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vtkRenderer Class Referenceabstract

abstract specification for renderers More...

#include <vtkRenderer.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkRenderer:
Collaboration diagram for vtkRenderer:

Public Types

typedef vtkViewport Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkViewport
typedef vtkObject Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkObject
typedef vtkObjectBase Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkRendererNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void AddLight (vtkLight *)
void RemoveLight (vtkLight *)
void RemoveAllLights ()
vtkLightCollectionGetLights ()
void SetLightCollection (vtkLightCollection *lights)
void CreateLight (void)
virtual vtkLightMakeLight ()
virtual int UpdateLightsGeometryToFollowCamera (void)
vtkVolumeCollectionGetVolumes ()
vtkActorCollectionGetActors ()
void SetActiveCamera (vtkCamera *)
vtkCameraGetActiveCamera ()
virtual vtkCameraMakeCamera ()
int CaptureGL2PSSpecialProp (vtkProp *)
void SetGL2PSSpecialPropCollection (vtkPropCollection *)
void AddCuller (vtkCuller *)
void RemoveCuller (vtkCuller *)
vtkCullerCollectionGetCullers ()
virtual double GetTimeFactor ()
virtual void Render ()
virtual void DeviceRender ()=0
virtual void DeviceRenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry ()
virtual void Clear ()
int VisibleActorCount ()
int VisibleVolumeCount ()
void ComputeVisiblePropBounds (double bounds[6])
doubleComputeVisiblePropBounds ()
void ResetCameraClippingRange ()
void ResetCamera ()
void ResetCamera (double bounds[6])
int Transparent ()
void WorldToView ()
virtual void WorldToView (double &wx, double &wy, double &wz)
double GetZ (int x, int y)
unsigned long GetMTime ()
virtual void StereoMidpoint ()
double GetTiledAspectRatio ()
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *)
void AddActor (vtkProp *p)
void AddVolume (vtkProp *p)
void RemoveActor (vtkProp *p)
void RemoveVolume (vtkProp *p)
virtual int GetTwoSidedLighting ()
virtual void SetTwoSidedLighting (int)
virtual void TwoSidedLightingOn ()
virtual void TwoSidedLightingOff ()
virtual void SetLightFollowCamera (int)
virtual int GetLightFollowCamera ()
virtual void LightFollowCameraOn ()
virtual void LightFollowCameraOff ()
virtual int GetAutomaticLightCreation ()
virtual void SetAutomaticLightCreation (int)
virtual void AutomaticLightCreationOn ()
virtual void AutomaticLightCreationOff ()
virtual void SetErase (int)
virtual int GetErase ()
virtual void EraseOn ()
virtual void EraseOff ()
virtual void SetDraw (int)
virtual int GetDraw ()
virtual void DrawOn ()
virtual void DrawOff ()
virtual void SetAmbient (double, double, double)
virtual void SetAmbient (double[3])
virtual doubleGetAmbient ()
virtual void GetAmbient (double data[3])
virtual void SetAllocatedRenderTime (double)
virtual double GetAllocatedRenderTime ()
void ResetCameraClippingRange (double bounds[6])
void ResetCameraClippingRange (double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax)
virtual void SetNearClippingPlaneTolerance (double)
virtual double GetNearClippingPlaneTolerance ()
void ResetCamera (double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax)
void SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *)
vtkRenderWindowGetRenderWindow ()
virtual vtkWindowGetVTKWindow ()
virtual void SetBackingStore (int)
virtual int GetBackingStore ()
virtual void BackingStoreOn ()
virtual void BackingStoreOff ()
virtual void SetInteractive (int)
virtual int GetInteractive ()
virtual void InteractiveOn ()
virtual void InteractiveOff ()
virtual void SetLayer (int layer)
virtual int GetLayer ()
virtual int GetPreserveColorBuffer ()
virtual void SetPreserveColorBuffer (int)
virtual void PreserveColorBufferOn ()
virtual void PreserveColorBufferOff ()
virtual void SetPreserveDepthBuffer (int)
virtual int GetPreserveDepthBuffer ()
virtual void PreserveDepthBufferOn ()
virtual void PreserveDepthBufferOff ()
void ViewToWorld ()
virtual void ViewToWorld (double &wx, double &wy, double &wz)
virtual double GetLastRenderTimeInSeconds ()
virtual int GetNumberOfPropsRendered ()
vtkAssemblyPathPickProp (double selectionX, double selectionY)
vtkAssemblyPathPickProp (double selectionX1, double selectionY1, double selectionX2, double selectionY2)
int IsActiveCameraCreated ()
virtual void SetUseDepthPeeling (int)
virtual int GetUseDepthPeeling ()
virtual void UseDepthPeelingOn ()
virtual void UseDepthPeelingOff ()
virtual void SetOcclusionRatio (double)
virtual double GetOcclusionRatio ()
virtual void SetMaximumNumberOfPeels (int)
virtual int GetMaximumNumberOfPeels ()
virtual int GetLastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling ()
void SetDelegate (vtkRendererDelegate *d)
virtual vtkRendererDelegateGetDelegate ()
virtual vtkHardwareSelectorGetSelector ()
virtual void SetBackgroundTexture (vtkTexture *)
virtual vtkTextureGetBackgroundTexture ()
virtual void SetTexturedBackground (bool)
virtual bool GetTexturedBackground ()
virtual void TexturedBackgroundOn ()
virtual void TexturedBackgroundOff ()
virtual void SetUseShadows (int)
virtual int GetUseShadows ()
virtual void UseShadowsOn ()
virtual void UseShadowsOff ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkViewport
vtkViewportNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void AddViewProp (vtkProp *)
vtkPropCollectionGetViewProps ()
int HasViewProp (vtkProp *)
void RemoveViewProp (vtkProp *)
void RemoveAllViewProps (void)
virtual doubleGetCenter ()
