VTK  9.4.20250313
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
59#ifndef vtkDIYGhostUtilities_h
60#define vtkDIYGhostUtilities_h
62#include "vtkBoundingBox.h" // For ComputeLinkMap
63#include "vtkDIYExplicitAssigner.h" // For DIY assigner
64#include "vtkDIYUtilities.h" // For Block
65#include "vtkNew.h" // For vtkNew
66#include "vtkObject.h"
67#include "vtkParallelDIYModule.h" // For export macros
68#include "vtkQuaternion.h" // For vtkImageData
69#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For vtkSmartPointer
71#include <array> // For VectorType and ExtentType
72#include <map> // For BlockMapType
73#include <set> // For Link
74#include <unordered_map> // For BlockMapType
75#include <vector> // For LinkMap
77// clang-format off
78#include "vtk_diy2.h" // Third party include
79#include VTK_DIY2(diy/assigner.hpp)
80#include VTK_DIY2(diy/master.hpp)
81#include VTK_DIY2(diy/partners/all-reduce.hpp)
82// clang-format on
86class vtkAlgorithm;
87class vtkCellArray;
88class vtkDataArray;
89class vtkDataSet;
90class vtkFieldData;
91class vtkIdList;
92class vtkIdTypeArray;
93class vtkImageData;
94class vtkMatrix3x3;
96class vtkPoints;
97class vtkPointSet;
98class vtkPolyData;
104class VTKPARALLELDIY_EXPORT vtkDIYGhostUtilities : public vtkObject
108 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
114 using VectorType = std::array<double, 3>;
116 using ExtentType = std::array<int, 6>;
117 template <class T>
118 using BlockMapType = std::map<int, T>;
119 using Links = std::set<int>;
120 using LinkMap = std::vector<Links>;
127 template <class DataSetT>
135 {
136 vtkSmartPointer<vtkFieldData> GhostCellData = nullptr;
137 vtkSmartPointer<vtkFieldData> GhostPointData = nullptr;
138 };
141 {
142 virtual ~DataSetInformation() = default;
147 virtual bool InputNeedsGhostsPeeledOff() const = 0;
148 };
154 {
158 GridBlockStructure(const int* extent, int dim);
163 ExtentType Extent = ExtentType{ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
176 ExtentType ReceivedGhostExtent = ExtentType{ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
182 unsigned char AdjacencyMask;
188 };
194 {
195 ~GridInformation() override = default;
197 bool InputNeedsGhostsPeeledOff() const override { return this->Extent != this->InputExtent; }
202 ExtentType Extent = ExtentType{ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
207 ExtentType InputExtent = ExtentType{ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
210 };
213 {
214 ~ImageDataInformation() override = default;
217 };
224 {
230 ImageDataBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, const double origin[3],
231 const double spacing[3], const double orientationQuaternion[4]);
232 ImageDataBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, const double origin[3],
233 const double spacing[3], vtkMatrix3x3* directionMatrix);
255 };
258 {
259 ~RectilinearGridInformation() override = default;
275 vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> CoordinateGhosts[6];
278 };
285 {
290 RectilinearGridBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, vtkDataArray* xCoordinates,
291 vtkDataArray* yCoordinates, vtkDataArray* zCoordinates);
306 };
309 {
310 ~StructuredGridInformation() override = default;
317 {
327 };
333 OuterPointLayersType OuterPointLayers[6];
341 };
348 {
353 StructuredGridBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, vtkDataArray* points[6]);
363 vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> OuterPointLayers[6];
369 struct Grid2D
370 {
374 int StartX = 0;
379 int StartY = 0;
384 int EndX = 0;
389 int EndY = 0;
394 int XOrientation = 0;
399 int YOrientation = 0;
405 int ExtentId = -1;
406 };
419 };
422 {
424 {
425 return this->OutputToInputCellIdRedirectionMap != nullptr;
426 }
437 vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> OutputToInputCellIdRedirectionMap = nullptr;
444 vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> InputToOutputPointIdRedirectionMap = nullptr;
445 vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> OutputToInputPointIdRedirectionMap = nullptr;
473 /*
474 * This is a cursor telling the amount of points / cells information,
475 * that has
476 * already been added to the output. This variable is used at the very end of the pipeline.
