| vtkIOSSCellGridReaderInternal (vtkIOSSCellGridReader *self) |
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellGrid > > | GetCellGrids (const std::string &blockName, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSCellGridReader *self) |
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellGrid > > | GetElementBlock (const std::string &blockName, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSCellGridReader *self) |
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellGrid > > | GetElementBlock (const std::string &blockName, const Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSCellGridReader *self) |
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellGrid > > | GetSideSet (const std::string &blockName, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSCellGridReader *self) |
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellGrid > > | GetNodeSet (const std::string &blockName, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSCellGridReader *self) |
vtkCellAttribute::CellTypeInfo | GetCellGridInfoForBlock (int shape_conn_size, int shape_order, vtkDGCell *dg) |
void | GetNodalAttributes (vtkDataArraySelection *fieldSelection, vtkDataSetAttributes *arrayGroup, vtkCellGrid *grid, vtkDGCell *meta, const Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, Ioss::Region *region, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, bool read_ioss_ids, const std::string &cache_key_suffix) |
void | GetElementAttributes (vtkDataArraySelection *fieldSelection, vtkDataSetAttributes *arrayGroup, vtkCellGrid *grid, vtkDGCell *meta, const Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, Ioss::Region *region, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, bool read_ioss_ids, const std::string &cache_key_suffix) |
bool | ApplyDisplacements (vtkCellGrid *grid, Ioss::Region *region, const Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep) |
| vtkIOSSReaderInternal (vtkIOSSReader *reader) |
virtual | ~vtkIOSSReaderInternal ()=default |
const std::vector< double > & | GetTimeSteps () const |
vtkIOSSUtilities::DatabaseFormatType | GetFormat () const |
void | SetDisplacementMagnitude (double s) |
double | GetDisplacementMagnitude () |
bool | UpdateDatabaseNames (vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Processes filenames to populate names for Ioss databases to read.
bool | UpdateTimeInformation (vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Read Ioss databases to generate information about timesteps / times in the databases.
bool | NeedToUpdateEntityAndFieldSelections (vtkIOSSReader *self, const std::vector< DatabaseHandle > &dbaseHandles) |
| Checks if the entity and field selections have changed.
bool | UpdateEntityAndFieldSelections (vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Populates various vtkDataArraySelection objects on the vtkIOSSReader with names for entity-blocks, -sets, and fields defined on them.
bool | UpdateAssembly (vtkIOSSReader *self, int *tag) |
| Populates the vtkDataAssembly used for block/set selection.
vtkDataAssembly * | GetAssembly () const |
bool | GenerateOutput (vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection *output, vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Fills up the output data-structure based on the entity blocks/sets chosen and those available.
bool | ReadAssemblies (vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection *output, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Fills up the vtkDataAssembly with ioss-assemblies, if present.
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > > | GetDataSets (const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Reads datasets (meshes and fields) for the given block.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > | GetExodusEntityDataSet (const std::vector< std::string > &blockNames, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Reads datasets (meshes and fields) for the given exodus entity.
bool | GetQAAndInformationRecords (vtkFieldData *fd, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Read quality assurance and information data from the file.
bool | GetGlobalFields (vtkFieldData *fd, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep) |
| Read global fields.
bool | HaveRestartFiles () const |
| Get if there are restart files available.
std::vector< DatabaseHandle > | GetDatabaseHandles (int piece, int npieces, int timestep) const |
| Returns the list of fileids, if any to be read for a given "piece" for the chosen timestep.
std::string | GetRawFileName (const DatabaseHandle &handle, bool shortname=false) const |
| Useful for printing error messages etc.
int | GetFileProcessor (const DatabaseHandle &handle) const |
| For spatially partitioned files, this returns the partition identifier for the file identified by the handle.
bool | HaveCreatedRegions (const std::vector< DatabaseHandle > &dbaseHandles) |
| Returns if the given database handles have regions already created.
void | ReleaseHandles () |
| Releases any open file handles.
void | ReleaseRegions () |
| Little more aggressive than ReleaseHandles but less intense than Reset , releases all IOSS regions and thus all the meta-data IOSS may have cached as well.
void | Reset () |
| Clear all regions, databases etc.
void | ResetDatabaseNamesMTime () |
void | ClearCache () |
| Cache related API.
void | ResetCacheAccessCounts () |
| Cache related API.
void | ClearCacheUnused () |
| Cache related API.
using | EntityType = vtkIOSSReader::EntityType |
using | DatabaseNamesType = std::map< std::string, DatabasePartitionInfo > |
std::vector< int > | GetFileIds (const std::string &dbasename, int myrank, int numRanks) const |
Ioss::Region * | GetRegion (const std::string &dbasename, int fileid) |
Ioss::Region * | GetRegion (const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
std::vector< std::pair< int, vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > > > | GetTopology (const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Get a vector of cell arrays and their cell type for the entity block (or set) with the given name (blockname ) and type (vtk_entity_type).
std::pair< vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnsignedCharArray >, vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > > | CombineTopologies (const std::vector< std::pair< int, vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > > > &topologies) |
| Combine a vector cell types, cell arrays pairs into a single vtkUnsignedCharArray of cell types and a vtkCellArray.
bool | GetTopology (vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Fill up the grid with connectivity information for the entity block (or set) with the given name (blockname ) and type (vtk_entity_type).