virtual int IsInViewport (int x, int y)
virtual void DisplayToView ()
virtual void ViewToDisplay ()
void DisplayToWorld ()
void WorldToDisplay ()
virtual double GetPickedZ ()=0
void AddActor2D (vtkProp *p)
void RemoveActor2D (vtkProp *p)
vtkActor2DCollectionGetActors2D ()
virtual void SetBackground (double, double, double)
virtual void SetBackground (double[3])
virtual doubleGetBackground ()
virtual void GetBackground (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetBackground (double[3])
virtual void SetBackground2 (double, double, double)
virtual void SetBackground2 (double[3])
virtual doubleGetBackground2 ()
virtual void GetBackground2 (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetBackground2 (double[3])
virtual void SetGradientBackground (bool)
virtual bool GetGradientBackground ()
virtual void GradientBackgroundOn ()
virtual void GradientBackgroundOff ()
virtual void SetAspect (double, double)
void SetAspect (double[2])
virtual doubleGetAspect ()
virtual void GetAspect (double data[2])
virtual void ComputeAspect ()
virtual void SetPixelAspect (double, double)
void SetPixelAspect (double[2])
virtual doubleGetPixelAspect ()
virtual void GetPixelAspect (double data[2])
virtual void SetViewport (double, double, double, double)
virtual void SetViewport (double[4])
virtual doubleGetViewport ()
virtual void GetViewport (double data[4])
virtual void SetDisplayPoint (double, double, double)
virtual void SetDisplayPoint (double[3])
virtual doubleGetDisplayPoint ()
virtual void GetDisplayPoint (double data[3])
virtual void SetViewPoint (double, double, double)
virtual void SetViewPoint (double[3])
virtual doubleGetViewPoint ()
virtual void GetViewPoint (double data[3])
virtual void SetWorldPoint (double, double, double, double)
virtual void SetWorldPoint (double[4])
virtual doubleGetWorldPoint ()
virtual void GetWorldPoint (double data[4])
virtual void LocalDisplayToDisplay (double &x, double &y)
virtual void DisplayToNormalizedDisplay (double &u, double &v)
virtual void NormalizedDisplayToViewport (double &x, double &y)
virtual void ViewportToNormalizedViewport (double &u, double &v)
virtual void NormalizedViewportToView (double &x, double &y, double &z)
virtual void DisplayToLocalDisplay (double &x, double &y)
virtual void NormalizedDisplayToDisplay (double &u, double &v)
virtual void ViewportToNormalizedDisplay (double &x, double &y)
virtual void NormalizedViewportToViewport (double &u, double &v)
virtual void ViewToNormalizedViewport (double &x, double &y, double &z)
virtual intGetSize ()
virtual intGetOrigin ()
void GetTiledSize (int *width, int *height)
virtual void GetTiledSizeAndOrigin (int *width, int *height, int *lowerLeftX, int *lowerLeftY)
vtkAssemblyPathPickPropFrom (double selectionX, double selectionY, vtkPropCollection *)
vtkAssemblyPathPickPropFrom (double selectionX1, double selectionY1, double selectionX2, double selectionY2, vtkPropCollection *)
double GetPickX () const
double GetPickY () const
double GetPickWidth () const
double GetPickHeight () const
double GetPickX1 () const
double GetPickY1 () const
double GetPickX2 () const
double GetPickY2 () const
virtual int GetIsPicking ()
virtual unsigned int GetCurrentPickId ()
void SetCurrentPickId (unsigned int a)
virtual vtkPropCollectionGetPickResultProps ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
vtkObjectNewInstance () const
virtual void DebugOn ()
virtual void DebugOff ()
bool GetDebug ()
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
virtual void Modified ()
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
int HasObserver (unsigned long event)
int HasObserver (const char *event)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual void FastDelete ()
void Print (ostream &os)
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
void SetReferenceCount (int)
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkRendererSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkRendererNew ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkViewport
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkViewportSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkObjectSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkObjectNew ()
static void BreakOnError ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static int IsTypeOf (const char *name)
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkRenderer ()
 ~vtkRenderer ()
virtual void PickRender (vtkPropCollection *props)
virtual void PickGeometry ()
virtual void ExpandBounds (double bounds[6], vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix)
void AllocateTime ()
virtual int UpdateGeometry ()
virtual int UpdateTranslucentPolygonalGeometry ()
virtual int UpdateCamera (void)
virtual int UpdateLightGeometry (void)
virtual int UpdateLights (void)
vtkCameraGetActiveCameraAndResetIfCreated ()
void SetSelector (vtkHardwareSelector *selector)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkViewport
 vtkViewport ()
 ~vtkViewport ()
virtual void DevicePickRender ()=0
virtual void StartPick (unsigned int pickFromSize)=0
virtual void UpdatePickId ()=0
virtual void DonePick ()=0
virtual unsigned int GetPickedId ()=0
virtual unsigned int GetNumPickedIds ()=0
virtual int GetPickedIds (unsigned int atMost, unsigned int *callerBuffer)=0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
virtual ~vtkObject ()
virtual void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
virtual void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

