3#ifndef vtkScalarBarActorInternal_h
4#define vtkScalarBarActorInternal_h
7#include "vtkRenderingAnnotationModule.h"
vtkSmartVector :
public std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<T>>
36 return reinterpret_cast<T**
62 this->Viewport =
63 this->SwatchColors =
64 this->SwatchPts =
65 this->Polys =
66 this->AnnotationBoxes =
67 this->AnnotationBoxesMapper =
68 this->AnnotationBoxesActor =
69 this->AnnotationLeaders =
70 this->AnnotationLeadersMapper =
71 this->AnnotationLeadersActor =
72 this->NanSwatch =
73 this->NanSwatchMapper =
74 this->NanSwatchActor =
76 this->BelowRangeSwatch =
77 this->BelowRangeSwatchMapper =
78 this->BelowRangeSwatchActor =
80 this->AboveRangeSwatch =
81 this->AboveRangeSwatchMapper =
82 this->AboveRangeSwatchActor =
a actor that draws 2D data
object to represent cell connectivity
represent and manipulate 3D points
draw vtkPolyData onto the image plane
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
Internal state for the scalar bar actor shared with subclasses.
std::vector< vtkColor3ub > ColorVector
ActorVector TextActors
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyData * AboveRangeSwatch
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkScalarBarBox ScalarBarBox
The bounding box of the scalar bar (excluding NaN swatch)
int NumSwatches
Either NumColors or NumColors + 1, depending on whether the NaN swatch is to be drawn.
vtkUnsignedCharArray * SwatchColors
Colors of swatches in Polys.
vtkScalarBarBox Frame
The bounding box of the entire scalar bar frame.
vtkSmartVector< vtkTextActor > ActorVector
int NumColors
Number of color swatches to draw for either the continuous or categorical scalar bar,...
vtkScalarBarBox BelowRangeSwatchBox
The bounding box of the Below Range.
double NanSwatchSize
The thickness and length of the (square) NaN swatch.
vtkActor2D * BelowRangeSwatchActor
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
std::map< double, vtkColor3ub > LabelColors
Map from viewport coordinates to the leader line color of each annotation.
DoubleVector TextActorAnchors
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyData * NanSwatch
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * AnnotationLeadersMapper
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkScalarBarBox NanBox
The bounding box of the NaN swatch.
vtkViewport * Viewport
Cache of dimensions fixed during geometry assembly.
std::vector< double > DoubleVector
vtkPolyData * AnnotationBoxes
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * NanSwatchMapper
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkScalarBarBox AboveRangeSwatchBox
The bounding box of the Above Range.
vtkPolyData * BelowRangeSwatch
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkScalarBarBox TickBox
The bounding box of tick mark anchor points (tick labels are not fully contained)
vtkActor2D * AboveRangeSwatchActor
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
int NumNotes
Number of annotated values (at least lut->GetNumberOfAnnotatedValues(), but maybe more)
double AboveRangeSwatchSize
The thickness and length of the (square) Above Range swatch.
vtkScalarBarBox TitleBox
The bounding box of the scalar bar title text.
ColorVector AnnotationColors
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkCellArray * Polys
Cells representing color swatches (for the scalar bar actor)
double BelowRangeSwatchSize
The thickness and length of the (square) Below Range swatch.
vtkPoints * SwatchPts
Point coordinates for the scalar bar actor.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * BelowRangeSwatchMapper
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkActor2D * AnnotationBoxesActor
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * AboveRangeSwatchMapper
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * AnnotationBoxesMapper
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkActor2D * AnnotationLeadersActor
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
ActorVector AnnotationLabels
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
std::map< double, vtkStdString > Labels
Map from viewport coordinates to label text of each annotation.
vtkActor2D * NanSwatchActor
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
DoubleVector AnnotationAnchors
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
vtkPolyData * AnnotationLeaders
Cache of classes holding geometry assembled and ready for rendering.
double SwatchPad
Space in pixels between swatches when in indexed lookup mode.
A vector of smart pointers.
T ** PointerArray()
Convert to an array of "dumb" pointers for functions that need a contiguous array pointer as input.
An actor that displays text.
templated base type for containers of constant size.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
abstract specification for Viewports
A structure to represent pixel coordinates for text or swatch bounds.
vtkTuple< int, 2 > Posn
The position of the box in viewport (pixel) coordinates.
vtkTuple< int, 2 > Size
Size of the box, stored as (thickness, length) not (width, height).