477 */
489 };
492 {
514 vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray> InterfacingGlobalPointIds = nullptr;
520 vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray> GhostGlobalPointIds = nullptr;
548 std::map<vtkIdType, vtkIdType> RedirectionMapForDuplicatePointIds;
561 };
564 {
569 vtkIdType CurrentFacesSize = 0;
575 vtkIdType CurrentMaxFaceId = 0;
581 vtkIdType CurrentConnectivitySize = 0;
583 vtkCellArray* Faces = nullptr;
584 vtkCellArray* FaceLocations = nullptr;
591 vtkIdType InputConnectivitySize = 0;
596 vtkIdType InputFacesSize = 0;
601 vtkIdType InputNumberOfFaces = 0;
602 };
605 {
610 {
613 vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> FaceLocations = nullptr;
615 };
624 vtkIdType FacesSize = 0;
625 vtkIdType FacesNum = 0;
626 vtkIdType ConnectivitySize = 0;
628 };
631 {
649 vtkIdType CurrentMaxPolyId = 0;
650 vtkIdType CurrentMaxStripId = 0;
651 vtkIdType CurrentMaxLineId = 0;
684 };
687 {
699 {
703 };
712 vtkIdType NumberOfPolysToSend = 0;
713 vtkIdType NumberOfStripsToSend = 0;
714 vtkIdType NumberOfLinesToSend = 0;
721 vtkIdType PolyConnectivitySize = 0;
722 vtkIdType StripConnectivitySize = 0;
723 vtkIdType LineConnectivitySize = 0;
725 };
728 struct DataSetBlock
729 {
730 std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>>
731 GlobalToLocalIds; // Per attribute
732 std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<vtkIdType, vtkNew<vtkIdTypeArray>>>
733 NeededGidsForBlocks; // Ghosts of this block per process id (per attribute)
734 std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<vtkIdType, vtkNew<vtkIdTypeArray>>>
735 GhostGidsFromBlocks; // Ghosts of other blocks per partition id (per attribute)
736 };
747 template <class BlockStructureT, class InformationT>
748 struct Block
749 {
754 typedef BlockStructureT BlockStructureType;
755 typedef InformationT InformationType;
775 };
796 static int SynchronizeGhostData(std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& inputsDS,
797 std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& outputsDS, vtkMultiProcessController* controller, bool syncCell,
798 bool SyncPoint);
808 template <class DataSetT>
809 static int GenerateGhostCells(std::vector<DataSetT*>& inputsDS, std::vector<DataSetT*>& outputsDS,
810 int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
818 static int GenerateGhostCellsImageData(std::vector<vtkImageData*>& inputs,
819 std::vector<vtkImageData*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels,
820 vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
821 static int GenerateGhostCellsRectilinearGrid(std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& inputs,
822 std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels,
823 vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
824 static int GenerateGhostCellsStructuredGrid(std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& inputs,
825 std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels,
826 vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
827 static int GenerateGhostCellsPolyData(std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& inputs,
828 std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels,
829 vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
830 static int GenerateGhostCellsUnstructuredGrid(std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& inputs,
831 std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels,
832 vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
844 static void CloneInputData(std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& inputs, std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& outputs,
845 bool syncCell, bool syncPoint);
846 static void CloneInputData(vtkDataSet* input, vtkDataSet* output, int fieldType);
853 static void InitializeBlocks(
854 diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& inputs, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint);
855 static void InitializeBlocks(
856 diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& inputs, int fieldType, unsigned char ghostFlag);
864 static void ExchangeNeededIds(
865 diy::Master& master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner& assigner, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint);
866 static void ExchangeNeededIds(
867 diy::Master& master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner& assigner, int fieldType);
876 const diy::Master& master, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint);
878 Links& links, vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DataSetBlock* block, int fieldType);
885 static void ExchangeFieldData(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& inputs,
886 std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& outputs, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint);
887 static void ExchangeFieldData(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& inputs,
888 std::vector<vtkDataSet*>& outputs, int fieldType);
894 static void ReinitializeSelectedBits(vtkUnsignedCharArray* ghosts, unsigned char mask);
900 template <class DataSetT>
902 typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter<DataSetT>::BlockType* block, DataSetT* output);
908 template <class DataSetT>
910 typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter<DataSetT>::BlockType* block, DataSetT* output);
917 std::vector<vtkImageData*>& inputs, std::vector<vtkImageData*>& outputs);
919 std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& inputs, std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& outputs);
921 std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& inputs, std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& outputs);
923 std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& inputs, std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& outputs);
925 std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& inputs, std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& outputs);
935 static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkImageData*>& inputs);
936 static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& inputs);
937 static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& inputs);
938 static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& inputs);
939 static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& inputs);
945 template <class DataSetT>
947 diy::Master& master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner& assigner, std::vector<DataSetT*>& inputs);