double Ambient [3]
double AllocatedRenderTime
double TimeFactor
int TwoSidedLighting
int AutomaticLightCreation
int BackingStore
unsigned char * BackingImage
int BackingStoreSize [2]
vtkTimeStamp RenderTime
double LastRenderTimeInSeconds
int LightFollowCamera
int NumberOfPropsRendered
vtkProp ** PropArray
int PropArrayCount
vtkAssemblyPath ** PathArray
int PathArrayCount
int Interactive
int Layer
int PreserveColorBuffer
int PreserveDepthBuffer
double ComputedVisiblePropBounds [6]
double NearClippingPlaneTolerance
int Erase
int Draw
int UseShadows
int UseDepthPeeling
double OcclusionRatio
int MaximumNumberOfPeels
int LastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling
bool TexturedBackground
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkViewport
int IsPicking
unsigned int CurrentPickId
double PickX1
double PickY1
double PickX2
double PickY2
double Background [3]
double Background2 [3]
double Viewport [4]
double Aspect [2]
double PixelAspect [2]
double Center [2]
bool GradientBackground
int Size [2]
int Origin [2]
double DisplayPoint [3]
double ViewPoint [3]
double WorldPoint [4]
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers


class vtkRenderPass
class vtkHardwareSelector
class vtkRendererDelegate

Detailed Description

abstract specification for renderers

vtkRenderer provides an abstract specification for renderers. A renderer is an object that controls the rendering process for objects. Rendering is the process of converting geometry, a specification for lights, and a camera view into an image. vtkRenderer also performs coordinate transformation between world coordinates, view coordinates (the computer graphics rendering coordinate system), and display coordinates (the actual screen coordinates on the display device). Certain advanced rendering features such as two-sided lighting can also be controlled.

See also
vtkRenderWindow vtkActor vtkCamera vtkLight vtkVolume
vtkCommand::ActiveCameraEvent vtkCommand::StartEvent vtkCommand::CreateCameraEvent vtkCommand::ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent vtkCommand::ResetCameraEvent vtkCommand::ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent vtkCommand::EndEvent
vtkRenderer (Examples)
vtkRenderer (Tests)

Definition at line 62 of file vtkRenderer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 65 of file vtkRenderer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkRenderer::vtkRenderer ( )
vtkRenderer::~vtkRenderer ( )

Member Function Documentation

static int vtkRenderer::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)
virtual int vtkRenderer::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkViewport.

Reimplemented in vtkExternalOpenGLRenderer, vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

static vtkRenderer* vtkRenderer::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkRenderer::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented from vtkViewport.

Reimplemented in vtkExternalOpenGLRenderer, vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

vtkRenderer* vtkRenderer::NewInstance ( ) const
void vtkRenderer::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkExternalOpenGLRenderer, vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

static vtkRenderer* vtkRenderer::New ( )

Create a vtkRenderer with a black background, a white ambient light, two-sided lighting turned on, a viewport of (0,0,1,1), and backface culling turned off.

void vtkRenderer::AddActor ( vtkProp p)

Add/Remove different types of props to the renderer. These methods are all synonyms to AddViewProp and RemoveViewProp. They are here for convenience and backwards compatibility.

void vtkRenderer::AddVolume ( vtkProp p)

Add/Remove different types of props to the renderer. These methods are all synonyms to AddViewProp and RemoveViewProp. They are here for convenience and backwards compatibility.

void vtkRenderer::RemoveActor ( vtkProp p)

Add/Remove different types of props to the renderer. These methods are all synonyms to AddViewProp and RemoveViewProp. They are here for convenience and backwards compatibility.

void vtkRenderer::RemoveVolume ( vtkProp p)

Add/Remove different types of props to the renderer. These methods are all synonyms to AddViewProp and RemoveViewProp. They are here for convenience and backwards compatibility.

void vtkRenderer::AddLight ( vtkLight )

Add a light to the list of lights.

void vtkRenderer::RemoveLight ( vtkLight )

Remove a light from the list of lights.

void vtkRenderer::RemoveAllLights ( )

Remove all lights from the list of lights.

vtkLightCollection * vtkRenderer::GetLights ( )

Return the collection of lights.

Definition at line 689 of file vtkRenderer.h.

void vtkRenderer::SetLightCollection ( vtkLightCollection lights)

Set the collection of lights. We cannot name it SetLights because of TestSetGet

lights_exist: lights!=0
lights_set: lights==this->GetLights()
void vtkRenderer::CreateLight ( void  )

Create and add a light to renderer.

virtual vtkLight* vtkRenderer::MakeLight ( )

Create a new Light sutible for use with this type of Renderer. For example, a vtkMesaRenderer should create a vtkMesaLight in this function. The default is to just call vtkLight::New.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetTwoSidedLighting ( )

Turn on/off two-sided lighting of surfaces. If two-sided lighting is off, then only the side of the surface facing the light(s) will be lit, and the other side dark. If two-sided lighting on, both sides of the surface will be lit.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetTwoSidedLighting ( int  )

Turn on/off two-sided lighting of surfaces. If two-sided lighting is off, then only the side of the surface facing the light(s) will be lit, and the other side dark. If two-sided lighting on, both sides of the surface will be lit.

virtual void vtkRenderer::TwoSidedLightingOn ( )

Turn on/off two-sided lighting of surfaces. If two-sided lighting is off, then only the side of the surface facing the light(s) will be lit, and the other side dark. If two-sided lighting on, both sides of the surface will be lit.

virtual void vtkRenderer::TwoSidedLightingOff ( )

Turn on/off two-sided lighting of surfaces. If two-sided lighting is off, then only the side of the surface facing the light(s) will be lit, and the other side dark. If two-sided lighting on, both sides of the surface will be lit.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetLightFollowCamera ( int  )

Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. If LightFollowCamera is on, lights that are designated as Headlights or CameraLights will be adjusted to move with this renderer's camera. If LightFollowCamera is off, the lights will not be adjusted. (Note: In previous versions of vtk, this light-tracking functionality was part of the interactors, not the renderer. For backwards compatibility, the older, more limited interactor behavior is enabled by default. To disable this mode, turn the interactor's LightFollowCamera flag OFF, and leave the renderer's LightFollowCamera flag ON.)

