43 #ifndef vtkOpenGLPainterDeviceAdapter_h
44 #define vtkOpenGLPainterDeviceAdapter_h
46 #include "vtkRenderingOpenGLModule.h"
53 #pragma warning(disable:4996)
97 int stride,
const void *pointer);
152 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
virtual void MakeVertexEmphasis(bool mode)=0
Turns emphasis of vertices on or off for vertex selection.
virtual void SendAttribute(int index, int components, int type, const void *attribute, vtkIdType offset=0)=0
Sends a single attribute to the graphics card.
virtual void EnableAttributeArray(int index)=0
Enable/disable the attribute array set with SetAttributePointer.
virtual void WriteStencil(vtkIdType value)=0
Control use of the stencil buffer (for vertex selection).
abstract specification for renderers
static vtkPainterDeviceAdapter * New()
virtual void SendMultiTextureCoords(int numcomp, int type, const void *attribute, int idx, vtkIdType offset)=0
Calls glMultiTex.
virtual void Stencil(int on)=0
Control use of the stencil buffer (for vertex selection).
virtual int IsAttributesSupported(int attribute)=0
Returns if the given attribute type is supported by the device.
virtual void TestStencil(vtkIdType value)=0
Control use of the stencil buffer (for vertex selection).
An adapter between a vtkPainter and a rendering device.
a simple class to control print indentation
virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void SetAttributePointer(int index, vtkDataArray *attributeArray)
Sets an array of attributes.
virtual void DisableAttributeArray(int index)=0
Enable/disable the attribute array set with SetAttributePointer.
virtual int Compatible(vtkRenderer *renderer)=0
Returns true if this device adapter is compatible with the given vtkRenderer.
virtual void EndPrimitive()=0
Signals the end of sending a primitive to the graphics card.
virtual void DrawElements(int mode, vtkIdType count, int type, void *indices)=0
Send items in the attribute pointers to the graphics card to define a primitive.
An adapter between a vtkPainter and a rendering device.
virtual void BeginPrimitive(int mode)=0
Signals the start of sending a primitive to the graphics card.
virtual void DrawArrays(int mode, vtkIdType first, vtkIdType count)=0
Send a section of the enabled attribute pointers to the graphics card to define a primitive...