949 template <class BlockT>
950 static LinkMap ComputeLinkMapUsingBoundingBoxes(const diy::Master& master);
959 static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkImageData*>& inputs);
961 diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& inputs);
962 static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& inputs);
964 diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& inputs);
965 static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& inputs);
975 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkImageData*>& inputs, int outputGhostLevels);
977 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& inputs, int outputGhostLevels);
979 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& inputs, int outputGhostLevels);
981 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& inputs, int outputGhostLevels);
983 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& inputs, int outputGhostLevels);
991 static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, const diy::BlockID& blockId,
992 vtkImageData* input, ImageDataBlock* block);
993 static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, const diy::BlockID& blockId,
995 static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, const diy::BlockID& blockId,
997 static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, const diy::BlockID& blockId,
999 static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, const diy::BlockID& blockId,
1000 vtkPolyData* input, PolyDataBlock* block);
1009 static void DequeueGhosts(
1010 const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, int gid, ImageDataBlockStructure& blockStructure);
1011 static void DequeueGhosts(
1012 const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, int gid, RectilinearGridBlockStructure& blockStructure);
1013 static void DequeueGhosts(
1014 const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, int gid, StructuredGridBlockStructure& blockStructure);
1015 static void DequeueGhosts(
1016 const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, int gid, UnstructuredGridBlockStructure& blockStructure);
1017 static void DequeueGhosts(
1018 const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink& cp, int gid, PolyDataBlockStructure& blockStructure);
1025 template <class DataSetT>
1026 static void CopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts(diy::Master& master, diy::Assigner& assigner,
1027 diy::RegularAllReducePartners& partners, std::vector<DataSetT*>& inputs,
1028 std::vector<DataSetT*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1037 ImageDataBlock* block, vtkImageData* input, vtkImageData* outputs);
1045 PolyDataBlock* block, vtkPolyData* input, vtkPolyData* outputs);
1051 template <class DataSetT>
1052 static bool ExchangeGhosts(diy::Master& master, diy::Assigner& assigner,
1053 diy::RegularAllReducePartners& partners, std::vector<DataSetT*>& inputs);
1058 template <class DataSetT>
1060 diy::Master& master, std::vector<DataSetT*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1066 template <class DataSetT>
1067 static void AddGhostArrays(diy::Master& master, std::vector<DataSetT*>& outputs);
1073 static void FillGhostArrays(
1074 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkImageData*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1075 static void FillGhostArrays(
1076 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkRectilinearGrid*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1077 static void FillGhostArrays(
1078 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkStructuredGrid*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1079 static void FillGhostArrays(
1080 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1081 static void FillGhostArrays(
1082 const diy::Master& master, std::vector<vtkPolyData*>& outputs, int outputGhostLevels);
1087 void operator=(const vtkDIYGhostUtilities&) = delete;
1097 static void InflateBoundingBoxIfNecessary(
1098 vtkDataSet* vtkNotUsed(input), vtkBoundingBox& vtkNotUsed(bb));
1099 static void InflateBoundingBoxIfNecessary(vtkPointSet* input, vtkBoundingBox& bb);
1104#include "vtkDIYGhostUtilities.txx" // for template implementations
abstract class to quickly locate points in 3-space
Superclass for all sources, filters, and sinks in VTK.
Fast, simple class for representing and operating on 3D bounds.
object to represent cell connectivity
assigner for use with DIY
Utilities to produce ghost cells between a collection of data sets of same type.
static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkImageData *input, ImageDataBlock *block)
This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.
static void InitializeGhostPointArray(typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >::BlockType *block, DataSetT *output)
This method will set all ghosts points in output to zero.
static void FillGhostArrays(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &inputs, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint)
Initialize vtkDataSet blocks for synchronizing ghost data.
static void DequeueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, RectilinearGridBlockStructure &blockStructure)
This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.
static void InitializeGhostCellArray(typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >::BlockType *block, DataSetT *output)
This method will set all ghosts cells in output to zero.
static void DeepCopyInputAndAllocateGhosts(UnstructuredGridBlock *block, vtkUnstructuredGrid *input, vtkUnstructuredGrid *outputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the o...
static void DeepCopyInputAndAllocateGhosts(PolyDataBlock *block, vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *outputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the o...
static void FillGhostArrays(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.
static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map be...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map be...
static void FillGhostArrays(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.
static void DequeueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, UnstructuredGridBlockStructure &blockStructure)
This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.
static void ComputeLinksUsingNeededIds(Links &links, vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DataSetBlock *block, int fieldType)
Compute link map using known information from blocks, eg.