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetLightFollowCamera ( )

Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. If LightFollowCamera is on, lights that are designated as Headlights or CameraLights will be adjusted to move with this renderer's camera. If LightFollowCamera is off, the lights will not be adjusted. (Note: In previous versions of vtk, this light-tracking functionality was part of the interactors, not the renderer. For backwards compatibility, the older, more limited interactor behavior is enabled by default. To disable this mode, turn the interactor's LightFollowCamera flag OFF, and leave the renderer's LightFollowCamera flag ON.)

virtual void vtkRenderer::LightFollowCameraOn ( )

Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. If LightFollowCamera is on, lights that are designated as Headlights or CameraLights will be adjusted to move with this renderer's camera. If LightFollowCamera is off, the lights will not be adjusted. (Note: In previous versions of vtk, this light-tracking functionality was part of the interactors, not the renderer. For backwards compatibility, the older, more limited interactor behavior is enabled by default. To disable this mode, turn the interactor's LightFollowCamera flag OFF, and leave the renderer's LightFollowCamera flag ON.)

virtual void vtkRenderer::LightFollowCameraOff ( )

Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves. If LightFollowCamera is on, lights that are designated as Headlights or CameraLights will be adjusted to move with this renderer's camera. If LightFollowCamera is off, the lights will not be adjusted. (Note: In previous versions of vtk, this light-tracking functionality was part of the interactors, not the renderer. For backwards compatibility, the older, more limited interactor behavior is enabled by default. To disable this mode, turn the interactor's LightFollowCamera flag OFF, and leave the renderer's LightFollowCamera flag ON.)

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetAutomaticLightCreation ( )

Turn on/off a flag which disables the automatic light creation capability. Normally in VTK if no lights are associated with the renderer, then a light is automatically created. However, in special circumstances this feature is undesirable, so the following boolean is provided to disable automatic light creation. (Turn AutomaticLightCreation off if you do not want lights to be created.)

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetAutomaticLightCreation ( int  )

Turn on/off a flag which disables the automatic light creation capability. Normally in VTK if no lights are associated with the renderer, then a light is automatically created. However, in special circumstances this feature is undesirable, so the following boolean is provided to disable automatic light creation. (Turn AutomaticLightCreation off if you do not want lights to be created.)

virtual void vtkRenderer::AutomaticLightCreationOn ( )

Turn on/off a flag which disables the automatic light creation capability. Normally in VTK if no lights are associated with the renderer, then a light is automatically created. However, in special circumstances this feature is undesirable, so the following boolean is provided to disable automatic light creation. (Turn AutomaticLightCreation off if you do not want lights to be created.)

virtual void vtkRenderer::AutomaticLightCreationOff ( )

Turn on/off a flag which disables the automatic light creation capability. Normally in VTK if no lights are associated with the renderer, then a light is automatically created. However, in special circumstances this feature is undesirable, so the following boolean is provided to disable automatic light creation. (Turn AutomaticLightCreation off if you do not want lights to be created.)

virtual int vtkRenderer::UpdateLightsGeometryToFollowCamera ( void  )

Ask the lights in the scene that are not in world space (for instance, Headlights or CameraLights that are attached to the camera) to update their geometry to match the active camera.

vtkVolumeCollection* vtkRenderer::GetVolumes ( )

Return the collection of volumes.

vtkActorCollection* vtkRenderer::GetActors ( )

Return any actors in this renderer.

void vtkRenderer::SetActiveCamera ( vtkCamera )

Specify the camera to use for this renderer.

vtkCamera* vtkRenderer::GetActiveCamera ( )

Get the current camera. If there is not camera assigned to the renderer already, a new one is created automatically. This does not reset the camera.

virtual vtkCamera* vtkRenderer::MakeCamera ( )

Create a new Camera sutible for use with this type of Renderer. For example, a vtkMesaRenderer should create a vtkMesaCamera in this function. The default is to just call vtkCamera::New.

Reimplemented in vtkExternalOpenGLRenderer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetErase ( int  )

When this flag is off, the renderer will not erase the background or the Zbuffer. It is used to have overlapping renderers. Both the RenderWindow Erase and Render Erase must be on for the camera to clear the renderer. By default, Erase is on.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetErase ( )

When this flag is off, the renderer will not erase the background or the Zbuffer. It is used to have overlapping renderers. Both the RenderWindow Erase and Render Erase must be on for the camera to clear the renderer. By default, Erase is on.

virtual void vtkRenderer::EraseOn ( )

When this flag is off, the renderer will not erase the background or the Zbuffer. It is used to have overlapping renderers. Both the RenderWindow Erase and Render Erase must be on for the camera to clear the renderer. By default, Erase is on.

virtual void vtkRenderer::EraseOff ( )

When this flag is off, the renderer will not erase the background or the Zbuffer. It is used to have overlapping renderers. Both the RenderWindow Erase and Render Erase must be on for the camera to clear the renderer. By default, Erase is on.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetDraw ( int  )

When this flag is off, render commands are ignored. It is used to either multiplex a vtkRenderWindow or render only part of a vtkRenderWindow. By default, Draw is on.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetDraw ( )

When this flag is off, render commands are ignored. It is used to either multiplex a vtkRenderWindow or render only part of a vtkRenderWindow. By default, Draw is on.

virtual void vtkRenderer::DrawOn ( )

When this flag is off, render commands are ignored. It is used to either multiplex a vtkRenderWindow or render only part of a vtkRenderWindow. By default, Draw is on.

virtual void vtkRenderer::DrawOff ( )

When this flag is off, render commands are ignored. It is used to either multiplex a vtkRenderWindow or render only part of a vtkRenderWindow. By default, Draw is on.

int vtkRenderer::CaptureGL2PSSpecialProp ( vtkProp )

This function is called to capture an instance of vtkProp that requires special handling during vtkRenderWindow::CaptureGL2PSSpecialProps().

void vtkRenderer::SetGL2PSSpecialPropCollection ( vtkPropCollection )

Set the prop collection object used during vtkRenderWindow::CaptureGL2PSSpecialProps(). Do not call manually, this is handled automatically by the render window.

void vtkRenderer::AddCuller ( vtkCuller )

Add an culler to the list of cullers.

void vtkRenderer::RemoveCuller ( vtkCuller )

Remove an actor from the list of cullers.

vtkCullerCollection * vtkRenderer::GetCullers ( )

Return the collection of cullers.

