150#ifndef vtkSurfaceNets3D_h
151#define vtkSurfaceNets3D_h
155#include "vtkFiltersCoreModule.h"
198 void SetValue(
int i,
double value) { this->Labels->SetValue(i, value); }
199 void SetLabel(
int i,
double value) { this->Labels->SetValue(i, value); }
206 double GetValue(
int i) {
return this->Labels->GetValue(i); }
207 double GetLabel(
int i) {
return this->Labels->GetValue(i); }
215 double*
GetValues() {
return this->Labels->GetValues(); }
216 double*
GetLabels() {
return this->Labels->GetValues(); }
225 void GetValues(
double* contourValues) { this->Labels->GetValues(contourValues); }
226 void GetLabels(
double* contourValues) { this->Labels->GetValues(contourValues); }
256 this->Labels->GenerateValues(numLabels, range);
260 this->Labels->GenerateValues(numContours, range);
264 this->Labels->GenerateValues(numLabels, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
268 this->Labels->GenerateValues(numContours, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
283 vtkSetMacro(BackgroundLabel,
284 vtkGetMacro(BackgroundLabel,
292 vtkSetMacro(ArrayComponent,
293 vtkGetMacro(ArrayComponent,
317 vtkSetClampMacro(OutputMeshType,
318 vtkGetMacro(OutputMeshType,
335 vtkSetMacro(Smoothing,
336 vtkGetMacro(Smoothing,
337 vtkBooleanMacro(Smoothing,
354 this->Smoother->SetConstraintBox(sx, sy, sz);
361 this->Smoother->SetConstraintStrategyToConstraintDistance();
365 this->Smoother->SetConstraintStrategyToConstraintBox();
383 vtkSetMacro(AutomaticSmoothingConstraints,
384 vtkGetMacro(AutomaticSmoothingConstraints,
385 vtkBooleanMacro(AutomaticSmoothingConstraints,
386 vtkSetClampMacro(ConstraintScale,
double, 0, 100);
387 vtkGetMacro(ConstraintScale,
397 vtkSetMacro(OptimizedSmoothingStencils,
398 vtkGetMacro(OptimizedSmoothingStencils,
399 vtkBooleanMacro(OptimizedSmoothingStencils,
449 vtkSetClampMacro(OutputStyle,
450 vtkGetMacro(OutputStyle,
489 vtkSetClampMacro(TriangulationStrategy,
490 vtkGetMacro(TriangulationStrategy,
494 this->SetTriangulationStrategy(TRIANGULATION_MIN_EDGE);
498 this->SetTriangulationStrategy(TRIANGULATION_MIN_AREA);
513 vtkSetMacro(DataCaching,
514 vtkGetMacro(DataCaching,
515 vtkBooleanMacro(DataCaching,
object to represent cell connectivity
adjust point positions using constrained smoothing
topologically and geometrically regular array of data
a simple class to control print indentation
Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output.
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
generate smoothed isocontours from segmented 3D image data (i.e., "label maps")
double * GetConstraintBox()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
void GetConstraintBox(double s[3])
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
void SetTriangulationStrategyToMinArea()
Specify the strategy to triangulate the quads (not applicable if the output mesh type is set to MESH_...
double GetRelaxationFactor()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
void SetLabel(int i, double value)
Set a particular label value at label number i.
double GetSelectedLabel(vtkIdType ithLabel)
When the OutputStyle is set to OUTPUT_STYLE_SELECTED, these methods are used to specify the labeled r...
void SetOutputMeshTypeToTriangles()
Control the type of output mesh.
double GetLabel(int i)
Get the ith label value.
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called by the superclass.
double * GetLabels()
Get a pointer to an array of labels.
void InitializeSelectedLabelsList()
When the OutputStyle is set to OUTPUT_STYLE_SELECTED, these methods are used to specify the labeled r...
void GetValues(double *contourValues)
Fill a supplied list with label values.
void SetTriangulationStrategyToMinEdge()
Specify the strategy to triangulate the quads (not applicable if the output mesh type is set to MESH_...
void SetConstraintDistance(double d)
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
int GetNumberOfIterations()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
This enum is used to control the type of the output polygonal mesh.
void SetOutputMeshTypeToQuads()
Control the type of output mesh.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkContourValues > Labels
void GenerateLabels(int numLabels, double range[2])
Generate numLabels equally spaced labels between the specified range.
void SetConstraintStrategyToConstraintDistance()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkConstrainedSmoothingFilter > Smoother
std::vector< double > SelectedLabels
vtkIdType GetNumberOfSelectedLabels()
When the OutputStyle is set to OUTPUT_STYLE_SELECTED, these methods are used to specify the labeled r...
~vtkSurfaceNets3D() override=default
void SetConstraintBox(double sx, double sy, double sz)
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
void SetNumberOfIterations(int n)
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
bool OptimizedSmoothingStencils
static vtkSurfaceNets3D * New()
Standard methods for instantiation, printing, and obtaining type information.
vtkTimeStamp SelectedLabelsTime
void SetOutputStyleToDefault()
Specify the form (i.e., the style) of the output.
void SetConstraintBox(double s[3])
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
This enum is used to control how quadrilaterals are triangulated.
void SetRelaxationFactor(double f)
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
void GetLabels(double *contourValues)
Fill a supplied list with label values.
void GenerateValues(int numContours, double range[2])
Generate numLabels equally spaced labels between the specified range.
void GenerateValues(int numContours, double rangeStart, double rangeEnd)
Generate numLabels equally spaced labels between the specified range.
void SetOutputStyleToBoundary()
Specify the form (i.e., the style) of the output.
void CacheData(vtkPolyData *pd, vtkCellArray *ca)
void SetOutputMeshTypeToDefault()
Control the type of output mesh.
int TriangulationStrategy
vtkIdType GetNumberOfLabels()
Get the number of labels in the list of label values.
int GetConstraintStrategy()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
double GetConstraintDistance()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override
Fill the input port information objects for this algorithm.
vtkTimeStamp SmoothingTime
vtkIdType GetNumberOfContours()
Get the number of labels in the list of label values.
vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override
The modified time is also a function of the label values and the smoothing filter.
void AddSelectedLabel(double label)
When the OutputStyle is set to OUTPUT_STYLE_SELECTED, these methods are used to specify the labeled r...
void SetNumberOfLabels(int number)
Set the number of labels to place into the list.
void SetOutputStyleToSelected()
Specify the form (i.e., the style) of the output.
void GenerateLabels(int numLabels, double rangeStart, double rangeEnd)
Generate numLabels equally spaced labels between the specified range.
void SetTriangulationStrategyToGreedy()
Specify the strategy to triangulate the quads (not applicable if the output mesh type is set to MESH_...
void SetValue(int i, double value)
Set a particular label value at label number i.
void SetConstraintStrategyToConstraintBox()
Convenience methods that delegate to the internal smoothing filter follow below.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > GeometryCache
bool AutomaticSmoothingConstraints
This enum is used to control the production of the filter output.
void DeleteSelectedLabel(double label)
When the OutputStyle is set to OUTPUT_STYLE_SELECTED, these methods are used to specify the labeled r...
double * GetValues()
Get a pointer to an array of labels.
void SetNumberOfContours(int number)
Set the number of labels to place into the list.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard methods for instantiation, printing, and obtaining type information.
double GetValue(int i)
Get the ith label value.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > StencilsCache
record modification and/or execution time
vtkTypeUInt32 vtkMTimeType
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)