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
static void CloneGeometricStructures(std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &outputs)
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void CloneGeometricStructures(std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &outputs)
static int GenerateGhostCellsRectilinearGrid(std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
Method that can be used to avoid the compile-time overhead of the templated method GenerateGhostCells...
static void ReinitializeSelectedBits(vtkUnsignedCharArray *ghosts, unsigned char mask)
Reinitializes the bits that match the input bit mask in the input array to zero.
static void CloneInputData(vtkDataSet *input, vtkDataSet *output, int fieldType)
Clone input data into output.
static void DeepCopyInputAndAllocateGhosts(StructuredGridBlock *block, vtkStructuredGrid *input, vtkStructuredGrid *outputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the o...
static void CloneGeometricStructures(std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &outputs)
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void CloneGeometricStructures(std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &outputs)
static bool ExchangeGhosts(diy::Master &master, diy::Assigner &assigner, diy::RegularAllReducePartners &partners, std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputs)
This method exchanges ghosts between connected blocks.
static int GenerateGhostCellsStructuredGrid(std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
Method that can be used to avoid the compile-time overhead of the templated method GenerateGhostCells...
std::set< int > Links
Convenient typedefs.
static void DequeueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, ImageDataBlockStructure &blockStructure)
This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.
static void ExchangeNeededIds(diy::Master &master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner &assigner, int fieldType)
Exchange global ids of data that needs to be synced to owners of the data.
static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkPolyData *input, PolyDataBlock *block)
This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.
static void CopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts(diy::Master &master, diy::Assigner &assigner, diy::RegularAllReducePartners &partners, std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputs, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
Copy the inputs into the outputs.
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void InitializeGhostArrays(diy::Master &master, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
This methods allocate a point and cell ghost array and fills it with 0.
static void ExchangeBoundingBoxes(diy::Master &master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner &assigner, std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputs)
This method exchanges the bounding boxes among blocks.
static void FillGhostArrays(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.
static int GenerateGhostCellsPolyData(std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
Method that can be used to avoid the compile-time overhead of the templated method GenerateGhostCells...
static void DeepCopyInputAndAllocateGhosts(ImageDataBlock *block, vtkImageData *input, vtkImageData *outputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the o...
~vtkDIYGhostUtilities() override
static void ExchangeNeededIds(diy::Master &master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner &assigner, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint)
Exchange global ids of data that needs to be synced to owners of the data.
static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkUnstructuredGrid *input, UnstructuredGridBlock *block)
This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.
static void ExchangeFieldData(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &outputs, int fieldType)
This method exchanges ghost data across partitions.
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map be...
static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkStructuredGrid *input, StructuredGridBlock *block)
This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.
static int GenerateGhostCellsImageData(std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
Method that can be used to avoid the compile-time overhead of the templated method GenerateGhostCells...
static void CloneGeometricStructures(std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &outputs)
static void FillGhostArrays(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels)
This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.
static void DequeueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, StructuredGridBlockStructure &blockStructure)
This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.
static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &inputs, int fieldType, unsigned char ghostFlag)
Initialize vtkDataSet blocks for synchronizing ghost data.
std::array< double, 3 > VectorType
Convenient typedefs.
std::map< int, T > BlockMapType
Convenient typedefs.
std::array< int, 6 > ExtentType
Convenient typedefs.
static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void DequeueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, PolyDataBlockStructure &blockStructure)
This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.
static int SynchronizeGhostData(std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &inputsDS, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &outputsDS, vtkMultiProcessController *controller, bool syncCell, bool SyncPoint)
Synchronize ghost data to match non-ghost data.
static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void CloneInputData(std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &outputs, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint)
Clone input data into output.