Get the list of cullers for this renderer.

Definition at line 694 of file vtkRenderer.h.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetAmbient ( double  ,
double  ,

Set the intensity of ambient lighting.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetAmbient ( double  [3])

Set the intensity of ambient lighting.

virtual double* vtkRenderer::GetAmbient ( )

Set the intensity of ambient lighting.

virtual void vtkRenderer::GetAmbient ( double  data[3])

Set the intensity of ambient lighting.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetAllocatedRenderTime ( double  )

Set/Get the amount of time this renderer is allowed to spend rendering its scene. This is used by vtkLODActor's.

virtual double vtkRenderer::GetAllocatedRenderTime ( )

Set/Get the amount of time this renderer is allowed to spend rendering its scene. This is used by vtkLODActor's.

virtual double vtkRenderer::GetTimeFactor ( )

Get the ratio between allocated time and actual render time. TimeFactor has been taken out of the render process. It is still computed in case someone finds it useful. It may be taken away in the future.

virtual void vtkRenderer::Render ( )

CALLED BY vtkRenderWindow ONLY. End-user pass your way and call vtkRenderWindow::Render(). Create an image. This is a superclass method which will in turn call the DeviceRender method of Subclasses of vtkRenderer.

Reimplemented in vtkExternalOpenGLRenderer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::DeviceRender ( )
pure virtual

Create an image. Subclasses of vtkRenderer must implement this method.

Implemented in vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::DeviceRenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry ( )

Render translucent polygonal geometry. Default implementation just call UpdateTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(). Subclasses of vtkRenderer that can deal with depth peeling must override this method. It updates boolean ivar LastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling.

Reimplemented in vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::Clear ( void  )

Clear the image to the background color.

Reimplemented in vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

Definition at line 244 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::VisibleActorCount ( )

Returns the number of visible actors.

int vtkRenderer::VisibleVolumeCount ( )

Returns the number of visible volumes.

void vtkRenderer::ComputeVisiblePropBounds ( double  bounds[6])

Compute the bounding box of all the visible props Used in ResetCamera() and ResetCameraClippingRange()

double* vtkRenderer::ComputeVisiblePropBounds ( )

Wrapper-friendly version of ComputeVisiblePropBounds

void vtkRenderer::ResetCameraClippingRange ( )

Reset the camera clipping range based on the bounds of the visible actors. This ensures that no props are cut off

void vtkRenderer::ResetCameraClippingRange ( double  bounds[6])

Reset the camera clipping range based on a bounding box. This method is called from ResetCameraClippingRange() If Deering frustrum is used then the bounds get expanded by the camera's modelview matrix.

void vtkRenderer::ResetCameraClippingRange ( double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
double  zmin,
double  zmax 

Reset the camera clipping range based on a bounding box. This method is called from ResetCameraClippingRange() If Deering frustrum is used then the bounds get expanded by the camera's modelview matrix.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetNearClippingPlaneTolerance ( double  )

Specify tolerance for near clipping plane distance to the camera as a percentage of the far clipping plane distance. By default this will be set to 0.01 for 16 bit zbuffers and 0.001 for higher depth z buffers

virtual double vtkRenderer::GetNearClippingPlaneTolerance ( )

Specify tolerance for near clipping plane distance to the camera as a percentage of the far clipping plane distance. By default this will be set to 0.01 for 16 bit zbuffers and 0.001 for higher depth z buffers

void vtkRenderer::ResetCamera ( )

Automatically set up the camera based on the visible actors. The camera will reposition itself to view the center point of the actors, and move along its initial view plane normal (i.e., vector defined from camera position to focal point) so that all of the actors can be seen.

void vtkRenderer::ResetCamera ( double  bounds[6])

Automatically set up the camera based on a specified bounding box (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). Camera will reposition itself so that its focal point is the center of the bounding box, and adjust its distance and position to preserve its initial view plane normal (i.e., vector defined from camera position to focal point). Note: is the view plane is parallel to the view up axis, the view up axis will be reset to one of the three coordinate axes.

void vtkRenderer::ResetCamera ( double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
double  zmin,
double  zmax 

Alternative version of ResetCamera(bounds[6]);

void vtkRenderer::SetRenderWindow ( vtkRenderWindow )

Specify the rendering window in which to draw. This is automatically set when the renderer is created by MakeRenderer. The user probably shouldn't ever need to call this method.

vtkRenderWindow* vtkRenderer::GetRenderWindow ( )

Specify the rendering window in which to draw. This is automatically set when the renderer is created by MakeRenderer. The user probably shouldn't ever need to call this method.

Definition at line 309 of file vtkRenderer.h.

virtual vtkWindow* vtkRenderer::GetVTKWindow ( )

Specify the rendering window in which to draw. This is automatically set when the renderer is created by MakeRenderer. The user probably shouldn't ever need to call this method.

