkSphereHandleRepresentation, vtkImageActor, vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D, vtkOrientedPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkSliderRepresentation, vtkResliceCursorThickLineRepresentation, vtkSeedRepresentation, vtkTextRepresentation, vtkActor2D, vtkFollower, vtkImageStack, vtkResliceCursorActor, vtkTensorProbeRepresentation, vtkProp3DAxisFollower, vtkEllipsoidTensorProbeRepresentation, vtkPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkPolyLineRepresentation, vtkProp3D, vtkTexturedActor2D, vtkAngleRepresentation, vtkXYPlotRepresentation, vtkAxisFollower, vtkContinuousValueWidgetRepresentation, vtkContextActor, vtkCameraActor, vtkDistanceRepresentation, vtkScaledTextActor, vtkOpenGLActor, vtkOpenGLActor, vtkOpenGLContextActor, and vtkOpenGLContextActor.
void vtkProp::PrintSelf |
( |
ostream & |
os, |
vtkIndent |
indent |
) |
| |
virtual |
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
Reimplemented in vtkLODActor, vtkQuadricLODActor, vtkPropAssembly, vtkTextActor, vtkProp3DFollower, vtkTextActor3D, vtkVolume, vtkImageStack, vtkProp3D, vtkTexturedActor2D, vtkScaledTextActor, vtkOpenGLActor, and vtkOpenGLActor.
virtual unsigned long vtkProp::GetRedrawMTime |
( |
| ) |
inlinevirtual |
Return the mtime of anything that would cause the rendered image to appear differently. Usually this involves checking the mtime of the prop plus anything else it depends on such as properties, textures etc.
Reimplemented in vtkActor, vtkAxesActor, vtkVolume, vtkImageSlice, and vtkImageStack.
Definition at line 103 of file vtkProp.h.
virtual void vtkProp::InitPathTraversal |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
vtkProp and its subclasses can be picked by subclasses of vtkAbstractPicker (e.g., vtkPropPicker). The following methods interface with the picking classes and return "pick paths". A pick path is a hierarchical, ordered list of props that form an assembly. Most often, when a vtkProp is picked, its path consists of a single node (i.e., the prop). However, classes like vtkAssembly and vtkPropAssembly can return more than one path, each path being several layers deep. (See vtkAssemblyPath for more information.) To use these methods - first invoke InitPathTraversal() followed by repeated calls to GetNextPath(). GetNextPath() returns a NULL pointer when the list is exhausted.
Reimplemented in vtkProp3D, vtkAssembly, vtkImageStack, vtkPropAssembly, and vtkProp3DFollower.
vtkProp and its subclasses can be picked by subclasses of vtkAbstractPicker (e.g., vtkPropPicker). The following methods interface with the picking classes and return "pick paths". A pick path is a hierarchical, ordered list of props that form an assembly. Most often, when a vtkProp is picked, its path consists of a single node (i.e., the prop). However, classes like vtkAssembly and vtkPropAssembly can return more than one path, each path being several layers deep. (See vtkAssemblyPath for more information.) To use these methods - first invoke InitPathTraversal() followed by repeated calls to GetNextPath(). GetNextPath() returns a NULL pointer when the list is exhausted.
Reimplemented in vtkAssembly, vtkImageStack, vtkPropAssembly, and vtkProp3DFollower.
virtual int vtkProp::GetNumberOfPaths |
( |
| ) |
inlinevirtual |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS All concrete subclasses must be able to render themselves. There are four key render methods in vtk and they correspond to four different points in the rendering cycle. Any given prop may implement one or more of these methods. The first method is intended for rendering all opaque geometry. The second method is intended for rendering all translucent polygonal geometry. The third one is intended for rendering all translucent volumetric geometry. Most of the volume rendering mappers draw their results during this third method. The last method is to render any 2D annotation or overlays. Each of these methods return an integer value indicating whether or not this render method was applied to this data.
Reimplemented in vtkXYPlotActor, vtkContourRepresentation, vtkAxisActor, vtkAxisActor2D, vtkSphereRepresentation, vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation, vtkLODProp3D, vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkTextActor, vtkBorderRepresentation, vtkQuadricLODActor, vtkCaptionActor2D, vtkSpiderPlotActor, vtkLegendBoxActor, vtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentation, vtkCurveRepresentation, vtkLegendScaleActor, vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D, vtkLeaderActor2D, vtkBoxRepresentation, vtkLineRepresentation, vtkBarChartActor, vtkSliderRepresentation3D, vtkPieChartActor, vtkParallelopipedRepresentation, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation, vtkParallelCoordinatesActor, vtkSliderRepresentation2D, vtkDistanceRepresentation3D, vtkCenteredSliderRepresentation, vtkAxesTransformRepresentation, vtkRectilinearWipeRepresentation, vtkProp3DAxisFollower, vtkCompassRepresentation, vtkSphereHandleRepresentation, vtkCameraRepresentation, vtkImageSlice, vtkCheckerboardRepresentation, vtkImageStack, vtkAssembly, vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkAxisFollower, vtkAngleRepresentation3D, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation, vtkAbstractPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkProp3DButtonRepresentation, vtkTextActor3D, vtkCaptionRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor, vtkDistanceRepresentation2D, vtkScalarBarActor, vtkLODActor, vtkPlaybackRepresentation, vtkAxesActor, vtkScalarBarRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkTextRepresentation, vtkPropAssembly, vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkLightActor, vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation, vtkProp3DFollower, vtkXYPlotRepresentation, vtkActor, vtkPolarAxesActor, vtkFollower, vtkTexturedActor2D, vtkCornerAnnotation, vtkCameraActor, vtkResliceCursorActor, vtkActor2D, vtkTensorProbeRepresentation, and vtkEllipsoidTensorProbeRepresentation.