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map be...
std::vector< Links > LinkMap
Convenient typedefs.
static void AddGhostArrays(diy::Master &master, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputs)
Adds ghost arrays, which are present in blocks of master, to outputs point and / or cell data.
static void EnqueueGhosts(const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkRectilinearGrid *input, RectilinearGridBlock *block)
This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.
static int GenerateGhostCellsUnstructuredGrid(std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &outputs, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
Method that can be used to avoid the compile-time overhead of the templated method GenerateGhostCells...
static void DeepCopyInputAndAllocateGhosts(RectilinearGridBlock *block, vtkRectilinearGrid *input, vtkRectilinearGrid *outputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the o...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMapUsingNeededIds(const diy::Master &master, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint)
Compute link map using known information from blocks, eg.
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMapUsingBoundingBoxes(const diy::Master &master)
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap(const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map be...
static void InitializeBlocks(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
static void ExchangeFieldData(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkDataSet * > &outputs, bool syncCell, bool syncPoint)
This method exchanges ghost data across partitions.
static int GenerateGhostCells(std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputsDS, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputsDS, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
Main pipeline generating ghosts.
static void ExchangeBlockStructures(diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs)
Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
Definition vtkDataSet.h:165
represent and manipulate fields of data
list of point or cell ids
Definition vtkIdList.h:133
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
topologically and geometrically regular array of data
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition vtkIndent.h:108
represent and manipulate 3x3 transformation matrices
Multiprocessing communication superclass.
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
Definition vtkNew.h:167
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Definition vtkObject.h:162
concrete class for storing a set of points
Definition vtkPointSet.h:98
represent and manipulate 3D points
Definition vtkPoints.h:139
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
a dataset that is topologically regular with variable spacing in the three coordinate directions
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
topologically regular array of data
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
Block structure to be used for diy communication.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnsignedCharArray > GhostPointArray
BlockMapType< vtkBoundingBox > NeighborBoundingBoxes
BlockStructureT BlockStructureType
Typedef handle on block structure and block information.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnsignedCharArray > GhostCellArray
BlockMapType< BlockStructureType > BlockStructures
BlockStructures maps a neighboring block globald id to its block structure.
InformationT InformationType
Typedef handle on block structure and block information.
InformationType Information
InformationT holds any information from the current block that is necessary to exchange ghosts.
Base block structure for data sets.
virtual bool InputNeedsGhostsPeeledOff() const =0
This helper structure owns a typedef to the block type of DataSetT used with diy to generate ghosts.
Structure to inherit from for data sets having a structured grid topology.
GridBlockStructure(const int *extent, int dim)
GridBlockStructure constructor.
ExtentType ShiftedExtentWithNewGhosts
Extent of neighboring block that include ghost layers, shifted to match our mapping of the extent in ...
ExtentType ShiftedExtent
Extent of the neighboring block, shifted to match our mapping of the extent in the 3D world.
int DataDimension
This stores the dimension of the grid (1D, 2D, or 3D).
unsigned char AdjacencyMask
Binary mask encoding the adjacency of the neighboring block w.r.t.
Structure storing information needed by a block on it's own grid structure.
Block structure storing information being communicated by neighboring blocks for vtkImageData.
VectorType Origin
Origin of the neighboring vtkImageData.
ImageDataBlockStructure(vtkImageData *image, const ImageDataInformation &info)
Copy constructor.
VectorType Spacing
Spacing of the neighboring vtkImageData.
ImageDataBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, const double origin[3], const double spacing[3], vtkMatrix3x3 *directionMatrix)
Constructor taking the extent (without ghosts) of the neighboring vtkImageData, as well as well as th...
QuaternionType OrientationQuaternion
Orientation of the neighboring vtkImageData.
ImageDataBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, const double origin[3], const double spacing[3], const double orientationQuaternion[4])
Constructor taking the extent (without ghosts) of the neighboring vtkImageData, as well as well as th...
vtkNew< vtkIdList > StripIdsToSend
This lists the ids of the cells that we own and need to send to the current neighboring block.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > LineIdsToSend
This lists the ids of the cells that we own and need to send to the current neighboring block.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > PolyIdsToSend
This lists the ids of the cells that we own and need to send to the current neighboring block.
vtkIdType CurrentPolyConnectivitySize
This is a cursor telling how much the corresponding output connectivity array is filled.
vtkIdType NumberOfInputPolys
Number of cells of respective type when the input has its ghost cells removed.
vtkIdType NumberOfInputVerts
Number of cells of respective type when the input has its ghost cells removed.