Implements vtkViewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetBackingStore ( int  )

Turn on/off using backing store. This may cause the re-rendering time to be slightly slower when the view changes. But it is much faster when the image has not changed, such as during an expose event.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetBackingStore ( )

Turn on/off using backing store. This may cause the re-rendering time to be slightly slower when the view changes. But it is much faster when the image has not changed, such as during an expose event.

virtual void vtkRenderer::BackingStoreOn ( )

Turn on/off using backing store. This may cause the re-rendering time to be slightly slower when the view changes. But it is much faster when the image has not changed, such as during an expose event.

virtual void vtkRenderer::BackingStoreOff ( )

Turn on/off using backing store. This may cause the re-rendering time to be slightly slower when the view changes. But it is much faster when the image has not changed, such as during an expose event.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetInteractive ( int  )

Turn on/off interactive status. An interactive renderer is one that can receive events from an interactor. Should only be set if there are multiple renderers in the same section of the viewport.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetInteractive ( )

Turn on/off interactive status. An interactive renderer is one that can receive events from an interactor. Should only be set if there are multiple renderers in the same section of the viewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::InteractiveOn ( )

Turn on/off interactive status. An interactive renderer is one that can receive events from an interactor. Should only be set if there are multiple renderers in the same section of the viewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::InteractiveOff ( )

Turn on/off interactive status. An interactive renderer is one that can receive events from an interactor. Should only be set if there are multiple renderers in the same section of the viewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetLayer ( int  layer)

Set/Get the layer that this renderer belongs to. This is only used if there are layered renderers. Note: Changing the layer will update the PreserveColorBuffer setting. If the layer is 0, PreserveColorBuffer will be set to false, making the bottom renderer opaque. If the layer is non-zero, PreserveColorBuffer will be set to true, giving the renderer a transparent background. If other PreserveColorBuffer configurations are desired, they must be adjusted after the layer is set.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetLayer ( )

Set/Get the layer that this renderer belongs to. This is only used if there are layered renderers. Note: Changing the layer will update the PreserveColorBuffer setting. If the layer is 0, PreserveColorBuffer will be set to false, making the bottom renderer opaque. If the layer is non-zero, PreserveColorBuffer will be set to true, giving the renderer a transparent background. If other PreserveColorBuffer configurations are desired, they must be adjusted after the layer is set.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetPreserveColorBuffer ( )

By default, the renderer at layer 0 is opaque, and all non-zero layer renderers are transparent. This flag allows this behavior to be overridden. If true, this setting will force the renderer to preserve the existing color buffer regardless of layer. If false, it will always be cleared at the start of rendering. This flag influences the Transparent() method, and is updated by calls to SetLayer(). For this reason it should only be set after changing the layer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetPreserveColorBuffer ( int  )

By default, the renderer at layer 0 is opaque, and all non-zero layer renderers are transparent. This flag allows this behavior to be overridden. If true, this setting will force the renderer to preserve the existing color buffer regardless of layer. If false, it will always be cleared at the start of rendering. This flag influences the Transparent() method, and is updated by calls to SetLayer(). For this reason it should only be set after changing the layer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::PreserveColorBufferOn ( )

By default, the renderer at layer 0 is opaque, and all non-zero layer renderers are transparent. This flag allows this behavior to be overridden. If true, this setting will force the renderer to preserve the existing color buffer regardless of layer. If false, it will always be cleared at the start of rendering. This flag influences the Transparent() method, and is updated by calls to SetLayer(). For this reason it should only be set after changing the layer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::PreserveColorBufferOff ( )

By default, the renderer at layer 0 is opaque, and all non-zero layer renderers are transparent. This flag allows this behavior to be overridden. If true, this setting will force the renderer to preserve the existing color buffer regardless of layer. If false, it will always be cleared at the start of rendering. This flag influences the Transparent() method, and is updated by calls to SetLayer(). For this reason it should only be set after changing the layer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetPreserveDepthBuffer ( int  )

By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer. If this flag is true, this renderer will use the existing depth buffer for its rendering.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetPreserveDepthBuffer ( )

By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer. If this flag is true, this renderer will use the existing depth buffer for its rendering.

virtual void vtkRenderer::PreserveDepthBufferOn ( )

By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer. If this flag is true, this renderer will use the existing depth buffer for its rendering.

virtual void vtkRenderer::PreserveDepthBufferOff ( )

By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer. If this flag is true, this renderer will use the existing depth buffer for its rendering.

int vtkRenderer::Transparent ( )

Returns a boolean indicating if this renderer is transparent. It is transparent if it is not in the deepest layer of its render window.

void vtkRenderer::WorldToView ( )

Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.

Reimplemented from vtkViewport.

void vtkRenderer::ViewToWorld ( )

Convert view point coordinates to world coordinates.

Reimplemented from vtkViewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::ViewToWorld ( double wx,
double wy,
double wz 

Convert view point coordinates to world coordinates.

Reimplemented from vtkViewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::WorldToView ( double wx,
double wy,
double wz 

Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.

Reimplemented from vtkViewport.

double vtkRenderer::GetZ ( int  x,
int  y 

Given a pixel location, return the Z value. The z value is normalized (0,1) between the front and back clipping planes.

unsigned long vtkRenderer::GetMTime ( )

Return the MTime of the renderer also considering its ivars.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

virtual double vtkRenderer::GetLastRenderTimeInSeconds ( )

Get the time required, in seconds, for the last Render call.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetNumberOfPropsRendered ( )

Should be used internally only during a render Get the number of props that were rendered using a RenderOpaqueGeometry or RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry call. This is used to know if something is in the frame buffer.

vtkAssemblyPath* vtkRenderer::PickProp ( double  selectionX,
double  selectionY 

Return the prop (via a vtkAssemblyPath) that has the highest z value at the given x, y position in the viewport. Basically, the top most prop that renders the pixel at selectionX, selectionY will be returned. If nothing was picked then NULL is returned. This method selects from the renderers Prop list.

Implements vtkViewport.

Definition at line 408 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkAssemblyPath* vtkRenderer::PickProp ( double  selectionX1,
double  selectionY1,
double  selectionX2,
double  selectionY2 

Return the prop (via a vtkAssemblyPath) that has the highest z value at the given x, y position in the viewport. Basically, the top most prop that renders the pixel at selectionX, selectionY will be returned. If nothing was picked then NULL is returned. This method selects from the renderers Prop list.