Definition at line 198 of file vtkProp.h.
virtual int vtkProp::RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry |
( |
vtkViewport * |
| ) |
inlinevirtual |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS All concrete subclasses must be able to render themselves. There are four key render methods in vtk and they correspond to four different points in the rendering cycle. Any given prop may implement one or more of these methods. The first method is intended for rendering all opaque geometry. The second method is intended for rendering all translucent polygonal geometry. The third one is intended for rendering all translucent volumetric geometry. Most of the volume rendering mappers draw their results during this third method. The last method is to render any 2D annotation or overlays. Each of these methods return an integer value indicating whether or not this render method was applied to this data.
Reimplemented in vtkXYPlotActor, vtkContourRepresentation, vtkAxisActor, vtkAxisActor2D, vtkSphereRepresentation, vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation, vtkLODProp3D, vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkTextActor, vtkBorderRepresentation, vtkCaptionActor2D, vtkSpiderPlotActor, vtkLegendBoxActor, vtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentation, vtkCurveRepresentation, vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D, vtkLeaderActor2D, vtkBoxRepresentation, vtkLineRepresentation, vtkBarChartActor, vtkSliderRepresentation3D, vtkPieChartActor, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation, vtkParallelCoordinatesActor, vtkDistanceRepresentation3D, vtkAxesTransformRepresentation, vtkRectilinearWipeRepresentation, vtkProp3DAxisFollower, vtkSphereHandleRepresentation, vtkCameraRepresentation, vtkImageSlice, vtkCheckerboardRepresentation, vtkImageStack, vtkAssembly, vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkAxisFollower, vtkAngleRepresentation3D, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation, vtkAbstractPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkProp3DButtonRepresentation, vtkTextActor3D, vtkCaptionRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor, vtkScalarBarActor, vtkPlaybackRepresentation, vtkAxesActor, vtkScalarBarRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkTextRepresentation, vtkPropAssembly, vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation, vtkProp3DFollower, vtkXYPlotRepresentation, vtkActor, vtkPolarAxesActor, vtkFollower, vtkTexturedActor2D, vtkCornerAnnotation, and vtkActor2D.
Definition at line 200 of file vtkProp.h.
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS All concrete subclasses must be able to render themselves. There are four key render methods in vtk and they correspond to four different points in the rendering cycle. Any given prop may implement one or more of these methods. The first method is intended for rendering all opaque geometry. The second method is intended for rendering all translucent polygonal geometry. The third one is intended for rendering all translucent volumetric geometry. Most of the volume rendering mappers draw their results during this third method. The last method is to render any 2D annotation or overlays. Each of these methods return an integer value indicating whether or not this render method was applied to this data.
Reimplemented in vtkLODProp3D, vtkProp3DAxisFollower, vtkVolume, vtkAssembly, vtkProp3DButtonRepresentation, vtkPropAssembly, and vtkProp3DFollower.
Definition at line 202 of file vtkProp.h.
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS All concrete subclasses must be able to render themselves. There are four key render methods in vtk and they correspond to four different points in the rendering cycle. Any given prop may implement one or more of these methods. The first method is intended for rendering all opaque geometry. The second method is intended for rendering all translucent polygonal geometry. The third one is intended for rendering all translucent volumetric geometry. Most of the volume rendering mappers draw their results during this third method. The last method is to render any 2D annotation or overlays. Each of these methods return an integer value indicating whether or not this render method was applied to this data.
Reimplemented in vtkXYPlotActor, vtkContourRepresentation, vtkAxisActor, vtkAxisActor2D, vtkSphereRepresentation, vtkTextActor, vtkBorderRepresentation, vtkCaptionActor2D, vtkLegendBoxActor, vtkSpiderPlotActor, vtkCurveRepresentation, vtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentation, vtkLegendScaleActor, vtkBalloonRepresentation, vtkLeaderActor2D, vtkAffineRepresentation2D, vtkBarChartActor, vtkPieChartActor, vtkParallelopipedRepresentation, vtkParallelCoordinatesActor, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation2D, vtkSliderRepresentation2D, vtkCenteredSliderRepresentation, vtkRectilinearWipeRepresentation, vtkCompassRepresentation, vtkCameraRepresentation, vtkImageSlice, vtkCheckerboardRepresentation, vtkImageStack, vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkBiDimensionalRepresentation2D, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation, vtkTextActor3D, vtkCubeAxesActor, vtkPointHandleRepresentation2D, vtkCaptionRepresentation, vtkDistanceRepresentation2D, vtkScalarBarActor, vtkAngleRepresentation2D, vtkAxesActor, vtkPlaybackRepresentation, vtkScalarBarRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkPropAssembly, vtkLogoRepresentation, vtkTextRepresentation, vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation, vtkXYPlotRepresentation, vtkCornerAnnotation, vtkTexturedActor2D, vtkActor2D, vtkContextActor, and vtkOpenGLContextActor.