vtkIdType CurrentLineConnectivitySize
This is a cursor telling how much the corresponding output connectivity array is filled.
vtkIdType NumberOfInputStrips
Number of cells of respective type when the input has its ghost cells removed.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > OutputToInputLineCellIdRedirectionMap
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > OutputToInputStripCellIdRedirectionMap
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
vtkIdType CurrentStripConnectivitySize
This is a cursor telling how much the corresponding output connectivity array is filled.
vtkIdType InputPolyConnectivitySize
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
vtkIdType NumberOfInputLines
Number of cells of respective type when the input has its ghost cells removed.
vtkIdType InputStripConnectivitySize
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > OutputToInputVertCellIdRedirectionMap
In the event that the input has ghost cells, this maps the output cells (with input ghosts removed) t...
vtkIdType InputLineConnectivitySize
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > OutputToInputPolyCellIdRedirectionMap
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
vtkIdType InputVertConnectivitySize
Cell connectivity array size of the input if ghost cells are removed.
Block structure storing information being communicated by neighboring blocks for vtkRectilinearGrid.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > ZCoordinates
Point coordinate arrays of the rectilinear grid.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > YCoordinates
Point coordinate arrays of the rectilinear grid.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > XCoordinates
Point coordinate arrays of the rectilinear grid.
RectilinearGridBlockStructure(vtkRectilinearGrid *grid, const RectilinearGridInformation &info)
Copy constructor.
RectilinearGridBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, vtkDataArray *xCoordinates, vtkDataArray *yCoordinates, vtkDataArray *zCoordinates)
Constructor taking the extent (without ghosts) of the neighboring vtkRectilinearGrid,...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > YCoordinates
Point coordinates without ghosts.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > XCoordinates
Point coordinates without ghosts.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > ZCoordinates
Point coordinates without ghosts.
Block structure storing information being communicated by neighboring blocks for vtkStructuredGrid.
vtkNew< vtkPoints > GhostPoints
Buffer to store received ghost points from neighboring blocks.
StructuredGridBlockStructure(vtkStructuredGrid *grid, const StructuredGridInformation &info)
Copy constructor.
StructuredGridBlockStructure(const int extent[6], int dim, vtkDataArray *points[6])
Constructor taking the extent (without ghosts) of the neighboring vtkStructuredGrid,...
This structure represents the set of points and their corresponding extent of an external face of the...
ExtentType Extent
Extent (which represents a 2D, 1D, or 0D grid), of an external face.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > Points
Points of an external face.
vtkPoints * InputPoints
Handle on input points for current block.
std::map< vtkIdType, vtkIdType > RedirectionMapForDuplicatePointIds
This is a mapping from points that have been sent by the current neighboring block and have already b...
vtkNew< vtkIdList > PointIdsToSend
This lists the ids of the points that we own and need to send to the current neighboring block.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkIdTypeArray > ReceivedSharedPointIds
It can happen that a point can be sent by multiple blocks.
vtkNew< vtkIdTypeArray > SharedPointIds
It can happen that a point can be sent by multiple blocks.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > MatchingReceivedPointIds
This lists the matching point ids to the interfacing points that are exchanged with current neighbori...
vtkNew< vtkIdList > CellIdsToSend
This lists the ids of the cells that we own and need to send to the current neighboring block.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > RemappedMatchingReceivedPointIdsSortedLikeTarget
This array describes the same points as MatchingReceivedPointIds, but points are ordered like in the ...
vtkNew< vtkPoints > GhostPoints
Ghost points sent by the current neighboring block.
vtkNew< vtkPoints > InterfacingPoints
These are the interfacing points sent by the current neighboring block.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkFieldData > InterfacingPointData
Point data at the interface sent by our neighbor.
vtkIdTypeArray * InterfacePointIds
Handle to the local point ids of the surface of the input.
vtkIdType NumberOfInputPoints
Number of input points / cell in the input when ghosts are removed.
vtkIdType NumberOfInputCells
Number of input points / cell in the input when ghosts are removed.
vtkDataArray * InterfacePoints
Handle to the points of the surface of the input.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithm > InterfaceExtractor
Filter that is being used to extract the surface of the input.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkIdTypeArray > InterfaceGlobalPointIds
Handle to the point ids of the input surface, if present.
vtkBoundingBox BoundingBox
Bounding box of input.
int vtkIdType
Definition vtkType.h:332