Implements vtkViewport.

virtual void vtkRenderer::StereoMidpoint ( )

Do anything necessary between rendering the left and right viewpoints in a stereo render. Doesn't do anything except in the derived vtkIceTRenderer in ParaView.

Definition at line 419 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::GetTiledAspectRatio ( )

Compute the aspect ratio of this renderer for the current tile. When tiled displays are used the aspect ratio of the renderer for a given tile may be different that the aspect ratio of the renderer when rendered in it entirity

int vtkRenderer::IsActiveCameraCreated ( )

This method returns 1 if the ActiveCamera has already been set or automatically created by the renderer. It returns 0 if the ActiveCamera does not yet exist.

Definition at line 431 of file vtkRenderer.h.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetUseDepthPeeling ( int  )

Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique. The render window must have alpha bits (ie call SetAlphaBitPlanes(1)) and no multisample buffer (ie call SetMultiSamples(0) ) to support depth peeling. If UseDepthPeeling is on and the GPU supports it, depth peeling is used for rendering translucent materials. If UseDepthPeeling is off, alpha blending is used. Initial value is off.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetUseDepthPeeling ( )

Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique. The render window must have alpha bits (ie call SetAlphaBitPlanes(1)) and no multisample buffer (ie call SetMultiSamples(0) ) to support depth peeling. If UseDepthPeeling is on and the GPU supports it, depth peeling is used for rendering translucent materials. If UseDepthPeeling is off, alpha blending is used. Initial value is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::UseDepthPeelingOn ( )

Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique. The render window must have alpha bits (ie call SetAlphaBitPlanes(1)) and no multisample buffer (ie call SetMultiSamples(0) ) to support depth peeling. If UseDepthPeeling is on and the GPU supports it, depth peeling is used for rendering translucent materials. If UseDepthPeeling is off, alpha blending is used. Initial value is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::UseDepthPeelingOff ( )

Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique. The render window must have alpha bits (ie call SetAlphaBitPlanes(1)) and no multisample buffer (ie call SetMultiSamples(0) ) to support depth peeling. If UseDepthPeeling is on and the GPU supports it, depth peeling is used for rendering translucent materials. If UseDepthPeeling is off, alpha blending is used. Initial value is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetOcclusionRatio ( double  )

In case of use of depth peeling technique for rendering translucent material, define the threshold under which the algorithm stops to iterate over peel layers. This is the ratio of the number of pixels that have been touched by the last layer over the total number of pixels of the viewport area. Initial value is 0.0, meaning rendering have to be exact. Greater values may speed-up the rendering with small impact on the quality.

virtual double vtkRenderer::GetOcclusionRatio ( )

In case of use of depth peeling technique for rendering translucent material, define the threshold under which the algorithm stops to iterate over peel layers. This is the ratio of the number of pixels that have been touched by the last layer over the total number of pixels of the viewport area. Initial value is 0.0, meaning rendering have to be exact. Greater values may speed-up the rendering with small impact on the quality.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetMaximumNumberOfPeels ( int  )

In case of depth peeling, define the maximum number of peeling layers. Initial value is 4. A special value of 0 means no maximum limit. It has to be a positive value.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetMaximumNumberOfPeels ( )

In case of depth peeling, define the maximum number of peeling layers. Initial value is 4. A special value of 0 means no maximum limit. It has to be a positive value.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetLastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling ( )

Tells if the last call to DeviceRenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry() actually used depth peeling. Initial value is false.

void vtkRenderer::SetDelegate ( vtkRendererDelegate d)

Set/Get a custom Render call. Allows to hook a Render call from an external project.It will be used in place of vtkRenderer::Render() if it is not NULL and its Used ivar is set to true. Initial value is NULL.

virtual vtkRendererDelegate* vtkRenderer::GetDelegate ( )

Set/Get a custom Render call. Allows to hook a Render call from an external project.It will be used in place of vtkRenderer::Render() if it is not NULL and its Used ivar is set to true. Initial value is NULL.

virtual vtkHardwareSelector* vtkRenderer::GetSelector ( )

Get the current hardware selector. If the Selector is set, it implies the current render pass is for selection. Mappers/Properties may choose to behave differently when rendering for hardware selection.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetBackgroundTexture ( vtkTexture )

Set/Get the texture to be used for the background. If set and enabled this gets the priority over the gradient background.

virtual vtkTexture* vtkRenderer::GetBackgroundTexture ( )

Set/Get the texture to be used for the background. If set and enabled this gets the priority over the gradient background.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetTexturedBackground ( bool  )

Set/Get whether this viewport should have a textured background. Default is off.

virtual bool vtkRenderer::GetTexturedBackground ( )

Set/Get whether this viewport should have a textured background. Default is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::TexturedBackgroundOn ( )

Set/Get whether this viewport should have a textured background. Default is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::TexturedBackgroundOff ( )

Set/Get whether this viewport should have a textured background. Default is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::ReleaseGraphicsResources ( vtkWindow )

Reimplemented in vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

virtual void vtkRenderer::SetUseShadows ( int  )

Turn on/off rendering of shadows if supported Initial value is off.

virtual int vtkRenderer::GetUseShadows ( )

Turn on/off rendering of shadows if supported Initial value is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::UseShadowsOn ( )

Turn on/off rendering of shadows if supported Initial value is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::UseShadowsOff ( )

Turn on/off rendering of shadows if supported Initial value is off.

virtual void vtkRenderer::PickRender ( vtkPropCollection props)
virtual void vtkRenderer::PickGeometry ( )
virtual void vtkRenderer::ExpandBounds ( double  bounds[6],
vtkMatrix4x4 matrix 
void vtkRenderer::AllocateTime ( )
virtual int vtkRenderer::UpdateGeometry ( )

Ask all props to update and draw any opaque and translucent geometry. This includes both vtkActors and vtkVolumes Returns the number of props that rendered geometry.