Definition at line 204 of file vtkProp.h.
virtual int vtkProp::HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry |
( |
| ) |
inlinevirtual |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THESE METHODS OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Does this prop have some translucent polygonal geometry? This method is called during the rendering process to know if there is some translucent polygonal geometry. A simple prop that has some translucent polygonal geometry will return true. A composite prop (like vtkAssembly) that has at least one sub-prop that has some translucent polygonal geometry will return true. Default implementation return false.
Reimplemented in vtkXYPlotActor, vtkContourRepresentation, vtkAxisActor, vtkAxisActor2D, vtkSphereRepresentation, vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation, vtkLODProp3D, vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkTextActor, vtkBorderRepresentation, vtkCaptionActor2D, vtkLegendBoxActor, vtkSpiderPlotActor, vtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentation, vtkCurveRepresentation, vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D, vtkLeaderActor2D, vtkBoxRepresentation, vtkWidgetRepresentation, vtkLineRepresentation, vtkBarChartActor, vtkPieChartActor, vtkSliderRepresentation3D, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation, vtkParallelCoordinatesActor, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation2D, vtkImageActor, vtkRectilinearWipeRepresentation, vtkSphereHandleRepresentation, vtkCameraRepresentation, vtkImageSlice, vtkImageStack, vtkAssembly, vtkCheckerboardRepresentation, vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkTextActor3D, vtkAngleRepresentation3D, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation, vtkAbstractPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkProp3DButtonRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor, vtkCaptionRepresentation, vtkScalarBarActor, vtkAxesActor, vtkPlaybackRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkScalarBarRepresentation, vtkPropAssembly, vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkProp3DFollower, vtkTextRepresentation, vtkLightActor, vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation, vtkActor, vtkXYPlotRepresentation, vtkFollower, vtkCornerAnnotation, vtkActor2D, vtkCameraActor, and vtkResliceCursorActor.
Definition at line 262 of file vtkProp.h.
virtual void vtkProp::ReleaseGraphicsResources |
( |
vtkWindow * |
| ) |
inlinevirtual |
WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor. The parameter window could be used to determine which graphic resources to release.
Reimplemented in vtkXYPlotActor, vtkContourRepresentation, vtkAxisActor, vtkAxisActor2D, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkLODProp3D, vtkSphereRepresentation, vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation, vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkCubeAxesActor, vtkTextActor, vtkQuadricLODActor, vtkSpiderPlotActor, vtkBorderRepresentation, vtkCaptionActor2D, vtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentation, vtkCurveRepresentation, vtkLeaderActor2D, vtkLegendBoxActor, vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D, vtkLegendScaleActor, vtkBalloonRepresentation, vtkBoxRepresentation, vtkWidgetRepresentation, vtkLineRepresentation, vtkPolarAxesActor, vtkParallelCoordinatesActor, vtkBarChartActor, vtkPieChartActor, vtkAffineRepresentation2D, vtkSliderRepresentation3D, vtkParallelopipedRepresentation, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation, vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation2D, vtkSliderRepresentation2D, vtkDistanceRepresentation3D, vtkAxesTransformRepresentation, vtkCenteredSliderRepresentation, vtkActor2D, vtkImageSlice, vtkRectilinearWipeRepresentation, vtkAssembly, vtkVolume, vtkImageStack, vtkCompassRepresentation, vtkSphereHandleRepresentation, vtkCameraRepresentation, vtkCheckerboardRepresentation, vtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentation, vtkAngleRepresentation3D, vtkScalarBarActor, vtkBiDimensionalRepresentation2D, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation, vtkCornerAnnotation, vtkAbstractPolygonalHandleRepresentation3D, vtkProp3DButtonRepresentation, vtkAxesActor, vtkPointHandleRepresentation2D, vtkLODActor, vtkCaptionRepresentation, vtkDistanceRepresentation2D, vtkTextActor3D, vtkAngleRepresentation2D, vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkPropAssembly, vtkActor, vtkProp3DFollower, vtkLightActor, vtkPlaybackRepresentation, vtkTensorProbeRepresentation, vtkScalarBarRepresentation, vtkLogoRepresentation, vtkTextRepresentation, vtkFollower, vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation, vtkXYPlotRepresentation, vtkCameraActor, vtkResliceCursorActor, vtkContextActor, vtkEllipsoidTensorProbeRepresentation, vtkTexturedActor2D, vtkOpenGLContextActor, and vtkOpenGLContextActor.
Definition at line 270 of file vtkProp.h.