25 #ifndef vtkOpenGLContextDevice3D_h
26 #define vtkOpenGLContextDevice3D_h
28 #include "vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2Module.h"
53 void DrawPoly(
const float *verts,
int n,
const unsigned char *colors,
int nc);
59 void DrawLines(
const float *verts,
int n,
const unsigned char *colors,
int nc);
65 const unsigned char *colors,
int nc);
71 const unsigned char *colors,
int nc);
152 virtual void EnableDepthBuffer();
157 virtual void DisableDepthBuffer();
160 void ReadyVCBOProgram();
162 void ReadyVBOProgram();
166 const float *v,
int nv,
167 const unsigned char *coolors,
int nc,
169 void CoreDrawTriangles(std::vector<float> &tverts);
172 virtual bool HaveWideLines();
virtual void MultiplyMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *m)=0
Multiply the current model view matrix by the supplied one.
virtual void DrawTriangleMesh(const float *mesh, int n, const unsigned char *colors, int nc)=0
Draw triangles to generate the specified mesh.
represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices
Abstract class for drawing 3D primitives.
virtual void DisableClippingPlane(int i)=0
Enable/Disable the specified clipping plane.
abstract specification for Viewports
Class for drawing 2D primitives using OpenGL 1.1+.
static vtkContextDevice3D * New()
abstract specification for renderers
std::vector< double > ClippingPlaneValues
virtual void ApplyPen(vtkPen *pen)=0
Apply the supplied pen which controls the outlines of shapes, as well as lines, points and related pr...
std::vector< bool > ClippingPlaneStates
vtkOpenGLRenderWindow * RenderWindow
The OpenGL render window being used by the device.
vtkRenderer * Renderer
We need to store a pointer to get the camera mats.
provides a brush that fills shapes drawn by vtkContext2D.
virtual void SetMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *m)=0
Set the model view matrix for the display.
virtual void DrawPoints(const float *verts, int n, const unsigned char *colors=0, int nc=0)=0
Draw points at the vertex positions specified.
a simple class to control print indentation
virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual void DrawLines(const float *verts, int n, const unsigned char *colors=0, int nc=0)=0
Draw lines defined by specified pair of points.
virtual void EnableClipping(bool enable)=0
Enable or disable the clipping of the scene.
virtual void SetClipping(const vtkRecti &rect)=0
Supply a float array of length 4 with x1, y1, width, height specifying clipping region for the device...
vtkTransform * ModelMatrix
provides a pen that draws the outlines of shapes drawn by vtkContext2D.
virtual void PopMatrix()=0
Pop the current matrix off of the stack.
virtual void ApplyBrush(vtkBrush *brush)=0
Apply the supplied brush which controls the outlines of shapes, as well as lines, points and related ...
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
OpenGL class drawing 3D primitives.
virtual void PushMatrix()=0
Push the current matrix onto the stack.
virtual void GetMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *m)=0
Set the model view matrix for the display.
virtual void DrawPoly(const float *verts, int n, const unsigned char *colors=0, int nc=0)=0
Draw a polyline between the specified points.
virtual void EnableClippingPlane(int i, double *planeEquation)=0
Enable/Disable the specified clipping plane.
The ShaderProgram uses one or more Shader objects.