Reimplemented in vtkOpenGLRenderer.

virtual int vtkRenderer::UpdateTranslucentPolygonalGeometry ( )

Ask all props to update and draw any translucent polygonal geometry. This includes both vtkActors and vtkVolumes Return the number of rendered props. It is called once with alpha blending technique. It is called multiple times with depth peeling technique.

virtual int vtkRenderer::UpdateCamera ( void  )

Ask the active camera to do whatever it needs to do prior to rendering. Creates a camera if none found active.

virtual int vtkRenderer::UpdateLightGeometry ( void  )

Update the geometry of the lights in the scene that are not in world space (for instance, Headlights or CameraLights that are attached to the camera).

virtual int vtkRenderer::UpdateLights ( void  )

Ask all lights to load themselves into rendering pipeline. This method will return the actual number of lights that were on.

Reimplemented in vtkOpenGLRenderer, and vtkOpenGLRenderer.

Definition at line 631 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkCamera* vtkRenderer::GetActiveCameraAndResetIfCreated ( )

Get the current camera and reset it only if it gets created automatically (see GetActiveCamera). This is only used internally.

void vtkRenderer::SetSelector ( vtkHardwareSelector selector)

Called by vtkHardwareSelector when it begins rendering for selection.

Definition at line 669 of file vtkRenderer.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class vtkRenderPass

Definition at line 607 of file vtkRenderer.h.

friend class vtkHardwareSelector

Definition at line 665 of file vtkRenderer.h.

friend class vtkRendererDelegate

Definition at line 677 of file vtkRenderer.h.

Member Data Documentation

vtkCamera* vtkRenderer::ActiveCamera

Definition at line 530 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkLight* vtkRenderer::CreatedLight

Definition at line 531 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkLightCollection* vtkRenderer::Lights

Definition at line 533 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkCullerCollection* vtkRenderer::Cullers

Definition at line 534 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkActorCollection* vtkRenderer::Actors

Definition at line 536 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkVolumeCollection* vtkRenderer::Volumes

Definition at line 537 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::Ambient[3]

Definition at line 539 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkRenderWindow* vtkRenderer::RenderWindow

Definition at line 540 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::AllocatedRenderTime

Definition at line 541 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::TimeFactor

Definition at line 542 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::TwoSidedLighting

Definition at line 543 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::AutomaticLightCreation

Definition at line 544 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::BackingStore

Definition at line 545 of file vtkRenderer.h.

unsigned char* vtkRenderer::BackingImage

Definition at line 546 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::BackingStoreSize[2]

Definition at line 547 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkTimeStamp vtkRenderer::RenderTime

Definition at line 548 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::LastRenderTimeInSeconds

Definition at line 550 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::LightFollowCamera

Definition at line 552 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::NumberOfPropsRendered

Definition at line 559 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkProp** vtkRenderer::PropArray

Definition at line 563 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::PropArrayCount

Definition at line 564 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkAssemblyPath** vtkRenderer::PathArray

Definition at line 567 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::PathArrayCount

Definition at line 568 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::Interactive

Definition at line 572 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::Layer

Definition at line 576 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::PreserveColorBuffer

Definition at line 577 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::PreserveDepthBuffer

Definition at line 578 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::ComputedVisiblePropBounds[6]

Definition at line 582 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::NearClippingPlaneTolerance

Specifies the minimum distance of the near clipping plane as a percentage of the far clipping plane distance. Values below this threshold are clipped to NearClippingPlaneTolerance*range[1]. Note that values which are too small may cause problems on systems with low z-buffer resolution.

Definition at line 589 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::Erase

When this flag is off, the renderer will not erase the background or the Zbuffer. It is used to have overlapping renderers. Both the RenderWindow Erase and Render Erase must be on for the camera to clear the renderer. By default, Erase is on.

Definition at line 595 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::Draw

When this flag is off, render commands are ignored. It is used to either multiplex a vtkRenderWindow or render only part of a vtkRenderWindow. By default, Draw is on.

Definition at line 600 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkPropCollection* vtkRenderer::GL2PSSpecialPropCollection

Temporary collection used by vtkRenderWindow::CaptureGL2PSSpecialProps.

Definition at line 604 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::UseShadows

If this flag is on and the rendering engine supports it render shadows Initial value is off.

Definition at line 639 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::UseDepthPeeling

If this flag is on and the GPU supports it, depth peeling is used for rendering translucent materials. If this flag is off, alpha blending is used. Initial value is off.

Definition at line 644 of file vtkRenderer.h.

double vtkRenderer::OcclusionRatio

In case of use of depth peeling technique for rendering translucent material, define the threshold under which the algorithm stops to iterate over peel layers. This is the ratio of the number of pixels that have been touched by the last layer over the total number of pixels of the viewport area. Initial value is 0.0, meaning rendering have to be exact. Greater values may speed-up the rendering with small impact on the quality.

Definition at line 653 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::MaximumNumberOfPeels

In case of depth peeling, define the maximum number of peeling layers. Initial value is 4. A special value of 0 means no maximum limit. It has to be a positive value.

Definition at line 658 of file vtkRenderer.h.

int vtkRenderer::LastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling

Tells if the last call to DeviceRenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry() actually used depth peeling. Initial value is false.

Definition at line 662 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkHardwareSelector* vtkRenderer::Selector

Definition at line 674 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkRendererDelegate* vtkRenderer::Delegate

Definition at line 678 of file vtkRenderer.h.

bool vtkRenderer::TexturedBackground

Definition at line 680 of file vtkRenderer.h.

vtkTexture* vtkRenderer::BackgroundTexture

Definition at line 681 of file vtkRenderer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: