52#ifndef vtkOpenXRRenderWindow_h
53#define vtkOpenXRRenderWindow_h
55#include "vtkRenderingOpenXRModule.h"
197 vtkSetMacro(UseDepthExtension,
198 vtkGetMacro(UseDepthExtension,
215 vtkSetMacro(EnableSceneUnderstanding,
216 vtkGetMacro(EnableSceneUnderstanding,
247 std::array<bool, 2> ModelsActiveState = {
true };
254 std::unique_ptr<vtkInternals> Internal;
256 bool UseDepthExtension =
257 bool EnableSceneUnderstanding =
represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
std::string & GetModelsManifestDirectory()
Get/Set a custom path to look for the controllers models.
static vtkOpenXRRenderWindow * New()
vtkOpenXRSceneObserver * GetSceneObserver()
Returns scene observer associated with this window.
void SetModelsManifestDirectory(const std::string &path)
Get/Set a custom path to look for the controllers models.
void SetCurrentInteractionProfile(uint32_t, const std::string &profile)
void RenderFramebuffer(FramebufferDesc &framebufferDesc) override
void Render() override
Overridden to not release resources that would interfere with an external application's rendering.
void StereoUpdate() override
Update the system, if needed, due to stereo rendering.
~vtkOpenXRRenderWindow() override
virtual void RenderOneEye(uint32_t eye)
std::string & GetCurrentInteractionProfile(uint32_t)
Get/Set the current interaction profile for a hand.
bool BindTextureToFramebuffer(FramebufferDesc &framebufferDesc)
vtkTypeBool GetEventPending() override
Check to see if a mouse button has been pressed or mouse wheel activated.
void AddRenderer(vtkRenderer *) override
Add a renderer to the list of renderers.
const char * ReportCapabilities() override
Get report of capabilities for the render window.
bool CreateFramebuffers(uint32_t viewCount=2) override
void Finalize() override
Finalize the rendering window.
vtkRenderWindowInteractor * MakeRenderWindowInteractor() override
Create an interactor to control renderers in this window.
void UpdateHMDMatrixPose() override
Update the HMD pose based on hardware pose and physical to world transform.
void StereoRenderComplete() override
Handles work required once both views have been rendered when using stereo rendering.
void SetModelActiveState(const int hand, bool state)
Set the active state (active: true / inactive: false) of the specified hand.
void Initialize() override
Initialize the rendering window.
uint32_t GetDeviceHandleForOpenXRHandle(uint32_t index)
vtkEventDataDevice GetDeviceForOpenXRHandle(uint32_t ohandle)
vtkNew< vtkMatrix4x4 > TempMatrix4x4
void StereoMidpoint() override
Intermediate method performs operations required between the rendering of the left and right eye.
bool GetSizeFromAPI() override
Get size of render window from OpenXR.
void RenderModels() override
Render the controllers.
platform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control.
abstract specification for renderers
platform-independent event data structures