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > | GetGeometry (const std::string &blockname, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Get with point coordinates aka geometry read from the block with the given name (blockname ).
bool | GetGeometry (vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, const std::string &blockname, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Fill up grid with point coordinates aka geometry read from the block with the given name (blockname ).
bool | GetGeometry (vtkStructuredGrid *grid, const Ioss::StructuredBlock *groupEntity) |
| GetGeometry for vtkStructuredGrid i.e.
bool | GetMesh (vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, bool remove_unused_points) |
| Adds geometry (points) and topology (cell) information to the grid for the entity block or set chosen using the name (blockname ) and type (vtk_entity_type ).
bool | GetEntityMesh (vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, const std::vector< std::string > &blockNames, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Adds geometry (points) and topology (cell) information to the grid for all the entity blocks or sets chosen using the names (blockNames ) and type (vtk_entity_type ).
bool | GetMesh (vtkStructuredGrid *grid, const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Reads a structured block.
bool | GenerateEntityIdArray (vtkCellData *cd, vtkIdType numberOfCells, const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Add "id" array to the dataset using the id for the grouping entity, if any.
bool | GetFields (vtkDataSetAttributes *dsa, vtkDataArraySelection *selection, Ioss::Region *region, Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, bool read_ioss_ids, vtkIdTypeArray *ids_to_extract=nullptr, const std::string &cache_key_suffix=std::string()) |
| Reads selected field arrays for the given entity block or set.
bool | GetNodeFields (vtkDataSetAttributes *dsa, vtkDataArraySelection *selection, Ioss::Region *region, Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, bool read_ioss_ids, bool mergeExodusEntityBlocks=false) |
| This reads node fields for an entity block or set.
bool | ApplyDisplacements (vtkPointSet *grid, Ioss::Region *region, Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, bool mergeExodusEntityBlocks=false) |
| Reads node block array with displacements and then transforms the points in the grid using those displacements.
bool | GenerateFileId (vtkDataSetAttributes *cellData, vtkIdType numberOfCells, Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle) |
| Adds 'file_id' array to indicate which file the dataset was read from.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractArray > | ConvertFieldForVTK (vtkAbstractArray *array) |
| Fields like "ids" have to be vtkIdTypeArray in VTK.
unsigned int | GetDataSetIndexForEntity (const Ioss::GroupingEntity *entity) const |
void | GenerateElementAndSideIds (vtkDataSet *dataset, Ioss::SideSet *sideSet, const DatabaseHandle &handle, const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type) |
| Add field-data arrays holding side-set specifications (i.e., (cell-id, side-id) tuples) for use by the UnstructuredGridToCellGrid conversion filter.
bool | BuildAssembly (Ioss::Region *region, vtkDataAssembly *assembly, int root, bool add_leaves) |
DatabaseNamesType | GenerateSubset (const DatabaseNamesType &databases, vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Generate a subset based the readers current settings for FileRange and FileStride.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractArray > | GetField (const std::string &fieldname, Ioss::Region *region, const Ioss::GroupingEntity *group_entity, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIdTypeArray *ids_to_extract=nullptr, const std::string &cache_key_suffix=std::string()) |
| Reads a field with name fieldname from entity block or set with chosen name (blockname ) and type (vtk_entity_type ).
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > > | GetExodusDataSets (const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Called by GetDataSets to process each type of dataset.
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > > | GetCGNSDataSets (const std::string &blockname, vtkIOSSReader::EntityType vtk_entity_type, const DatabaseHandle &handle, int timestep, vtkIOSSReader *self) |
| Called by GetDataSets to process each type of dataset.
Ioss::Init::Initializer | io |
double | DisplacementMagnitude = 1. |
DatabaseNamesType | UnfilteredDatabaseNames |
DatabaseNamesType | DatabaseNames |
vtkTimeStamp | DatabaseNamesMTime |
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > > | DatabaseTimes |
std::vector< double > | TimestepValues |
vtkTimeStamp | TimestepValuesMTime |
std::array< std::set< vtkIOSSUtilities::EntityNameType >, vtkIOSSReader::NUMBER_OF_ENTITY_TYPES > | EntityNames |
vtkTimeStamp | SelectionsMTime |
std::map< std::pair< Ioss::EntityType, std::string >, unsigned int > | DatasetIndexMap |
std::map< DatabaseHandle, std::shared_ptr< Ioss::Region > > | RegionMap |
vtkIOSSUtilities::Cache | Cache |
vtkIOSSUtilities::DatabaseFormatType | Format = vtkIOSSUtilities::DatabaseFormatType::UNKNOWN |
vtkIOSSReader * | IOSSReader = nullptr |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataAssembly > | Assembly |
vtkTimeStamp | AssemblyMTime |
Internal methods for the cell-grid version of the IOSS reader.
Note that this class is not part of the public API of VTK and thus has no export macros.
Definition at line 22 of file vtkIOSSCellGridReaderInternal.h.